16 research outputs found

    Pregnancy Outcome and Placenta Pathology in Plasmodium berghei ANKA Infected Mice Reproduce the Pathogenesis of Severe Malaria in Pregnant Women

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    Pregnancy-associated malaria (PAM) is expressed in a range of clinical complications that include increased disease severity in pregnant women, decreased fetal viability, intra-uterine growth retardation, low birth weight and infant mortality. The physiopathology of malaria in pregnancy is difficult to scrutinize and attempts were made in the past to use animal models for pregnancy malaria studies. Here, we describe a comprehensive mouse experimental model that recapitulates many of the pathological and clinical features typical of human severe malaria in pregnancy. We used P. berghei ANKA-GFP infection during pregnancy to evoke a prominent inflammatory response in the placenta that entails CD11b mononuclear infiltration, up-regulation of MIP-1 alpha chemokine and is associated with marked reduction of placental vascular spaces. Placenta pathology was associated with decreased fetal viability, intra-uterine growth retardation, gross post-natal growth impairment and increased disease severity in pregnant females. Moreover, we provide evidence that CSA and HA, known to mediate P. falciparum adhesion to human placenta, are also involved in mouse placental malaria infection. We propose that reduction of maternal blood flow in the placenta is a key pathogenic factor in murine pregnancy malaria and we hypothesize that exacerbated innate inflammatory responses to Plasmodium infected red blood cells trigger severe placenta pathology. This experimental model provides an opportunity to identify cell and molecular components of severe PAM pathogenesis and to investigate the inflammatory response that leads to the observed fetal and placental blood circulation abnormalities

    Lung granulomatous response induced by infection with the intestinal nematode Nippostrongylusbrasiliensis is suppressed in mast cell-deficient Ws/Ws rats

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    Certain nematode infections induce eosinophil infiltration and granulomatous responses in the lungs. To examine the role of mast cells in the development of lung lesions, normal +/+ and genetically mast cell-deficient Ws/Ws rats were infected with the nematode Nippostrongylusbrasiliensis. In +/+ rats, numbers of eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) increased significantly 3–7 days after infection, and granulomatous responses composed of histiocytes/macrophages and multinucleate giant cells were triggered in the lungs 3–14 days after infection. Challenge infection, which was carried out on day 28 after primary infection, induced much higher levels of granulomatous response than after primary infection, suggesting that the response is mediated at least in part by an immunological mechanism. In Ws/Ws rats, both the eosinophil percentage in BALF and the size of the granulomas in the lungs were significantly smaller than in +/+ rats after primary as well as after challenge infection. The amount of rat mast cell protease (RMCP) II in +/+ rat BALF was increased 1 day after primary infection and more significantly after challenge infection, suggesting that lung mucosal mast cells were activated more markedly after the challenge infection. In Ws/Ws rats, RMCP II was undetectable throughout the observation period. The time course of nematode migration in the lungs did not differ in +/+ and Ws/Ws rats. These results suggest that mast cell activation might be relevant to eosinophil infiltration and granulomatous response in the lungs, although the responses do not affect lung migration of the nematode