3,566 research outputs found


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    The enterprise budget, whole farm cash flow, and income statement are fundamental tools of farm and ranch management. The "Microcomputer Budget Management System" (MBMS) is a microcomputer software package that facilitates the storage and use of information for crop and livestock budgeting. It performs the calculations for several enterprise budgeting formats and for preparation of whole farm resource use reports and financial statements. The MBMS also includes internal machinery and irrigation cost calculation routines. MBMS was developed for use by extension staff, researchers, lenders, consultants, and operators of diversified farms and ranches with many enterprises that use enterprise and whole farm budgeting for analysis and planning activities. The flexibility and detailed nature of the program requires the user to have knowledge of enterprise budgeting and operation of complex computer programs. This paper presents a discussion of the features and capabilities of the software and the computational procedures used in the cost calculations.Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    The Response to BSE in the United States

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    Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    The Ages of the Thin Disk, Thick Disk, and the Halo from Nearby White Dwarfs

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    We present a detailed analysis of the white dwarf luminosity functions derived from the local 40 pc sample and the deep proper motion catalog of Munn et al (2014, 2017). Many of the previous studies ignored the contribution of thick disk white dwarfs to the Galactic disk luminosity function, which results in an erronous age measurement. We demonstrate that the ratio of thick/thin disk white dwarfs is roughly 20\% in the local sample. Simultaneously fitting for both disk components, we derive ages of 6.8-7.0 Gyr for the thin disk and 8.7 ±\pm 0.1 Gyr for the thick disk from the local 40 pc sample. Similarly, we derive ages of 7.4-8.2 Gyr for the thin disk and 9.5-9.9 Gyr for the thick disk from the deep proper motion catalog, which shows no evidence of a deviation from a constant star formation rate in the past 2.5 Gyr. We constrain the time difference between the onset of star formation in the thin disk and the thick disk to be 1.6−0.4+0.31.6^{+0.3}_{-0.4} Gyr. The faint end of the luminosity function for the halo white dwarfs is less constrained, resulting in an age estimate of 12.5−3.4+1.412.5^{+1.4}_{-3.4} Gyr for the Galactic inner halo. This is the first time ages for all three major components of the Galaxy are obtained from a sample of field white dwarfs that is large enough to contain significant numbers of disk and halo objects. The resultant ages agree reasonably well with the age estimates for the oldest open and globular clusters.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Stochastic Electron Acceleration by Cascading Fast Mode Waves in Impulsive Solar Flares

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    We present a model for the acceleration of electrons from thermal to ultrarelativistic energies during an energy release fragment in an impulsive solar flare. Long-wavelength low-amplitude fast mode waves are assumed to be generated during the initial flare energy release (by, for example, large-scale restructuring of the magnetic field). These waves nonlinearly cascade to higher wavenumbers and eventually reach the dissipation range, whereupon they are transit-time damped by electrons in the tail of the thermal distribution. The electrons, in turn, are energized out of the tail and into substantially higher energies. We find that for turbulence energy densities much smaller than the ambient magnetic field energy density and comparable to the thermal particle energy density, and for a wide range of initial wavelengths, a sufficient number of electrons are accelerated to hard X-ray-producing energies on observed timescales. We suggest that MHD turbulence unifies electron and proton acceleration in impulsive solar flares, since a preceding study established that a second MHD mode (the shear Alfven wave) preferentially accelerates protons from thermal to gamma-ray line-producing energies

    Effect of irradiation on Akt signaling in atrophying skeletal muscle

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    Muscle irradiation (IRR) exposure can accompany unloading during spaceflight or cancer treatment, and this has been shown to be sufficient by itself to induce skeletal muscle signaling associated with a remodeling response. Although protein kinase B/Akt has an established role in the regulation of muscle growth and metabolism, there is a limited understanding of how Akt signaling in unloaded skeletal muscle is affected by IRR. Therefore, we examined the combined effects of acute IRR and short-term unloading on muscle Akt signaling. Female C57BL/6 mice were subjected to load bearing or hindlimb suspension (HS) for 5 days (n = 6/group). A single, unilateral hindlimb IRR dose (0.5 Gy X-ray) was administered on day 3. Gastrocnemius muscle protein expression was examined. HS resulted in decreased AktT308 phosphorylation, whereas HS+IRR resulted in increased AktT308 phosphorylation above baseline. HS resulted in reduced AktS473 phosphorylation, which was rescued by HS+IRR. Interestingly, IRR alone resulted in increased phosphorylation of AktS473, but not that of AktT308. HS resulted in decreased mTORC1 signaling, and this suppression was not altered by IRR. Both IRR and HS resulted in increased MuRF-1 expression, whereas atrogin-1 expression was not affected by either condition. These results demonstrate that either IRR alone or when combined with HS can differentially affect Akt phosphorylation, but IRR did not disrupt suppressed mTORC1 signaling by HS. Collectively, these findings highlight that a single IRR dose is sufficient to disrupt the regulation of Akt signaling in atrophying skeletal muscle

    ASO Author Reflections: National Analysis of Breast Surgery Malpractice Cases: A Teachable Moment?

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    The Extreme Hosts of Extreme Supernovae

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    We use GALEX ultraviolet (UV) and optical integrated photometry of the hosts of 17 luminous supernovae (LSNe, having peak M_V 100 M_☉), by appearing in low-SFR hosts, are potential tests for theories of the initial mass function that limit the maximum mass of a star based on the SFR

    New Promise for Electron Bulk Energization in Solar Flares: Preferential Fermi Acceleration of Electrons over Protons in Reconnection-driven Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence

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    The hard X-ray luminosity of impulsive solar flares indicates that electrons in the low corona are bulk energized to energies of order 25 keV. LaRosa & Moore pointed out that the required bulk energization could be produced by cascading MHD turbulence generated by AlfvĂ©nic outflows from sites of strongly driven reconnection. LaRosa, Moore, & Shore proposed that the compressive component of the cascading turbulence dissipates into the electrons via Fermi acceleration. However, for this to be a viable electron bulk energization mechanism, the rate of proton energization by the same turbulence cannot exceed the electron energization rate. In this paper we estimate the relative efficiency of electron and proton Fermi acceleration in the compressive MHD turbulence expected in the reconnection outflows in impulsive solar flares. We find that the protons pose no threat to the electron energization. Particles extract energy from the MHD turbulence by mirroring on magnetic compressions moving along the magnetic field at the AlfvĂ©n speed. The mirroring rate, and hence the energization rate, is a sensitive function of the particle velocity distribution. In particular, there is a lower speed limit Vmin ≍ VA, below which the pitch-angle distribution of the particles is so highly collapsed to the magnetic field in the frame of the magnetic compressions that there is no mirroring and hence no Fermi acceleration. For coronal conditions, the proton thermal speed is much less than the AlfvĂ©n speed and proton Fermi acceleration is negligible. In contrast, nearly all of the electrons are super-AlfvĂ©nic, so their pitch-angle distribution is nearly isotropic in the frame of the magnetic compressions. Consequently, the electrons are so vigorously mirrored that they are Fermi accelerated to hard X-ray energies in a few tenths of a second by the magnetic compressions on scales of 105-103 cm in the cascading MHD turbulence. We conclude that dissipation of reconnection-generated MHD turbulence by electron Fermi acceleration plausibly accounts for the electron bulk energization in solar flares

    The Motivational Factors of African American Men Enrolled at Selected Community Colleges

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    This manuscript is designed to call attention to the realities that are specific to African American male community college students. Using a qualitative research design, focus groups were conducted with 14 African American male students enrolled in an urban community college. This study uncovered that their educational experiences are consumed with personal challenges and academic obstacles. Students were asked to explain their motivation toward persistence at the urban community college. Participants within the study noted that motivational factors such as: (a) improving their life status, (b) societal pressure, (c) “man of the house,” and (d) faculty and staff encouragement, provided them with a sense of urgency to persist
