9 research outputs found

    Depth electrode neurofeedback with a virtual reality interface

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    Invasive brain–computer interfaces (BCI) provide better signal quality in terms of spatial localization, frequencies and signal/noise ratio, in addition to giving access to deep brain regions that play important roles in cognitive or affective processes. Despite some anecdotal attempts, little work has explored the possibility of integrating such BCI input into more sophisticated interactive systems like those which can be developed with game engines. In this article, we integrated an amygdala depth electrode recorder with a virtual environment controlling a virtual crowd. Subjects were asked to down regulate their amygdala using the level of unrest in the virtual room as feedback on how successful they were. We report early results which suggest that users adapt very easily to this paradigm and that the timing and fluctuations of amygdala activity during self-regulation can be matched by crowd animation in the virtual room. This suggests that depth electrodes could also serve as high-performance affective interfaces, notwithstanding their strictly limited availability, justified on medical grounds only

    Characterization of hippocampal subregional cross-frequency associations, and the effect of Deep Brain Stimulation on memory performance in Humans

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    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the Medial Temporal Lobe (MTL) in humans has offered promise for improving hippocampal-dependent learning and memory, yet little is known about how it modulates the electrophysiological mechanisms associated with hippocampal communication. Here, we explore the role of theta-gamma coupling, a putative entorhinal- hippocampal organizing mechanism, in successful memory formation, while human subjects implanted with intracranial electrodes engage in hippocampal-dependent memory tasks. Our results suggest that entorhinal area DBS, previously shown to be associated with memory enhancement, also results in substantial coupling of theta and gamma oscillations within the hippocampus, suggesting a possible mechanism for stimulation related memory enhancement. Further, we address hippocampal cross-frequency dynamics during encoding and retrieval at the level of hippocampal subfields, showing that CA1 theta high-gamma coupling increases preferentially during encoding of subsequently recollected objects, while both CA1 and CA2- 3-DG exhibit memory specific cross-frequency coupling changes during retrieval. Finally, we perform a multi-task analysis to assess how generalizable is the effect of DBS across multiple entorhinal stimulation targets, memory modalities, and stimulation protocols; our results show that stimulation of entorhinal white matter enhances declarative memory encoding

    Theta-Burst Microstimulation in the Human Entorhinal Area Improves Memory Specificity

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    The hippocampus is critical for episodic memory, and synaptic changes induced by long-term potentiation (LTP) are thought to underlie memory formation. In rodents, hippocampal LTP may be induced through electrical stimulation of the perforant path. To test whether similar techniques could improve episodic memory in humans, we implemented a microstimulation technique that allowed delivery of low-current electrical stimulation via 100 μm-diameter microelectrodes. As thirteen neurosurgical patients performed a person recognition task, microstimulation was applied in a theta-burst pattern, shown to optimally induce LTP. Microstimulation in the right entorhinal area during learning significantly improved subsequent memory specificity for novel portraits; participants were able both to recognize previously-viewed photos and reject similar lures. These results suggest that microstimulation with physiologic level currents—a radical departure from commonly used deep brain stimulation protocols—is sufficient to modulate human behavior and provides an avenue for refined interrogation of the circuits involved in human memory

    Stimulation of the right entorhinal white matter enhances visual memory encoding in humans.

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    BackgroundWhile deep brain stimulation has been successful in treating movement disorders, such as in Parkinson's disease, its potential application in alleviating memory disorders is inconclusive.Objective/hypothesisWe investigated the role of the location of the stimulating electrode on memory improvement and hypothesized that entorhinal white versus gray matter stimulation would have differential effects on memory.MethodsIntracranial electrical stimulation was applied to the entorhinal area of twenty-two participants with already implanted electrodes as they completed visual memory tasks.ResultsWe found that stimulation of right entorhinal white matter during learning had a beneficial effect on subsequent memory, while stimulation of adjacent gray matter or left-sided stimulation was ineffective. This finding was consistent across three different visually guided memory tasks.ConclusionsOur results highlight the importance of precise stimulation site on modulation of human hippocampal-dependent memory and suggest that stimulation of afferent input into the right hippocampus may be an especially promising target for enhancement of visual memory