3 research outputs found

    Inhibin α-subunit (inha) Gene And Locus Changes In Paediatric Adrenocortical Tumours From Tp53 R337h Mutation Heterozygote Carriers

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    The R337H TP53 mutation is a low-penetrance molecular defect that predisposes to adrenocortical tumour (ACT) formation in Brazilian and possibly other populations. Additional genetic defects may be responsible for the variable expression of ACTs m these cases. The inhibin α-subunit gene (INHA) on 2q33-qter has been implicated in mouse adrenocortical tumourigenesis. We studied 46 pediatric patients with ACTs from Brazil for INHA genetic alterations; 39 of these patients were heterozygous carriers of the R337H TP53 mutation. We first mapped the INHA gene by radiation hybrid analysis and determined 10 linked microsatellite markers in an area flanked by D2S1371 and D2S206 on 2q33-qter. These markers were then used for loss of heterozygozity (LOH) studies in nine paired germline and tumour DNA samples. Mapping placed the INHA gene in close proximity to D2S2848 (SHGC11864) with a log of odds (LOD) score of 5.84. LOH for at least one marker in the region was identified in 8/9 tumours (89%). Six patients were heterozygous for three INHA mutations: one in exon 1, 127C>G, and two in exon 2,3998G>A and 4088G>A, all leading to amino acid substitutions (P43A, G227R, and A257T, respectively). A257T is located in a conserved INHA region, highly homologous to transforming growth factor-β; both G227R and A257T change polarity, and, in addition, G227R changes the pH. We conclude that these sequence alterations and the detected 2q allelic changes suggest that INHA may be one of the contributing factors needed for ACT formation in pediatric patient carriers of the R337H TP53 mutation.415354359Stratakis, C.A., Genetics of adrenocortical tumors: Gatekeepers, landscapers and conductors in symphony (2003) Trends Endocrinol Metab, 14, pp. 404-410Ribeiro, R.C., Sondrini, F., Figueiredo, B., Zambetti, G.P., Michalkiewicz, E., Lafferty, A.R., Delzcerda, L., Sandrini, R., An inherited p53 mutation that contributes in a tissue-specific manner to pediatric adrenal cortical carcinoma (2001) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 98, pp. 9330-9335Latronico, A.C., Pinto, E.M., Domenice, S., Fragoso, M.C., Martin, R.M., Zerbini, M.C., Lucon, A.M., Mendonca, B.B., An inherited mutation outside the highly conserved DNA-binding domain of the p53 tumor suppressor protein in children and adults with sporadic adrenocortical tumors (2001) J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 86, pp. 4970-4973Varley, J.M., McGown, G., Thorncroft, M., Jomes, L.A., Margison, G.P., Forster, G., Evans, D.G., Birch, J.M., Are there low-penetrance TP53 alleles? 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    Unbiased screen for interactors of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 supports a common pathway for sporadic and familial Parkinson disease

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    Mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) cause inherited Parkinson disease (PD), and common variants around LRRK2 are a risk factor for sporadic PD. Using protein–protein interaction arrays, we identified BCL2-associated athanogene 5, Rab7L1 (RAB7, member RAS oncogene family-like 1), and Cyclin-G–associated kinase as binding partners of LRRK2. The latter two genes are candidate genes for risk for sporadic PD identified by genome-wide association studies. These proteins form a complex that promotes clearance of Golgi-derived vesicles through the autophagy–lysosome system both in vitro and in vivo. We propose that three different genes for PD have a common biological function. More generally, data integration from multiple unbiased screens can provide insight into human disease mechanisms