32 research outputs found

    Spin dynamics in semiconductors

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    This article reviews the current status of spin dynamics in semiconductors which has achieved a lot of progress in the past years due to the fast growing field of semiconductor spintronics. The primary focus is the theoretical and experimental developments of spin relaxation and dephasing in both spin precession in time domain and spin diffusion and transport in spacial domain. A fully microscopic many-body investigation on spin dynamics based on the kinetic spin Bloch equation approach is reviewed comprehensively.Comment: a review article with 193 pages and 1103 references. To be published in Physics Reports

    The evidence base for circulating tumour DNA blood-based biomarkers for the early detection of cancer: a systematic mapping review

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    Background: The presence of circulating cell-free DNA from tumours in blood (ctDNA) is of major importance to those interested in early cancer detection, as well as to those wishing to monitor tumour progression or diagnose the presence of activating mutations to guide treatment. In 2014, the UK Early Cancer Detection Consortium undertook a systematic mapping review of the literature to identify blood-based biomarkers with potential for the development of a non-invasive blood test for cancer screening, and which identified this as a major area of interest. This review builds on the mapping review to expand the ctDNA dataset to examine the best options for the detection of multiple cancer types. Methods: The original mapping review was based on comprehensive searches of the electronic databases Medline, Embase, CINAHL, the Cochrane library, and Biosis to obtain relevant literature on blood-based biomarkers for cancer detection in humans (PROSPERO no. CRD42014010827). The abstracts for each paper were reviewed to determine whether validation data were reported, and then examined in full. Publications concentrating on monitoring of disease burden or mutations were excluded. Results: The search identified 94 ctDNA studies meeting the criteria for review. All but 5 studies examined one cancer type, with breast, colorectal and lung cancers representing 60% of studies. The size and design of the studies varied widely. Controls were included in 77% of publications. The largest study included 640 patients, but the median study size was 65 cases and 35 controls, and the bulk of studies (71%) included less than 100 patients. Studies either estimated cfDNA levels non-specifically or tested for cancer-specific mutations or methylation changes (the majority using PCR-based methods). Conclusion: We have systematically reviewed ctDNA blood biomarkers for the early detection of cancer. Pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical considerations were identified which need to be addressed before such biomarkers enter clinical practice. The value of small studies with no comparison between methods, or even the inclusion of controls is highly questionable, and larger validation studies will be required before such methods can be considered for early cancer detection

    A functional approach to diversity profiles

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    Diversity plays a central role in ecological theory and its conservation and management are important issues for the wellbeing and stability of ecosystems. The aim of this work is to provide a reliable theoretical framework for performing statistical analysis on ecological diversity by means of the joint use of diversity profiles and functional data analysis. We point out that ecological diversity is a multivariate concept as it is a function of the relative abundances of species in a biological community. For this, several researchers have suggested using parametric families of indices of diversity for obtaining more information from the data. Patil and Taillie introduced the concept of intrinsic diversity ordering which can be determined by using the diversity profile. It may be noted that the diversity profile is a non-negative and convex curve which consists of a sequence of measurements as a function of a given parameter. Thus, diversity profiles can be explained through a process that is described in a functional setting. Recent developments in environmental studies have focused on the opportunity to evaluate community diversity changes over space and/or correlation of diversity with environmental characteristics. For this, we develop an innovative analysis of diversity based on a functional data approach. Whereas conventional statistical methods process data as a sequence of individual observations, functional data analysis is designed to process a collection of functions or curves. Moreover, unconstrained models may lead to negative and/or non-convex estimates for the diversity profiles. To overcome this problem, a transformation is proposed which can be constrained to be non-negative and convex. We focus on some applications showing how functional data analysis provides an alternative way of understanding biological diversity and its interaction with natural and/or human factors. Copyright (c) 2009 Royal Statistical Society.

    Functional equivalence and evolutionary convergence in complex communities of microbial sponge symbionts

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    Microorganisms often form symbiotic relationships with eukaryotes, and the complexity of these relationships can range from those with one single dominant symbiont to associations with hundreds of symbiont species. Microbial symbionts occupying equivalent niches in different eukaryotic hosts may share functional aspects, and convergent genome evolution has been reported for simple symbiont systems in insects. However, for complex symbiont communities, it is largely unknown how prevalent functional equivalence is and whether equivalent functions are conducted by evolutionarily convergent mechanisms. Sponges represent an evolutionarily divergent group of species with common physiological and ecological traits. They also host complex communities of microbial symbionts and thus are the ideal model to test whether functional equivalence and evolutionary convergence exist in complex symbiont communities across phylogenetically divergent hosts. Here we use a sampling design to determine the phylogenetic and functional profiles of microbial communities associated with six sponge species. We identify common functions in the six microbiomes, demonstrating the existence of functional equivalence. These core functions are consistent with our current understanding of the biological and ecological roles of sponge-associated microorganisms and also provide insight into symbiont functions. Importantly, core functions also are provided in each sponge species by analogous enzymes and biosynthetic pathways. Moreover, the abundance of elements involved in horizontal gene transfer suggests their key roles in the genomic evolution of symbionts. Our data thus demonstrate evolutionary convergence in complex symbiont communities and reveal the details and mechanisms that underpin the process