3,188 research outputs found

    Kernel Ellipsoidal Trimming

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    Ellipsoid estimation is an issue of primary importance in many practical areas such as control, system identification, visual/audio tracking, experimental design, data mining, robust statistics and novelty/outlier detection. This paper presents a new method of kernel information matrix ellipsoid estimation (KIMEE) that finds an ellipsoid in a kernel defined feature space based on a centered information matrix. Although the method is very general and can be applied to many of the aforementioned problems, the main focus in this paper is the problem of novelty or outlier detection associated with fault detection. A simple iterative algorithm based on Titterington's minimum volume ellipsoid method is proposed for practical implementation. The KIMEE method demonstrates very good performance on a set of real-life and simulated datasets compared with support vector machine methods

    Developments towards practical free-space quantum cryptography

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    We describe a free space quantum cryptography system which is designed to allow continuous unattended key exchanges for periods of several days, and over ranges of a few kilometres. The system uses a four-laser faint-pulse transmission system running at a pulse rate of 10MHz to generate the required four alternative polarization states. The receiver module similarly automatically selects a measurement basis and performs polarization measurements with four avalanche photodiodes. The controlling software can implement the full key exchange including sifting, error correction, and privacy amplification required to generate a secure key

    Improved Information Outage Rate in Certain MIMO Systems

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    We propose a simple class of encoding/decoding techniques which can be used to improve the information outage rate of certain multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Gains in outage rate can be achieved at low to moderate signal to noise ratios in MIMO systems which have fewer receive antennas than transmit antennas. This performance improvement is due to extra ``virtual'' receive antennas which are created with low complexity signal processing. A simple space-time block code system using virtual receive antennas is also investigated

    Photon-assisted capacitance–voltage study of organic metal–insulator–semiconductor capacitors

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    AbstractThe results are reported of a detailed investigation into the photoinduced changes that occur in the capacitance–voltage (C–V) response of an organic metal–insulator–semiconductor (MIS) capacitor based on the organic semiconductor poly(3-hexylthiophene), P3HT. During the forward voltage sweep, the device is driven into deep depletion but stabilizes at a voltage-independent minimum capacitance, Cmin, whose value depends on photon energy, light intensity and voltage ramp rate. On reversing the voltage sweep, strong hysteresis is observed owing to a positive shift in the flatband voltage, VFB, of the device. A theoretical quasi-static model is developed in which it is assumed that electrons photogenerated in the semiconductor depletion region escape geminate recombination following the Onsager model. These electrons then drift to the P3HT/insulator interface where they become deeply trapped thus effecting a positive shift in VFB. By choosing appropriate values for the only disposable parameter in the model, an excellent fit is obtained to the experimental Cmin, from which we extract values for the zero-field quantum yield of photoelectrons in P3HT that are of similar magnitude, 10−5 to 10−3, to those previously deduced for π-conjugated polymers from photoconduction measurements. From the observed hysteresis we deduce that the interfacial electron trap density probably exceeds 1016m−2. Evidence is presented suggesting that the ratio of free to trapped electrons at the interface depends on the insulator used for fabricating the device

    Evaluating Consumer Acceptability and Willingness to Pay for Various Beef Chuck Muscles

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    In-home consumer steak evaluations, followed by centralized laboratory-setting auctions, were used to determine consumer (n = 74 consumers) acceptability and willingness to pay for various beef chuck muscles. The infraspinatus (IF), serratus ventralis (SV), supraspinatus (SS), and triceps brachii (TB) from the beef chuck were evaluated against LM steaks from the rib to determine price and trait differentials. Muscles from USDA Choice, boneless, boxed-beef subprimals were aged 14 d, frozen, and cut into 2.5-cmthick steaks. Consumers received two steaks from each muscle for in-home evaluations of uncooked steak appearance and cooked steak palatability. After in-home evaluation of steaks, consumers participated in a random nth price auction session to determine willingness to pay for those steaks. Muscles differed (P \u3c 0.05) for overall like of appearance, like of size, like of shape, and like of leanness; LM generally rated the highest. Steaks from the LM rated highest (P \u3c 0.05) for overall like, and steaks from the SS and SV were lowest (P \u3c 0.05) for overall like. Juiciness and beef flavor intensity scores were highest (P \u3c 0.05) for steaks from the LM and IF, whereas SS steaks received the lowest (P \u3c 0.05) juiciness scores, and SS and SV steaks were rated lowest (P \u3c 0.05) for beef flavor intensity. Average auction price differentials differed (P \u3c 0.05) from the LM, and were 0.71,−0.71, −0.79, 1.75,and−1.75, and −2.44/0.45 kg for the TB, IF, SS, and SV, respectively. Average appearance trait differentials and average palatability trait differentials were correlated significantly with average price differentials. Results indicate the IF and TB were acceptable to consumers as steaks but only at prices lower than the LM

    Descent Relations in Cubic Superstring Field Theory

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    The descent relations between string field theory (SFT) vertices are characteristic relations of the operator formulation of SFT and they provide self-consistency of this theory. The descent relations and in the NS fermionic string field theory in the kappa and discrete bases are established. Different regularizations and schemes of calculations are considered and relations between them are discussed.Comment: Replaced to JHEP styl

    One-loop Yukawas on Intersecting Branes

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    We calculate Yukawa interactions at one-loop on intersecting D6 branes. We demonstrate the non-renormalization theorem in supersymmetric configurations, and show how Yukawa beta functions may be extracted. In addition to the usual logarithmic running, we find the power-law dependence on the infra-red cut-off associated with Kaluza-Klein modes. Our results may also be used to evaluate coupling renormalization in non-supersymmetric cases.Comment: 48 pages, 9 figures; minor corrections, JHEP styl

    Organic Ring Oscillators with Sub-200 ns Stage Delay Based on a Solution-Processed p-type Semiconductor Blend

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    High-frequency ring oscillators with sub-microsecond stage delay fabricated from spin-coated films of a specially formulated small-molecule/host-polymer blend are reported. Contacts and interconnects are patterned by photolithography with plasma etching used for creating vias and removing excess material to reduce parasitic effects. The characteristics of transistors with 4.6 μm channel length scale linearly with channel width over the range 60�2160 μm. Model device parameters extracted using Silvaco's Universal Organic Thin Film Transistor (UOTFT) Model yield values of hole mobility increasing from 1.9 to 2.6 cm2 Vs�1 as gate voltage increased. Simulated and fabricated Vgs = 0 inverters predict that the technology is capable of fabricating 5-stage ring oscillators operating above 100 kHz. Initial designs operated mainly at frequencies in the range 250�300 kHz, due to smaller parasitic gate overlap capacitances and higher supply voltages than assumed in the simulations. A design incorporating graded inverter sizes operates at frequencies above 400 kHz with the best reaching 529 kHz. The corresponding stage delay of 189 ns is the shortest reported to date for a solution-processed p-type semiconductor and compares favorably with similar circuits based on evaporated small molecules. Significant further improvements are identified which could lead to the fabrication of digital circuits that operate at much higher bit rates than previously reported

    Schnabl's L_0 Operator in the Continuous Basis

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    Following Schnabl's analytic solution to string field theory, we calculate the operators L0,L0{\cal L}_0,{\cal L}_0^\dagger for a scalar field in the continuous κ\kappa basis. We find an explicit and simple expression for them that further simplifies for their sum, which is block diagonal in this basis. We generalize this result for the bosonized ghost sector, verify their commutation relation and relate our expressions to wedge state representations.Comment: 1+16 pages. JHEP style. Typos correcte

    String Field Theory Projectors for Fermions of Integral Weight

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    The interaction vertex for a fermionic first order system of weights (1,0) such as the twisted bc-system, the fermionic part of N=2 string field theory and the auxiliary \eta\xi system of N=1 strings is formulated in the Moyal basis. In this basis, the Neumann matrices are diagonal; as usual, the eigenvectors are labeled by \kappa\in\R. Oscillators constructed from these eigenvectors make up two Clifford algebras for each nonzero value of \kappa. Using a generalization of the Moyal-Weyl map to the fermionic case, we classify all projectors of the star-algebra which factorize into projectors for each \kappa-subspace. At least for the case of squeezed states we recover the full set of bosonic projectors with this property. Among the subclass of ghost number-homogeneous squeezed state projectors, we find a single class of BPZ-real states parametrized by one (nearly) arbitrary function of \kappa. This class is shown to contain the generalized butterfly states. Furthermore, we elaborate on sufficient and necessary conditions which have to be fulfilled by our projectors in order to constitute surface states. As a byproduct we find that the full star product of N=2 string field theory translates into a canonically normalized continuous tensor product of Moyal-Weyl products up to an overall normalization. The divergent factors arising from the translation to the continuous basis cancel between bosons and fermions in any even dimension.Comment: LaTeX, 1+23 pages, minor improvements, references adde