1,470 research outputs found

    Lead toxicity and genetics in Flint, MI

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    It has been well established that lead poisoning, as defined by the CDC as blood lead levels (BLLs) at or above 5 μg/dl, can lead to long-term neurotoxic effects in children and requires immediate treatment. As such, the CDC has long recommended clinicians’ assess to all patients for lead exposure and test BLLs for all at-risk patients. Furthermore, it is increasingly recognised that there is no safe level of lead for children due to the irreversible lifelong detrimental effects of lead exposure.2,3 Since the disaster of lead contaminated drinking water in Flint, MI has been uncovered, action has been taken to test children for lead poisoning. However, when children are tested and results show that lead levels are below the 5 μg/dl criteria no further follow-up is conducted with these children, as they are deemed ‘healthy’. This practice is problematic, given that other studies have shown that blood lead levels, even at rates lower than the poison range can be detrimental to a child’s health. The estimated population of Flint is ~99,002, with about 27% of the residents categorised as children under the age of 18 years. Therefore, more than ~26,730 children, of whom 60% are African Americans (N=16,038), have been exposed to environmental lead in the drinking water.National Institute of Nursing Research (U.S.) (Grant NR013520

    A perspective for sequencing familial hypercholesterolaemia in African Americans

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    African Americans suffer disproportionately from poor cardiovascular health outcomes despite similar proportions of African Americans and Americans of European ancestry experiencing elevated cholesterol levels. Some of the variation in cardiovascular outcomes is due to confounding effects of other risk factors, such as hypertension and genetic influence. However, genetic variants found to contribute to variation in serum cholesterol levels in populations of European ancestry are less likely to replicate in populations of African ancestry. To date, there has been limited follow-up on variant discrepancies or on identifying variants that exist in populations of African ancestry. African and African-American populations have the highest levels of genetic heterogeneity, which is a factor that must be considered when evaluating genetic variants in the burgeoning era of personalised medicine. Many of the large published studies identifying genetic variants associated with disease risk have evaluated populations of mostly European ancestry and estimated risk in other populations based on these findings. The purpose of this paper is to provide a perspective, using familial hypercholesterolaemia as an exemplar, that studies evaluating genetic variation focused within minority populations are necessary to identify factors that contribute to disparities in health outcomes and realise the full utility of personalised medicine

    Genome Sequencing Technologies and Nursing

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    Background Advances in DNA sequencing technology have resulted in an abundance of personalized data with challenging clinical utility and meaning for clinicians. This wealth of data has potential to dramatically impact the quality of healthcare. Nurses are at the focal point in educating patients regarding relevant healthcare needs; therefore, an understanding of sequencing technology and utilizing these data are critical. Aim The objective of this study was to explicate the role of nurses and nurse scientists as integral members of healthcare teams in improving understanding of DNA sequencing data and translational genomics for patients. Approach A history of the nurse role in newborn screening is used as an exemplar. Discussion This study serves as an exemplar on how genome sequencing has been utilized in nursing science and incorporates linkages of other omics approaches used by nurses that are included in this special issue. This special issue showcased nurse scientists conducting multi-omic research from various methods, including targeted candidate genes, pharmacogenomics, proteomics, epigenomics, and the microbiome. From this vantage point, we provide an overview of the roles of nurse scientists in genome sequencing research and provide recommendations for the best utilization of nurses and nurse scientists related to genome sequencing

    Improving Parenting to Promote School Readiness: A Preliminary Evaluation of the Books Can…© Public Library Program

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    The present study examines associations between parents’ involvement in an enhanced storytime program and parenting knowledge and efficacy for supporting their child’s socioemotional development and book reading. Books Can…© was developed by a public library to teach parents important child development information and strategies for supporting their child’s socioemotional learning. Parents and their young children participated in a 6-week interactive program that included book reading, songs, interactive activities, and parenting tips. Parents (n =119) completed questionnaires both prior to and after participating in the program. Multilevel general linear models compared responses to survey items before and after the program, indicating significant increases in parent knowledge, attitudes, and reading behavior by the end of the program. This study provides preliminary support documenting the benefits of the Books Can…© program. Moreover, results highlight public libraries and enhanced storytime programs as meaningful settings for promoting family involvement in children’s early learning

    Gas leakage and distribution characteristics of methyl bromide and sulfuryl fluoride during fumigations in a pilot flour mill

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    The half-loss time (HLT) is used as an indicator to quantify gas leakage rates during methyl bromide (MB) and sulfuryl fluoride (SF) fumigations. Comparisons of HLTs between three MB and three SF fumigations were quantified in the Hal Ross pilot flour mill, Department of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University, USA. The sealing quality or gas tightness of the mill before each fumigation was verified by a pressurization test. Fumigant concentrations during the six fumigations were monitored continuously at 30 locations among the five mill floors during the 24 h fumigation period. A weather station on the mill roof monitored barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, temperature, and relative humidity. A data logger on each mill floor recorded temperature and relative humidity. The pressurization test showed that the relationship between airflow rate and building static pressure varied among the fumigations despite the same areas being sealed by two separate fumigation service providers due to environmental conditions not being identical among the fumigations. Concentrations of both fumigants within the mill ranged from 2 to 7 g/m³ . The observed HLTs for the MB and SF fumigations were in the range of 3.61 to 28.64 h and 9.97 to 31.65 h, respectively, and were inversely related only to wind speeds during fumigation and not any other environmental conditions recorded. In our study, the fumigant leakage rate was found to be predominantly a function of wind speed rather than inherent gas characteristics of MB and SF

    Helicobacter pylori Lipopolysaccharide Is Synthesized via a Novel Pathway with an Evolutionary Connection to Protein N-Glycosylation

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    Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a major component on the surface of Gram negative bacteria and is composed of lipid A-core and the O antigen polysaccharide. O polysaccharides of the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori contain Lewis antigens, mimicking glycan structures produced by human cells. The interaction of Lewis antigens with human dendritic cells induces a modulation of the immune response, contributing to the H. pylori virulence. The amount and position of Lewis antigens in the LPS varies among H. pylori isolates, indicating an adaptation to the host. In contrast to most bacteria, the genes for H. pylori O antigen biosynthesis are spread throughout the chromosome, which likely contributed to the fact that the LPS assembly pathway remained uncharacterized. In this study, two enzymes typically involved in LPS biosynthesis were found encoded in the H. pylori genome; the initiating glycosyltransferase WecA, and the O antigen ligase WaaL. Fluorescence microscopy and analysis of LPS from H. pylori mutants revealed that WecA and WaaL are involved in LPS production. Activity of WecA was additionally demonstrated with complementation experiments in Escherichia coli. WaaL ligase activity was shown in vitro. Analysis of the H. pylori genome failed to detect a flippase typically involved in O antigen synthesis. Instead, we identified a homolog of a flippase involved in protein N-glycosylation in other bacteria, although this pathway is not present in H. pylori. This flippase named Wzk was essential for O antigen display in H. pylori and was able to transport various glycans in E. coli. Whereas the O antigen mutants showed normal swimming motility and injection of the toxin CagA into host cells, the uptake of DNA seemed to be affected. We conclude that H. pylori uses a novel LPS biosynthetic pathway, evolutionarily connected to bacterial protein N-glycosylation

    Chronic and episodic interpersonal stress as statistically unique predictors of depression in two samples of emerging adults.

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    Few studies comprehensively evaluate which types of life stress are most strongly associated with depressive episode onsets, over and above other forms of stress, and comparisons between acute and chronic stress are particularly lacking. Past research implicates major (moderate to severe) stressful life events (SLEs), and to a lesser extent, interpersonal forms of stress; research conflicts on whether dependent or independent SLEs are more potent, but theory favors dependent SLEs. The present study used 5 years of annual diagnostic and life stress interviews of chronic stress and SLEs from 2 separate samples (Sample 1 N = 432; Sample 2 N = 146) transitioning into emerging adulthood; 1 sample also collected early adversity interviews. Multivariate analyses simultaneously examined multiple forms of life stress to test hypotheses that all major SLEs, then particularly interpersonal forms of stress, and then dependent SLEs would contribute unique variance to major depressive episode (MDE) onsets. Person-month survival analysis consistently implicated chronic interpersonal stress and major interpersonal SLEs as statistically unique predictors of risk for MDE onset. In addition, follow-up analyses demonstrated temporal precedence for chronic stress; tested differences by gender; showed that recent chronic stress mediates the relationship between adolescent adversity and later MDE onsets; and revealed interactions of several forms of stress with socioeconomic status (SES). Specifically, as SES declined, there was an increasing role for noninterpersonal chronic stress and noninterpersonal major SLEs, coupled with a decreasing role for interpersonal chronic stress. Implications for future etiological research were discussed
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