80 research outputs found
Microwaves reduce water refractive index
Microwaves, long used as a convenient household appliance, have been increasingly used in industrial processes such as organic synthesis and oil processing. It has been proposed that microwaves can enhance these chemical processes via a non-thermal effect. Here we report the instantaneous effect of microwaves on the permittivity and phase velocity of light in water through the in-situ measurement of changes in refractive index. Microwave irradiation was found to reduce the water refractive index (RI) sharply. The reduction increased as a function of microwave power to a far greater extent than expected from the change in temperature. The phase velocity of light in water increases up to ~ 5% (RI of 1.27) during microwave irradiation. Upon stopping irradiation, the return to the equilibrium RI was delayed by up to 30 min. Our measurement shows that microwaves have a profound non-thermal and long-lasting effect on the properties of water. Further investigation is planned to verify if the observed RI reduction is restricted to the region near the surface or deep inside water bulk. The observation suggests a relationship between microwave-induced and the enhanced aqueous reactions
ジコ シンダン ノ タメ ノ キンセキガイ ブンコウ ガゾウ ケイソク プローブ ノ カイハツ
We develop a multi-channel probe system and a scanning probe system for a near-infrared spectroscopy imaging.
The multi-channel probe system is composed of one light source module and eight photodetector modules. To obtain
a photon path from the light source to the detector using the multi-channel probe system, we utilize a phantom
containing a movable absorber in a liquid light scattering medium. The scanning probe system is composed of a nearinfrared
light source, a detector, and a light source indicating a position. The probe position is detected by a camera.
We realize an isotropic spatial response by use of an improved probe containing two source-and-detector pairs in a
cross arrangement
Ibovespa's new methodology, betas and explanatory power of stock returns
In 2013 , there were changes in the Ibovespa’s methodology , implemented from 2014. BM&FBOVESPA published a retroactive historical series of 34 quarters of the Ibovespa calculated using the new methodology (New Ibovespa) in parallel to that obtained with the previous methodology (Old Ibovespa). The objective of this article is to verify whether the beta calculated regressing stock returns against New Ibovespa (NewBeta) would have been able to better explain returns than the beta calculated regressing stock returns against the Old Ibovespa (OldBeta). The panel data model with fixed effects is, according to the appropriate tests, preferable to POLS model and the random effects model, and indicates that the OldBeta would have been able to better explain returns than the NewBeta. The model better explains the variation between observations and little explain variation of the same stock over time. The fact that, during the analyzed period, there has existed only Old Ibovespa may have influenced the results.Em 2013, houve mudanças na metodologia do Ibovespa, implementadas a partir de 2014. A BM&FBOVESPA divulgou uma série histórica retroativa de 34 trimestres do Ibovespa calculado com a metodologia nova (Ibovespa Novo) em paralelo ao obtido com a metodologia anterior (Ibovespa Antigo). O objetivo do artigo é verificar se o beta calculado regredindo o retorno das ações contra o Ibovespa Novo (BetaNovo) teria sido capaz de explicar melhor do que o beta calculado regredindo o retorno das ações contra o Ibovespa Antigo (BetaAntigo). O modelo em painel com efeitos fixos é, segundo os testes apropriados, preferível ao modelo POLS e ao de efeitos aleatórios, e indica que o BetaAntigo teria sido capaz de explicar o retorno melhor do que o BetaNovo. O modelo explica melhor a variação entre observações e explica pouco a variação de uma mesma ação ao longo do tempo. O fato de, no período analisado, ter existido apenas o Ibovespa Antigo pode ter influenciado os resultados
Improvement of dynamic range and repeatability in refractive-index-sensing optical comb by combination of saturable-absorber-mirror mode-locking with intracavity multi-mode interference fiber sensor
Mode-locked fiber comb equipped with multi-mode-interference fiber sensor functions as high-precision refractive-index (RI) sensor benefitting from precise radio-frequency measurement. However, its dynamic range and repeatability are hampered by inherent characteristics in nonlinear-polarization-rotation mode-locking oscillation. In this article, we introduce saturable-absorber-mirror mode-locking for RI sensing with wide dynamic range and high repeatability. While the RI dynamic range was expanded to 41.4 dB due to high robustness to cavity disturbance, self-starting capability without the need for polarization control improves the RI sensing repeatability to 1.10×10-8 every mode-locking activation. Improved dynamic range and repeatability will be useful for enhanced performance of RI sensing
Fatores macroeconômicos, indicadores industriais e o spread bancário no Brasil
O objetivo deste trabalho é Identificar os fatores macroeconômicos e os indicadores industriais que influenciaram o spread bancário brasileiro no período de Março de 2011 a Março de 2015. É considerada a subclassificação de alguns segmentos de atividade industrial. Foram utilizados dados mensais de séries temporais em modelos de regressão linear multivariada com uso do Eviews (7.0), dezoito variáveis foram consideradas como possíveis determinantes.. Influenciam positivamente; a inadimplência, os IPIs (Índices de Produção Industrial) de bens de capital, bens intermediários, bens de consumo duráveis, bens semiduráveis e não duráveis, a Selic, o PIB, a taxa de desemprego e o EMBI+. Determinam negativamente; os IPIs bens de consumo e geral, IPCA, o saldo da carteira de crédito e o índice de vendas no varejo. Foi considerado p-valor de 05%.. A conclusão principal é que o progresso da indústria, da geração de empregos e do consumo podem reduzir o spread
Refractive index sensing with temperature compensation by a multimode-interference fiber-based optical frequency comb sensing cavity
We proposed a refractive index (RI) sensing method with temperature compensation by using an optical frequency comb (OFC) sensing cavity including a multimode-interference (MMI) fiber, namely, the MMI-OFC sensing cavity. The MMI-OFC sensing cavity enables simultaneous measurement of material-dependent RI and sample temperature by decoding from the comb spacing frequency shift and the wavelength shift of the OFC. We realized the simultaneous and continuous measurement of RI-related concentration of a liquid sample and its temperature with precisions of 1.6 × 10−4 RIU and 0.08 °C. The proposed method would be a useful means for the various applications based on RI sensing
Optimal labeling condition of antibodies available for immunofluorescence endoscopy
Purpose: In recent years, labeled antibodies have been used for diagnostic imaging in many studies. In this study, we investigated the mode of binding in antibodies labeled with ICG derivatives newly developed for the diagnosis of microcarcinomas, and evaluated the optimal binding molar ratio between the labeling compounds and antibody. Methods: MUC1 antibody and ICG derivatives (ICG-ATT and ICG-sulfo-OSu) were used. ICG derivatives noncovalently bound to the antibody were removed with ethyl acetate, and the ratio of ICG derivatives covalently bound to the labeled antibody was confirmed. During purification of the labeled antibody, the amount of each labeling compound reacting with 1molecule of the antibody varied as follows: 4, 8, 16, and 32molar equivalents. Subsequently, the intensity of fluorescence was evaluated by spectroscopy and infrared fluoroscopy. Results : The ratio of residual ICG derivative labeling the antibody was 67.4% for ICG-ATT and 65.0% for ICG-sulfo-OSu. When fluorescent antibody labeled with ICG-ATT at anF/Pratio of 2.94or 4.18wasused, specific and clear fluorescent images of the antigen were obtained. When ICG-ATT-labeled antibody at an F/P ratio of 6.50 or 6.75 was used, the fluorescence intensity decreased and the fluorescent images of antigen became unclear. Conclusions: It was found that the ICG-ATT-labeled antibody was a more specific and sensitive marker than ICG-sulfo-OSu-labeled antibody, and that lower binding molar ratios of ICG-ATT were more useful for labeling the antibody
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