29 research outputs found

    Well-being of Russian citizens in terms of socio-economic balance

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    The article addresses problems of the content of and the key components to the well-being of citizens. The concept of a socio-economic balance has been explained, the analysis of which makes it possible to research the conditions of the growth in the well-being of citizens in more detail. The features of a socio-economic balance and the problems which must be solved to achieve it have been researched. The current situation in the economic and social sphere of Russia is analyzed using such indicators of economic well-being of citizens as real household income, their structure, size of regional discrepancy in living standards of the population, and the level of poverty. In the context of a socio-economic balance, the issues of the achievement of well-being by Russian nationals have been considered. Attention is given to the fact that as an economic category, well-being can become one of the main criteria of evaluating the socio-economic balance in a country

    Economic sustainability of state-owned enterprises as basis of sustainable economic development

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    The main purpose of the paper is to analyze the problems of effectiveness improvement, sustainability and development of Russian state-owned enterprises. Factors that affect economic sustainability of complex social and economic systems are revealed. The authors classify the factors of economic sustainability of state-owned industrial enterprises. The inconsistency of the institution of state-owned corporations is analyzed, its role and specific character are revealed, resources and possible drawbacks of state-owned corporations are shown in the contexts of modernization processes in the Russian Federation. The essence of the concept of sustainability is considered from the perspective of systems theory and system analysis. The necessity to increase the economic sustainability of state-owned enterprises under the conditions of imperfect government control and uncertainty of the external environment is justified. The authors emphasize urgency and reasonability of forming conditions to increase the effectiveness and sustainability of the functioning of state-owned corporations which were established to ensure the strategic interests of the state in the economic sphere

    Well-being in the Context of Innovation Resistance

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    In this article the major problem of innovation in providing economic and social wellbeing is defined. The main purpose of the paper is to develop the concept of innovation resistance. The innovation resistance is defined as an immanent property of the economic system to slow down its development under the influence of active and passive innovation resistance. The authors examine the peculiarities of innovation resistance and its influence on innovation-based economic system. Also the structure of economic system encompasses in terms of innovation resistance is determined. Entities of innovation resistance as elements of economic system have been identified. The role of institutions in providing the inertial performance or the development of economic entities is defined. The importance of overcoming innovation resistance as a key factor of improvement of social and economic wellbeing of society is emphasized. The concept of social order developed by Douglass C. North, John Joseph Wallis, and Barry R. Weingast is considered as a source of some insights in overcoming innovation resistance

    Aprimorando as Tecnologias Digitais no Setor do Turismo

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    The article is devoted to present a theoretical discussion about the virtual reality tools on tourism sector, with focus on recent recent experiences. It has been established that the epidemiological and economic situation that has developed in the world at present indicates the need for the introduction of digital technologies in all spheres of life as well as the entertainment sector, which includes the tourism industry. It has been showed that it is not possible to meet the growing needs of consumers without the introduction of the latest technologies. The purpose of the development of digital technologies in the tourism sector is to create the necessary prerequisites for the development and improvement of the state of the tourist services market, its diversity due to new types of tourism, improving the financial condition, as well as sustainable growth in the level and quality of life of citizens in the current period and for the future.El artículo está dedicado presentar una discusión teórica sobre las herramientas de realidad virtual en el sector turístico, con enfoque en las experiencias recientes recientes. Se ha establecido que la situación epidemiológica y económica que se ha desarrollado en el mundo en la actualidad indica la necesidad de introducir las tecnologías digitales en todas las esferas de la vida, así como en el sector del entretenimiento, que incluye la industria del turismo. Se ha demostrado que no es posible satisfacer las crecientes necesidades de los consumidores sin la introducción de las últimas tecnologías. El objetivo del desarrollo de las tecnologías digitales en el sector turístico es crear las condiciones necesarias para el desarrollo y la mejora del estado del mercado de servicios turísticos, su diversidad debido a los nuevos tipos de turismo, la mejora de la condición financiera, así como el crecimiento sostenible del nivel y la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos en el período actual y para el futuro.O artigo é dedicado a apresentar uma discussão teórica sobre as ferramentas de realidade virtual no setor de turismo, com foco em experiências recentes recentes. Foi estabelecido que a situação epidemiológica e económica que se desenvolveu no mundo actualmente indica a necessidade da introdução de tecnologias digitais em todas as esferas da vida, bem como no sector do entretenimento, que inclui a indústria do turismo. Foi provado que não é possível satisfazer as necessidades crescentes dos consumidores sem a introdução das tecnologias mais recentes. O objectivo do desenvolvimento das tecnologias digitais no sector do turismo é criar os pré-requisitos necessários para o desenvolvimento e melhoria do estado do mercado de serviços turísticos, a sua diversidade devido a novos tipos de turismo, melhorando a condição financeira, bem como o crescimento sustentável no nível e qualidade de vida dos cidadãos no período actual e para o futuro

    Student Career Choices before and during Quarantine Measures

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    Nowadays, in terms of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a dramatic transformation of the professions in demand and labor market preferences. In this regard, universities need to review and pay special attention to young people’s professional development taking into account new conditions. In February 2020, before quarantine in the Russian Federation, the authors of the present research conducted a survey in order to study the students’ career preferences. The survey involved 616 students of Bachelor’s and Master’s programs of M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (“My professional career”), 78 students of the Arctic State Agrotechnological University (“Labor values of youth”), 29 students of the Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts (“Me and my professional career”). The results showed that the students consider career development as an opportunity to realize their material goals, to combine professional and personal interests, and to set up their own business. In addition, during a quarantine measures due to the COVID 19 pandemic in May 2020, an express survey of 437 students was conducted. The results of the survey showed that some students have changed their attitude to their future career, i.e., they wanted to get advanced professional education, improve their digital skills to make it easier to adapt for remote work. Some students expressed their thoughts regarding future employment, i.e., a budget organization or the sphere of small and medium businesses. The authors concluded that university programs for future specialists’ training should take into account students’ career preferences, desires, professional intentions and attitudes

    Innovative Development of Higher Education

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    The article considers the essence of innovation in higher education and the integration of educational, scientific and industrial scope. Disclosed forms of innovation in higher education, as well as their role in the interaction of education, science and business. Defined forms of cooperation between education, science and business. Review the modalities of cooperation between education and business in the examples of financial and technological academy city of Korolev, Moscow region. Were revealed directions of innovation developing higher education.And also drawn conclusions on the matter. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4p59

    The Influence of Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Auxin-Producing Bacteria on the Growth, Biochemical Parameters, and Hormonal Status of Barley Plants in the Process of Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Soil

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    Взаимосвязи бактерий и растений в процессе биоремедиации почв, загрязненных нефтью, уделяется много внимания, однако воздействие бактерий-деструкторов нефти, синтезирующих фитогормоны, на содержание и распределение этих соединений в самих растениях, исследовано слабо. Целью полевого опыта было изучение влияния углеводородокисляющих бактерий, продуцирующих ауксины, на ростовые, биохимические показатели и гормональный статус растений ячменя в присутствии нефти и перспективы применения их ассоциаций для очистки почвы, содержащей нефть (в среднем 2,7 %). Обработка растений штаммами Enterobacter sp. UOM 3 и Pseudomonas hunanensis IB C7 приводила к увеличению длины и массы корней и побегов, индекса листовой поверхности и улучшению показателей элементов структуры урожая, которые были угнетены под воздействием поллютанта. В результате бактеризации повышалось содержание хлорофилла, флавоноидов и снижалось количество пролина. Наиболее заметным проявлением влияния бактерий на гормональную систему растений было уменьшение накопления абсцизовой кислоты. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что интродукция микроорганизмов ослабляла для растений негативные последствия абиотического стресса, вызванного присутствием нефти. Совместное применение бактерий-нефтедеструкторов и растений эффективнее снижало содержание углеводородов в почве и увеличивало ее микробиологическую активность по сравнению с использованием их по отдельности. Изученные микробно-растительные комплексы признаны перспективными для биоремедиации нефтезагрязненных почвExtensive research has been done to investigate the relationship between bacteria and plants in the process of bioremediation of soils contaminated with oil, but the effect of oil-degrading bacteria that synthesize phytohormones on the content and distribution of these compounds in plants has been poorly studied. The aim of the field experiment was to study the effect of hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria producing auxins on the growth, biochemical parameters, and hormonal status of barley plants in the presence of oil and the prospects for using bacterial-plant associations for treating soil that contains oil (2.7 %, on average). Treatment of plants with cultures of Enterobacter sp. UOM 3 and Pseudomonas hunanensis IB C7 led to an increase in the length and mass of roots and shoots and the leaf surface index and an improvement in the parameters of the components of the crop structure that were suppressed by the pollutant. As a result of bacterization, the contents of chlorophyll and flavonoids increased, and the amount of proline decreased. The most noticeable effect of bacteria on the hormonal system of plants was a decrease in the accumulation of abscisic acid. The data obtained indicate that the treatment of plants with bacterial cultures alleviated the negative consequences of abiotic stress caused by the presence of oil for plants. The use of oil-degrading bacteria and plants in combination rather than separately more effectively reduced the content of hydrocarbons in the soil and increased its microbiological activity. The microbial-plant combinations studied in this work are regarded as promising for the bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil

    Priority Directions of Ensuring Strategic Competitiveness and Sustainability of Industrial Enterprises

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    The paper presents the directions of sustainability and competitiveness improvement of industrial enterprises through the use of project management tools. Special attention is given to consideration of the prospects of application of project management methods at the enterprises of the aviation and rocket and space industry. Problems that enterprises face when implementing the project management tools are identified in terms of the analysis. Advantages of implementing the tools of project management at the enterprises of the aviation and rocket and space industry are determined. The paper shows that the Russian rocket and space industry loses competitive strength in the global market for space technologies and space services. This is due to a trend towards stagnation with respect to industrial enterprises. All of these in turn lead to an obstacle to fostering of enterprises based on innovation

    Functions of state-owned corporations in the structure of the public sector of the Russian Federation

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    There are many different types of economic systems used through the world. The government attempts to control and regulate economic branches of strategic importance. Property is a fundamental element of economic power, it is a basis required to fulfill the state functions and tasks, to provide society with vital benefits such as health care, education, high living standard, life quality and well-being of citizens. A major part of production of public goods is carried out by the public sector of the country. Stateowned corporations in Russia are relatively new business structures. They have a market leading position to deal with global economic and social problems of the state