242 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKDesa Lambheu Kecamatan Darul Imarah ialah Kabupaten dari Aceh Besar yang memiliki kepadatan penduduk tergolong padat. Terdapat jalan arteri yang menghubugkan desa ini dengan jalan primer. Pada jalan arteri terdapat saluran drainase pada bagian kanan dan kiri jalan. Saluran drainase ini dibangun untuk mengalirkan air saat hujan turun dan untuk mengalirkan air buangan warga di lokasi tersebut. Namun setiap terjadinya hujan dengan intensitas menengah-tinggi sering sekali terjadi genangan air, bahkan di saat tidak hujan pun air yang ada di dalam saluran tergenang di daerah rumah warga. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kinerja dari saluran drainase eksisting dalam ruang lingkupnya sebagai penampung dan mengalirkan air limpasan yang terjadi akibat hujan. Studi ini dilakukan dengan data-data primer dan sekunder yang didapat dari instansi terkait maupun dari pengamatan langsung. Curah hujan yang digunakan dari tahun 1998 hingga tahun 2017 yang diperoleh dari BMKG Indrapuri. Untuk mengetahui dimensi saluran, dilakukan pengukuran dengan bantuan alat ukur. Tahapan penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan Analisa hidrologi, menghitung intensitas curah hujan, perhitungan debit saluran dan debit banjir. Hasil studi ini memperlihatkan saluran drainase pada desa Lambheu mampu menampung debit sebesar 0,3647 m3/det dengan debit banjir rencana kala ulang 2 tahun untuk waktu konsentrasi 60 menit sebesar 0,295 m3/det, maka dari itu tidak perlu direncanakan perencanaan ulang saluran. Sehingga ditinjau kapasitas tampungan saluran drainase eksisting akibat pengaruh sedimen, hanya mampu menampung debit sebesar 0,1757 m3/det. Dari hasil perhitungan debit pengaruh sedimen yang dihitung maka saluran eksisting saat ini tidak mampu menahan debit banjir, sehingga perlu adanya pembersihan saluran.Kata kunci : saluran drainase, banjir, kapasitas saluran, sedimen

    Polarization-analyzed resonant inelastic x-ray scattering of the orbital excitations in KCuF3

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    We report a Cu K-edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) study of orbital excitations in KCuF3 . By performing the polarization analysis of the scattered photons, we disclose that the excitation between the eg orbitals and the excitations from t2g to eg exhibit distinct polarization dependence. The polarization dependence of the respective excitations is interpreted based on a phenomenological consideration of the symmetry of the RIXS process that yields a necessary condition for observing the excitations. In addition, we show that the orbital excitations are dispersionless within our experimental resolution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Effects of an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme a reductase on serum lipoproteins and ubiquinone-10 levels in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia

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    We studied the effects of ML-236B, a competitive inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (KMG-CoA) reductase, on serum levels of lipoproteins and ubiquinone-10 in seven heterozygous patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. ML-236B was given at doses of 30 to 60 mg per day for 24 weeks. Serum cholesterol decreased from 390 ± 9 to 303 ± 8 mg per deciliter (10.1 ± 0.2 to 7.88 ± 0.2 mmol per liter, mean ± S.E.M.; P<0.001), and serum triglyceride decreased from 137 ± 18 to 87 ± 9 mg per deciliter (1.55 ± 0.20 to 0.98 ± 0.1 mmol per liter; P<0.05). Intermediate-density-lipoprotein (IDL) cholesterol, IDL triglyceride, low-density-lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and LDL triglyceride decreased significantly (P<0.01, P<0.02, P<0.001, and P<0.001, respectively). However, there were no significant changes in very-low-density-lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol and triglyceride or high-density-lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Serum ubiquinone-10 levels did not change, and LDL levels of ubiquinone-10 decreased by 50 per cent, from 0.39 ± 0.07 to 0.20 ± 0.01 Όg per milliliter (P<0.05). No adverse effects were observed. We conclude that ML-236B is effective in lowering serum cholesterol without lowering serum ubiquinone-10 in heterozygous patients with familial hypercholesterolemia

    Improvement of Carbon Nanofibers/ZrO2 Composites Properties with a Zirconia Nanocoating on Carbon Nanofibers by Sol–Gel Method

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    The development of new carbon nanofibers (CNFs)–ceramic nanocomposite materials with excellent mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties is interesting for a wide range of industrial applications. Among the ceramic materials, zirconia stands out for their excellent mechanical properties. The main limitations in the preparation of this kind of nanocomposites are related with the difficulty in obtaining materials with homogeneous distribution of both phases and the dissimilar properties of CNFs and ZrO2 which causes poor interaction between them. CNFs-reinforced zirconia nanocomposites ZrO2/xCNFs (x=1–20 vol%) were prepared by powder mixture and sintered by spark plasma sintering (SPS). ZrO2-reinforced CNFs nanocomposites CNFs/xZrO2 (x=20 vol%) were prepared by powder mixture and a surface coating of CNFs by the wet chemical route with zirconia precursor is proposed as a very effective way to improve the interaction between CNFs and ZrO2. After SPS sintering, an improvement of 50% in fracture strength was found for similar nanocomposite compositions when the surface coating was used. The improved mechanical properties of these nanocomposites are caused by stronger interaction between the CNFs and ZrO2.This work was financially supported by National Plan Projects MAT2006-01783 and MAT2007-30989-E and the Regional Project FICYT PC07-021. A. Borrell, acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for her research grant BES2007-15033.Borrell TomĂĄs, MA.; Rocha, VG.; Torrecillas, R.; Fernandez, A. (2011). Improvement of Carbon Nanofibers/ZrO2 Composites Properties with a Zirconia Nanocoating on Carbon Nanofibers by Sol–Gel Method. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 94(7):2048-2052. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1551-2916.2010.04354.xS20482052947Iijima, S. (1991). Helical microtubules of graphitic carbon. Nature, 354(6348), 56-58. doi:10.1038/354056a0Merkoçi, A. (2005). Carbon Nanotubes in Analytical Sciences. Microchimica Acta, 152(3-4), 157-174. doi:10.1007/s00604-005-0439-zUchida, T., Anderson, D. P., Minus, M. L., & Kumar, S. (2006). Morphology and modulus of vapor grown carbon nano fibers. Journal of Materials Science, 41(18), 5851-5856. doi:10.1007/s10853-006-0324-0HvizdoĆĄ, P., PuchĂœ, V., DuszovĂĄ, A., & Dusza, J. (2010). Tribological behavior of carbon nanofiber–zirconia composite. Scripta Materialia, 63(2), 254-257. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2010.03.069BalĂĄzsi, C., KĂłnya, Z., WĂ©ber, F., BirĂł, L. P., & AratĂł, P. (2003). Preparation and characterization of carbon nanotube reinforced silicon nitride composites. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 23(6-8), 1133-1137. doi:10.1016/j.msec.2003.09.085Tatami, J., Katashima, T., Komeya, K., Meguro, T., & Wakihara, T. (2005). Electrically Conductive CNT-Dispersed Silicon Nitride Ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 88(10), 2889-2893. doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2005.00539.xHirota, K., Hara, H., & Kato, M. (2007). Mechanical properties of simultaneously synthesized and consolidated carbon nanofiber (CNF)-dispersed SiC composites by pulsed electric-current pressure sintering. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 458(1-2), 216-225. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2006.12.065Dusza, J., Blugan, G., Morgiel, J., Kuebler, J., Inam, F., Peijs, T., 
 Puchy, V. (2009). Hot pressed and spark plasma sintered zirconia/carbon nanofiber composites. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 29(15), 3177-3184. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2009.05.030Lee, S.-Y., Kim, H., McIntyre, P. C., Saraswat, K. C., & Byun, J.-S. (2003). Atomic layer deposition of ZrO2 on W for metal–insulator–metal capacitor application. Applied Physics Letters, 82(17), 2874-2876. doi:10.1063/1.1569985Kobayashi, S., & Kawai, W. (2007). Development of carbon nanofiber reinforced hydroxyapatite with enhanced mechanical properties. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 38(1), 114-123. doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2006.01.006Sun, J., Gao, L., Iwasa, M., Nakayama, T., & Niihara, K. (2005). Failure investigation of carbon nanotube/3Y-TZP nanocomposites. Ceramics International, 31(8), 1131-1134. doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2004.11.010Ukai, T., Sekino, T., Hirvonen, A. T., Tanaka, N., Kusunose, T., Nakayama, T., & Niihara, K. (2006). Preparation and Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Dispersed Zirconia Nanocomposites. Key Engineering Materials, 317-318, 661-664. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/kem.317-318.661DuszovĂĄ, A., Dusza, J., TomĂĄĆĄek, K., Morgiel, J., Blugan, G., & Kuebler, J. (2008). Zirconia/carbon nanofiber composite. Scripta Materialia, 58(6), 520-523. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2007.11.002Wang, X., Padture, N. P., & Tanaka, H. (2004). Contact-damage-resistant ceramic/single-wall carbon nanotubes and ceramic/graphite composites. Nature Materials, 3(8), 539-544. doi:10.1038/nmat1161Zhan, G.-D., Kuntz, J. D., Garay, J. E., & Mukherjee, A. K. (2003). Electrical properties of nanoceramics reinforced with ropes of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Applied Physics Letters, 83(6), 1228-1230. doi:10.1063/1.1600511Yucheng, W., & Zhengyi, F. (2002). Study of temperature field in spark plasma sintering. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 90(1-2), 34-37. doi:10.1016/s0921-5107(01)00780-2Haase, F., & Sauer, J. (1998). The Surface Structure of Sulfated Zirconia:  Periodic ab Initio Study of Sulfuric Acid Adsorbed on ZrO2(101) and ZrO2(001). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 120(51), 13503-13512. doi:10.1021/ja9825534Matsui, K., Suzuki, H., Ohgai, M., & Arashi, H. (1995). Raman Spectroscopic Studies on the Formation Mechanism of Hydrous-Zirconia Fine Particles. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 78(1), 146-152. doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.1995.tb08374.xGateshki, M., Petkov, V., Williams, G., Pradhan, S. K., & Ren, Y. (2005). Atomic-scale structure of nanocrystallineZrO2prepared by high-energy ball milling. Physical Review B, 71(22). doi:10.1103/physrevb.71.224107Pyda, W., Haberko, K., & Bulko, M. M. (1991). Hydrothermal Crystallization of Zirconia and Zirconia Solid Solutions. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 74(10), 2622-2629. doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.1991.tb06810.xDell’Agli, G., & Mascolo, G. (2000). Hydrothermal synthesis of ZrO2–Y2O3 solid solutions at low temperature. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 20(2), 139-145. doi:10.1016/s0955-2219(99)00151-xTai, C. Y., Hsiao, B.-Y., & Chiu, H.-Y. (2007). Preparation of silazane grafted yttria-stabilized zirconia nanocrystals via water/CTAB/hexanol reverse microemulsion. Materials Letters, 61(3), 834-836. doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2006.05.068Tai, C. Y., Lee, M.-H., & Wu, Y.-C. (2001). Control of zirconia particle size by using two-emulsion precipitation technique. Chemical Engineering Science, 56(7), 2389-2398. doi:10.1016/s0009-2509(00)00454-1Tai, C. Y., & Hsiao, B.-Y. (2005). CHARACTERIZATION OF ZIRCONIA POWDER SYNTHESIZED VIA REVERSE MICROEMULSION PRECIPITATION. Chemical Engineering Communications, 192(11), 1525-1540. doi:10.1080/009864490896133Ci, L., Wei, J., Wei, B., Liang, J., Xu, C., & Wu, D. (2001). Carbon nanofibers and single-walled carbon nanotubes prepared by the floating catalyst method. Carbon, 39(3), 329-335. doi:10.1016/s0008-6223(00)00126-3Choi, S. R., & Bansal, N. P. (s. f.). Alumina-Reinforced Zirconia Composites. Handbook of Ceramic Composites, 437-457. doi:10.1007/0-387-23986-3_18Li, W., & Gao, L. (2000). Rapid sintering of nanocrystalline ZrO2(3Y) by spark plasma sintering. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 20(14-15), 2441-2445. doi:10.1016/s0955-2219(00)00152-7Borrell, A., FernĂĄndez, A., Merino, C., & Torrecillas, R. (2010). High density carbon materials obtained at relatively low temperature by spark plasma sintering of carbon nanofibers. International Journal of Materials Research, 101(1), 112-116. doi:10.3139/146.110246Dusza, J., Morgiel, J., Tatarko, P., & Puchy, V. (2009). Characterization of interfaces in ZrO2–carbon nanofiber composite. Scripta Materialia, 61(3), 253-256. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2009.03.052Lauwers, B., Kruth, J. P., Liu, W., Eeraerts, W., Schacht, B., & Bleys, P. (2004). Investigation of material removal mechanisms in EDM of composite ceramic materials. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 149(1-3), 347-352. doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2004.02.01

    Improvement of CNFs/SiC nanocomposites properties obtained from different routes and consolidated by pulsed electric-current pressure sintering

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    The influence of the preparation route and composition on carbon nanofibers-silicon carbide (CNFs/SiC) nanocomposites' properties was studied. Nanopowders were mixed by ultrasonic dispersion or high attrition milling and the consolidation was done by pulsed electric-current pressure sintering technique. The relative density and fracture strength of high-energy attrition milled CNFs/SiC nanocomposites gradually increased with the increase of sintering temperature, from 1400 to 1800 degrees C and holding time 1 to 30 min. A chemical surface coating of CNFs with alumina precursor is proposed as a very effective way for improving the interaction between CNFs and SiC. An increase of 54% in fracture strength was achieved on the nanocomposites when the surface coating was used. As a consequence of the stronger interaction between the components, which is achieved through the use of suitable processing route and sintering parameters, and the role of nano-alumina as sintering aid improved mechanical properties was achieved. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work has been carried out with the financial support of the National Plan Projects nos. MAT2006-01783 and MAT2007-30989-E and the Regional Project no. FICYT PC07-021. A. Borrell, acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for her Juan de la Cierva contract (no. JCI-2011-10498).Rocha, VG.; Borrell TomĂĄs, MA.; Torrecillas, R.; Fernandez, A. (2012). Improvement of CNFs/SiC nanocomposites properties obtained from different routes and consolidated by pulsed electric-current pressure sintering. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 556:414-419. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2012.07.006S41441955

    Role of lipid apheresis in changing times

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    During the last decades, LDL-apheresis was established as an extracorporeal treatment option for patients with severe heterozygous or homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) that is resistant to conventional treatment strategies such as diet, drugs, and changes in lifestyle. Nearly half a century ago, the first LDL-apheresis treatment was performed by plasma exchange in a child with homozygous FH

    Effects of ML-236B (compactin) on sterol synthesis and low density lipoprotein receptor activities in fibroblasts of patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia

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    金æČąć€§ć­Šć€§ć­Šé™ąćŒ»ć­Šçł»ç ”ç©¶ç§‘ă€€We studied biochemical genetics of low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor mutations in fibroblasts from six homozygous and five heterozygous patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). Three of six homozygotes are receptor-negative type and the other three homozygotes are receptor-defective type. In the cells from three receptor-negative homozygotes, the receptor binding, internalization, and degradation of 125I-LDL were 0.5 ± 0.3 ng/mg protein (mean ± SEM), 14 ± 8 and 8 ± 6 ng/mg protein per 6 h (four normal cells; 44 ± 3, 386 ± 32, and 1,335 ± 214 ng/mg protein per 6 h), respectively. In the cells from three receptor-defective homozygotes, the receptor binding, internalization, and degradation of 12:5I-LDL were 6 ± 2, 29 ± 8, and 90 ± 32 ng/mg protein per 6 h, respectively. In these six homozygotes, two pairs of siblings are included. Two siblings in the same family were classified as receptor-negative and two siblings in another family were classified as receptor-defective. The receptor-negative phenotypes and the receptor-defective phenotypes bred true in individual families. The cells from five heterozygotes showed ~46% of the normal activities of receptor. ML-236B, competitive inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA reductase), completely inhibited the incorporation of [14C]acetate into digitonin-precipitable sterols in fibroblasts from normal subjects and heterozygous and homozygous patients with FH with the concentration of 0.5 ÎŒg/ml. However, at 0.05 ÎŒg/ml of ML-236 B sterol synthesis in fibroblasts from homozygotes was not completely suppressed in contrast to normal and heterozygous cells. Moreover, after preincubation with 0.05 ÎŒg/ml of ML-236B for 24 h in medium containing lipoproteins, sterol synthesis in the cells from receptor-negative homozygote showed 75% of the initial activity compared with that of 25% without preincubation. In the cells from a normal subject and heterozygote, sterol synthesis was inhibited even after preincubation. These results suggest that (a) the inhibitory effect of ML-236B is overcome in homozygote cells by their high intracellular levels of HMG-CoA reductase and (b) that a higher dose of ML-236B may be required to lower serum cholesterol levels in FH homozygotes than in heterozygotes

    Serum Levels of Adipocyte Fatty Acid-Binding Protein Are Associated with the Severity of Coronary Artery Disease in Chinese Women

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    BACKGROUND: Adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein (A-FABP) has been described as a novel adipokine, playing an important role in the development of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis. In this study, we investigated the relationship between serum levels of A-FABP and the presence and severity of coronary artery disease (CAD) in Chinese subjects. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Circulating A-FABP level was determined by ELISA in 341 Chinese subjects (221 men, 120 women) who underwent coronary angiography. A-FABP levels in patients with CAD were significantly higher compared with non-CAD subjects (P = 0.029 in men; P = 0.031 in women). Serum A-FABP increased significantly in multi-vessel diseased patients than in non-CAD subjects (P = 0.011 in men, P = 0.004 in women), and showed an independent correlation with coronary atherosclerosis index (standardized ÎČ = 0.173, P = 0.025). In multiple logistic regression analysis, serum A-FABP was an independent risk factor for CAD in women (OR = 5.637, 95%CI: 1.299-24.457, P = 0.021). In addition, amino terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) was demonstrated to be positively and independently correlated with A-FABP (standardized ÎČ = 0.135, P = 0.027). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Serum A-FABP is closely associated with the presence and severity of CAD in Chinese women
