378 research outputs found

    Battery choice and management for New Generation Electric Vehicles

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    Different types of electric vehicles (EVs) have been recently designed with the aim of solving pollution problems caused by the emission of gasoline-powered engines. Environmental problems promote the adoption of new-generation electric vehicles for urban transportation. As it is well known, one of the weakest points of electric vehicles is the battery system. Vehicle autonomy and, therefore, accurate detection of battery state of charge (SoC) together with battery expected life, i.e., battery state of health, are among the major drawbacks that prevent the introduction of electric vehicles in the consumer market. The electric scooter may provide the most feasible opportunity among EVs. They may be a replacement product for the primary-use vehicle, especially in Europe and Asia, provided that drive performance, safety, and cost issues are similar to actual engine scooters. The battery system choice is a crucial item, and thanks to an increasing emphasis on vehicle range and performance, the Li-ion battery could become a viable candidate. This paper deals with the design of a battery pack based on Li-ion technology for a prototype electric scooter with high performance and autonomy. The adopted battery system is composed of a suitable number of cells series connected, featuring a high voltage level. Therefore, cell equalization and monitoring need to be provided. Due to manufacturing asymmetries, charge and discharge cycles lead to cell unbalancing, reducing battery capacity and, depending on cell type, causing safety troubles or strongly limiting the storage capacity of the full pack. No solution is available on the market at a cheap price, because of the required voltage level and performance, therefore, a dedicated battery management system was designed, that also includes a battery SoC monitoring. The proposed solution features a high capability of energy storing in braking conditions, charge equalization, overvoltage and undervoltage protection and, obviously, SoC information in order to optimize autonomy instead of performance or vice-versa

    Analisi del fenomeno della guida in stato di ebbrezza da alcool nella provincia di Macerata negli anni 2008-2009 sulla base della attivit\ue0 di controllo delle Forze dell'ordine

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    This study analyzes the phenomenon of driving under the influence of alcohol, based on police control data in the province of Macerata during the years 2008 and 2009. The study was carried out following the introduction of Law 160/2007 that envisages higher levels of sanctioning for drunk driving. Data utilized have concerned the alcohol concentrations found in drivers who have been subject to breathalyzer and have been sanctioned. Data analysis show differences not only between sexes but also between different age groups, with the youngest people being more sanctioned. Average alcohol levels were higher in older age groups

    Bile analysis in heroin overdose.

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    Following its metabolism in the liver, morphine and its metabolites can be directly eliminated in bile. Then, they undergo the enterohepatic cycle (EHC) and mostly reappear in the circulation. We report a case showing the presence of morphine in bile (21.3 lg \u2044 mL) and hair (4.8 ng \u2044mg) but not in blood, urine or the liver of an addict who survived in hospital for about 144 h (6 days). These data would indicate that the EHC does not play any role about 144 h after the last injection, and directly confirms that gall bladder is a storage depot for morphine. They constitute the first report of a demonstration of the effect of the EHC on morphine bioavailability in an addict, and could be considered as indication, without supporting circumstantial evidence, that the morphine level in bile is related to chronic opiate use

    Induction of hormesis in plants by urban trace metal pollution

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    Hormesis is a dose–response phenomenon observed in numerous living organisms, caused by low levels of a large number of stressors, among which metal ions. In cities, metal levels are usually below toxicity limits for most plant species, however, it is of primary importance to understand whether urban metal pollution can threaten plant survival, or, conversely, be beneficial by triggering hormesis. The effects of Cd, Cr and Pb urban concentrations were tested in hydroponics on three annual plants, Cardamine hirsuta L., Poa annua L. and Stellaria media (L.) Vill., commonly growing in cities. Results highlighted for the first time that average urban trace metal concentrations do not hinder plant growth but cause instead hormesis, leading to a considerable increase in plant performance (e.g., two to five-fold higher shoot biomass with Cd and Cr). The present findings, show that city habitats are more suitable for plants than previously assumed, and that what is generally considered to be detrimental to plants, such as trace metals, could instead be exactly the plus factor allowing urban plants to thrive

    Detection and quantitation analysis of cocaine and metabolites in fixed liver tissue and formalin solutions.

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    This study reports the results of the detection and quantitation of cocaine and its metabolites in liver tissues fixed in formalin and in the formalin solutions in which the same tissues were fixed. Toxicological analyses were performed on formalin-fixed liver samples from four cases of death of cocaine abusers and on formalin solutions (10% buffered, pH 7) in which the samples were preserved. Analyses carried out at the time of autopsy on body fluids and tissues allowed identification of cocaine and the metabolite benzoylecgonine. Liver tissue samples were preserved in formalin solutions for four weeks before analysis. Results only showed the presence of benzoylecgonine in the studied materials. The mean levels of recovery of benzoylecgonine in fixed tissues were 12.31% in liver and 84.47% in formalin from liver. Results indicated that benzoylecgonine has good stability, even in biological specimens subjected to chemical fixation

    Advances in combined enzymatic extraction of ferulic acid from wheat bran

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    Wheat bran could be utilised as feedstock for innovative and sustainable biorefinery processes. Here, an enzymatic hydrolysis process for ferulic acid (FA) extraction was optimised step by step for total wheat bran (Tritello) and then also applied to the outer bran layer (Bran 1). Proteins, reducing sugars, total phenols and FA were quantified. The highest FA yields (0.82-1.05\u202fg/kg bran) were obtained either by rehydrating the bran by autoclaving (Tritello) or by steam explosion (Bran 1) using a bran/water ratio of 1:20, followed by enzymatic pre-treatment with Alcalase and Termamyl, to remove protein and sugars, and a final enzymatic hydrolysis with Pentopan and feruloyl esterase to solubilise phenol. FA was recovered from the final digestate via solid phase extraction. A 40-fold scale-up was also performed and the release of compounds along all the process steps and at increasing incubation times was monitored. Results showed that FA was initially present at a minimum level while it was specifically released during the enzymatic treatment. In the final optimized process, the FA extraction yield was higher than that obtained with NaOH control hydrolysis while, in comparison with other FA enzymatic extraction methods, fewer process steps were required and no buffers, strong acid/alkali nor toxic compounds were used. Furthermore, the proposed process may be easily scaled-up, confirming the feasibility of wheat bran valorisation by biorefinery processes to obtain valuable compounds having several areas of potential industrial exploitation

    Identification of two divergent swine Noroviruses detected at the slaughterhouse in North East Italy

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    Norovirus (NoV) has emerged as one of the major causative agents of non-bacterial, food- and water-borne gastroenteritis in humans, with the main genogroup involved in human outbreaks (GII), which has been detected worldwide in different animal species including swine. A four-month investigation at the slaughterhouse aiming to examine the presence of NoV in the swine in North-Eastern Italy, enabled the detection of two divergent Noroviruses (NoVs) (GII.P11) in two swine farms. This represents the first study in the swine population of North-Eastern Italy, which has paved the way for future integrated virological and epidemiological investigations on swine NoVs

    State-of-the-art production chains for peas, beans and chickpeas\u2014valorization of agro-industrial residues and applications of derived extracts

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    The world is confronted with the depletion of natural resources due to their unsustainable use and the increasing size of populations. In this context, the efficient use of by-products, residues and wastes generated from agro-industrial and food processing opens the perspective for a wide range of benefits. In particular, legume residues are produced yearly in very large amounts and may represent an interesting source of plant proteins that contribute to satisfying the steadily increasing global protein demand. Innovative biorefinery extraction cascades may also enable the recovery of further bioactive molecules and fibers from these insufficiently tapped biomass streams. This review article gives a summary of the potential for the valorization of legume residual streams resulting from agro-industrial processing and more particularly for pea, green bean and chickpea by-products/wastes. Valuable information on the annual production volumes, geographical origin and state-of-the-art technologies for the extraction of proteins, fibers and other bioactive molecules from this source of biomass, is exhaustively listed and discussed. Finally, promising applications, already using the recovered fractions from pea, bean and chickpea residues for the formulation of feed, food, cosmetic and packaging products, are listed and discussed

    Virtual dissection by ultrasound: probe handling in the first year of medical education

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    Objectives The aim of the present study was to assess the educational plan of first-year students of medicine by analyzing their scores in ultrasound body scanning. Methods Since 2009, the San Paolo Medical School (Milan, Italy) has vertically integrated the study of anatomy with ultrasound-assisted virtual body dissection. Three modules were supplied: musculoskeletal system, heart and abdomen pelvis. 653 first-year students were trained. The students alternated as mutual model and operator. A skillfulness score was assigned to each student. The scores were consequently listed. Nonparametric exact multiple contrast tests were employed to determine relative group effects. Results Statistical analysis showed that: no gender-related differences were found (0:49; p = 0.769); peer learners performed less well than peer tutors (0.677; p = 0); between modules, scores in the musculoskeletal system (pMS = 0.726) tend to be higher (p < 0.001) than those obtained in the heart and abdomen pelvis (pH = 0.398; pAP = 0.375 p = 0.270); significant differences were found compared to the beginning of the project\u2019s academic year. Conclusion The students considered this didactic course an engaging and exciting approach. Acceptance of peer teaching was extraordinarily high. Autonomous exercitation allowed the students to improve self-criticism and enhance their own skills. The level of expertise obtained by peer tutors and by peer learners can be considered satisfactory. The main objective of training future physicians on personal stethoechoscope with the necessary competence seems to have been successfully started
