9 research outputs found

    Lichens from the Vadstena Monastery churchyard – the burial place of Eric Acharius

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    A list of 120 taxa observed at the Vadstena Monastery churchyard includes some rare species and a few lichenicolous fungi. Lecanora semipallida is reported from the province Östergötland [Ostrogothia] for the first time

    Diversity of Lichenology - Anniversary Volume

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    The distribution of Parmelia ernstiae in Denmark

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    The distribution of Parmelia ernstiae in Denmark and neighbouring areas has been determined from herbarium studies and DNA analyses of fresh material. It occurs on bark, mainly deciduous, and wood, in all parts of the country except for western Jutland

    A transnational lichen inventory of the Alps: a long overdue task

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    The procedure for the buildup of a transnational lichen inventory of the Alps as well as the projected final products, an annotated printable checklist (open access) and an online database with an extended scope of operation, are described. The importance of this extensive project is briefly discussed

    Phylogeny of the cetrarioid core (Parmeliaceae) based on five genetic markers

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    Fourteen genera belong to a monophyletic core of cetrarioid lichens, Ahtiana, Allocetraria, Arctocetraria, Cetraria, Cetrariella, Cetreliopsis, Flavocetraria, Kaernefeltia, Masonhalea, Nephromopsis, Tuckermanella, Tuckermannopsis, Usnocetraria and Vulpicida. A total of 71 samples representing 65 species (of 90 worldwide) and all type species of the genera are included in phylogentic analyses based on a complete ITS matrix and incomplete sets of group I intron, β-tubulin, GAPDH and mtSSU sequences. Eleven of the species included in the study are analysed phylogenetically for the first time, and of the 178 sequences, 67 are newly constructed. Two phylogenetic trees, one based solely on the complete ITS-matrix and a second based on total information, are similar, but not entirely identical. About half of the species are gathered in a strongly supported clade composed of the genera Allocetraria, Cetraria s. str., Cetrariella and Vulpicida. Arctocetraria, Cetreliopsis, Kaernefeltia and Tuckermanella are monophyletic genera, whereas Cetraria, Flavocetraria and Tuckermannopsis are polyphyletic. The taxonomy in current use is compared with the phylogenetic results, and future, probable or potential adjustments to the phylogeny are discussed. The single non-DNA character with a strong correlation to phylogeny based on DNA-sequences is conidial shape. The secondary chemistry of the poorly known species Cetraria annae is analyzed for the first time; the cortex contains usnic acid and atranorin, whereas isonephrosterinic, nephrosterinic, lichesterinic, protolichesterinic and squamatic acids occur in the medulla. Notes on the anatomy of Cetraria annae and Flavocetraria minuscula are also provided

    New or interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the Vadstena area, Östergötland, Sweden

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    Results from the excursion of the 20th biennial symposium in Vadstena 11–15 August 2013 are presented. Eight localities in and around Vadstena were visited. Forty-three species are reported as new to the province Östergötland [Ostrogothia], three of which are new to the Nordic countries: Lecanora compallens, Polycoccum kerneri and Tremella caloplacae, five are new to Sweden: Cornutispora ciliata, Pyrenula chlorospila, Thelidium cf. rimulosum, Verrucaria ochrostoma and V. polystictoides, and the following are new to Östergötland: Bagliettoa baldensis, B. calciseda, Briancoppinsia cytospora, Calogaya arnoldii ssp. obliterata, Clypeococcum hypocenomycis, Cornutispora lichenicola, Endococcus exerrans, Fuscidea arboricola, Illosporium carneum, Lepraria elobata, L. jackii, L. vouauxii, Leptochidium albociliatum, Lichenoconium lecanorae, Lichenochora weillii, Marchandiobasidium aurantiacum, Micarea byssacea, Monodictys anaptychiae, M. epilepraria, Parmelia serrana, Phaeosporobolus alpinus, Placopyrenium canellum, Porpidia soredizodes, Pyrenidium actinellum, Rinodina turfacea, Stereocaulon rivulorum, Syzygospora physciacearum, Thelenella muscorum, Tremella phaeophysciae, T. ramalinae, Trichonectria rubefaciens, Verrucaria dolosa, V. inaspecta, V. infumata and V. memnonia

    Phylogeny of cetrarioid lichens (Parmeliaceae) inferred from ITS and beta-tubulin sequences, morphology, anatomy and secondary chemistry.

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    Phylogenetic relationships within the family Parmeliaceae (lichenized ascomycetes) with emphasis on the heterogeneous group of cetrarioid lichens are reconstructed. The results are based on cladistic analyses of DNA-sequences, morphological and chemical data. Almost all currently recognized cetrarioid genera were included in the analyses together with parmelioid and alectorioid members of the presumably monophyletic family Parmeliaceae. We tried to sample taxonomic diversity of the family as widely as possible. The ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of the rDNA and a partial beta-tubulin gene from 126 samples representing 82 species were analysed. Cetrarioid lichens were identified as a monophyletic group, supported by both ITS and beta-tubulin characters. This group was reanalysed using 47 morphological, anatomical and secondary chemistry characters combined with the DNA data matrix. ITS and beta-tubulin sequences provide congruent information, and a clear correlation between DNA-data and conidial shape is observed. The current taxonomy of the cetrarioid lichens is discussed and compared with the phylogenetic trees obtained here. A comprehensive study of the phylogeography of some bipolar or subcosmopolitic species with representatives from both hemispheres was performed. Cetraria aculeata is the only taxon where correlation between DNA-data and geographic origin is observed

    Phylogeny of cetrarioid lichens (Parmeliaceae) inferred from ITS and b-tubulin sequences, morphology, anatomy and secondary chemistry

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