542 research outputs found

    Educação e qualificação profissional no contexto da globalização

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    As mudanças tecnológicas acarretam alterações no processo de qualificação/desqualificação da força de trabalho. No âmbito da qualificação, surge uma flexibilização por agregação de novas tarefas (multi-habilitações) e um novo perfil de qualificação: a polivalencia. Todavia, embora aponte para uma elevada capacidade de abstração, e demande uma maior educação geral, essa nova realidade do trabalho e da qualificação não é geral, pois ocorre no espaço de relações de exclusão e de exploração da força de trabalho

    GDNF-based therapies, GDNF-producing interneurons, and trophic support of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway. Implications for Parkinson’s disease

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    EDITED BY : Javier Blesa, Jose L. Lanciego and Jose A. Obeso.The glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a well-established trophic agent for dopaminergic (DA) neurons in vitro and in vivo. GDNF is necessary for maintenance of neuronal morphological and neurochemical phenotype and protects DA neurons from toxic damage. Numerous studies on animal models of Parkinson’s disease (PD) have reported beneficial effects of GDNF on nigrostriatal DA neuron survival. However, translation of these observations to the clinical setting has been hampered so far by side effects associated with the chronic continuous intra-striatal infusion of recombinant GDNF. In addition, double blind and placebo-controlled clinical trials have not reported any clinically relevant effect of GDNF on PD patients. In the past few years, experiments with conditional Gdnf knockout mice have suggested that GDNF is necessary for maintenance of DA neurons in adulthood. In parallel, new methodologies for exogenous GDNF delivery have been developed. Recently, it has been shown that a small population of scattered, electrically interconnected, parvalbumin positive (PV+) GABAergic interneurons is responsible for most of the GDNF produced in the rodent striatum. In addition, cholinergic striatal interneurons appear to be also involved in the modulation of striatal GDNF. In this review, we summarize current knowledge on brain GDNF delivery, homeostasis, and its effects on nigrostriatal DA neurons. Special attention is paid to the therapeutic potential of endogenous GDNF stimulation in PD.Xavier d’Anglemont de Tassigny was supported by the Miguel Servet program (grant CP12-03217) from the Health Institute Carlos III. Research by Alberto Pascual and Jose López-Barneo was supported by the Botín Foundation, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SAF program) and the Andalusian Government.Peer reviewe

    GDNF-based therapies, GDNF-producing interneurons, and trophic support of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway. Implications for Parkinson's disease

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    The glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a well-established trophic agent for dopaminergic (DA) neurons in vitro and in vivo. GDNF is necessary for maintenance of neuronal morphological and neurochemical phenotype and protects DA neurons from toxic damage. Numerous studies on animal models of Parkinson’s disease (PD) have reported beneficial effects of GDNF on nigrostriatal DA neuron survival. However, translation of these observations to the clinical setting has been hampered so far by side effects associated with the chronic continuous intra-striatal infusion of recombinant GDNF. In addition, double blind and placebo-controlled clinical trials have not reported any clinically relevant effect of GDNF on PD patients. In the past few years, experiments with conditional Gdnf knockout mice have suggested that GDNF is necessary for maintenance of DA neurons in adulthood. In parallel, new methodologies for exogenous GDNF delivery have been developed. Recently, it has been shown that a small population of scattered, electrically interconnected, parvalbumin positive (PV+) GABAergic interneurons is responsible for most of the GDNF produced in the rodent striatum. In addition, cholinergic striatal interneurons appear to be also involved in the modulation of striatal GDNF. In this review, we summarize current knowledge on brain GDNF delivery, homeostasis, and its effects on nigrostriatal DA neurons. Special attention is paid to the therapeutic potential of endogenous GDNF stimulation in PD.Xavier d’Anglemont de Tassigny was supported by the Miguel Servet program (grant CP12-03217) from the Health Institute Carlos III. Research by Alberto Pascual and Jose López-Barneo was supported by the Botín Foundation, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SAF program) and the Andalusian Government.Peer Reviewe

    Educação, trabalho e perspectivas para o EMI

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    Este artigo propõe o debate sobre as perspectivas atuais do ensino médio para a classe trabalhadora. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, por meio da qual foram analisadas a relação trabalho e educação perante os contextos produtivos e quanto às possibilidades de formação para o trabalho. As mudanças tecnológicas acarretam alterações no processo de qualificação/desqualificação da força de trabalho. No âmbito da qualificação, surge certa flexibilidade por agregação de novas tarefas (multi-habilitações) e um novo perfil de qualificação: a polivalência. Todavia, embora aponte para uma elevada capacidade de abstração, e demande maior educação geral, essa nova realidade do trabalho e da qualificação não é geral, pois ocorre no espaço de relações de exclusão e de explotação da força de trabalho. Opõe-se a essa última noção, a proposta de formação do cidadão produtivo, tendo como base a integração do Ensino Médio à Educação Técnica de Nível Médio

    University Solidarity Management: Weaving Possibilities on Decolonial Terrain

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    In the perspective of discussing a university management proposal that places an alternative epistemological conception and understands the multidimensionality of human beings and social systems (as a critique of economic instrumentality) and the multidimensionality of the educational phenomenon, this article presents a theoretical synthesis, an essay of idea, in the sense of proposing a model of solidarity management, in the perspective of its dimensions (Cosmopolitan Rationality; Multidimensional Model of Administration Management; Intercultural Translation). The solidary management of the university centralizes the debate on interculturalityfrom the perspective of emancipation, while activating the reflective process on how to strategically operationalize actions that are guided by an integrative rationality and coordinate the dimensions of the educational phenomenon, in this case: culture, politics, pedagogy and economics. It is in the scope of a democratization of knowledge that this management advances from the “societal” management, as it comprehends a perspective on participation that qualifies the knowledge and practices of social agents in building proposals as credible, and the social organization should focus its efforts and trigger the experiences of the subjects so that the intercultural translation process incorporates comprehensive and purposeful practices within symbolic interactions

    Striatal GDNF Production Is Independent to Circulating Estradiol Level Despite Pan- Neuronal Activation in the Female Mouse.

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    Gender difference in Parkinson’s disease (PD) suggests that female sex steroids may promote dopaminergic neuron survival and protect them from degeneration. The glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is believed to be dopaminotrophic; thus it is considered as a potential therapeutic target in PD. Additionally, GDNF is endogenously synthetized in the caudate/putamen of humans and striatum in rodents. A neuroprotective role of estrogens on the nigrostriatal pathway via the stimulation of GDNF has been proposed. Since the GDNF-producing parvalbumin (Parv) interneurons express the estrogen receptor alpha in the mouse striatum, we sought to determine whether ectopic estrogenic compound mod- ulates the GDNF synthesis in mice. Using an ovariectomized-estradiol (E 2 ) replacement regimen, which reliably generates a rise of plasma estradiol, we assessed the effects of dif- ferent levels of E 2 on the activation of striatal neuronal populations, and GDNF production. A strong correlation was found between plasma E 2 and the expression of the immediate early gene cFos in the striatum, as well as in other cortical regions. However, moderate and high E 2 treatments failed to induce any striatal GDNF mRNA and protein synthesis. High E 2 only stimulates cFos induction in a low percentage of striatal Parv neurons whereas the majority of cFos-positive cells are medium spiny neurons. Activation of these projecting neurons by E 2 suggests a role of circulating sex steroids in the modulation of striatal neural pathways.Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Miguel Servet Asociación CP12- 03217 (XDADT)Ministerio de Economı́a y Competitividad: Plan Estatal de Investigación Cientı́fica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016 (JLB

    Decoloniality and University Management: Unveiling Knowledge in Managerial Narratives

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    The research analyzes critical this points on talk twenty-one managers of a Federal University, dedicated to the Cooperation International Solidarity, having as theoretical support the South Epistemologies Project, which includes the Interceptor translation ultural and ecology of knowledge, and the Academic Dependency. By means of the speeches Critical Analysis examines four themes and two developments. The themes: “Novelt ” and Symbolic Power , unfolding from the perspective of organizational identity, adhesion and participation of its members; Academic training of students and the training of employees , including the perspective of training; Integration, Mobility, Excellence and Internationalization ; Research and Circulation of Knowledge, unfolding in the configuration of Knowledge, Experiences and Knowledge. Some questions are conclusive: a set of arguments that intend the vision of science, within its Eurocentric aspect, institutionalized and reproduced in academic dependence; the affirmation of interculturality as a power, which manifests itself in the exclusion of difference; the significance that the Institution assumes and that propagates as power struggles; identity fragmentation, in the context of managerial actions; and in the “struggle” “decolonial”, which addresses the confrontation of multiple knowledge in the conformation of “other” possibilities of social life

    A Comparative Study of the Irrigated Zones of Jaguaribe-Apodi and Morada Nova from a (Un) Sustainable Perspective

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    Large-scale government-sponsored irrigation is a feasible alternative to the development of semiarid regions such as Northeastern Brazil provided perennial rivers and reservoirs are available Brazilian irrigation projects have also generally promoted the participation of farmers as informed agents in the process encouraging training and education towards agribusiness The purpose of this explorative and descriptive study was to analyze and compare the sustainability characteristics of the Jaguaribe-Apodi and Morada Nova irrigation zones in light of the triple bottom line model Elkington 2012 based on information from 18 interviews conducted in September 2015 to November 2015 and submitted to discourse analysis Triple bottom line sustainability envisages a balance between three dimensions social environmental and economic Such a balance was not observed in our study due to insufficient awareness of environmental issues However focusing on a specific context and moment in time the exploratory study design made it difficult to extrapolate our findings Future studies could expand the discussion on the sustainability of irrigation zones by using data triangulation in longitudinal design


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    The new curricular guidelines for undergraduate study in Law require that the courses enable the undergraduate student to understand the impact of new technologies in the legal area. Asking what "new technologies" are these whose influence on law makes their learning crucial and how the interaction between them and the legal world takes place, the article seeks to describe blockchain, artificial intelligence and big data, and examine their current and potential applications with direct influence on legal issues and the work of law professionals, as well as the importance that these professionals give to the subject and the level of access to training they have. The research is bibliographical and documentary. The study is descriptive and exploratory, through a qualitative and theoretical approach. It was found that the technologies studied already influence legal work and their importance tends to increase. The use of the new tools will require a critical view from the professionals and their teaching in the universities is essential, especially for the solo.Las nuevas pautas curriculares de la graduación en Derecho requieren que los cursos permitan al estudiante universitario comprender el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en el área legal. Al indagar que "nuevas tecnologías" serían aquellas cuya influencia en la ley hace que su aprendizaje sea crucial y cómo se lleva a cabo la interacción entre ellas y el mundo legal, el artículo busca describir blockchain, inteligencia artificial y big data, y examinar sus aplicaciones actuales y potenciales con influencia directa en asuntos legales y en el trabajo de los profesionales del Derecho, así como la importancia que estos profesionales le dan al tema y el nivel de acceso a la capacitación que tienen. La investigación es bibliográfica y documental. El estudio es descriptivo y exploratorio, mediante un enfoque cualitativo y teórico. Se encontró que las tecnologías estudiadas ya influyen en el trabajo legal y su importancia tiende a aumentar. El uso de las nuevas herramientas requerirá una visión crítica de los profesionales y su enseñanza en las universidades es esencial, especialmente para el autónomo.As novas diretrizes curriculares da graduação em Direito exigem que os cursos capacitem o graduando para compreender o impacto das novas tecnologias na área jurídica. Indagando que “novas tecnologias” seriam essas cuja influência no Direito torna o seu aprendizado crucial e como se dá a interação entre elas e o mundo jurídico, o artigo busca descrever o blockchain, a inteligência artificial e o big data, e examinar suas atuais e potenciais aplicações com influência direta em temas jurídicos e no trabalho dos profissionais do Direito, bem como a importância que esses profissionais dão ao tema e o nível de acesso a treinamentos que possuem. A pesquisa é bibliográfica e documental. O estudo tem caráter descritivo e exploratório, por meio de abordagem qualitativa de natureza teórica. Constatou-se que as tecnologias estudadas já influenciam o trabalho jurídico e sua importância tende a aumentar. O uso das novas ferramentas exigirá visão crítica dos profissionais e o seu ensino nas faculdades é essencial, principalmente para os autônomos