11 research outputs found

    Sääreluu pikisuunaline väsimusmurd

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    Sääreluu stressmurrud on sportlastel suhteliselt sage ülekoormusega kaasnev probleem. Tavaliselt tekib selline murd risti sääreluu pikiteljega. Kirjeldatud haigusjuhu puhul oli tegemist harvemini esineva pikisuunalise stressmurruga, mis võib kliiniliselt olla aladiagnoositud. Röntgeniülesvõtetel võib selline murd mitte esile tulla või jääda kergesti märkamata, mistõttu tuleks kasutada lisaks kas kompuutertomograafilist või magnetresonantstomograafilist uuringut. Viimasega on võimalik visualiseerida ka murrule eelnevaid muutusi (nn stressreaktsiooni) nii luuüdis kui ka periostis ja endostis.Eesti Arst 2017; 96(6):344–34

    Istmikunärvi iatrogeenne vigastus

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    Eesti Arst 2015; 94(9):559–56

    A bioactive hybrid three-dimensional tissue-engineering construct for cartilage repair

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    The aim was to develop a hybrid three-dimensional-tissue engineering construct for chondrogenesis. The hypothesis was that they support chondrogenesis. A biodegradable, highly porous polycaprolactone-grate was produced by solid freeform fabrication. The polycaprolactone support was coated with a chitosan/polyethylene oxide nanofibre sheet produced by electrospinning. Transforming growth factor-3-induced chondrogenesis was followed using the following markers: sex determining region Y/-box 9, runt-related transcription factor 2 and collagen II and X in quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, histology and immunostaining. A polycaprolactone-grate and an optimized chitosan/polyethylene oxide nanofibre sheet supported cellular aggregation, chondrogenesis and matrix formation. In tissue engineering constructs, the sheets were seeded first with mesenchymal stem cells and then piled up according to the lasagne principle. The advantages of such a construct are (1) the cells do not need to migrate to the tissue engineering construct and therefore pore size and interconnectivity problems are omitted and (2) the cell-tight nanofibre sheet and collagen-fibre network mimic a cell culture platform for mesenchymal stem cells/chondrocytes (preventing escape) and hinders in-growth of fibroblasts and fibrous scarring (preventing capture). This allows time for the slowly progressing, multiphase true cartilage regeneration.Peer reviewe

    Osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells in two-dimensional and three-dimensional cultures without animal serum

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    Abstract Introduction Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have been intensely studied for the purpose of developing solutions for clinical tissue engineering. Autologous MSCs can potentially be used to replace tissue defects, but the procedure also carries risks such as immunization and xenogeneic infection. Replacement of the commonly used fetal calf serum (FCS) with human platelet lysate and plasma (PLP) to support cell growth may reduce some of these risks. Altered media could, however, influence stem cell differentiation and we address this experimentally. Methods We examined human MSC differentiation into the osteoblast lineage using in vitro two- and three-dimensional cultures with PLP or FCS as cell culture medium supplements. Differentiation was followed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and alkaline phosphatase activity, matrix formation and matrix calcium content were quantified. Results Three-dimensional culture, where human MSCs were grown on collagen sponges, markedly stimulated osteoblast differentiation; a fourfold increase in calcium deposition could be observed in both PLP and FCS groups. PLP-grown cells showed robust osteogenic differentiation both in two- and three-dimensional MSC cultures. The calcium content of the matrix in the two-dimensional PLP group at day 14 was 2.2-fold higher in comparison to the FCS group (p < 0.0001), and at day 21 it was still 1.3-fold higher (p < 0.001), suggesting earlier calcium accumulation to the matrix in the PLP group. This was supported by stronger Alizarin Red staining in the PLP group at day 14. In two-dimesional PLP cultures, cellular proliferation appeared to decrease during later stages of differentiation, while in the FCS group the number of cells increased throughout the experiment. In three-dimensional experiments, the PLP and FCS groups behaved more congruently, except for the alkaline phosphatase activity and mRNA levels which were markedly increased by PLP. Conclusions Human PLP was at least equal to FCS in supporting osteogenic differentiation of human MSCs in two- and three-dimensional conditions; however, proliferation was inferior. As PLP is free of animal components, and thus represents reduced risk for xenogeneic infection, its use for human MSC-induced bone repair in the clinic by the three-dimensional live implants presented here appears a promising therapy option

    Additional file 2: of Osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells in two-dimensional and three-dimensional cultures without animal serum

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    Supplemental figures. Figure S1: Analysis of MSC phenotypic markers by flow cytometry. Figure S2: Analysis of adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation potential of PLP- and FCS-grown cells (DOCX 2388 kb