237 research outputs found

    Uncertainty Quantification in Scale-Dependent Models of Flow in Porous Media

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    Equations governing flow and transport in randomly heterogeneous porous media are stochastic and scale dependent. In the moment equation (ME) method, exact deterministic equations for the leading moments of state variables are obtained at the same support scale as the governing equations. Computable approximations of the MEs can be derived via perturbation expansion in orders of the standard deviation of the random model parameters. As such, their convergence is guaranteed only for standard deviation smaller than one. Here, we consider steady-state saturated flow in a porous medium with random second-order stationary conductivity field. We show it is possible to identify a support scale, η∗\eta*, where the typically employed approximate formulations of MEs yield accurate (statistical) moments of a target state variable. Therefore, at support scale η∗\eta* and larger, MEs present an attractive alternative to slowly convergent Monte Carlo (MC) methods whenever lead-order statistical moments of a target state variable are needed. We also demonstrate that a surrogate model for statistical moments can be constructed from MC simulations at larger support scales and be used to accurately estimate moments at smaller scales, where MC simulations are expensive and the ME method is not applicable

    An Exact Formula for the Average Run Length to False Alarm of the Generalized Shiryaev-Roberts Procedure for Change-Point Detection under Exponential Observations

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    We derive analytically an exact closed-form formula for the standard minimax Average Run Length (ARL) to false alarm delivered by the Generalized Shiryaev-Roberts (GSR) change-point detection procedure devised to detect a shift in the baseline mean of a sequence of independent exponentially distributed observations. Specifically, the formula is found through direct solution of the respective integral (renewal) equation, and is a general result in that the GSR procedure's headstart is not restricted to a bounded range, nor is there a "ceiling" value for the detection threshold. Apart from the theoretical significance (in change-point detection, exact closed-form performance formulae are typically either difficult or impossible to get, especially for the GSR procedure), the obtained formula is also useful to a practitioner: in cases of practical interest, the formula is a function linear in both the detection threshold and the headstart, and, therefore, the ARL to false alarm of the GSR procedure can be easily computed.Comment: 9 pages; Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the 12-th German-Polish Workshop on Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Application

    Numerical Comparison of Cusum and Shiryaev-Roberts Procedures for Detecting Changes in Distributions

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    The CUSUM procedure is known to be optimal for detecting a change in distribution under a minimax scenario, whereas the Shiryaev-Roberts procedure is optimal for detecting a change that occurs at a distant time horizon. As a simpler alternative to the conventional Monte Carlo approach, we propose a numerical method for the systematic comparison of the two detection schemes in both settings, i.e., minimax and for detecting changes that occur in the distant future. Our goal is accomplished by deriving a set of exact integral equations for the performance metrics, which are then solved numerically. We present detailed numerical results for the problem of detecting a change in the mean of a Gaussian sequence, which show that the difference between the two procedures is significant only when detecting small changes.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Communications in Statistics - Theory and Method

    Replacing the Transfusion of 1-2 Units of Blood with Plasma Expanders that Increase Oxygen Delivery Capacity: Evidence from Experimental Studies.

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    At least a third of the blood supply in the world is used to transfuse 1-2 units of packed red blood cells for each intervention and most clinical trials of blood substitutes have been carried out at this level of oxygen carrying capacity (OCC) restoration. However, the increase of oxygenation achieved is marginal or none at all for molecular hemoglobin (Hb) products, due to their lingering vasoactivity. This has provided the impetus for the development of "oxygen therapeutics" using Hb-based molecules that have high oxygen affinity and target delivery of oxygen to anoxic areas. However it is still unclear how these oxygen carriers counteract or mitigate the functional effects of anemia due to obstruction, vasoconstriction and under-perfusion. Indeed, they are administered as a low dosage/low volume therapeutic Hb (subsequently further diluted in the circulatory pool) and hence induce extremely small OCC changes. Hyperviscous plasma expanders provide an alternative to oxygen therapeutics by increasing the oxygen delivery capacity (ODC); in anemia they induce supra-perfusion and increase tissue perfusion (flow) by as much as 50%. Polyethylene glycol conjugate albumin (PEG-Alb) accomplishes this by enhancing the shear thinning behavior of diluted blood, which increases microvascular endothelial shear stress, causes vasodilation and lowering peripheral vascular resistance thus facilitating cardiac function. Induction of supra-perfusion takes advantage of the fact that ODC is the product of OCC and blood flow and hence can be maintained by increasing either or both. Animal studies suggest that this approach may save a considerable fraction of the blood supply. It has an additional benefit of enhancing tissue clearance of toxic metabolites

    Self-similar Approximants of the Permeability in Heterogeneous Porous Media from Moment Equation Expansions

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    We use a mathematical technique, the self-similar functional renormalization, to construct formulas for the average conductivity that apply for large heterogeneity, based on perturbative expansions in powers of a small parameter, usually the log-variance σY2\sigma_Y^2 of the local conductivity. Using perturbation expansions up to third order and fourth order in σY2\sigma_Y^2 obtained from the moment equation approach, we construct the general functional dependence of the transport variables in the regime where σY2\sigma_Y^2 is of order 1 and larger than 1. Comparison with available numerical simulations give encouraging results and show that the proposed method provides significant improvements over available expansions.Comment: Latex, 14 pages + 5 ps figure

    Dynamics of Wetting Fronts in Porous Media

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    We propose a new phenomenological approach for describing the dynamics of wetting front propagation in porous media. Unlike traditional models, the proposed approach is based on dynamic nature of the relation between capillary pressure and medium saturation. We choose a modified phase-field model of solidification as a particular case of such dynamic relation. We show that in the traveling wave regime the results obtained from our approach reproduce those derived from the standard model of flow in porous media. In more general case, the proposed approach reveals the dependence of front dynamics upon the flow regime.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revte

    Resonant multiple Andreev reflections in mesoscopic superconducting junctions

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    We investigate the properties of subharmonic gap structure (SGS) in superconducting quantum contacts with normal-electron resonances. We find two distinct new features of the SGS in resonant junctions which distinguish them from non-resonant point contacts: (i) The odd-order structures on the current-voltage characteristics of resonant junctions are strongly enhanced and have pronounced peaks, while the even-order structures are suppressed, in the case of a normal electron resonance being close to the Fermi level. (ii) Tremendous current peaks develop at eV=±2E0eV=\pm 2E_0 where E0E_0 indicates a distance of the resonance to the Fermi level. These properties are determined by the effect of narrowing of the resonance during multiple Andreev reflections and by overlap of electron and hole resonances.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure
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