17 research outputs found

    Evolution of interfacial shear strength and mean intrinsic single strength in biobased composites from bio-polyethylene and thermo-mechanical pulp- corn stover fibers

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    In this article, with the aim of promoting sustainability, contributing to the circular economy and the fight against climate change, the production of composite materials from Bio-polyethylene reinforced with corn stover fibers has been studied. The behavior of the materials obtained has been studied experimentally and by mathematical models of micromechanics. The composite materials were produced by extrusion and then injection with from 10 to 50 wt.% of fibers. The creation of a good fiber-matrix interface was studied by the incorporation of coupling agent between (0–8 wt.%). Increase of 131.2% on tensile strength for 40wt.% reinforcement was achieved by adding 6 wt.% of coupling agent. The correct interface was demonstrated by a correlation of 0.99 between the experimental results and the results of the mathematical models usedPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Assessment of the natural fiber reinforced bio-polyethylene composites flexural macro and micromechanical properties

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    One of the most common load modes is flexure. The paper measures and models the flexural strength and modulus of a bio-polyethylene reinforced with thermos-mechanical fibers from corn stover. Moreover, the authors use modified rules of mixtures to evaluate the contribution of the reinforcements to the properties of the composite. It was found a high impact of coupling agent content on the strength of the composites, and materials with a 6% of such agent and 50% of reinforcement increased 181% the strength of the matrix, and 464% its modulus. The obtained values are noticeable higher than polypropylene and some of its composites. Micromechanics analysis shows that the effect of natural fiber reinforcement on the flexural properties of a bio-based PE is similar to the effects on a polyolefin. Thus, the use of fully bio-based composites can be proposed as a substitute for some oil-based polymers, partially bio-based materials, and their compositesPostprint (author's final draft

    Valorization strategy for leather waste as filler for high-density polyethylene composites: analysis of the thermal stability, insulation properties and chromium leaching

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    Leather waste (BF) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) were compounded in a lab scale internal mixer and processed by means of injection molding. In this study, leather waste and HDPE composites were characterized by instrumental techniques such as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermo-gravimetric Analysis (TGA), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Physical integrity of composites against chemical exposure and chromium-leaching properties of the composites were also investigated. This study shows that the incorporation of 30% leather waste fiber into HDPE composites decreases the thermal conductivity of the composite samples by 17% in comparison to that of neat HDPE samples. Composites showed no thermal degradation during processing cycle. Strong interfacial bonding between leather waste and polymer results in comparable low-leachate levels to maximum allowed concentration for nonhazardous waste, and good chemical resistance properties. The BF/HDPE composites could be a promising low-cost alternative in industrial application areas of HDPE, where high-mechanical strength and low-thermal conductivity is required.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, project KAIROS-BIOCIR (PID2019-104925RB-C32).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Research on the strengthening advantages on using cellulose nanofibers as polyvinyl alcohol reinforcement

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    The present work aims to combine the unique properties of cellulose nanofibers (CNF) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) to obtain high-performance nanocomposites. CNF were obtained by means of TEMPO-mediated ((2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidin-1-yl)oxyl) oxidation, incorporated into the PVA matrix by means of compounding in a single-screw co-rotating internal mixer and then processed by means of injection molding. It was found that CNF were able to improve the tensile strength of PVA in 85% when 4.50 wt % of CNF were added. In addition, the incorporation of a 2.25 wt % of CNF enhanced the tensile strength to the same level that when 40 wt % of microsized fibers (stone groundwood pulp, SGW) were incorporated, which indicated that CNF possessed significantly higher intrinsic mechanical properties than microsized fibers. SGW was selected as reference for microsized fibers due to their extended use in wood plastic composites. Finally, a micromechanical analysis was performed, obtaining coupling factors near to 0.2, indicating good interphase between CNF and PVA. Overall, it was found that the use of CNF is clearly advantageous to the use of common cellulosic fibers if superior mechanical properties are desired, but there are still some limitations that are related to processing that restrict the reinforcement content at low contents.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Impact strength and water uptake behavior of bleached kraft softwood-reinforced PLA composites as alternative to PP-based materials

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    The research toward environmentally friendly materials has devoted a great effort on composites based on natural fiber-reinforced biopolymers. These materials have shown noticeable mechanical properties, mainly tensile and flexural strengths, as a consequence of increasingly strong interfaces. Previous studies have shown a good interface between natural fibers and poly (lactic acid) (PLA) when these fibers present a low lignin content in their surface chemical composition (bleached fibers). Nonetheless, one of the main drawbacks of these materials is the hydrophilicity of the reinforcements in front of the mineral ones like glass fiber. Meanwhile, the behavior of such materials under impact is also of importance to evaluate its usefulness. This research evaluates the water uptake behavior and the impact strength of bleached Kraft softwood-reinforced PLA composites that have been reported to show noticeable tensile and flexural properties. The paper explores the differences between these bio-based materials and commodity composites like glass fiber-reinforced polypropylene.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Determination of mean intrinsic flexural strength and coupling factor of natural fiber reinforcement in polylactic acid biocomposites

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    This paper is focused on the flexural properties of bleached kraft softwood fibers, bio-based, biodegradable, and a globally available reinforcement commonly used in papermaking, of reinforced polylactic acid (PLA) composites. The matrix, polylactic acid, is also a bio-based and biodegradable polymer. Flexural properties of composites incorporating percentages of reinforcement ranging from 15 to 30 wt % were measured and discussed. Another objective was to evaluate the strength of the interface between the matrix and the reinforcements, using the rule of mixtures to determine the coupling factor. Nonetheless, this rule of mixtures presents two unknowns, the coupling factor and the intrinsic flexural strength of the reinforcement. Hence, applying a ratio between the tensile and flexural intrinsic strengths and a defined fiber tensile and flexural strength factors, derived from the rule of mixtures is proposed. The literature lacks a precise evaluation of the intrinsic tensile strength of the reinforcements. In order to obtain such intrinsic tensile strength, we used the Kelly and Tyson modified equation as well as the solution provided by Bowyer and Bader. Finally, we were able to characterize the intrinsic flexural strengths of the fibers when used as reinforcement of polylactic acid.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Sustainability of cellulose micro-/nanofibers: a comparative life cycle assessment of pathway technologies

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    Cellulose micro- and nanofibers (CNFs) are commonly regarded as “greener” than petro-based materials. The high energy input that their production still demands, along with the use of chemicals or heat in some pretreatments, asks for a critical view. This paper attempts a life cycle assessment of CNFs produced from bleached hardwood kraft pulp via three different pre-treatments before mechanical homogenization. First, a fully mechanical route, based on a Valley beating pre-treatment. Second, an enzymatic route, based on endoglucanases and requiring certain temperature (~50 °C). Third, a TEMPO-mediated oxidation route, considering not only the impact of the chemical treatment itself but also the production of TEMPO from ammonia and acetone. The main output of the study is that both, mechanical and TEMPO-mediated oxidation routes, present lower impacts than the enzymatic pre-treatment. Although the mechanical route presents slightly milder contributions to climate change, acidification, eutrophication, and other indicators, saying that TEMPO-mediated oxidation is environmentally unfeasible should be put under question. After all, and despite being disregarded in most assessment publications up to date, it is the only well-known way to selectively oxidize primary hydroxyl groups and thus producing kinds of CNFs that are unthinkable by other ways.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Flexural properties and mean intrinsic flexural strength of old newspaper reinforced polypropylene composites

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    Newspapers have a limited lifespan, and therefore represent a focus of used and disposed paper. While these refuses have a considerable value and can be easily recycled, a considerable fraction ends in landfill. The authors show the possibility of adding value to used newspaper and enlarge its value chain. Old newspaper incorporates a high amount of wood fibers able to be used as reinforcement. On the other hand, this material also incorporates inks and other components inherent to newspaper production. In this work, the authors disintegrate old newspaper to recover and individualize wood fibers. A morphological analysis showed that the recovered fibers had aspect ratios higher than 10, revealing, a priori, their strengthening capabilities. Thereupon, these fibers were compounded with polypropylene at different contents, ranging from 20% to 50% w/w. It is well known that wood fibers are hydrophilic, while polyolefin are hydrophobic. This is a drawback to obtaining strong interfaces. Thus, two sets of composites were produced, with and without a coupling agent. The results showed that uncoupled composites increased the flexural strength of the matrix but reached an equilibrium point from which adding more reinforcement did not changer the flexural strength. On the other hand, the coupled composites showed a linear increase of the flexural strength against the reinforcement content. The flexural moduli of the coupled and uncoupled composites were very similar and evolved linearly with the reinforcement content.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Improved process to obtain nanofibrillated cellulose (CNF) reinforced starch films with upgraded mechanical properties and barrier character

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    Nowadays, the interest on nanofibrillated cellulose (CNF) has increased owing to its sustainability and its capacity to improve mechanical and barrier properties of polymeric films. Moreover, this filler shows some drawbacks related with its high capacity to form aggregates, hindering its dispersion in the matrix. In this work, an improved procedure to optimize the dispersability of CNF in a thermoplastic starch was put forward. On the one hand, CNF needs a hydrophilic dispersant to be included in the matrix, and on the other, starch needs a hydrophilic plasticizer to obtain a thermoformable material. Glycerol was used to fulfil both targets at once. CNF was predispersed in the plasticizer before nanofibrillation and later on was included into starch, obtaining thin films. The tensile strength of these CNF–starch composite films was 60% higher than the plain thermoplastic starch at a very low 0.36% w/w percentage of CNF. The films showed a noticeable correlation between water uptake, and temperature and humidity. Regarding permeability, a ca. 55% oxygen and water vapor permeability drop was found by nanofiller loading. The hydrolytic susceptibility of the composite was confirmed, being similar to that of the thermoplastic starch.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Endo-β-1,4-glucanasa para la fabricación de micro/nanocelulosa: propiedades y aplicaciones

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    In the recent years, significant interest on the production, characterization and application of cellulose nanofibers has brought out among scientific and technic authorities. This special attention mainly comes from their biodegradability, renewability and versatility, making them able to be used for several applications and fields. This topic outbreak took place about ten years ago, fact that is confirmed by the exponential increase on scientific publications and patents since then. In a nutshell, the present thesis aims to demonstrate that enzymatically hydrolyzed cellulose nanofibers can be successfully produced and used in several sectors. Their versatility, availability, low cost and low environmental impact justify the ongoing research in this fieldEn els darrers anys, entre la comunitat científica i tecnològica s’ha despertat un gran interès en la producció, caracterització i utilització de nanofibres de cel·lulosa. Aquesta especial atenció es deu, principalment, al seu caràcter biodegradable, el seu origen renovable i la versatilitat que presenten, fent-les aptes per ser utilitzades en multitud d’aplicacions. L’esclat d’aquesta temàtica de recerca va tenir lloc aproximadament deu anys enrere, doncs només cal observar el creixement exponencial de publicacions científiques i patents des d’aleshores. De manera general, la present tesi pretén demostrar que les nanofibres de cel·lulosa obtingudes mitjançant un pretractament d’hidròlisi enzimàtica poden ser produïdes de forma efectiva, de manera que pugin ser aplicades en una gran varietat de camps científics i tecnològics. La seva gran versatilitat, disponibilitat, baix cost i baix impacte mediambiental, justifiquen que en el futur es continuï amb la seva investigació sobre noves aplicacion