115 research outputs found


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    Date de l'opĂ©ration : 2005 (DF) Au cours de l’annĂ©e 2004, une stĂšle en granit a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couverte lors de la dĂ©molition d’une grange dans la commune de Jalesches. ConservĂ©e chez un particulier, elle Ă©tait jusqu’alors rĂ©employĂ©e dans un des murs du bĂątiment. Elle est ornĂ©e d’un bas-relief reprĂ©sentant un personnage assis en tailleur (Fig. n°1 : StĂšle de Jalesches, dĂ©cor antropomorphe) et (Fig. n°2 : Face latĂ©rale gauche). La nature du granit utilisĂ© indiq..

    RezĂ© – Zac de la Brosse, La ForĂȘt 1

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    La fouille du site de la ForĂȘt 1 Ă  RezĂ©, prescrite par le Service rĂ©gional de l’ArchĂ©ologie des Pays de la Loire, a permis d’étudier un nouveau site gallo-romain, situĂ© Ă  seulement 5 km de la cĂ©lĂšbre Ratiatum. Cette opĂ©ration, menĂ©e aux mois d’aoĂ»t et de septembre 2010, a permis de rĂ©aliser l’étude partielle d’un site gallo-romain Ă  enclos du ier s. de notre Ăšre. Par ailleurs, cette opĂ©ration a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© l’occasion d’analyser les trames parcellaires antiques et modernes dans lesquelles l’..

    Bugeat – Champs du Palais

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 2771 Date de l'opération : 2007 (SD) Inventeur(s) : [Marévaud HélÚne (BEN) Le domaine rural gallo-romain du Champ du Palais, situé sur la commune de Bugeat est connu de longue date. Des sondages ont été effectués sur ce site archéologique en 1962 et en 2006. Ces deux opérations ont porté sur la pars urbana du domaine. Quatre salles, une galerie dallée implantée selon un axe nord-sud ont alors été partiellement étudiées. Parmi les éléments les plus in..

    Design activism: catalysing communities of practice

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    Over the last decade, we have witnessed renewed interest in design as a socially engaged practice. Much of the debates around ‘social design’ point towards myriad approaches and disciplinary fields interwoven with grass-roots initiatives and social movements. Among these, design activism has gained traction as critical spatial practice that operates on the fringes of commercial and institutional spheres. The temporal, spatial and experimental nature of design activism is well delineated in scholarship but its long-term effect on everyday urban environments remains elusive. Moreover, the influence of design activism on socio-spatial dynamics is indeed largely under researched. By mobilising social practice theory, this paper proposes a novel theorisation of design activism that sheds light on the social formations and collective practices catalysed through the activist impulse. This ontological shift embraces an understanding of the socio-material world through practice. Such characterisation of design activism underscores collective moments of integration of the constitutive elements of practice, encapsulated by Shove, Pantzar and Watson as ‘material, competence and meaning’. The authors' own empirical research, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) in the UK, reveals design activism as necessarily intertwined with other everyday practices – gardening, celebrating, playing – that coalesce around a shared sense of citizenship. It also advances the role of design activism in forging communities of practice: mutually supportive and self-sustaining groups emerging out of the personal relations sustained and organised around a practice of place making

    Escrennes – Zac Saint-Eutrope, Le Chemin de Laas (lot 1)

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    L’opĂ©ration de fouilles du Chemin de Laas, commune d’Escrennes (Loiret), fait suite Ă  un diagnostic rĂ©alisĂ© par l’Inrap en 2008 Ă  l’occasion de l’amĂ©nagement de la Zac Saint-Eutrope. Cette opĂ©ration, menĂ©e du mois d’avril au mois de juillet 2010, a permis de rĂ©aliser l’étude d’une exploitation agricole Ă  enclos du Haut-Empire et d’une exploitation de calcaire du Bas-Empire. À quelques dizaines de mĂštres Ă  l’est de la voie antique OrlĂ©ans-Reims, un enclos fossoyĂ© carrĂ©, d’une surface de 3 250 ..


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    Date de l'opĂ©ration : 2005 (DF) Au cours de l’annĂ©e 2004, une stĂšle en granit a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couverte lors de la dĂ©molition d’une grange dans la commune de Jalesches. ConservĂ©e chez un particulier, elle Ă©tait jusqu’alors rĂ©employĂ©e dans un des murs du bĂątiment. Elle est ornĂ©e d’un bas-relief reprĂ©sentant un personnage assis en tailleur (Fig. n°1 : StĂšle de Jalesches, dĂ©cor antropomorphe) et (Fig. n°2 : Face latĂ©rale gauche). La nature du granit utilisĂ© indiq..

    Les dieux vénérés dans les agglomérations secondaires lémovices : étude épigraphique

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    À travers des documents Ă©pigraphiques provenant d’Évaux-les-Bains, Rancon et Pontarion, il est possible d’approcher certaines pratiques cultuelles des populations des agglomĂ©rations secondaires lĂ©movices. Sans surprise, les inscriptions religieuses provenant de ces sites tĂ©moignent de pratiques cultuelles romaines, parfois liĂ©es au cadre civique

    Fenham Pocket Park: a holding ground

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    Fenham Pocket Park (FPP) is a community-led urban space, founded in 2016 in a context of austerity imposed by the British Government. Beginning as a University-third-sector collaboration, the project transformed an undefined soulless space between a swimming pool and a library into a place for exchange, dwelling and celebrating. It also gave rise to a residents’ group, the Friends of Fenham Pocket Park (FFPP), who became custodians of the space and committed to developing it further. Six years on, the area has suffered further from the impact of austerity and retreat of public services, and the FFPP group has experienced setbacks and a lull in participation. This study documents, through student journals and participant observation, the role played by BA Architecture-and-Urban- Planning students in re-charging the project through playful creative practice interventions and dialogue with residents. It explores the entanglement of civil society with students in a process that is framed by Freire’s critical pedagogy and recent scholarship on lively materials. Here, making is theorised as a vehicle through which pedagogies of hope can embed themselves in the community. The paper thus meditates on the agency of emplaced student-led making in (re)kindling community action, creating collectively shaped social and climate futures

    Continuum dynamics of the intention field under weakly cohesive social interaction

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    We investigate the long-time dynamics of an opinion formation model inspired by a work by Borghesi, Bouchaud and Jensen. First, we derive a Fokker–Planck-type equation under the assumption that interactions between individuals produce little consensus of opinion (grazing collision approximation). Second, we study conditions under which the Fokker–Planck equation has non-trivial equilibria and derive the macroscopic limit (corresponding to the long-time dynamics and spatially localized interactions) for the evolution of the mean opinion. Finally, we compare two different types of interaction rates: the original one given in the work of Borghesi, Bouchaud and Jensen (symmetric binary interactions) and one inspired from works by Motsch and Tadmor (non-symmetric binary interactions). We show that the first case leads to a conservative model for the density of the mean opinion whereas the second case leads to a non-conservative equation. We also show that the speed at which consensus is reached asymptotically for these two rates has fairly different density dependence

    Influence of water vapour on the propagation speed and mean energy of an atmospheric non-equilibrium diffuse discharge in air

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    We report results on the influence of humidity on the propagation and the energy of a pin-to-plane nanosecond pulse discharge at atmospheric pressure. Water vapour only impacts discharges in saturated gas mixtures, for which propagation is first slowed down, but accelerates faster than usual close to the plane. Energy is unchange
