1,198 research outputs found

    FCNC Processes in the Littlest Higgs Model with T-Parity: an Update

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    We update our 2006-2007 results for FCNC processes in the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity (LHT). The removal of the logarithmic UV cutoff dependence in our previous results through a new contribution to the Z^0-penguin diagrams identified by Goto et al. and del Aguila et al., while making the deviations from the SM expectations in the quark sector less spectacular, still allows for sizable new physics effects in K -> pi nu anti-nu and K_L -> pi^0 l^+ l^- decays and in the CP-asymmetry S_{psi phi} with the latter unaffected by the new contribution. We extend our analysis by a study of the fine-tuning required to fit the data on epsilon_K and by the inclusion of the decay K_L -> mu^+ mu^-. A number of correlations can distinguish this model from the custodially protected Randall-Sundrum model analysed recently. We also reconsider lepton flavour violating decays, including now a discussion of fine-tuning. While the l_i -> l_j gamma decays are unaffected by the removal of the logarithmic cutoff dependence, the branching ratios for decays with three leptons in the final state, like mu -> 3 e are lowered by almost an order of magnitude. In spite of this, the pattern of lepton flavour violation in the LHT model can still be distinguished from the one in supersymmetric models.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables. Clarifying comments added, matches published versio

    Charged Lepton Flavour Violation and (g-2)_mu in the Littlest Higgs Model with T-Parity: a clear Distinction from Supersymmetry

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    We calculate the rates for the charged lepton flavour violating decays l_i -> l_j gamma, tau -> l pi, tau -> l eta, tau -> l eta', mu^- -> e^- e^+ e^-, the six three body leptonic decays tau^- -> l_i^- l_j^+ l_k^- and the rate for mu-e conversion in nuclei in the Littlest Higgs model with T-Parity (LHT). We also calculate the rates for K_{L,S} -> mu e, K_{L,S} -> pi^0 mu e and B_{d,s} -> l_i l_j. We find that the relative effects of mirror leptons in these transitions are by many orders of magnitude larger than analogous mirror quark effects in rare K and B decays analyzed recently. In particular, in order to suppress the mu -> e gamma and mu^- -> e^- e^+ e^- decay rates and the mu-e conversion rate below the experimental upper bounds, the relevant mixing matrix in the mirror lepton sector V_Hl must be rather hierarchical, unless the spectrum of mirror leptons is quasi-degenerate. We find that the pattern of the LFV branching ratios in the LHT model differs significantly from the one encountered in the MSSM, allowing in a transparent manner to distinguish these two models with the help of LFV processes. We also calculate (g-2)_mu and find the new contributions to a_mu below 10^{-10} and consequently negligible. We compare our results with those present in the literature.Comment: 57 pages, 19 figures, 3 tables. Note added on the omitted term in Z-penguin contribution. For an updated analysis see arXiv:0906.545

    Flavour-Condensate-induced Breaking of Supersymmetry in Free Wess-Zumino Fluids

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    Recently we argued that a particular model of string-inspired quantum space-time foam (D-foam) may induce oscillations and mixing among flavoured particles. As a result, rather than the mass-eigenstate vacuum, the correct ground state to describe the underlying dynamics is the flavour vacuum, proposed some time ago by Blasone and Vitiello as a description of quantum field theories with mixing. At the microscopic level, the breaking of target-space supersymmetry is induced in our space-time foam model by the relative transverse motion of brane defects. Motivated by these results, we show that the flavour vacuum, introduced through an inequivalent representation of the canonical (anti-) commutation relations, provides a vehicle for the breaking of supersymmetry (SUSY) at a low-energy effective field theory level; on considering the flavour-vacuum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor and comparing with the form of a perfect relativistic fluid, it is found that the bosonic sector contributes as dark energy while the fermion contribution is like dust. This indicates a strong and novel breaking of SUSY, of a non-perturbative nature, which may characterize the low energy field theory of certain quantum gravity models.Comment: Discussion added in sections II and IV on quantum-gravity induced flavour mixing, references added, conclusions unchange

    Rare and CP-Violating K and B Decays in the Littlest Higgs Model with T-Parity

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    We calculate the most interesting rare and CP-violating K and B decays in the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity. We give a collection of Feynman rules including v^2/f^2 contributions that are presented here for the first time and could turn out to be useful also for applications outside flavour physics. We adopt a model-independent parameterization of rare decays in terms of the gauge independent functions X_i,Y_i,Z_i (i=K,d,s), which is in particular useful for the study of the breaking of the universality between K, B_d and B_s systems through non-MFV interactions. Performing the calculation in the unitary and 't Hooft-Feynman gauge, we find that the final result contains a divergence which signals some sensitivity to the ultraviolet completion of the theory. Including an estimate of this contribution, we calculate the branching ratios for the decays K+→π+ννˉK^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu, KL→π0ννˉK_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu, Bs,d→μ+μ−B_{s,d}\to \mu^+\mu^-, B→Xs,dννˉB\to X_{s,d}\nu\bar\nu, KL→π0ℓ+ℓ−K_L \to\pi^0\ell^+\ell^- and B→Xs,dℓ+ℓ−B\to X_{s,d}\ell^+\ell^-, paying particular attention to non-MFV contributions present in the model. Imposing all available constraints we find that the decay rates for Bs,d→μ+μ−B_{s,d} \to \mu^+ \mu^- and B→Xs,dννˉB \to X_{s,d} \nu \bar \nu can be enhanced by at most 50% and 35% relative to the SM values, while Br(K+→π+ννˉ)Br(K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu) and Br(KL→π0ννˉ)Br(K_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu) can be both as high as 5⋅10−105 \cdot 10^{-10}. Significant enhancements of the decay rates KL→π0ℓ+ℓ−K_L \to\pi^0\ell^+\ell^- are also possible. Simultaneously, the CP-asymmetries SψϕS_{\psi \phi} and ASLsA^s_\text{SL} can be enhanced by an order of magnitude, while the electroweak penguin effects in B→πKB \to \pi K turn out to be small, in agreement with the recent data.Comment: 65 pages, 19 figures. Note added on omitted term in Z-penguin contribution. For an updated analysis see arXiv:0906.545

    Targeting HER3 for cancer treatment: a new horizon for an old target

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    Human epidermal growth factor receptor 3 (HER3) is a member of the human epidermal growth factor receptors family, having as its main ligands neuregulins 1 and 2. Although its poor tyrosine kinase activity entails a weak oncogenic power on its own, HER3 can heterodimerize with HER2 and/or epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), leading to a drastic enhancement of transphosphorylation and activation of downstream signaling pathways, ultimately promoting oncogenesis, metastatic dissemination, and drug resistance. Given its ubiquitous expression across solid tumors, multiple efforts have been done to therapeutically target HER3 by blocking either the ligand binding domain or its dimerization with other receptors. Treatment with anti-HER3 monoclonal antibodies or bispecific antibodies, both as single agents and in combination with other compounds, unfortunately led to unsatisfactory results across several tumor types. The HER3-directed delivery of cytotoxic payloads through antibody-drug conjugates has recently demonstrated encouraging activity in several tumor types, however, suggesting a potential role for the therapeutic targeting of HER3 in cancer treatment

    Initiation and propagation of strain localization in cohesive soil using a novel miniature triaxial cell and X-ray Computed Tomography

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    Particle scale coupled hydro-mechanical interactions play a major role in clay macroscopic behavior and clay, like other geomaterials, deform in a localized manner (failure and strain localization), but conventional laboratory test measurements are made at the sample scale rather than at the local particle scale. Thus, understanding the micro-mechanisms underlying the initiation and propagation of strain localization in cohesive soil will form the foundation for quantitative prediction of strain localization in practical fine cohesive soil. In the last decade, soil microstructure has been intensively investigated thanks to in-situ microscopy technologies such as X-ray computed tomography (X-CT), which allows a 3D imaging of the sample microstructure without the need of dehydration. Nevertheless, this step forward in the general understanding of soil microstructure regarded exclusively sandy soils, as the limitation given by the X-CT maximum resolution (in the order of few microns) hinder the investigation of the micro-mechanisms in clayey soils, which generally, present a particle size lower than 2 microns and a pore space in the sub-micron range. In this study, a small amount (2%) of fine sand to silt-sized mica (average particle size of 90 micron, used here as strain markers) have been mixed with kaolinite clay (average particle size of 0.4 micron). Mica is mineralogically a clay and as clays it is platy in shape and electrically charged, notwithstanding particles are big enough to be clearly imaged with an X-CT at high resolution. A novel miniature triaxial compression cell (5 mm in diameter) has been manufactured in order to use the X-CT to image the in-situ soil microstructure upon undrained triaxial compression at different strain level. The cell was additionally instrumented with a high capacity tensiometer sensor to measure negative pore water pressure developed upon shear, therefore allowing mechanical comparison with macroscopic behaviour. A particle matching code was finally used to match mica particles in consecutive scans at the different strain levels and their kinematics computed. A conceptual model on particle configuration based on the strain localization evolution that has been observed will be presented

    On the edge-wave of a thin elastic plate supported by an elastic half-space

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    In this contribution, we consider edge-wave propagating in a thin elastic semiinfinite plate which is bilaterally supported by a homogenenous isotropic elastic half-space. The problem is formulated in terms of a eigenproblem constituted by a system of five linear PDEs in the plate transverse displacement and in the scalar and vector elastic potentials subject to mixed boundary conditions accounting for plate-fundation displacement continuity under the plate and zero normal stress outside. Zero tangential stress is envisaged throughout. The problem could be reduced to an inhomogenenous Wiener-Hopf functional equation in terms of the half-space surface displacement and of the plate-to-fundation contact pressure only. The kernel function is analyzed and the Rayleigh wave speed is obtained together with a novel dispersion equation. Finally, kernel factorization is performed
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