14 research outputs found

    Інтеграційний підхід до використання логістичного маркетингу в системі товарних ринків

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    Aim and tasks. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the methodological approach to the impact of the integration model of logistics marketing on the effectiveness of reproduction processes in the system of commodity markets. The main objectives of the study are: to determine the essence of the interaction of logistics and marketing at the level of commodity markets, substantiation of the phased scheme of eliminating problem areas as part of the leading characteristics of commodity markets, outlining the impact of integrated logistics marketing model on the theoretical foundations of commodity markets. Results. With the proposed methodological approach to the use of an integrated model of logistics marketing becomes relevant to situations that are associated with radical transformational shifts in the strategic commodity markets associated with the diversification of foreign markets, the formation of complete supply chains, innovative economic development. etc. The proposed scheme of overcoming the problematic characteristics of certain types of commodity markets indicates the presence of significant reserves for the use of marketing research on the formation of effective logistics chains in the system of reproductive processes of trade. Conclusions. It is concluded that the main indicators of the effectiveness of taking into account the logistical factor in making marketing decisions are determined - the factor of availability of goods for use, accessibility to the place of use and time of use of goods. The influence of marketing on the formation of logistics chains of the commodity market is determined by the adaptation of logistics to the leading characteristics of commodity markets.Вступ. В умовах поглиблення кризових явищ в економіці актуалізується проблема підвищення ефективності використання логістичних інструментів у розвитку товарних ринків. Підвищену актуальність набуває дане питання по відношенню до ринків швидкопсувних продовольчих товарів, які передбачають узгоджену взаємодію складових товароруху в сполученні з поглибленим врахуванням споживчого попиту. Мета і завдання. Метою дослідження є обґрунтування методологічного підходу до впливу інтеграційної схеми логістичного маркетингу на результативність відтворювальних процесів в системі товарних ринків. Основними завданнями дослідження є: визначення сутності взаємодії логістики та маркетингу на рівні товарних ринків, обґрунтування поетапної схеми усунення проблемних областей в складі провідних характеристик товарних ринків, окреслення впливу інтегрованої моделі логістичного маркетингу на теоретичні засади типології товарних ринків. Результати. Запропонований методологічний підхід до використання інтегрованої моделі логістичного маркетингу набуває актуальності до ситуацій, які пов’язані з кардинальними трансформаційними зрушеннями у складі стратегічних товарних ринків, пов’язаними з диверсифікацією зовнішніх ринків збуту продукції, формуванням завершених ланцюгів товарних постачань, інноваційним розвитком пріоритетних видів економічної діяльності та ін. Запропонована схема подолання проблемних характеристик окремих типів товарних ринків свідчить про наявність суттєвих резервів щодо формування ефективних логістичних ланцюгів в системі відтворювальних процесів товароруху. Висновки. основними показниками ефективності врахування логістичного фактору на прийняття маркетингових рішень визначені - фактор доступності товару до користування, доступність до місця користування та часу користування товаром. Вплив маркетингу на формування логістичних ланцюгів товарного ринку визначається адаптацією логістики до провідних характеристик товарних ринків

    Site-specific management of miscanthus genotypes for combustion and anaerobic digestion:A comparison of energy yields

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    In Europe, the perennial C4 grass miscanthus is currently mainly cultivated for energy generation via combustion. In recent years, anaerobic digestion has been identified as a promising alternative utilization pathway. Anaerobic digestion produces a higher-value intermediate (biogas), which can be upgraded to biomethane, stored in the existing natural gas infrastructure and further utilized as a transport fuel or in combined heat and power plants. However, the upgrading of the solid biomass into gaseous fuel leads to conversion-related energy losses, the level of which depends on the cultivation parameters genotype, location, and harvest date. Thus, site-specific crop management needs to be adapted to the intended utilization pathway. The objectives of this paper are to quantify (i) the impact of genotype, location and harvest date on energy yields of anaerobic digestion and combustion and (ii) the conversion losses of upgrading solid biomass into biogas. For this purpose, five miscanthus genotypes (OPM 3, 6, 9, 11, 14), three cultivation locations (Adana, Moscow, Stuttgart), and up to six harvest dates (August-March) were assessed. Anaerobic digestion yielded, on average, 35% less energy than combustion. Genotype, location, and harvest date all had significant impacts on the energy yield. For both, this is determined by dry matter yield and ash content and additionally by substrate-specific methane yield for anaerobic digestion and moisture content for combustion. Averaged over all locations and genotypes, an early harvest in August led to 25%and a late harvest to 45%conversion losses. However, each utilization option has its own optimal harvest date, determined by biomass yield, biomass quality, and cutting tolerance. By applying an autumn green harvest for anaerobic digestion and a delayed harvest for combustion, the conversion-related energy loss was reduced to an average of 18%. This clearly shows that the delayed harvest required tomaintain biomass quality for combustion is accompanied by high energy losses through yield reduction over winter. The pre-winter harvest applied in the biogas utilization pathway avoids these yield losses and largely compensates for the conversion-related energy losses of anaerobic digestion

    Environmental Influences on the Growing Season Duration and Ripening of Diverse Miscanthus Germplasm Grown in Six Countries

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    The development of models to predict yield potential and quality of a Miscanthus crop must consider climatic limitations and the duration of growing season. As a biomass crop, yield and quality are impacted by the timing of plant developmental transitions such as flowering and senescence. Growth models are available for the commercially grown clone Miscanthus x giganteus (Mxg), but breeding programs have been working to expand the germplasm available, including development of interspecies hybrids. The aim of this study was to assess the performance of diverse germplasm beyond the range of environments considered suitable for a Miscanthus crop to be grown. To achieve this, six field sites were planted as part of the EU OPTIMISC project in 2012 in a longitudinal gradient from West to East: Wales?Aberystwyth, Netherlands?Wageningen, Stuttgart?Germany, Ukraine?Potash, Turkey?Adana, and Russia?Moscow. Each field trial contained three replicated plots of the same 15 Miscanthus germplasm types. Through the 2014 growing season, phenotypic traits were measured to determine the timing of developmental stages key to ripening; the tradeoff between growth (yield) and quality (biomass ash and moisture content). The hottest site (Adana) showed an accelerated growing season, with emergence, flowering and senescence occurring before the other sites. However, the highest yields were produced at Potash, where emergence was delayed by frost and the growing season was shortest. Flowering triggers varied with species and only in Mxg was strongly linked to accumulated thermal time. Our results show that a prolonged growing season is not essential to achieve high yields if climatic conditions are favorable and in regions where the growing season is bordered by frost, delaying harvest can improve quality of the harvested biomasspublishersversionPeer reviewe

    Progress on optimizing miscanthus biomass production for the European bioeconomy:Results of the EU FP7 project OPTIMISC

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    This paper describes the complete findings of the EU-funded research project OPTIMISC, which investigated methods to optimize the production and use of miscanthus biomass. Miscanthus bioenergy and bioproduct chains were investigated by trialing 15 diverse germplasm types in a range of climatic and soil environments across central Europe, Ukraine, Russia, and China. The abiotic stress tolerances of a wider panel of 100 germplasm types to drought, salinity, and low temperatures were measured in the laboratory and a field trial in Belgium. A small selection of germplasm types was evaluated for performance in grasslands on marginal sites in Germany and the UK. The growth traits underlying biomass yield and quality were measured to improve regional estimates of feedstock availability. Several potential high-value bioproducts were identified. The combined results provide recommendations to policymakers, growers and industry. The major technical advances in miscanthus production achieved by OPTIMISC include: (1) demonstration that novel hybrids can out-yield the standard commercially grown genotype Miscanthus x giganteus; (2) characterization of the interactions of physiological growth responses with environmental variation within and between sites; (3) quantification of biomass-quality-relevant traits; (4) abiotic stress tolerances of miscanthus genotypes; (5) selections suitable for production on marginal land; (6) field establishment methods for seeds using plugs; (7) evaluation of harvesting methods; and (8) quantification of energy used in densification (pellet) technologies with a range of hybrids with differences in stem wall properties. End-user needs were addressed by demonstrating the potential of optimizing miscanthus biomass composition for the production of ethanol and biogas as well as for combustion. The costs and life-cycle assessment of seven miscanthusbased value chains, including small- and large-scale heat and power, ethanol, biogas, and insulation material production, revealed GHG-emission- and fossil-energy-saving potentials of up to 30.6 t CO2eqC ha(-1) y(-1) and 429 GJ ha(-1)y(-1), respectively. Transport distance was identified as an important cost factor. Negative carbon mitigation costs of-78 epsilon t(-1) CO2eq C were recorded for local biomass use. The OPTIMISC results demonstrate the potential of miscanthus as a crop for marginal sites and provide information and technologies for the commercial implementation of miscanthus-based value chains

    Simulation of discrete-continuous process via E-network

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    This paper denotes approaches to discrete-continuous process simulation via E-network. It covers principals of discrete-continuous process simulation via E-networks using the scheme of the interaction of static and dynamic components modeling. The construction of discrete-continuous process dynamic models is based on the state space method and is implemented by using E-network

    Simulation of discrete-continuous process via E-network

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    This paper denotes approaches to discrete-continuous process simulation via E-network. It covers principals of discrete-continuous process simulation via E-networks using the scheme of the interaction of static and dynamic components modeling. The construction of discrete-continuous process dynamic models is based on the state space method and is implemented by using E-network

    Measuring Fairness with Biased Data: A Case Study on the Effects of Unsupervised Data in Fairness Evaluation

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    Schroeder S, Schulz A, Tarakanov I, Feldhans R, Hammer B. Measuring Fairness with Biased Data: A Case Study on the Effects of Unsupervised Data in Fairness Evaluation. In: Rojas I, Joya G, Catala A, eds. Advances in Computational Intelligence. 17th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2023, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, June 19–21, 2023, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2023: 134-145

    Effects of Light Spectral Quality on Photosynthetic Activity, Biomass Production, and Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., Plants

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    The optimization of plant-specific LED lighting protocols for indoor plant growing systems needs both basic and applied research. Experiments with lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., plants using artificial lighting based on narrow-band LEDs were carried out in a controlled environment. We investigated plant responses to the exclusion of certain spectral ranges of light in the region of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR); in comparison, the responses to quasimonochromatic radiation in the red and blue regions were studied separately. The data on plant phenotyping, photosynthetic activity determination, and PAM fluorometry, indicating plant functional activity and stress responses to anomalous light environments, are presented. The study on carbon isotopic composition of photoassimilates in the diel cycle made it possible to characterize the balance of carboxylation and photorespiration processes in the leaves, using a previously developed oscillatory model of photosynthesis. Thus, the share of plant photorespiration (related to plant biomass enrichment with 13C) increased in response to red-light action, while blue light accelerated carboxylation (related to 12C enrichment). Blue light also reduced water use efficiency. These data are supported by the observations from the light environments missing distinct PAR spectrum regions. The fact that light of different wavelengths affects the isotopic composition of total carbon allowed us to elucidate the nature of its action on the organization of plant metabolism