41 research outputs found

    Addressing idiom avoidance in culturally and linguistically diverse students through biography-driven instruction

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    Doctor of PhilosophyCurriculum and Instruction ProgramsSocorro G. HerreraThis experimental study was designed to examine the effect of Biography-driven Instruction strategies on the linguistic phenomenon of idiom avoidance and a discretionary strategy of idiom use employed by Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) students. The review of the literature on linguistic avoidance behavior revealed that this topic was not widely researched. Less so were the instructional ways to minimize language learners’ discomfort with idioms. Raising awareness of idiom avoidance strategy in language learners was one of the main purposes of this study. This research and its experiment were meant to create a precedent study that would be followed by researchers and teaching professionals to examine, explore, and manage idiom avoidance phenomenon in language learning process. The research question and the hypotheses were examined through the means of quantitative research design. The study was driven by the repeated-measures design. The same study participants have undergone all the conditions of experiment providing the data at multiple points of time. The study participants were English language learners of various cultural and linguistic background. Three targeted vocabulary strategies Foldables, Learn-Draw-Connect, and Vocabulary Quilt were designed to lead to a higher level of student engagement through social and academic collaborations among CLD students. Idioms are a complex linguistic construct for English learners to master. Idiom avoidance might be a learners’ strategy to cover up their discomfort with idioms by not taking risks of making mistakes and thus looking good in the eyes of other people. Biography-Driven Instruction (BDI) strategies were designed to help lower students’ affective filter and alleviate their anxiety caused by learning new language constructs. The use of BDI strategies might lead to greater CLD students’ interest in including idioms into their second language repertoire. That would help them gain idiomatic competence and higher language proficiency. Through quantitative data collection and analysis, it has been discovered that there was no statistically significant effect of the BDI strategies on the frequency of idiom use by study participants. The findings of the study serve as an extension of the theoretical literature. This study might also render an additional support to the theory of idiom avoidance behavior inherent to language learners. The experiment in this study might also enhance understanding of the temporal nature of avoidance that was determined in the previous studies. Avoidance of difficult constructs such as idioms should and can be addressed in the best interests of the CLD students who need to develop language skills that would help them succeed both academically and socially. Finally, this study raises awareness among teachers of avoidance as a cognitive strategy used by CLD students and of the instructional ways to minimize CLD students’ discomfort with idioms. Through this study, language teachers might continue their search of effective ways to teach idioms such as BDI strategies that would help CLD students cope with their idiom phobia. Idiomatic competence is absolutely necessary for CLD students as it makes them more proficient English speakers who successfully integrate the host culture and contribute to the new society

    Theoretical analysis of quantum key distribution systems when integrated with a DWDM optical transport network

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    A theoretical research and numerical simulation of the noise influence caused by spontaneous Raman scattering, four-wave mixing, and linear channel crosstalk on the performance of QKD systems was conducted. Three types of QKD systems were considered: coherent one-way (COW) QKD protocol, subcarrier-wave (SCW) QKD system, and continuous-variable (CV) QKD integrated with classical DWDM channels. We calculate the secure key generation rate for the systems mentioned addressing different channel allocation schemes (i.e., configurations). A uniform DWDM grid is considered with quantum channel located in C-band and O-band (at 1310 nm) of a telecommunication window. The systems' performance is analyzed in terms of the maximal achievable distance values. Configurations for the further analysis and investigation are chosen optimally, i.e., their maximal achievable distances are the best

    Building an analytical system for event analysis to ensure information security of the enterprise

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    The task of ensuring information security of critical information structures in the Russian Federation is brought to the state level. It requires ensuring the security of information systems, communication networks and technological systems. To prevent possible incidents and meet the requirements of the state the organizations should create a security system for the critical information structures, ensure its functionality, and connect it to National coordination center for computer incidents in order to collect and exchange information about computer attacks. In this paper the authors present an approach to the development of an analytical system for information security based on machine learning, which allow analyzing a large number of events and making informed decisions on information security management.    A list of the main sources of information security events of systems and networks was worked out, and a classification of events for further analysis using machine learning was proposed. By classifying the events obtained from different systems, as well as applying an integrated approach to assessing the situation, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the state of the entire object to be protected in real time


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    Objective: Study physicochemical properties and activity of biotechnological drugs coating lactose particles in fluidized beds for the development of a prospective approach of their identification. Methods: Lactose monohydrate as pharmaceutical excipient; affinity-purified polyclonal rabbit antibodies to recombinant human interferon-gamma as a drug substance; Pilotlab fluid bed apparatus was used for lactose powder saturation with solutions of pharmaceutical substances to the point of granulation (pelletizing); inverse light scattering method (2D-LS) for analysis of micron vibrations frequency spectra of samples surfaces for light intensity distribution in time by values of d1, d2, d3 primary descriptors; low angel and dynamic laser light scattering (LALLS, DLS) methods for distribution of lactose-water (LW) supramolecular complexes into volume fractions (micron "size spectra"), using the Master Sizer 2000 instrument and Zeta Sizer Nano ZS instrument in the nanoscale; Spirotox method for research of biological activity to determine the activation energy (Ea) values of cell death in solutions of tested samples. Results: Changes in 2D-LS scattering time on sample surfaces, described by topological descriptors, made it possible to clearly differentiate the intact lactose from fluidized samples by specific corridors in coordinates di=F(t). The calculated activation energy (Ea) values of cell biosensor death process in solutions of drugs coating lactose allow to characterize the biological activity of it in the initial (by Ea increase) and activated state (by Ea decrease) after the creation of intra-laboratory transmucosal conditions. A unique dimensional spectrum of LW complexes in the nanoscale range was obtained by DLS. The differences between samples in the distribution of LW complexes in the size range from 1 µm to 125 µm was showed by LALLS. Conclusion: The developed approach, including Сhemometrics, laser and biotesting methods can be used for qualitative the analysis tasks as well as for analytical control of the fluidization process in cases where identifiable pharmaceutical substances are not distinguishable by traditional analytical methods


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    The review is devoted to the influence of the hydrogen isotope–deuterium on biological models of organisms and the biological activity of pharmaceutical substances. The positions of the influence of deuterium on the properties of active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients are examined from different perspectives. The first position reflects an increase in the kinetic isotope effect (KIE) in processes involving known pharmaceutical substances in aqueous solutions with a deuterium/protium ratio (D/H) below natural. For the first time, the dose-response diagram shows the identity of deuterium with essential trace elements, when a deficiency and excess of an element reduces the organism's vitality. Improved kinetic characteristics are demonstrated for the molecular and organism levels of different hierarchical gradations. In particular, they consist in the possibility of increasing the dissolution rate of substances by influencing the carbohydrate mutarotation processes and the optical activity of chiral substances, increased accumulation of essential elements in medicinal plants and other processes associated with a possible change in metabolic pathways in the cell and the organism as a whole. The second considered position of the influence of deuterium is associated with the use of deuterated substances–new compounds or obtained by substitution of protium in known protium analogues. The KIE is presented, which is expressed in a decrease in the biotransformation rate as a result of deuteration, it allows predicting a rapid development of the new direction in the development of drugs. Having an identical therapeutic effect, deuterated analogs provide improved pharmacokinetic characteristics, such as reduced toxicity, blocked epimerization of optically active substances, and a change in the mechanisms of biotransformation. The obtained results make it possible to predict the mechanisms of the effect of deuterium on the biochemical transformations of pharmaceutical substances in the organism

    Building’ healt leakage investigation aimed at development of energy saving guidelines

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    This article is talking about developed technique of heat losses calculation for various purposes buildings. On the basis of performed calculations there were conducted detailed researches of the heat losses through buildingsfencing structures (wall, windows, floors, ceilings, etc.) for particular building, the installed capacity of its appliances was 208 kW. Executed researches enable ustomake a conclusion that the heat losses were 145,1 kW.Thus, 62,9 kW of capacity is excessive and therefore the equivalent number of heating units are to be excluded.Разработана методика расчёта потерь теплоты в зданиях различного назначения. На основе выполненных расчётов приведены детальные исследования потерь теплоты через ограждающие конструкции (стены, окна, полы, потолки, и проч.) конкретного здания, установленная мощность отопительных приборов которого 208 кВт. Выполненные исследования позволили заключить, что потери теплоты составляют 145,1 кВт. Таким образом, 62,9 кВт установленной мощности являются избыточными и, следовательно, эквивалентное число отопительных приборов необходимоисключить

    Centrifugal Inputs to the Main Olfactory Bulb Revealed Through Whole Brain Circuit-Mapping

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    Neuronal activity in sensory regions can be modulated by attention, behavioral state, motor output, learning, and memory. This is often done through direct feedback or centrifugal projections originating from higher processing areas. Though, functionally important, the identity and organization of these feedback connections remain poorly characterized. Using a retrograde monosynaptic g-deleted rabies virus and whole-brain reconstructions, we identified the organization of feedback projecting neurons to the main olfactory bulb of the mouse. In addition to previously described projections from regions such as the Anterior Olfactory Nucleus (AON) and the piriform cortex, we characterized direct projections from pyramidal cells in the ventral CA1 region of hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex to the granule cell layer (GCL) of the main olfactory bulb (MOB). These data suggest that areas involved in stress, anxiety, learning and memory are all tethered to olfactory coding, two synapses away from where chemical compounds are first detected. Consequently, we hypothesize that understanding olfactory perception, even at the earliest stages, may require studying memory and behavior in addition to studying the physiochemical features of odors

    On the relation of individual-typological features of wrestlers´ nervous system with the success of their competitive activity

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    The purpose of the article is to study the dynamics of indicators of electro-skin resistance (ESR) in the pre-start, competitive and post-competitive period, depending on the outcome of the wrestling match. For 26 wrestlers of 19.26±0.3 years old we studied the indicators of ESR during weighing (background), before and after the fight. Intergroup features of the dynamics of mental states were analyzed in connection with victory or defeat. For the winners, ESR on the day of weighing was 12.97 kOhm, for the losers it was 14.65 kOhm. Before entering the mat, mental stress increases in all wrestlers, however, in those who subsequently lose the fight, it is more pronounced. Pre-competitive emotional arousal among the winners develops in a timely manner and among the losers prematurely: difference between the results was 16.21% (p<0.01). The psycho-emotional stress of the winners does not decrease after the competition, ESR increases by 19% (p<0.05), which indicates the need for additional health and rehabilitation measures. Manifestations of individual-typological properties of the nervous system in states of mental tension are a prognostic factor in the effectiveness of competitive activity in wrestling


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    The article provides a syntactic analysis of the English Orthodox sermons by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh (1914 — 2003) in terms of modality of persuasion. It discusses cohesive syntactic devices the preacher uses to introduce arguments, conclusions and contrast as well as inversion and emphatic constructions and provides examples of their use. It illustrates dialogisation as the primary means to involve the listeners and stimulate their arriving at the desirable conclusions

    Types of therapeutic exercises and their intensity in improving quality of life and balance and reducing risk of falls in seniors with knee and hip osteoarthritis: a systematic review

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    FizioterapijaVeselības aprūpePhysiotherapyHealth CareANOTĀCIJA Darba nosaukums: Terapeitisko vingrojumu veidi un to intensitāte dzīves kvalitātes un līdzsvara uzlabošanā un kritienu riska mazināšanā senioriem ar ceļa un gūžas osteoartrītu. Sistemātisks literatūras apskats. Aktualitāte: Osteoartrīts (OA) ir trešā izplatītākā muskuloskeletālā saslimšana pasaulē, vislielākā prevalence ir vecuma grupā 60 - 64 gadi, savukārt, incidence 55 - 59 gadi. Indivīdiem ar OA ir hroniskas sāpes un citi slimības izraisīti traucējumi - tajā skaitā funkcionāliem, aktivitāšu un dalības ierobežojumiem, kas var samazināt indivīda dzīves kvalitāti. Palielinoties dzīvildzei, aizvien pieaug vecāka gada gājuma indivīdu skaits populācijā. Balstoties uz Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas (ANO) prognozēm, indivīdu skaits vecuma grupā 60 un vairāk gadi 2030. gadā sasniegs 1,4 milijardus. (ANO, 2015) Tā kā OA nav ārstējams un, ņemot vērā tā izplatību vecāka gada gājuma indivīdu vidū, aktuāls kļūst jautājums par terapijām, kas vērstas uz simptomātikas un izraizsīto funkcionālo traucējumu mazināšanu un dzīves kvalitātes uzlabošanu. Mērķis: Apkopot un analizēt, kādi terapeitisko vingrojumu veidi un to intensitāte uzlabo dzīves kvalitāti un līdzsvaru un mazina kritienu risku senioriem ar ceļa un gūžas locītavas OA. Metodes: Sistemātiskajā literatūras apskatā iekļauto pētījumu meklēšana veikta tiešsaistē, izmantojot datu bāzes PubMed, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Science Direct un Cohrane Library. Apskatā iekļauti tikai randomizēti kontrolēti pētījumi, norādot to metodoloģiskās kvalitātes vērtējuma līmeni. Rezultāti: Sistemātiskajā literatūras apskatā ir iekļauti pieci pētījumi un kopējais dalībnieku skaits 644, kuros pielietoti dažādi terapeitisko intervenču veidi, no kuriem daļa uzrādīja statistiski nozīmīgus rezultātus dzīves kvalitātes un līdzsvara uzlabošanā un kritienu riska mazināšanā senioriem ar ceļa un gūžas locītavas OA. Secinājumi: Līdzsvara uzlabojošie un kritienu riska mazinošie vingrojumi senioriem ar ceļa locītavas OA ir Wuqinxi vingrojumi, Taichi vingrojumi un vispārējie funkcionālie vingrojumi, bet ūdens vingrošanas nodarbības nesniedza uzlabojumus. Savukārt, indivīdiem ar gūžas locītavas OA - nūjošana un spēka treniņi. Dzīves kvalitātes uzlabojošie vingrojumi senioriem ar ceļa locītavas OA apskatītajos pētījumos ir Wuqinxi vingrojumi un ūdens vingrošanas nodarbības, bet ar gūžas locītavas OA - nūjošana un spēka treniņi. Visās intervencēs vienas nodarbības ilgums bija 60 minūtes, taču atšķirīgs ir nodarbību skaits nedēļa, kas variēja no divām līdz pat sešām reizēm nedēļām. Atslēgas vārdi: osteoartrīts, seniori, līdzsvars, kritienu risks, dzīves kvalitāte, vingrojumiABSTRACT Title: Types of therapeutic exercises and their intensity in improving the quality of life and balance and reducing risk of falls in seniors with knee and hip osteoarthritis. Systematic literature review. Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the third most common musculoskeletal disease in the world, with the highest prevalence in the age group 60 - 64 years, while the incidence is 55 - 59 years. Individuals with OA have chronic pain and other disorders caused by the disease, including functional, activity, and participation limitations that can reduce an individual's quality of life. As life expectancy increases, the number of elderly individuals in the population increases. According to United Nations projections, the number of individuals aged 60 and over will reach 1,4 billion in the year 2030. (ANO, 2015) As OA is incurable and, given its prevalence among older individuals, the issue of therapies aimed at reducing symptoms and induced functional disorders as well as improving the 3 Objective: To summarize and find out which types of therapeutic exercises and their intensity improves the quality of life and balance and reduces risk of falls in seniors with knee and hip OA. Methods: Search for studies included in the systematic literature review was performed online using databases - PubMed, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Science Direct, and Cohrane Library. Only randomized controlled trials are included in the review, indicating their level of methodological quality assessment. Results: The systematic literature review included five studies with a total of 644 participants using a variety of therapeutic interventions, some of which showed statistically significant results in improving quality of life and balance and reducing the risk of falls in seniors with knee and hip OA. Conclusions: Exercise found to improve balance and reduce risk of fall for seniors with knee OA are Wuqinxi exercises, Taichi exercises, and general functional exercises, but water exercises did not facilate such improvements. In turn, for individuals with hip OA - Nordic walking and strength training. Exercises found to improve quality of life for seniors with knee OA are Wuqinxi exercises and water exercises, while for hip OA - it is Nordic walking and strength training. In all interventions, the duration of one session was 60 minutes, but the number of classes per week varied, ranging from two to six times per week. Keywords: osteoarthritis, seniors, balance, risk of fall, quality of life, exercis