12 research outputs found

    A review of potential impacts of submarine power cables on the marine environment:Knowledge gaps, recommendations and future directions

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    Submarine power cables (SPC) have been in use since the mid-19th century, but environmental concerns about them are much more recent. With the development of marine renewable energy technologies, it is vital to understand their potential impacts. The commissioning of SPC may temporarily or permanently impact the marine environment through habitat damage or loss, noise, chemical pollution, heat and electromagnetic field emissions, risk of entanglement, introduction of artificial substrates, and the creation of reserve effects. While growing numbers of scientific publications focus on impacts of the marine energy harnessing devices, data on impacts of associated power connections such as SPC are scarce and knowledge gaps persist. The present study (1) examines the different categories of potential ecological effects of SPC during installation, operation and decommissioning phases and hierarchizes these types of interactions according to their ecological relevance and existing scientific knowledge, (2) identifies the main knowledge gaps and needs for research, and (3) sets recommendations for better monitoring and mitigation of the most significant impacts. Overall, ecological impacts associated with SPC can be considered weak or moderate, although many uncertainties remain, particularly concerning electromagnetic effects

    Magnetic fields generated by submarine power cables have a negligible effect on the swimming behavior of Atlantic lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) juveniles

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    Submarine power cables carry electricity over long distances. Their geographic distribution, number, and areal coverage are increasing rapidly with the development of, for example, offshore wind facilities. The flow of current passing through these cables creates a magnetic field (MF) that can potentially affect marine organisms, particularly those that are magnetosensitive. The lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) is a migratory species that is widely distributed in the North Atlantic Ocean and Barents Sea. It migrates between coastal spawning grounds and pelagic offshore feeding areas. We tested whether lumpfish respond to MFs of the same intensity as those emitted by high voltage direct current (HVDC) submarine power cables. Laboratory experiments were conducted by placing juvenile lumpfish in an artificial MF gradient generated by a Helmholtz coil system. The intensity of the artificial MF used (230 µT) corresponded to the field at 1 m from a high-power submarine cable. The fish were filmed for 30 min with the coil either on or off. Swimming speeds, and presence in the different parts of a raceway, were extracted from the videos and analyzed. Juvenile lumpfish activity, defined as the time that the fish spent swimming relative to stationary pauses (attached to the substrate), and the distance travelled, were unaffected by exposure to the artificial MF. The swimming speed of juvenile lumpfish was reduced (by 16%) when the coil was on indicating that the fish could either sense the MF or the induced electric field created by the movement of the fish through the magnetic field. However, it seems unlikely that a 16% decrease in swimming speed occurring within 1 m of HVDC cables would significantly affect Atlantic lumpfish migration or homing.publishedVersio

    Potential impacts of submarine power cables from marine renewable energy projects on benthic communities

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    renewable energy projects, the aim of this PhD thesis was to better characterise the potential impacts of submarine power cables on coastal benthic ecosystems. The work specifically focused on the impacts associated with the operational phase. The major part of this work was dedicated to the reef effect created by these cables and their protective and stabilising structures on sessile epibenthic communities and mobile megafauna. This work was mainly based on underwater imagery, either video or photo collected in situ by divers. The challenge of working with underwater imagery has led me to optimise image analyses so as to effectively monitor benthic colonisation and to quantify artificial reef habitat provision to commercial species. In addition to this reef effect, colonising organisms are exposed to magnetic fields generated by the power cables. Thus, I designed an experimental study to assess the impact of realistic magnetic fields on the behaviour of juvenile European lobsters (Homarus gammarus). Finally, we explored the ecological impacts of excluding anthropogenic activity from the cables routes and potential benefits for benthic macrofauna. By coupling both in situ and ex situ approaches, my PhD research better characterises the environmental impacts associated with submarine power cables. These results will help to assess the ecological footprint of future power grid connections.Dans un contexte de développement rapide des projets d’énergies marines renouvelables, le but de cette thèse était d’améliorer les connaissances sur les impacts potentiels des câbles électriques sous-marins sur les écosystèmes benthiques côtiers. En se focalisant sur la phase de fonctionnement, ce travail était essentiellement dédié à la caractérisation de l’effet récif généré par ces câbles et leurs structures associées (protection, stabilisation) sur les communautés épibenthiques fixées et la mégafaune mobile. L’étude était principalement basée sur l’utilisation d’images sous-marines (photo et vidéo) prises in situ par des plongeurs. Ce travail a mené à des réflexions méthodologiques sur la manière la plus efficace d’analyser ce genre de données afin d’appréhender pleinement la dynamique de colonisation des structures artificielles et leur rôle d’habitat pour des espèces commerciales. Outre cet effet récif, certains organismes se retrouvent exposés à des champs magnétiques émis par les câbles électriques. Ceci m’a conduit à mesurer expérimentalement l’impact de champs magnétiques artificiels sur le comportement du homard Européen (Homarus gammarus) au stade juvénile. Finalement, nous avons étudié in situ les potentiels bénéfices pour la macrofaune benthique de l’exclusion d’activités anthropiques autour de la route de câbles électriques. Le couplage d’approches in situ et ex situ m’a permis de mieux appréhender les impacts environnementaux associés aux câbles électriques sous-marins. Ces résultats permettront d’améliorer l’évaluation de l’empreinte écologique des futurs raccordements électriques

    Impacts potentiels des câbles électriques sous-marins des projets d’énergies marines renouvelables sur les communautés benthiques

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    In a global context of rapid development of marine renewable energy projects, the aim of this PhD thesis was to better characterise the potential impacts of submarine power cables on coastal benthic ecosystems. The work specifically focused on the impacts associated with the operational phase. The major part of this work was dedicated to the reef effect created by these cables and their protective and stabilising structures on sessile epibenthic communities and mobile megafauna. This work was mainly based on underwater imagery, either video or photo collected in situ by divers. The challenge of working with underwater imagery has led me to optimise image analyses so as to effectively monitor benthic colonisation and to quantify artificial reef habitat provision to commercial species.In addition to this reef effect, colonising organisms are exposed to magnetic fields generated by the power cables. Thus, I designed an experimental study to assess the impact of realistic magnetic fields on the behaviour of juvenile European lobsters (Homarus gammarus). Finally, we explored the ecological impacts of excluding anthropogenic activity from the cables routes and potential benefits for benthic macrofauna. By coupling both in situ and ex situ approaches, my PhD research better characterises the environmental impacts associated with submarine power cables. These results will help to assess the ecological footprint of future power grid connections.Dans un contexte de développement rapide des projets d’énergies marines renouvelables, le but de cette thèse était d’améliorer les connaissances sur les impacts potentiels des câbles électriques sous-marins sur les écosystèmes benthiques côtiers. En se focalisant sur la phase de fonctionnement, ce travail était essentiellement dédié à la caractérisation de l’effet récif généré par ces câbles et leurs structures associées (protection, stabilisation) sur les communautés épibenthiques fixées et la mégafaune mobile. L’étude était principalement basée sur l’utilisation d’images sous-marines (photo et vidéo) prises in situ par des plongeurs. Ce travail a mené à des réflexions méthodologiques sur la manière la plus efficace d’analyser ce genre de données afin d’appréhender pleinement la dynamique de colonisation des structures artificielles et leur rôle d’habitat pour des espèces commerciales. Outre cet effet récif, certains organismes se retrouvent exposés à des champs magnétiques émis par les câbles électriques. Ceci m’a conduit à mesurer expérimentalement l’impact de champs magnétiques artificiels sur le comportement du homard Européen (Homarus gammarus) au stade juvénile. Finalement, nous avons étudié in situ les potentiels bénéfices pour la macrofaune benthique de l’exclusion d’activités anthropiques autour de la route de câbles électriques. Le couplage d’approches in situ et ex situ m’a permis de mieux appréhender les impacts environnementaux associés aux câbles électriques sous-marins. Ces résultats permettront d’améliorer l’évaluation de l’empreinte écologique des futurs raccordements électriques

    A review of methods and indicators used to evaluate the ecological modifications generated by artificial structures on marine ecosystems

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    International audienceThe current development of human activities at sea (e.g. land reclamation, maritime activity and marine renewable energy) is leading to a significant increase in the number of infrastructures installed in marine settings. These artificial structures provide new hard-bottom habitats for many marine organisms and can thus modify the structure and functioning of coastal ecosystems. In order to better evaluate the nature of these modifications as well as the potential benefits and/or impacts generated, it becomes essential to develop assessment methods that can be applied to a wide variety of study sites from harbours to coastal offshore environments. In this context, our study aims to review the different methods and indicators available which are used to measure the modifications of biodiversity and ecological functioning generated by such structures. Among the methods reviewed, we highlight some that were developed specifically for artificial structures, and others intended for various primary uses but which have been successfully transposed to artificial structures. Nevertheless, we also point out the lack of reliable methods concerning some biological ecosystem components impacted by artificial structures. In this context, we require the adaptation or creation of brand-new indicators to achieve a better characterisation of the ecological impacts generated by these structures. Overall, this study highlights a very high number of existing methods, which provide stakeholders with useful tools to study the impacts of artificial structures, and identifies the need to develop integrative indicators to enhance the deployment of new artificial structures

    Optimizing image-based protocol to monitor macroepibenthic communities colonizing artificial structures

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    Underwater imagery is increasingly used as an effective and repeatable method to monitor benthic ecosystems. Nevertheless, extracting ecologically relevant information from a large amount of raw images remains a time-consuming and somewhat laborious challenge. Thus, underwater imagery processing needs to strike a compromise between time-efficient image annotation and accuracy in quantifying benthic community composition. Designing and implementing robust image sampling and image annotation protocols are therefore critical to rationally address these trade-offs between ecological accuracy and processing time. The aim of this study was to develop and to optimize a reliable image scoring strategy based on the point count method using imagery data acquired on tide-swept macroepibenthic communities. Using a stepwise approach, we define an underwater imagery processing protocol that is effective in terms of (i) time allocated to overall image, (ii) reaching a satisfactory accuracy to estimate the occurrence of dominant benthic taxa, and (iii) adopting a sufficient taxonomic resolution to describe changes in community composition. We believe that our method is well adapted to investigate the composition of epibenthic communities on artificial reefs and can be useful in surveying colonization of other human structures (wind turbine foundations, pipelines, etc.) in coastal areas. Our strategy meets the increasing demand for inexpensive and time-effective tools for monitoring changes in benthic communities in a context of increasing coastal artificialization pressures

    Salmon farming alters the structure and functioning of Norwegian maerl bed communities.

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    International audienceEffluents resulting from fish farming activities can alter the structure and functioning of benthic ecosystems. In Norway, recent technological advances within the salmon industry have facilitated the expansion of aquaculture into shallower locations, leading to additional pressures upon coastal habitats. Maerl/rhodolith beds are important bioengineers in coastal waters—supporting highly diverse associated macrofaunal communities—and are likely to be particularly at risk. This study aims to investigate the environmental changes induced by fish farms in their vicinity and their impact on the structure and functioning of maerl bed macrofaunal communities. High dissolved nutrients and organic enrichment levels were observed close to the cages, associated with lower live maerl cover. Overall, the most substantial impact of salmon farms on macrofaunal communities was observed within 100 m from the cages. Nevertheless, changes in the structure and functioning of assemblages were evidenced up to 300 m. In the vicinity of the cages, communities were characterized by the dominance of endobenthic subsurface deposit feeders and opportunistic species, notably the polychaetes Chaetozone sp., Capitella sp. and Scoloplos armiger . Conversely, sites situated farther away from the cages exhibited higher abundances of epibenthic taxa, including crawlers, grazers and species sensitive to organic enrichment. Sites unaffected by the presence of fish farms were described by high abundances of the ophiuroid Ophiura robusta , the polychaete Proclea graffi and ostracods, reflecting more favourable environmental conditions. Such changes in macrofaunal communities highlight the vulnerability of maerl beds to the impacts of aquaculture, thus emphasizing the importance of rigorous site selection when establishing new fish farming facilities

    Renewable energy homes for marine life: Habitat potential of a tidal energy project for benthic megafauna

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    An increasing number of offshore structures are being deployed worldwide to meet the growing demand for renewable energy. Besides energy production, these structures can also provide new artificial habitats to a diversity of fish and crustacean species. This study characterises how concrete mattresses that stabilise the submarine power cable of a tidal energy test site can increase habitat capacity for benthic megafauna. A five-year monitoring, which relied on both visual counts and video-based surveys by divers, revealed that these mattresses provide a suitable habitat for 5 taxa of large crustaceans and fish. In particular, two commercially valuable species, i.e. the edible crab Cancer pagurus and the European lobster Homarus gammarus, showed a constant occupancy of these artificial habitats throughout the course of the project. The shape and the number of shelters available below individual mattresses largely determine potential for colonisation by mobile megafauna. Local physical characteristics of the implantation site (e.g. substratum type, topography, exposition to current etc.) significantly impact amount and type of shelters provided by the concrete mattresses. Thus, to characterise habitat potential of artificial structures, it is not only essential to consider (i) the design of the structures, but also to (ii) account for their interactions with local environmental conditions when deployed on the seafloor

    Succession in epibenthic communities on artificial reefs associated with marine renewable energy facilities within a tide-swept environment

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    Although colonization of artificial structures by epibenthic communities is well-documented overall, our understanding of colonization processes is largely limited to low-energy environments. In this study, we monitored epibenthic colonization of different structures associated with a tidal energy test site located in a high-energy hydrodynamic environment. Using four years of image-based underwater surveys, we characterized changes through space and time in the taxonomic composition of epibenthic assemblages colonizing two kinds of artificial structures, as well as the surrounding natural habitat. Our results highlight that ecological successions followed similar trends across the two artificial habitats, but that different habitat-specific communities emerged at the end of our survey. Deployment of these artificial structures resulted in the addition of elevated and stable substrata in an environment where natural hard substrates are unstable and strongly exposed to sediment abrasion. Although epibenthic communities colonizing artificial habitats are unlikely to have reached a mature stage at the end of our survey, these supported structurally complex taxa facilitating an overall increase in local diversity. We were able to quantify how epibenthic communities can significantly vary over time in high-energy coastal environment, and our final survey suggests that the ecological succession was still in progress five years after the deployment of artificial reefs. Thus, maintaining long-term continuous survey of coastal artificial reef habitats will be key to better discriminate between long-term ecological successions and shorter-term variability

    Impact of magnetic fields generated by AC/DC submarine power cables on the behavior of juvenile European lobster (Homarus garnmarus)

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    WOS:000517853700004The number of submarine power cables using either direct or alternating current is expected to increase drastically in coming decades. Data concerning the impact of magnetic fields generated by these cables on marine invertebrates are scarce. In this context, the aim of this study was to explore the potential impact of anthropogenic static and time-varying magnetic fields on the behavior of recently settled juvenile European lobsters (Homarus gammarus) using two different behavioral assays. Day-light conditions were used to stimulate the sheltering behavior and facilitate the video tracking. We showed that juvenile lobsters did not exhibit any change of behavior when submitted to an artificial magnetic field gradient (maximum intensity of 200 mu T) compared to non-exposed lobsters in the ambient magnetic field. Additionally, no influence was noted on either the lobsters' ability to find shelter or modified their exploratory behavior after one week of exposure to anthropogenic magnetic fields (225 +/- 5 mu T) which remained similar to those observed in control individuals. It appears that static and time-varying anthropogenic magnetic fields, at these intensities, do not significantly impact the behavior of juvenile European lobsters in daylight conditions. Nevertheless, to form a complete picture for this biological model, further studies are needed on the other life stages as they may respond differently