601 research outputs found

    Identifying the Burdens and Opportunities for Tribes and Communities in Federal Facility Cleanup Activities: Environmental Remediation Technology Assessment Matrix For Tribal and Community Decision-Makers

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    The cleanup of this country's federal facilities can affect a wide range of tribal and community interests and concerns. The technologies now in use, or being proposed by the Department of Energy, Department of Defense and other federal agencies can affect tribal treaty protected fishing, hunting and other rights, affect air and water quality thereby requiring the tribe to bear the burden of increased environmental regulation. The International Institute for Indigenous Resource Management developed a tribal and community decision-maker's Environmental Remediation Technology Assessment Matrix that will permit tribes and communities to array technical information about environmental remediation technologies against a backdrop of tribal and community environmental, health and safety, cultural, religious, treaty and other concerns and interests. Ultimately, the matrix will allow tribes and communities to assess the impact of proposed technologies on the wide range of tribal and community interests and will promote more informed participation in federal facility cleanup activities

    A method for the ultrastructural preservation of tiny percutaneous needle biopsy material from skeletal muscle

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    Skeletal muscle biopsies require transecting the muscle fibers resulting, in structural damage near the cut ends. Classically, the optimal ultrastructural preservation has been obtained by the use of relatively large biopsies in which the tissue fibers are restrained by ligating to a suitable retaining support prior to excision, and by examining regions at some distance from the cut ends. However, these methods require invasive surgical procedures. In the present study, we present and substantiate an alternative approach that allows for the excellent ultrastructural preservation of needle biopsy samples, even the very small samples obtained through tiny percutaneous needle biopsy (TPNB). TPNB represents an advantage, relative to standard muscle biopsy techniques and to other needle biopsies currently in use, as in addition to not requiring a skin incision, it leaves no scars in the muscle and requires an extremely brief recovery period. It is most appropriate for obtaining repeated samples in horizontal studies, e.g., in order to follow changes with athletic training and/or aging in a single individual and for studies of sarcopenic muscles in elderly patients. Due to the small size of the sample, TPNB may present limited usefulness for classical pathology diagnostics. However, it offers the major advantage of allowing multiple samples within a single session and this may be useful under specific circumstances

    Aspects épidémiologiques des accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC) aux urgences de l’institut de cardiologie d’Abidjan (ICA)

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    Introduction: l'objectif de notre étude était de décrire les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les Facteurs de Risque cardio-Vasculaires (FRV) des patients admis pour accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC) dans un service autre que celui de la neurologie. Méthodes: étude transversale rétrospective sur une période de 2 ans (janv. 2010 et déc. 2011), réalisée aux urgences de l'institut de cardiologie d'Abidjan. Résultats: il s'agissait de 176 adultes avec un âge moyen de 60 ans, une prédominance féminine. Les facteurs de risque majeurs retrouvés étaient l'hypertension artérielle dans 86,4% des cas, le diabète dans 11,4% des cas, le tabagisme dans 2,2% des cas. Les motifs de consultation étaient la perte de connaissance dans 36,4% des cas, l'hémiplégie dans 31,8% des cas, les céphalées dans 17,4% des cas, les vertiges dans 10,9% et les palpitations dans 2,2% des cas. La tension artérielle systolique moyenne était à 174 mmHg, la tension artérielle diastolique moyenne était à 105 mmHg et la pression pulsée moyenne était à 70 mmHg. Les AVC étaient associés à une arythmie complète par fibrillation auriculaire dans 11,4% des cas. Les AVC ischémiques représentaient 84,1%. L'évolution aux urgences a été marquée par un décès dans 17% (30) des cas. Conclusion: les AVC constituent un problème majeur de santé publique. Malgré sa prédominance féminine, ils (AVC) touchaient 44% des hommes dans notre étude lorsqu'on sait qu'en Afrique l'activité sociale repose sur les hommes. Ils restent une pathologie grave par la forte létalité

    Piégeage des Mouches des Fruits (Diptera : Tephritidae) À Base D’extraits de Ocimum Basilicum L. (Lamiaceae) : Cas de Bactrocera Dorsalis, Principal Ravageur de Mangues en Côte d’Ivoire

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    Les cultures fruitières, en particulier la mangue en Côte d’Ivoire, sont sous la menace des mouches des fruits. Les dégâts se sont accrus avec l’invasion de Bactrocera dorsalis. En outre, la baisse des pertes en vergers de manguiers exige l’utilisation du méthyl eugénol pour sa détection et le suivi du monitoring de sa population. Malheureusement, les attractifs sexuels spécifiques de mouchessont inaccessibles aux producteurs de la Côte d’Ivoire. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer l’efficacité de Ocimum basilicum dans de la capture de B. dorsalis. Ces trois formulations du basilic (feuilles fraîches malaxées, poudre de basilic et macérât du basilic) et le méthyl eugénol sont utilisées en piégeage dans les vergers de manguiers à Korhogo. Les pièges ont été relevés chaque semaine et chaque jour respectivement pour le Méthyl eugénol et les formulations du basilic. Les formulations ont permis de capturer une importante population de B. dorsalis (99,41 %) avec une prévalence (FTD) moyenne journalière de 10,141 individus/jour/piège et d’autres espèces de mouches de fruits. La poudre de basilic montre une rémanence plus longue (28,67 ± 18,17 jours) tandis que le macérât de basilic montre une capture hebdomadaire plus élevée (513,4 ± 72,34 individus). Les captures moyennes les plus élevées ont été observées avec le Macérât de basilic (4419 ± 1090 individus) et le Méthyl eugénol (4899,67 ± 1511,74 individus). Le macérât de feuilles fraîches de basilic et la poudre de feuilles sèches de basilic peuvent être recommandées auprès des producteurs de mangues dans la lutte contre B. dorsalis. Fruit crops, especially mangoes in Côte d'Ivoire are threatened by the fruit flies. The damage has increased with the invasion of Bactrocera dorsalis. In addition, the decline in mango orchard losses requires the use of methyl eugenol for the detection and monitoring of Bactrocera population. Unfortunately, the sex-specific attractants of flies are inaccessible to producers in Côte d'Ivoire. The aims of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of Ocimum basilicum in the capture of B. dorsalis. Three basil formulations (fresh mixed leaves, basil powder and basil macerate) and methyl eugenol are used for trapping in mango orchards in Korhogo. The captured insects were collected weekly and daily for methyl eugenol and basil formulations respectively. The formulations captured a large population of B. dorsalis (99.41%) with an average daily prevalence (FTD) of 10,141 individuals / day / trap and other fruit fly species. Basil powder has the longest persistence (28.67 ± 18.17 days) and basil macerate has the highest weekly catch (513.4 ± 72.34 individuals). The highest average catches were observed with basil macerate (4419 ± 1090 individuals) and methyl eugenol (4899.67 ± 1511.74 individuals). Fresh basil leaf macerate and dry basil leaf powder may be recommended to mango growers in the control of B. dorsalis

    Volatile compounds of maari, a fermented product from baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) seeds

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    The volatile compounds associated with baobab seeds fermentation for Maari production were extracted and analysed by Likens-Nickerson simultaneous steam distillation-extraction method and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), respectively. Furthermore, the titratable acidity, tannin content and proximate composition were evaluated. A total of 96 compounds were identified with esters, acids, alcohols and ketones being quantitatively the major groups. Fermentation led to an increase in the concentration of total volatile compounds from 121.6 in unfermented cooked seeds to 809.1 mg kg-1 in the fermented product. Drying resulted in a significant loss of up to 80.7% of the total volatiles.Key words: Volatile compounds, maari, baobab, fermentation

    Wideband Digital Signal Processing Test-Bed for Radiometric RFI Mitigation

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    Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) is a persistent and growing problem experienced by spaceborne microwave radiometers. Recent missions such as SMOS, SMAP, and GPM have detected RFI in L, C, X, and K bands. To proactively deal with this issue, microwave radiometers must (1) Utilize new algorithms for RFI detection (2) Utilize fast digital back-ends that sample at hundreds of MHz. The wideband digital signal processing testbed (WB-RFI) is a platform that allows rapid development and testing various RFI detection and mitigation algorithms

    Identifying the Burdens and Opportunities for Tribes and Communities in Federal Facility Cleanup Activities: Environmental Remediation Technology Assessment Matrix For Tribal and Community Decision-Makers

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    The cleanup of this country’s federal facilities can affect a wide range of tribal and community interests and concerns. The technologies now in use, or being proposed by the Department of Energy, Department of Defense and other federal agencies can affect tribal treaty protected fishing, hunting and other rights, affect air and water quality thereby requiring the tribe to bear the burden of increased environmental regulation. The International Institute for Indigenous Resource Management developed a tribal and community decision-maker’s Environmental Remediation Technology Assessment Matrix that will permit tribes and communities to array technical information about environmental remediation technologies against a backdrop of tribal and community environmental, health and safety, cultural, religious, treaty and other concerns and interests. Ultimately, the matrix will allow tribes and communities to assess the impact of proposed technologies on the wide range of tribal and community interests and will promote more informed participation in federal facility cleanup activities. This research was completed money allocated during Round 1 of the Citizens’ Monitoring and Technical Assessment Fund (MTA Fund). Clark University was named conservator of these works. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at [email protected]://commons.clarku.edu/iiirm/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Different environmental variables predict distribution and cover of the introduced red seaweed Eucheuma denticulatum in two geographical locations

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    In this study we examined abiotic and biotic factors that could potentially influence the presence of a non-indigenous seaweed, Eucheuma denticulatum, in two locations, one outside (Kane'ohe Bay, Hawai'i, USA) and one within (Mafia Island, Tanzania) its natural geographical range. We hypothesized that the availability of hard substrate and the amount of wave exposure would explain distribution patterns, and that higher abundance of herbivorous fishes in Tanzania would exert stronger top-down control than in Hawai'i. To address these hypotheses, we surveyed E. denticulatum in sites subjected to different environmental conditions and used generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) to identify predictors of E. denticulatum presence. We also estimated grazing intensity on E. denticulatum by surveying the type and the amount of grazing scars. Finally, we used molecular tools to distinguish between indigenous and non-indigenous strains of E. denticulatum on Mafia Island. In Kane'ohe Bay, the likelihood of finding E. denticulatum increased with wave exposure, whereas on Mafia Island, the likelihood increased with cover of coral rubble, and decreased with distance from areas of introduction (AOI), but this decrease was less pronounced in the presence of coral rubble. Grazing intensity was higher in Kane'ohe Bay than on Mafia Island. However, we still suggest that efforts to reduce non-indigenous E. denticulatum should include protection of important herbivores in both sites because of the high levels of grazing close to AOI. Moreover, we recommend that areas with hard substrate and high structural complexity should be avoided when farming non-indigenous strains of E. denticulatum

    Effect of in-water oxygen prebreathing at different depths on decompression-induced bubble formation and platelet activation

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    Effect of in-water oxygen prebreathing at different depths on decompression-induced bubble formation and platelet activation in scuba divers was evaluated. Six volunteers participated in four diving protocols, with 2 wk of recovery between dives. On dive 1, before diving, all divers breathed normally for 20 min at the surface of the sea (Air). On dive 2, before diving, all divers breathed 100% oxygen for 20 min at the surface of the sea [normobaric oxygenation (NBO)]. On dive 3, before diving, all divers breathed 100% O2 for 20 min at 6 m of seawater [msw; hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) 1.6 atmospheres absolute (ATA)]. On dive 4, before diving, all divers breathed 100% O2 for 20 min at 12 msw (HBO 2.2 ATA). Then they dove to 30 msw (4 ATA) for 20 min breathing air from scuba. After each dive, blood samples were collected as soon as the divers surfaced. Bubbles were measured at 20 and 50 min after decompression and converted to bubble count estimate (BCE) and numeric bubble grade (NBG). BCE and NBG were significantly lower in NBO than in Air [0.142+/-0.034 vs. 0.191+/-0.066 (P<0.05) and 1.61+/-0.25 vs. 1.89+/-0.31 (P<0.05), respectively] at 20 min, but not at 50 min. HBO at 1.6 ATA and 2.2 ATA has a similar significant effect of reducing BCE and NBG. BCE was 0.067+/-0.026 and 0.040+/-0.018 at 20 min and 0.030+/-0.022 and 0.020+/-0.020 at 50 min. NBG was 1.11+/-0.17 and 0.92+/-0.16 at 20 min and 0.83+/-0.18 and 0.75+/-0.16 at 50 min. Prebreathing NBO and HBO significantly alleviated decompression-induced platelet activation. Activation of CD62p was 3.0+/-0.4, 13.5+/-1.3, 10.7+/-0.9, 4.5+/-0.7, and 7.6+/-0.8% for baseline, Air, NBO, HBO at 1.6 ATA, and HBO at 2.2 ATA, respectively. The data show that prebreathing oxygen, more effective with HBO than NBO, decreases air bubbles and platelet activation and, therefore, may be beneficial in reducing the development of decompression sickness
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