1,169 research outputs found

    Stress at Work: Any Potential Redirection From an African Sample?

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    Research on workplace stress has generated a massive interest and following in the management and behavioural literature in the Western world, but not much data has come out of Africa. This study explored the relationship among Perceived stress, Perception of sources of stress, Satisfaction, Core self-evaluation, Perceived health and Well being. Survey data was collected from 355 employees in Botswana. Result from descriptive data and correlational analysis indicates significant links between Perceived stress, Satisfaction, Core self-evaluation and Well being. Overall, much of our findings are consistent with what has been reported in the literature. Managerial implications of the findings were discussed

    Free Movement in Focus: Is One of the EU's Freedoms at Risk?

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    Under a variety of rubrics, including 'Armutszuwanderung' (poverty migration) and 'social benefits tourism', the debate on the free movement of Bulgarian and Romanian citizens in the EU has entered public discussion. It has featured in the debates leading up to the European elections in May 2014. The European Parliament victory for populists in France, the UK and Denmark has added gravity to these debates

    Detecting Event-Related Links and Sentiments from Social Media Texts

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    Nowadays, the importance of Social Media is constantly growing, as people often use such platforms to share mainstream media news and comment on the events that they relate to. As such, people no loger remain mere spectators to the events that happen in the world, but become part of them, commenting on their developments and the entities involved, sharing their opinions and distributing related content. This paper describes a system that links the main events detected from clusters of newspaper articles to tweets related to them, detects complementary information sources from the links they contain and subsequently applies sentiment analysis to classify them into positive, negative and neutral. In this manner, readers can follow the main events happening in the world, both from the perspective of mainstream as well as social media and the public's perception on them. This system is part of a media monitoring framework working live and it will be demonstrated using Google Earth.JRC.G.2-Global security and crisis managemen

    The emergence of the lean global start-up as a new type of firm

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    This article contributes to the interplay between international entrepreneurship, innovation networks, and early internationalization research by emphasizing the need to conceptualize and introduce a new type of firm: the lean global startup. It discussed two different paths in linking the lean startup and born-global internationalization strategies. The first path refers to generic lean startups that have undertaken a rapid internationalization strategy (i.e., lean-to-global startups). The second path refers to startups that have started operating on global scale since their inception and adopted the lean startup approach by seamlessly synergizing their global and lean product development activities. The article emphasizes several aspects that could be used as part of the theoretical foundation for conceptualizing lean global startups as a special new type of firm: i) the emergent nature of their business models, including the challenges of partnership development on a global scale; ii) the inherently relational nature of the global resource allocation processes; iii) the integration of the entrepreneurial, effectuation, and global marketing perspectives; iv) the need to deal with a high degree of uncertainty, including the uncertainty associated with cross-border business operations; and v) linking the ex-ante characteristics of lean startups with the ex-post characteristics of born-global firms in order to develop a technology adoption marketing perspective that considers the “crossing the chasm” process as a successful entry into a global market niche