95 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to examine nurses\u27 social skills related to their job satisfaction. The subjects were 164 nurses working in six public hospitals in Toyama prefecture. The scales used were the Social Skill Scale and the Japanese version of the Nurses\u27 Job Satisfaction Scale of Stamps. The results were as follows; 1) The start of human relation-ships as a sub-concept of social skills was positively correlated with organizational requirements and total scores for job satisfaction, 2) The maintenance of relationships as a sub-concept of social skills was positively correlated with their scores for professional status as a sub-concept of job satisfaction, and 3) Self-assertion as a sub-concept of social skills was negatively correlated with their scores for pay as a sub-concepts of job satisfaction. These findings suggested that the nurses\u27 social skills are related to their job satisfaction.本研究では看護婦の社会的スキルの職務満足度への影響を明らかにする目的で調査を行った.調査対象は富山県下の6つの公的病院に就業する看護婦で, 有効回答の得られた164名を母集団とした.測定用具は, StampsのJob Satisfaction日本語版, および和田の社会的スキル測定尺度(関係開始, 関係維持, 自己主張)を使用した.その結果以下のことが明らかになった.1.社会的スキルの関係開始能力と, 職務満足度合計とは正の相関があった, 2.社会的スキルの関係維持能力と, 職務満足度の看護管理, 地位とは正の相関があった.3.社会的スキルの自己主張能力と, 職務満足度の給与とのは負の相関があった.以上の結果から, 看護婦の職務満足度には個人の社会的スキルが影響していることが示唆された

    Familial Case of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) with Similar Onset and HLA Analysis

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    Subjects: Cases are two patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), with the characteristic relationship and onset situation. Case 1 is 46-year-old daughter and case 2 is 69-year-old mother. They have been living apart and they rarely meet together. Twenty-two months after the onset of T1DM case 1, case 2 also developed T1DM. They did not notice clinical manifestation of upper respiratory infection, or they did not have any stressful matters before the onset of T1DM. Results: Their data in case 1 vs 2 were as follows: BMI 21.3 vs 19.8, HbA1c 10.3% vs 9.8%, anti-IA-2 antibody (IA-2 Ab) 2.1 vs 6.0 (<0.4), anti-GAD antibody (GAD Ab) 24 vs 10000 (<1.5), HLA-DR type DR9 / DR13 vs DR4/DR13. Discussion and conclusion: These 2 cases have characteristic mode for the onset of T1DM. In Japanese race, DR4 and DR9 have rather high sensitivity for T1DM, DR15 (DR2) has resistance for T1DM and DR13 has unremarkable influence. From these, HLA-DR type would be possible involved in the onset of T1DM, and further investigation would be expected

    Daily improvement of glucose variability by Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)

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    Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) has been recently applied in the clinical diabetic practice. Authors have continued research of glucose variability. In this study, 51 year-old female patient with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) was investigated. She has given multiple daily insulin injection (MDI) for long and her recent daily glucose profile was unstable. After applied with FreeStyle Libre, her blood variability was improved with the average glucose from 222 mg/dL to 135 mg/dL, which was partly from her motivation for better diabetic control. Thus, CGM may become a trigger to give beneficial influence for regular lifestyle of the patients

    Significant weight reduction by super low carbohydrate diet with improved lipid profiles

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    The case was a 41-year-old male patient with obesity and hypertension until 2015. He became 102 kg with body mass index (BMI) of 32.5 and HbA1c value increased to 6.6% in January 2016. Then, he started a low carbohydrate diet (LCD) and continued successfully. His body weight was decreased to 77 kg within nine months with 5.7% in HbA1c. His lipid profiles were improved as follows: triglyceride 143 to 33 mg/dL, LDL-C 130 to 102 mg/dL, HDL-C 40 to 76 mg/dL. After that, he has continued LCD but has always meals with excess calories. Then, his weight became 88 kg in January 2020 with 6.4% in HbA1c. During three years, values of HbA1c and lipid profiles became gradually worse. He has been prescribed for antihypertensive drugs and not for an oral hypoglycemic agent (OHA) so far. The adequate treatment would be discussed from now

    Effective Xultophy administration to stable blood glucose profile by Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) need adequate diet, exercise and pharmacotherapy. Authors have continued diabetic practice and research on low carbohydrate diet (LCD), calorie restriction (CR), continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), and so on. The case is 50-year-old female patient with T2DM for 10 years. She has received insulin treatment with recent HbA1c 7.4 – 8.7%, then her glucose profile was studied on CGM by FreeStyle Libre. Treatment was changed from Glargine 15 units (until day 5) to Zultophy10-12 doses (after day 6), then her glucose variability showed remarkably improved. The average blood glucose on day 3, 5, 6, 8,10,13 was 174, 164, 125, 111, 101, 98 mg/dL, respectively. FreeStyle Libre showed estimated HbA1c as 6.2% and 44 mmol/mol