167 research outputs found


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    A large family with six individuals exhibiting the Unertan syndrome (UTS)was identified residing in southern Turkey. All of the individuals had mental impairments and walked on all four extremities. The practice of intra-familial\ud marriages suggested that theUTS may be an autosomal recessive disorder, similar to previously described cases. The inferior portions of the cerebellum and vermis were\ud absent as evidenced by MRI and CT scans. The height and head circumference of those affected were within normal ranges. Barany’s test suggested normal vestibular\ud system function. The subjects could not name objects or their close relatives. The males (n = 4) could understand simple questions and commands, but answered questions with only one or two sounds. The females (n = 2) were superior to\ud the males with respect to language skills and walking, suggesting an association between walking and speaking abilities. One male exhibited three walking patterns\ud at the same time: quadripedal, tiptoe, and scissor walking. Another male used two walking styles: quadripedal and toe-walking. It is emphasized that there are important differences between the UTS and the disequilibrium syndrome. It is suggested that the inability to walk upright in those affected with the UTS may be\ud best explained by a disturbance in lateral-balance mechanisms,without being related to the cerebello-vestibular system.An interruption of locomotor development during the transition from quadripedality to bipedality may result in habitual walking on all four extremities and is normal in some children. Because quadripedal\ud gait is an ancestral trait, individuals with the UTS, exhibiting a manifestation of reverse evolution in humans, may be considered an experiment of nature, useful\ud in understanding the mechanisms underlying the transition from quadripedality to bipedality during human evolution. The proposed mutant gene or gene pool playing\ud a role in human quadrupedality may also be responsible for human bipedality at the same time. Herein there is no intent to insult or injure; rather, this report is an\ud endeavor to better understand human beings. Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher’s online edition of International Journal of\ud Neuroscience for the following free supplemental resource(s): video clips

    Üner Tan Syndrome: Review and Emergence of Human Quadrupedalism in Self-Organization,\ud Attractors and Evolutionary Perspectives\ud

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    The first man reported in the world literature exhibiting habitual quadrupedal locomotion was discovered by a British traveler and writer on the famous Baghdat road near Havsa/Samsun on the middle Black-Sea coast of Turkey (Childs, 1917). Interestingly, no single case with human quadrupedalism was reported in the scientific literature after Child's first description in 1917 until the first report on the Uner Tan syndrome (UTS: quadrupedalism, mental retardation, and impaired speech or no speech)in 2005 (Tan, 2005, 2006). Between 2005 and 2010, 10 families exhibiting the syndrome were discovered in Turkey with 33 cases: 14 women (42.4%) and 19 men (57.6%). Including a few cases from other countries, there were 25 men (64.1%)and 14 women (35.9%). The number of men significantly exceeded the number of women (p < .05). Genetics alone did not seem to be informative for the origins of many syndromes, including the Uner Tan syndrome. From the viewpoint of dynamical systems theory, there may not be a single factor including the neural and/or genetic codes that predetermines the emergence of the human quadrupedalism.Rather, it may involve a self-organization process, consisting of many decentralized and local interactions among neuronal, genetic, and environmental subsystems. The most remarkable characteristic of the UTS, the diagonal-sequence quadrupedalism is well developed in primates. The evolutionarily advantage of this gait is not known. However, there seems to be an evolutionarily advantage of this type of locomotion for primate evolution, with regard to the emergence of complex neural circuits with related highly complex structures. Namely, only primates with diagonal-sequence quadrupedal locomotion followed an evolution favoring larger brains, highly developed cognitive abilities with hand skills, and language, with erect posture and bipedal locomotion, creating the unity of human being. It was suggested that UTS may be considered a further example for Darwinian diseases, which may be associated with an evolutionary understanding of the disorders using evolutionary principles, such as the natural selection. On the other hand, the human quadrupedalism was proposed to be a phenotypic example of evolution of reverse, i.e., the reacquisition by derived populations of the same character states as those of ancestor populations. It was also suggested that the emergence of the human quadrupedalism may be related to self-organizing processes occurring in complex systems, which select or attract one preferred behavioral state or locomotor trait out of many possible attractor states. Concerning the locomotor patterns, the dynamical systems in brain and body of the developing child may prefer some kind of locomotion, according to interactions of the internal components and the environmental conditions, without a direct role of any causative factor(s), such as genetic or neural codes, consistent with the concept of self-organization, suggesting no single element may have a causal priority


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    A large family with six individuals exhibiting the Unertan syndrome (UTS) was identified residing in southern Turkey. All of the individuals had mental impairments and walked on all four extremities. The intra-familial marriages suggested that the UTS is an autosomal recessive disorder. The inferior portions of the cerebellum and vermis were absent as evidenced by MRI and CT scans. The height and head circumference of those affected were within normal ranges. Barany’s test suggested normal vestibular system function. The subjects could not name objects or their close relatives. The males (n = 4) could understand simple questions, answering them with only one or two sounds. The females (n = 2) were superior to the males with respect to language skills and walking, suggesting an association between walking and speaking abilities. One male exhibited three walking patterns at the same time: quadripedal, tiptoe, and scissor walking. Another male used two walking styles: quadripedal and toe-walking. It is emphasized that there are important differences between the UTS and the disequilibrium syndrome (DES). It is suggested that the inability to walk upright in those affected with the UTS may be best explained by a disturbance in lateral-balance mechanisms. An interruption of locomotor development during the transition from quadripedality to bipedality may result in habitual walking on all four extremities and is normal in some children. Since quadripedal gait is an ancestral trait, individuals with the UTS, exhibiting a manifestation of reverse evolution in humans, may be considered an experiment of nature, useful in understanding the mechanisms underlying the transition from quadripedality to bipedality during human evolution. The proposed mutant gene or gene pool playing a role in human quadrupedality may also be responsible for human bipedality at the same time. Herein there is no intent to insult or injure, rather this report is an endeavor to better understand human beings

    The Examination of Agricultural Organization Legislation and Policies in Turkey: TheCase of Agricultural Cooperatives

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    Tarım sektörü insan ihtiyacı olan gıda gereksinimini karşılaması, sanayiye ham madde sağlaması, istihdam yaratması gibi fonksiyonlarından dolayı önemini sürekli korumakta ve bu işlevleri yerine getirirken çeşitli sorunlarla mücadele etmektedir. Örneğin girdi fiyatlarının yüksek olmasına karşın, ürünlerin satış fiyatlarının düşük olması, sorunları sıklıkla tartışılmaktadır. Bu sorunların ve sektörün diğer pek çok sorununa çözüm olarak görülen tarımsal amaçlı örgütlenmenin etkin olmaması da ilave olarak sektörün bir başka önemli sorunu olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Tarımda tespit edilen bu ve benzeri sorunlara çeşitli çözüm önerileri sunulmaktadır ve tarımsal örgütlerin güçlendirilmesi genelde bu çözüm önerileri arasında yer almaktadır. Sonuç olarak, tarımsal örgütlerin başarısızlığı hem sorun olarak karşımıza çıkmakta hem de diğer sorunların çözümü için yine güçlü tarımsal örgütlerin önemi vurgulanmaktadır. Türkiye'de tarımsal örgütlerle ilgili yapılan birçok araştırmada örgütlerin başarısızlığı incelenmiş ve başarısızlığın sebepleri belirlenmiştir. Yapılan araştırmaların önemli bir kısmında -mevzuattan kaynaklanan sorunlar? ortak sonuç olarak tespit edilmiştir. Dolayısıyla, bu araştırmada tarımsal örgütlerin mevzuattan kaynaklanan sorunları ve tarımsal örgütlenme politikaları irdelenmiş, konuyla ilgili çözüm önerileri sunulmuştur.The Examination of Agricultural Organization Legislation and Policies in Turkey: The Case of Agricultural Cooperatives Agricultural sector keeps its importance regularly due to its functions such as meeting the needs of people in need of food, providing raw materials to industrial sector, and creating employment. It deals with various problems when it carries out these functions. For example, higher input prices and lower sale prices of the products are the problems discussed frequently. In addition, inefficient agricultural organizations emerge another important problem encountered. Agricultural sector provides different solutions to these and similar identified problems and strengthening of agricultural organizations is among these solutions. As a result, the failure of agricultural organizations emerges as a problem confronted and it also emphasizes the importance of strong agricultural organizations to solve other problems. In many studies on agricultural organizations in Turkey, the failure of agricultural organizations had been examined and the reasons for the failure had been determined. -Problems stemming from legislation&quot; had been identified as common outcome. Therefore, in this study, the problems of agricultural organizations arising from legislation and their agricultural organization policies are examined and relevant solutions are presented

    Tarım Politikasındaki Değişiklikler ve Bağcılık: Çanakkale ili Örneği

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    Bağcılılık Türkiye’nin en önemli tarımsal alanların başında gelmektedir. Bağcılık Türkiye’de üreticinin geçimi için önemli bir rol oynamakla birlikte ülke ekonomisine de önemli katkılar sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada öncelikle dünyada ve Türkiye’de bağ alanlarının ve üretimin dağılımı, dış ticaret miktarları, bağcılığa alternatif olan zeytin ekim alanları ve üretiminin dağılımı, dünyada ve Türkiye’de şarap üretimi ve dış ticareti, bağcılıkla ilgili destekleme ve fiyat politikaları, son olarak da Çanakkale ilinde bağcılığın mevcut durumu incelenmiştir. Küreselleşme ile birlikte, bağcılıkta diğer tarım ürünlerini gibi son dönem tarım politikalarındaki değişmeden etkilenmiştir. Özellikle 2001 yılından sonra tarım politikasından ön plana çıkan DGD sistemi, ürün destekleri, özelleştirme, girdi ve çıktı fiyatlarındaki değişmelerin, bağ alanları üzerindeki etkileri tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Türkiye’de tarımda destek politikaları oluşturulurken çok yönlü etkileri gözardı edilmektedir. Bunlara son dönem yapılan özelleştirme politikaları ile birlikte yapılan tarımsal desteklemelerin etkisinin azalması örnek gösterilebilir. Ürün bazlı tarım destekleri ve DGD politikaları oluşturulurken, ürünler arasındaki tamamlayıcı veya ikame ürün ilişkisi, ve bunların girdi ve çıktı fiyat ve miktarları ön planda tutulmalıdır. Özellikle bağcılık ile ilgili destekleme politikaları oluşturulurken zeytine yapılan destek politikalarına da dikkat edilmelidir

    Tarım Politikasındaki Değişiklikler ve Bağcılık: Çanakkale ili Örneği

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    Bağcılılık Türkiye’nin en önemli tarımsal alanların başında gelmektedir. Bağcılık Türkiye’de üreticinin geçimi için önemli bir rol oynamakla birlikte ülke ekonomisine de önemli katkılar sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada öncelikle dünyada ve Türkiye’de bağ alanlarının ve üretimin dağılımı, dış ticaret miktarları, bağcılığa alternatif olan zeytin ekim alanları ve üretiminin dağılımı, dünyada ve Türkiye’de şarap üretimi ve dış ticareti, bağcılıkla ilgili destekleme ve fiyat politikaları, son olarak da Çanakkale ilinde bağcılığın mevcut durumu incelenmiştir. Küreselleşme ile birlikte, bağcılıkta diğer tarım ürünlerini gibi son dönem tarım politikalarındaki değişmeden etkilenmiştir. Özellikle 2001 yılından sonra tarım politikasından ön plana çıkan DGD sistemi, ürün destekleri, özelleştirme, girdi ve çıktı fiyatlarındaki değişmelerin, bağ alanları üzerindeki etkileri tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Türkiye’de tarımda destek politikaları oluşturulurken çok yönlü etkileri gözardı edilmektedir. Bunlara son dönem yapılan özelleştirme politikaları ile birlikte yapılan tarımsal desteklemelerin etkisinin azalması örnek gösterilebilir. Ürün bazlı tarım destekleri ve DGD politikaları oluşturulurken, ürünler arasındaki tamamlayıcı veya ikame ürün ilişkisi, ve bunların girdi ve çıktı fiyat ve miktarları ön planda tutulmalıdır. Özellikle bağcılık ile ilgili destekleme politikaları oluşturulurken zeytine yapılan destek politikalarına da dikkat edilmelidir

    The Evaluation of the Changes in the Agricultural Sector with Common Economic Indicators in Turkey during the Last Decade

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    Agriculture is an important sector in the Turkish Economy in terms of population and employment, nutrition, agricultural production, domestic consumption, its contribution to industry, national income and balance of payments. By current economic indicators in Turkey, while its share in national income is 9.0%, its share in employment is 23.6%. Although the share of agriculture in GDP decreased in Turkey in the last decade, the rate of growth of agricultural sector increased. Whereas cultivated fields and the number of livestock declined, vegetative production and animal production increased significantly. Moreover, the rate of total employment increased, but the rate of agricultural employment decreased. In addition, the use of machine in agriculture increased and the wage of employees in agriculture increased considerably, as well. On the other hand, agricultural support policies in the last decade witnessed major reforms and important support policies were implemented in many areas. In 2013, the share of agricultural subsidies in gross domestic product increased compared to the previous year and an increase in the 2014 budget was targeted. In this study, agriculture-related indicators in Turkey in the last ten years will be evaluated and the last ten-year change and the reasons of this change will be examined. In the light of these changes, agricultural recommendations in terms of future oriented agricultural plans and programs will be presented. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n2s1p58

    The Socio-Economic Structure of Farmers Related to Organic Olive Cultivation and The Knowledge Level and Approaches Towards Organic Agriculture

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    In this study, it was aimed to examine of socio-economic structure of farmers related to organic olive cultivation activity in Gökçeada district of Çanakkale province in Turkey and to determine the knowledge level and approaches towards their organic agriculture. The data of the present study were obtained by survey from 121 farms related to organic olive cultivation determined by using the whole counting method. Data cover the production period in 2016-2017. Descriptive statistics and 5-point Likert-type scale was used to analyse the data. According to the results of study, it was found that the average age of farmers was 53.6 years, the average year of schooling of farmers was 7.5, the average household size was 3.7 persons, the average experience of farmers in organic olive cultivation was also 8.3 years and 10.7% of the farmers had the highest income (50.001₺-60.000₺). Furthermore, the most consciousness level about organic agriculture was determined as ''not use hazardous chemicals for nature and health in organic agriculture'' concept for farmers that make organic olive cultivation. As a result, this study is expected to contribute the development of district's economy and to rural development