6,879 research outputs found

    Optical responses in two-dimensional tilted semi-Dirac bands

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    Within linear response theory, the absorptive part of optical conductivities are analytically calculated for distinct tilts in two-dimensional (2D) tilted semi-Dirac bands (TSDBs). The transverse optical conductivities always vanish Reσxy(ω)=Reσyx(ω)=0\mathrm{Re}\sigma_{xy}(\omega)=\mathrm{Re}\sigma_{yx}(\omega)=0. The interband longitudinal optical conductivities (LOCs) in 2D TSDBs differ qualitatively in the power-law scaling of ω\omega as ReσxxIB(ω)σ0ω\mathrm{Re}\sigma_{xx}^{\mathrm{IB}}(\omega)\propto\sigma_0\sqrt{\omega} and ReσyyIB(ω)σ0/ω\mathrm{Re}\sigma_{yy}^{\mathrm{IB}}(\omega)\propto\sigma_0/\sqrt{\omega}. By contrast, the intraband LOCs in 2D TSDBs depend on μ\mu in the power-law scaling ReσxxD(ω)σ0μμ\mathrm{Re}\sigma_{xx}^{\mathrm{D}}(\omega)\propto\sigma_0\mu \sqrt{\mu} and ReσyyD(ω)σ0μ/μ\mathrm{Re}\sigma_{yy}^{\mathrm{D}}(\omega)\propto\sigma_0\mu/\sqrt{\mu}. The power-law scaling is similar to that in 2D untilted SDBs but distincts from a uniform behavior independent of ω\omega (or μ\mu) as Reσxx/yyIB(ω)σ0\mathrm{Re}\sigma_{xx/yy}^{\mathrm{IB}}(\omega)\propto\sigma_0 (or Reσxx/yyD(ω)σ0μ\mathrm{Re}\sigma_{xx/yy}^{\mathrm{D}}(\omega)\propto\sigma_0\mu) in 2D tilted Dirac bands (TDBs). The universal power-law scaling further dictates significant differences in the angular dependence of LOCs, which can be used to characterize 2D TSDBs from 2D TDBs in the optical measurements. The tilt-dependent behaviors of LOCs can qualitatively tell 2D TSDBs from 2D untilted SDBs, but show similarities in the impact of band tilting between 2D TSDBs and 2D TDBs.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Highly Efficient Midinfrared On-Chip Electrical Generation of Graphene Plasmons by Inelastic Electron Tunneling Excitation

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    Inelastic electron tunneling provides a low-energy pathway for the excitation of surface plasmons and light emission. We theoretically investigate tunnel junctions based on metals and graphene. We show that graphene is potentially a highly efficient material for tunneling excitation of plasmons because of its narrow plasmon linewidths, strong emission, and large tunability in the midinfrared wavelength regime. Compared to gold and silver, the enhancement can be up to 10 times for similar wavelengths and up to 5 orders at their respective plasmon operating wavelengths. Tunneling excitation of graphene plasmons promises an efficient technology for on-chip electrical generation and manipulation of plasmons for graphene-based optoelectronics and nanophotonic integrated circuits.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Anomalous acoustic plasmons in two-dimensional over-tilted Dirac bands

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    The over-tilting of type-II Dirac cones has led to various fascinating quantum phenomena. Here we find two anomalous acoustic plasmons (AAPs) are dictated by the distinct geometry of two-dimensional (2D) type-II Dirac cones, far beyond the conventional \text{\ensuremath{\sqrt{q}}} plasmon. One AAP originates from the strong hybridization of two pockets at one Dirac point, whereas the other is attributed to the significant enhancement of the band correlation around the open Fermi surface. Remarkably, the plasmons exhibit valley-dependent chirality along the tilting direction due to the chiral electron dispersion. Meanwhile, we discuss the tunability of plasmon dispersion and lifetime by tuning the gap and dielectric substrate. Our work provides a promising way to generate the novel plasmons in Dirac materials.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Longitudinal optical conductivities in tilted Dirac bands

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    We report a unified theory based on linear response, for analyzing the longitudinal optical conductivity (LOC) of materials with tilted Dirac cones. Depending on the tilt parameter tt, the Dirac electrons have four phases, untilted, type-I, type-II, and type-III; the Dirac dispersion can be isotropic or anisotropic; the spatial dimension of the material can be one-, two-, or three-dimensions. The interband LOCs and intraband LOCs in dd dimension (with d2d\ge2) are found to scale as to σ0ωd2\sigma_{0}\omega^{d-2} and σ0μd1δ(ω)\sigma_{0}|\mu|^{d-1}\delta(\omega), respectively, where ω\omega is the frequency and μ\mu the chemical potential. The interband LOCs always vanish in one dimension due to lacking of extra spatial dimension. The angular dependence of LOCs is found to characterize the band tilting, and the constant asymptotic background values of LOC reflect features of the Dirac bands. The LOCs in the anisotropic tilted Dirac cone can be connected to its isotropic counterpart by a ratio that consists of Fermi velocities. The findings are valid for a great many Dirac materials in the spatial dimensions of physical interests.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Transport properties of graphene with one-dimensional charge defects

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    We study the effect of extended charge defects in electronic transport properties of graphene. Extended defects are ubiquitous in chemically and epitaxially grown graphene samples due to internal strains associated with the lattice mismatch. We show that at low energies these defects interact quite strongly with the 2D Dirac fermions and have an important effect in the DC-conductivity of these materials.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. published version: one figure, appendix and references adde

    A Unified and Efficient Coordinating Framework for Autonomous DBMS Tuning

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    Recently using machine learning (ML) based techniques to optimize modern database management systems has attracted intensive interest from both industry and academia. With an objective to tune a specific component of a DBMS (e.g., index selection, knobs tuning), the ML-based tuning agents have shown to be able to find better configurations than experienced database administrators. However, one critical yet challenging question remains unexplored -- how to make those ML-based tuning agents work collaboratively. Existing methods do not consider the dependencies among the multiple agents, and the model used by each agent only studies the effect of changing the configurations in a single component. To tune different components for DBMS, a coordinating mechanism is needed to make the multiple agents cognizant of each other. Also, we need to decide how to allocate the limited tuning budget among the agents to maximize the performance. Such a decision is difficult to make since the distribution of the reward for each agent is unknown and non-stationary. In this paper, we study the above question and present a unified coordinating framework to efficiently utilize existing ML-based agents. First, we propose a message propagation protocol that specifies the collaboration behaviors for agents and encapsulates the global tuning messages in each agent's model. Second, we combine Thompson Sampling, a well-studied reinforcement learning algorithm with a memory buffer so that our framework can allocate budget judiciously in a non-stationary environment. Our framework defines the interfaces adapted to a broad class of ML-based tuning agents, yet simple enough for integration with existing implementations and future extensions. We show that it can effectively utilize different ML-based agents and find better configurations with 1.4~14.1X speedups on the workload execution time compared with baselines.Comment: Accepted at 2023 International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD '23