34,005 research outputs found

    Astrochemical confirmation of the rapid evolution of massive YSOs and explanation for the inferred ages of hot cores

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    Aims. To understand the roles of infall and protostellar evolution on the envelopes of massive young stellar objects (YSOs). Methods. The chemical evolution of gas and dust is traced, including infall and realistic source evolution. The temperatures are determined self-consistently. Both ad/desorption of ices using recent laboratory temperature-programmed-desorption measurements are included. Results. The observed water abundance jump near 100 K is reproduced by an evaporation front which moves outward as the luminosity increases. Ion-molecule reactions produce water below 100 K. The age of the source is constrained to t \~ 8 +/- 4 x 10^4 yrs since YSO formation. It is shown that the chemical age-dating of hot cores at ~ few x 10^3 - 10^4 yr and the disappearance of hot cores on a timescale of ~ 10^5 yr is a natural consequence of infall in a dynamic envelope and protostellar evolution. Dynamical structures of ~ 350AU such as disks should contain most of the complex second generation species. The assumed order of desorption kinetics does not affect these results.Comment: Accepted by A&A Letters; 4 pages, 5 figure

    Photon-number-solving Decoy State Quantum Key Distribution

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    In this paper, a photon-number-resolving decoy state quantum key distribution scheme is presented based on recent experimental advancements. A new upper bound on the fraction of counts caused by multiphoton pulses is given. This upper bound is independent of intensity of the decoy source, so that both the signal pulses and the decoy pulses can be used to generate the raw key after verified the security of the communication. This upper bound is also the lower bound on the fraction of counts caused by multiphoton pulses as long as faint coherent sources and high lossy channels are used. We show that Eve's coherent multiphoton pulse (CMP) attack is more efficient than symmetric individual (SI) attack when quantum bit error rate is small, so that CMP attack should be considered to ensure the security of the final key. finally, optimal intensity of laser source is presented which provides 23.9 km increase in the transmission distance. 03.67.DdComment: This is a detailed and extended version of quant-ph/0504221. In this paper, a detailed discussion of photon-number-resolving QKD scheme is presented. Moreover, the detailed discussion of coherent multiphoton pulse attack (CMP) is presented. 2 figures and some discussions are added. A detailed cauculation of the "new" upper bound 'is presente

    Polarisation-sensitive terahertz detection by multicontact photoconductive receivers

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    We have developed a terahertz radiation detector that measures both the amplitude and polarization of the electric field as a function of time. The device is a three-contact photoconductive receiver designed so that two orthogonal electric-field components of an arbitrary polarized electromagnetic wave may be detected simultaneously. The detector was fabricated on Fe+ ion-implanted InP. Polarization-sensitive detection is demonstrated with an extinction ratio better than 100:1. This type of device will have immediate application in studies of birefringent and optically active materials in the far-infrared region of the spectrum.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    SU(3) Quantum Interferometry with single-photon input pulses

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    We develop a framework for solving the action of a three-channel passive optical interferometer on single-photon pulse inputs to each channel using SU(3) group-theoretic methods, which can be readily generalized to higher-order photon-coincidence experiments. We show that features of the coincidence plots vs relative time delays of photons yield information about permanents, immanants, and determinants of the interferometer SU(3) matrix

    Simplicial Chiral Models

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    Principal chiral models on a d-1 dimensional simplex are introduced and studied analytically in the large NN limit. The d=0,2,4d = 0, 2, 4 and \infty models are explicitly solved. Relationship with standard lattice models and with few-matrix systems in the double scaling limit are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, PHYZZ