8 research outputs found

    Representations of the Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) in Graeco-Roman Art

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    Nova bibliotheca Pompeiana I–II: Corrigenda ed addenda con una bibliografia pompeiana fennica

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    Swamp-Hens (Porphyrio spp.) and Ducks (Anatidae) in the Tomba di Morlupo and Other Republican and Early Augustan Romano-Campanian Mosaics and Wall Paintings

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    PHOENIX·FELIX·ET·TV: Remarks on the Representation of the Phoenix in Roman Art

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    Tutkittu talo Pompejista

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    Suomen 2. Pompeji-näyttely Amos Andersonin taidemuseossa Helsingissä 1.3.–25.5.2008

    The Representations of the Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and the Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) in Romano-Campanian Wall Paintings and Mosaics

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    Rooman historian symbolien tutkimisen sietämätön vaikeus

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