22 research outputs found

    Inverse modeling of geochemical and mechanical compaction in sedimentary basins through Polynomial Chaos Expansion

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    We present an inverse modeling procedure for the estimation of model parameters of sedi- mentary basins subject to compaction driven by mechanical and geochemical processes. We consider a sandstone basin whose dynamics are governed by a set of unknown key quantities. These include geophys- ical and geochemical system attributes as well as pressure and temperature boundary conditions. We derive a reduced (or surrogate) model of the system behavior based on generalized Polynomial Chaos Expansion (gPCE) approximations, which are directly linked to the variance-based Sobol indices associated with the selected uncertain model parameters. Parameter estimation is then performed within a Maximum Likeli- hood (ML) framework. We then study the way the ML inversion procedure can beneïŹt from the adoption of anisotropic polynomial approximations (a-gPCE) in which the surrogate model is reïŹned only with respect to selected parameters according to an analysis of the nonlinearity of the input-output mapping, as quanti- ïŹed through the Sobol sensitivity indices. Results are illustrated for a one-dimensional setting involving quartz cementation and mechanical compaction in sandstones. The reliability of gPCE and a-gPCE approxi- mations in the context of the inverse modeling framework is assessed. The effects of (a) the strategy employed to build the surrogate model, leading either to a gPCE or a-gPCE representation, and (b) the type and quality of calibration data on the goodness of the parameter estimates is then explored

    Uncertainty quantification in timber-like beams using sparse grids: theory and examples with off-the-shelf software utilization

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    When dealing with timber structures, the characteristic strength and stiffness of the material are made highly variable and uncertain by the unavoidable, yet hardly predictable, presence of knots and other defects. In this work we apply the sparse grids stochastic collocation method to perform uncertainty quantification for structural engineering in the scenario described above. Sparse grids have been developed by the mathematical community in the last decades and their theoretical background has been rigorously and extensively studied. The document proposes a brief practice-oriented introduction with minimal theoretical background, provides detailed instructions for the use of the already implemented Sparse Grid Matlab kit (freely available on-line) and discusses two numerical examples inspired from timber engineering problems that highlight how sparse grids exhibit superior performances compared to the plain Monte Carlo method. The Sparse Grid Matlab kit requires only a few lines of code to be interfaced with any numerical solver for mechanical problems (in this work we used an isogeometric collocation method) and provides outputs that can be easily interpreted and used in the engineering practice

    On the optimal polynomial approximation of Stochastic PDEs by Galerkin and Collocation methods

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    In this work we focus on the numerical approximation of the solution uu of a linear elliptic PDE with stochastic coefficients. The problem is rewritten as a parametric PDE and the functional dependence of the solution on the parameters is approximated by multivariate polynomials. We first consider the Stochastic Galerkin method, and rely on sharp estimates for the decay of the Fourier coefficients of the spectral expansion of uu on an orthogonal polynomial basis to build a sequence of polynomial subspaces that features better convergence properties, in terms of error versus number of degrees of freedom, than standard choices such as Total Degree or Tensor Product subspaces. We consider then the Stochastic Collocation method, and use the previous estimates to introduce a new class of Sparse Grids, based on the idea of selecting a priori the most profitable hierarchical surpluses, that, again, features better convergence properties compared to standard Smolyak or tensor product grids. Numerical results show the effectiveness of the newly introduced polynomial spaces and sparse grids

    Implementation of optimal Galerkin and Collocation approximations of PDEs with Random Coefficients⋆⋆⋆

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    In this work we first focus on the Stochastic Galerkin approximation of the solution u of an elliptic stochastic PDE. We rely on sharp estimates for the decay of the coefficients of the spectral expansion of u on orthogonal polynomials to build a sequence of polynomial subspaces that features better convergence properties compared to standard polynomial subspaces such as Total Degree or Tensor Product. We consider then the Stochastic Collocation method, and use the previous estimates to introduce a new effective class of Sparse Grids, based on the idea of selecting a priori the most profitable hierarchical surpluses, that, again, features better convergence properties compared to standard Smolyak or tensor product grids

    Stochastic spectral Galerkin and collocation methods for PDEs with random coefficients: a numerical comparison

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    Much attention has recently been devoted to the development of Stochastic Galerkin (SG) and Stochastic Collocation (SC) methods for uncertainty quantification. An open and relevant research topic is the comparison of these two methods. By introducing a suitable generalization of the classical sparse grid SC method, we are able to compare SG and SC on the same underlying multivariate polynomial space in terms of accuracy vs. computational work. The approximation spaces considered here include isotropic and anisotropic versions of Tensor Product (TP), Total Degree (TD), Hyperbolic Cross (HC) and Smolyak (SM) polynomials. Numerical results for linear elliptic SPDEs indicate a slight computational work advantage of isotropic SC over SG, with SC-SM and SG-TD being the best choices of approximation spaces for each method. Finally, numerical results corroborate the optimality of the theoretical estimate of anisotropy ratios introduced by the authors in a previous work for the construction of anisotropic approximation spaces

    ICES REPORT 09-33 - Stochastic Galerkin and collocation methods for PDEs with random coefficients: a numerical comparison

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    Abstract: Much attention has recently been devoted to the development of Stochastic Galerkin (SG) and Stochastic Collocation (SC) methods for uncer- tainty quantification. An open and relevant research topic is the comparison of these two methods. By introducing a suitable generalization of the classi- cal sparse grid SC method, we are able to compare SG and SC on the same underlying multivariate polynomial space in terms of accuracy versus com- putational work. The approximation spaces considered here include isotropic and anisotropic versions of Tensor Product (TP), Total Degree (TD), Hyper- bolic Cross (HC) and Smolyak (SM) polynomials. Numerical results for linear elliptic SPDEs indicate a slight computational work advantage of isotropic SC over SG, with SC-SM and SG-TD being the best choices of approximation spaces for each method. Finally, numerical results corroborate the optimality of the theoretical estimate of anisotropy ratios introduced by the authors in a previous work for the construction of anisotropic approximation spaces