65 research outputs found

    L'invocabilité des adaptations mineures aux règles du plan local d'urbanisme

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    Note sous Conseil d’État, 11 février 2015, Mme Ouahmane et autre, n° 367414 (Lebon)International audienceLe Conseil d'Etat juge que des requérants peuvent invoquer pour la première fois devant le juge administratif le bénéfice d'adaptations mineures aux règles du plan local d'urbanisme, alors qu'ils n'ont pas formulé de demande en ce sens auprès de l'autorité administrative. Pour fonder cette solution, le Conseil d'Etat doit prendre position sur la nature du pouvoir d'adaptation mineure reconnu à l'administration par le code de l'urbanisme

    Telling Tales About Dementia: Experiences of Caring

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    Season of birth and breast cancer risk in Sweden.

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    Recent research suggests that intrauterine exposures, perhaps factors that influence birth weight and other indicators of fetal growth, may affect future breast cancer risk. Because birth weight shows seasonal variation in Sweden, we assessed whether risk for breast cancer is associated with month of birth. The analyses included all 115,670 women, born between 1858 and 1968, who were reported to the Swedish Cancer Registry in 1958-89 as having breast cancer. Poisson regression models were used to examine the data. After adjustment for seasonality of number of live births in the population at risk, a significant seasonal pattern was identified for women born between 1880 and 1920. Women born in June had a 5% higher risk of breast cancer than those born in December. By contrast, there was no evidence of birth seasonality among 440,948 women with cancer at other sites. Exposures relevant to breast cancer risk later in life are unlikely to be related to month of birth. Thus, prenatal or early post-natal factors influence breast carcinogenesis, but the seasonal variation in these factors must have decreased over time

    L'invocabilité des adaptations mineures aux règles du plan local d'urbanisme

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    L'invocabilité des adaptations mineures aux règles du plan local d'urbanisme

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    Note sous Conseil d’État, 11 février 2015, Mme Ouahmane et autre, n° 367414 (Lebon)International audienceLe Conseil d'Etat juge que des requérants peuvent invoquer pour la première fois devant le juge administratif le bénéfice d'adaptations mineures aux règles du plan local d'urbanisme, alors qu'ils n'ont pas formulé de demande en ce sens auprès de l'autorité administrative. Pour fonder cette solution, le Conseil d'Etat doit prendre position sur la nature du pouvoir d'adaptation mineure reconnu à l'administration par le code de l'urbanisme

    Democracy and Transition in Malaysia: An Analysis of the Problems of Political Succession

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    “Takings” and “Givings” in Singapore: Land Law and Policy in the Search for Justice

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    Level of Learning Organization Practices in Two Primary Schools in the Central Melaka District, Melaka

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    This preliminary study was conducted to see the level of learning organization (LO) practice in two primary schools in the district of Melaka Tengah, Melaka. Both schools were selected based on Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) 2019 School Average Grade (GPS). The questionnaire instrument used in this study was modified from the Learning Organization Practices Profile (LOPP) instrument developed by O'Brien, 1994 and conducted on 60 respondents from two different schools. The overall questionnaire reliability analysis gave a Cronbach’s alpha scale of 0.78. Study data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) For Windows 25 program with descriptive analysis. The findings of this study show that the most dominant LO practice is the system and structure aspects of work, followed by staff development and performance and the lowest is the leadership aspect. The results of the overall study show that the level of LO practice in the schools studied is still at a weak level

    Formative assessment in HE : feedback practices from UTM postgraduate students’ perspective

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    Formative assessment aids learning by generating feedback information. Feedback has been shown as one of the most potent influences on student learning and achievement. In Higher Education (HE), Assessment Feedback (AFB) enables postgraduate students to restructure understanding, skills and develop more powerful ideas and capabilities to meet HE standard. A focus on AFB practices among the lecturers from postgraduate students? perspective is pertinent in enhancing retention and completion especially on research study. Thus, this prelim study is to investigate mean differences and interactions of AFB practices on three dimensions (Timeliness, Meaningfulness, Specificity) in relation to gender, mode of study (Taught Course, Mixed Mode and Full Research) and Field of Study (Social Science, Science and Technology and Engineering). A sample of 37 postgraduate students who are currently pursuing their research studies in UTM was selected as the respondents. Assessment Feedback Practices Inventory (AFBI) was analyzed using the Rasch Measurement Model for reliability and validity, with a Cronbach Alpha reported of 0.96 for item reliability. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation and Spearman rho correlation coefficient). It was found that AFB practices are at the highest level for Meaningfulness (M = 4.69, SD = .75) followed by Timeliness (M = 4.04, SD = .53), and Specificity (M = 3.88, SD = .55). As for AFB forms practiced among lecturers, it was reported that verbal form (M = 2.80, SD = 1.27) practiced more compared to the written form (M = 2.48, SD = .63). Eighty-one percent prefers the feedback to be in both, verbal and written form. Another 10.8% prefers verbal, whereas a total of 8.1% prefers the feedback to be in written form. However, there are weak relationship between AFB and the independent factors (Gender, Mode of Study, and Field of Study). It is suggested that an assessment feedback standard form should be developed to further assist the students in term of the specificity of assessment feedback

    Prevention of Sexual Harassment: The Islamic Law (Syariah) Perspective

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    Sexual harassment is a common phenomenon today in the workplace and tertiary educational institutions, among others. The effect is that it destroys family ties and relations. To prevent this nagging problem, Islamic law has made provisions on matters that relate to sexual harassment. It has put in place certain mechanisms to prevent sexual harassment. One way of dealing with the problem is the legalisation of the institution of marriage and prevention of celibacy. Apart from this, severe punishments await those who commit fornication which is the objective of sexual harassment. Similarly, the Creator has ordain the believers, male and female alike, to lower their gaze and control their sexual organs in such a way that would not lead them to sexual sins nor should they stare at the opposite sex in such a way as to cause sexual harassment. This shows that it is not allowed for Muslims to put unacceptable lusts in the hearts of others by any form of harassment. In a similar vein, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) forbade all avenues that can lead to sexual harassment and this includes prohibiting people of different sexes from sitting or from having discussion in a private or secluded area. In addition, Islam does not permit a woman to travel without a ma’hram like her husband, father, uncle, brother, and son. On the same token, respect for one’s privacy is highly protected in Islam even with respect to children. Children would need to obtain the permission of their parents before they enter the rooms of their parents in certain periods. This is also a measure to prevent any forms of sexual harassment. Having said the above, this paper will discuss the preventive aspects of sexual harassment from the Islamic Law perspective with special focus on the primary sources of Islamic Law. Keywords: Sexual Harassment; Preventive Measures; Islamic La