610 research outputs found

    Minimum wages, youth employment and spatial spillovers: New evidence for Spain

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    The effect of minimum wages increases on youth employment level has been extensively analysed, but recent contributions have highlighted the potential bias in these studies due to neglected spatial autocorrelation in the considered relationship. This paper contributes to this scarce literature by providing novel evidence for a country with very low interregional mobility. The aim is to see if the bias of neglecting spatial dependence acts in a similar direction than in the few studies for the United States and if this bias explains the low elasticity of youth employment to minimum wages in Spain compared to the international literature. Our results show the relevance of spatial spillovers in the Spanish regional labour markets, but after correcting for the bias, we do not find a significant negative elasticity of youth employment to minimum wages, with the only exception of those between 16 and 19 years old.[Pendent paginació definitiva

    An Institutional, Social and Economic Performance Index, ISEPI, with an application to the European Neighbourhood Policy

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    In this paper we design and build a composite indicator to measure the macroeconomic, social and institutional dimensions of countries, ISEPI. The index allows not only comparing the relative situation of countries, but also its time evolution. In order to illustrate the usefulness of the index, we analyse the effects of the European Neighbourhood Policy in EU-Neighbouring Countries during the last decade. The obtained results show that ENP has had different effects according to the considered dimensions and that the evolution of neighbouring countries is quite heterogeneous taking into account their recent institutional and economic performance. From a policy perspective, these results reinforce the validity of the bilateral action plans that have characterized ENP recognising the different starting point and particular characteristics of each neighbouring country

    Unemployment forecasts, time varying coefficient models and the Okun's law in Spanish regions

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    During the Great Recession, output and unemployment responses have differed markedly across Spanish regions. Our objective is to evaluate the relative accuracy of forecasting models based on the Okun's law compared to alternative approaches. In particular, we want to analyse if a time varying coefficient specification of the Okun's law provide better forecasts than alternative models in two different periods: a first period from 2002 to 2007 characterized by sustained economic growth in all provinces, and a second period from 2008 to 2013 characterized by the impact of the Great Recession. The obtained results allow us to conclude that, in general, the use of these models improve the forecasting capacity in most regions, but do not provide reliable forecast

    Coherent optical transduction of suspended microcapillary resonators for multi-parameter sensing applications

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    Characterization of micro and nanoparticle mass has become increasingly relevant in a wide range of fields, from materials science to drug development. The real-time analysis of complex mixtures in liquids demands very high mass sensitivity and high throughput. One of the most promising approaches for real-time measurements in liquid, with an excellent mass sensitivity, is the use of suspended microchannel resonators, where a carrier liquid containing the analytes flows through a nanomechanical resonator while tracking its resonance frequency shift. To this end, an extremely sensitive mechanical displacement technique is necessary. Here, we have developed an optomechanical transduction technique to enhance the mechanical displacement sensitivity of optically transparent hollow nanomechanical resonators. The capillaries have been fabricated by using a thermal stretching technique, which allows to accurately control the final dimensions of the device. We have experimentally demonstrated the light coupling into the fused silica capillary walls and how the evanescent light coming out from the silica interferes with the surrounding electromagnetic field distribution, a standing wave sustained by the incident laser and the reflected power from the substrate, modulating the reflectivity. The enhancement of the displacement sensitivity due to this interferometric modulation (two orders of magnitude better than compared with previous accomplishments) has been theoretically predicted and experimentally demonstrated

    Effect of the adsorbate stiffness on the resonance response of microcantilever sensors

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    The authors present a theoretical model to predict the resonance frequency shift due to molecule adsorption on micro- and nanocantilevers. They calculate the frequency shift experienced by cantilevers made of either silicon or the polymer SU-8, when two adsorbates, myosin protein and an alkanethiol, are attached to the cantilever surface. They demonstrate that the effect of the adsorbate stiffness can be comparable or even larger than the mass effect, producing positive frequency shifts. The results provide methods for decoupling both opposite effects and routes for the design of resonators with high sensitivity to molecule adsorption based on either stiffness or mass effects.Peer reviewe

    L-Rhamnose induction of Aspergillus nidulans α-L-rhamnosidase genes is glucose repressed via a CreA-independent mechanism acting at the level of inducer uptake

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Little is known about the structure and regulation of fungal α-L-rhamnosidase genes despite increasing interest in the biotechnological potential of the enzymes that they encode. Whilst the paradigmatic filamentous fungus <it>Aspergillus nidulans </it>growing on L-rhamnose produces an α-L-rhamnosidase suitable for oenological applications, at least eight genes encoding putative α-L-rhamnosidases have been found in its genome. In the current work we have identified the gene (<it>rhaE</it>) encoding the former activity, and characterization of its expression has revealed a novel regulatory mechanism. A shared pattern of expression has also been observed for a second α-L-rhamnosidase gene, (AN10277/<it>rhaA</it>).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Amino acid sequence data for the oenological α-L-rhamnosidase were determined using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and correspond to the amino acid sequence deduced from AN7151 (<it>rhaE</it>). The cDNA of <it>rhaE </it>was expressed in <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </it>and yielded <it>p</it>NP-rhamnohydrolase activity. Phylogenetic analysis has revealed this eukaryotic α-L-rhamnosidase to be the first such enzyme found to be more closely related to bacterial rhamnosidases than other α-L-rhamnosidases of fungal origin. Northern analyses of diverse <it>A. nidulans </it>strains cultivated under different growth conditions indicate that <it>rhaA </it>and <it>rhaE </it>are induced by L-rhamnose and repressed by D-glucose as well as other carbon sources, some of which are considered to be non-repressive growth substrates. Interestingly, the transcriptional repression is independent of the wide domain carbon catabolite repressor CreA. Gene induction and glucose repression of these <it>rha </it>genes correlate with the uptake, or lack of it, of the inducing carbon source L-rhamnose, suggesting a prominent role for inducer exclusion in repression.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The <it>A. nidulans rhaE </it>gene encodes an α-L-rhamnosidase phylogenetically distant to those described in filamentous fungi, and its expression is regulated by a novel CreA-independent mechanism. The identification of <it>rhaE </it>and the characterization of its regulation will facilitate the design of strategies to overproduce the encoded enzyme - or homologs from other fungi - for industrial applications. Moreover, <it>A. nidulans </it>α-L-rhamnosidase encoding genes could serve as prototypes for fungal genes coding for plant cell wall degrading enzymes regulated by a novel mechanism of CCR.</p


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    The aim of this paper is to carry out a comparative analysis of the characteristics of the teaching career in the public university systems of Ecuador and Argentina; the research approach is predominantly qualitative, as it is framed within the discipline of educational legislation, and methodologically assumes the comparative method, taking political and normative regulations as a basis for study. This objective is materialized: firstly, with a look at the meaning of the teaching profession (in general and in both countries) and secondly, through an approach of characteristics that intervene in the organization, structure, legal framework, regulations, and processes of the university system; allowing a descriptive analysis of the access to the career, typology, promotion, and remuneration of the teaching staff. Finally, the differences and similarities that both systems have with one another are highlighted, where the majority of coincidences facilitate the reflective construction leading to the improvement of the academic staff career systems, with a synergy of financial sustainability and the guarantee of labor rights, in pursuit of educational quality.El objetivo del presente artículo es realizar un análisis comparativo de las características de la carrera docente en los sistemas universitarios públicos de Ecuador y Argentina; investigación cuyo enfoque es predominantemente cualitativo, al enmarcarse en la disciplina de la legislación educativa, y metodológicamente asume el método comparativo tomando como base de estudio las regulaciones políticas y normativas. Este propósito se materializa: en primer lugar, con una mirada al significado de la profesión docente (en general y específicamente, en ambos países) y en segundo, a través de un planteamiento de características que intervienen en la organización, la estructura, el marco legal, reglamentos y procesos del sistema universitario; que permiten analizar descriptivamente sobre el acceso a la carrera, la tipología, la promoción y remuneraciones del profesorado. Finalmente, se destacan las diferencias y semejanzas que ambos sistemas poseen entre sí, donde son mayoritarias las coincidencias que facilitan la construcción reflexiva conducente a mejorar los sistemas de carrera del personal académico, con una sinergia de la sostenibilidad financiera y la garantía de los derechos laborales, en procura de la calidad educativa

    The Aspergillus niger multicopper oxidase family: analysis and overexpression of laccase-like encoding genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many filamentous fungal genomes contain complex groups of multicopper oxidase (MCO) coding genes that makes them a good source for new laccases with potential biotechnological interest. A bioinformatics analysis of the <it>Aspergillus niger </it>ATCC 1015 genome resulted in the identification of thirteen MCO genes. Ten of them were cloned and homologously overexpressed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A bioinformatic analysis of the <it>A. niger </it>ATCC 1015 genome revealed the presence of 13 MCO genes belonging to three different subfamilies on the basis of their phylogenetic relationships: ascomycete laccases, fungal pigment MCOs and fungal ferroxidases. According to <it>in silico </it>amino acid sequence analysis, the putative genes encoding for functional extracellular laccases (<it>mcoA</it>, <it>mcoB</it>, <it>mcoC</it>, <it>mcoD</it>, <it>mcoE</it>, <it>mcoF</it>, <it>mcoG</it>, <it>mcoI</it>, <it>mcoJ </it>and <it>mcoM</it>) were placed under the control of the <it>glaA </it>promoter and overexpressed in <it>A. niger </it>N593. Enzyme activity plate assays with several common laccase substrates showed that all genes are actually expressed and code for active MCOs. Interestingly, expressed enzymes show different substrate specificities. In addition, optimization of fungal pigment MCOs extracellular production was investigated. The performance of the widely used glucoamylase signal sequence (ssGlaA) in McoA secretion was studied. Results obtained suggest that ssGlaA do not yield higher levels of secreted McoA when compared to its native secretion signal. Also, McoB synthesis was investigated using different nitrogen sources in minimal medium liquid cultures. Higher yields of extracellular McoB were achieved with (NH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2 </sub>tartrate.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>Aspergillus niger </it>is a good source of new laccases. The different substrate specificity observed in plate assays makes them interesting to be purified and biochemically compared. The homologous signal sequence of McoA has been shown to be a good choice for its extracellular overexpression. From the nitrogen sources tested (NH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2 </sub>tartrate has been found to be the most appropriate for McoB production in <it>A. niger</it>.</p

    Origin of the response of nanomechanical resonators to bacteria adsorption

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    Resonant microcantilevers are being actively investigated as sensitive mass sensors for biological detection. By performing experiments of adsorption of the bacteria Escherichia coli on singly clamped microcantilevers, we demonstrate that the effect of the added mass is not the only and may not be the main origin of the response of these sensors. The experiments show that the magnitude and sign of resonance frequency shift both depend critically on the distribution of the adsorbed bacterial cells on the cantilever. We relate this behavior to the added mass that shifts the resonance to lower frequencies and the higher effective flexural rigidity of the cantilever due to the bacteria stiffness that shifts the resonance to higher frequencies. Both effects can be uncoupled by positioning the cells where each effect dominates, near the free cantilever end for measuring the added mass or near the clamping for measuring the increase of flexural rigidity.One of the authors (D.R.) acknowledges the fellowship funded by the Autonomic Community of Madrid. This work was supported by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Project No. 200550M056.Peer reviewe

    Evaluación de la incidencia y daño causado por la mosca de los estigmas Euxesta spp ((Díptera: Otitidae-Ulidiidae), en cultivares comerciales de maíz

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    La mosca de los estigmas, Euxesta spp., fue reportada en Panamá por primera vez en el año 2017, afectando los cultivos de maíz en la provincia de Chiriquí. El siguiente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo, evaluar la incidencia y el nivel de daño causado por la mosca de los estigmas Euxesta spp (Díptera: |Otitidae-Ulidiidae), en un híbrido comercial y cuatro variedades locales de maíz común; además de identificar las especies asociadas. Esta investigación fue desarrollada en las parcelas experimentales de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, de la Universidad de Panamá, en el corregimiento de Chiriquí, distrito de David, provincia de Chiriquí, empleando un diseño de bloques completamente al azar, con cinco tratamientos y tres repeticiones. Como resultado se observó que la incidencia fue más elevada en el híbrido comercial PIONEER 30F35, mientras que la variedad IDIAP MV-0706 fue la menos afectada; por otro lado, el nivel de daño causado por la mosca de los estigmas, fue mayor en la variedad IDIAP PROA-04. Se pudieron identificar tres especies diferentes, que corresponden a E. stigmatias, E. mazorca y E. annonae; siendo esta última especie reportada por primera vez en esta área del país; sin embargo, Euxesta mazorca es la especie con mayor número de individuos colectados