58 research outputs found

    Quality Management Initiatives in Europe: an Empirical Analysis according to Their Structural Elements

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    "This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Total Quality Management and Business Excellence on 10 June 2010, available online: http://wwww.tandfonline.com/10.1080/14783363.2010.483064."In recent years, managers have opted for implementing Quality Management in their firms. The market offers different alternatives for QM implementation, such as EFQM model, ISO standards, Malcolm Baldrige or the recent Six Sigma methodology. Implementation difficulty of each initiative varies from case to case. This article designs a criterion for choosing among four alternatives (Quality Control, EFQM, Six Sigma and ISO 9000), according to the degree of development required for the elements that structure the alternatives. To do so, using an ANOVA analysis and mean comparison T-tests, it analyses 234 organizations in Europe that have implemented the four alternatives mentioned and observes the degree of development of nine of the elements that compose them. From the research, one can conclude that Quality Control is the simplest initiative, followed by ISO 9000 and, finally, the EFQM model and Six Sigma methodology

    Boosting sustainability and financial performance: the role of supply chain controversies

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    In recent years, numerous scandals concerning working conditions in Asia have threatened the reputation of large companies like Wal-Mart and Inditex. Since such scandals call attention to activities harmful to sustainable development, it is very important to study the relationships between concerns for sustainable supply chain management (SSCM), sustainability, and organisations’ market value. The added value of our study is, first, to explore SSCM controversies as drivers of or pressures for adopting and applying sustainability practices; and, second, to contribute to the recent but growing literature that analyses the channels through which SSCM and sustainability practices influence the firm’s value. We introduce sustainability environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices as a mediator between SSCM controversies and market value to examine whether SSCM controversies with firms’ stakeholders lead to improvements in the ESG dimensions of organisational sustainability. We also examine the relationships between the ESG dimensions and market value, measured as Tobin’s Q ratio. The results confirm both the positive relationships of SSCM controversies to the ESG dimensions two years later and a positive relationship of the dimension of governance to Tobin’s Q. We also confirm a negative and significant relationship of the social dimension to Tobin’s Q, and a non-significant relationship of the environmental dimension to Tobin’s Q

    The role of the internet in the cultural convergence: a theoretical analysis based on the dynamic-constructivist approach from the consumers’ online interactions perspective

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    This paper poses, from a theoretical perspective, the role that may have Internet as a key factor to foster the cultural convergence among countries. In this regard, we reflect about a central theoretic proposal, taking as main reference the dynamic constructivist approach. The gist of the paper goes down the lines of how shared values generated in the on-line communication processes developed by individuals (consumers) from different cultures-either between each other or between them and the medium-, can be passed on to every culture of origin, fostering their rapprochement in the long run.Internet, cultural interaction, values transference, cultural convergence, dynamic constructivist approach

    Entrepreneurship and Human Development: An International Analysis

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    Purpose – This study aims to analyze the impact on human development of rates of innovative entrepreneurship and necessity entrepreneurship. Design/methodology/approach – Our empirical study is based on samples from countries with information about rates of entrepreneurship, human development, and social progress. The data are analyzed by means of pooled least squares and panel data techniques. Findings – Innovative entrepreneurship improves the quality of life in the dimensions measured by the Social Progress Index and Modified Human Development Index. Necessity entrepreneurship does not favor an increase of human development, at least in the dimensions measured by the two indexes, since this is a subsistence entrepreneurship type. Originality/value – This study presents new evidence that contributes to the knowledge on how entrepreneurship improves quality of life. Keywords – human development, innovative entrepreneurship, necessity entrepreneurship, capability approach

    Organizational learning and innovation as sources of strategic fit

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the roles played by organizational learning (OL) and innovation in organizations immersed in the processes of adaptation and strategic fit in dynamic and turbulent environments. The authors analyze whether OL and innovation act as sources of strategic fit, and whether strategic fit positively affects performance. Design/methodology/approach The authors use data from a survey of a representative sample of 204 respondents from European firms active in high-technology sectors (response rate: 10.42 percent) and structural equation modeling (using the EQS 6.1 program) to undertake a transversal study. Findings The model confirms that OL and the capacity to innovate positively influence managers’ decisions to adapt their organizations to changes in dynamic environments. The achievement of strategic fit, in turn, improves organizational performance. The authors propose considering the innovation climate as a facilitator of new product and process development, although the innovation climate is not a direct antecedent of fit. Research limitations/implications This study is limited by the fact that the analysis is cross-sectional and by the fact that all measures used are based on managers’ perceptions. Practical implications Managers should create and support an entrepreneurial culture that stresses continuous learning. They should also foster programs aimed at developing abilities, and promote the development of capabilities that facilitate acceptance of organizational change. Investments in building certain capabilities, such as OL and the capacity to innovate, are strategically justified, especially in turbulent environments. Originality/value This study is one of the first to investigate the complex interactions among OL, innovation, strategic fit, and performance. The results improve our understanding of the links between strategic fit and performance

    Effects of Information and Communication Technology Usage by Individuals, Businesses, and Government on Human Development: An International Analysis

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    The effects of information and communication technology (ICT) on development have been studied primarily from the perspective of their contributions to a country's economic growth. However, ICT can offer individuals much more than just monetary income it can improve many aspects of their quality of life. In fact, according to the human development paradigm, income is only one resource that helps individuals to satisfy their economic needs. Using the capabilities approach as a theoretical framework, this study applied data panel technique to a sample of 145 countries to investigate how the use and adoption of ICT, by individuals, enterprises, and governments, affects human development, as measured by the Social Progress Index and Human Development Index (HDI). The results show that regardless of a country's level of development, the individual use of ICT has a positive impact on human development; especially on the dimensions measured by HDI (having a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable, and having a decent standard of living). Furthermore, the use of ICTs for commercial purposes has a positive impact on human development at the global level, but if we make the analysis considering only developed countries, the relationship of this variable with human development is no longer signi cant. Regarding the impact of government use of ICT on human development, it has been veri ed that it is signi cant on developed countries. This study can be used as a tool by policymakers, especially in developing countries, to reinforce their intentions to support the use and implementation of ICTs

    La flexibilidad estratégica como opción de cambio estratégico

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    En estas fechas, un nuevo horizonte se está planteando en el mundo de los negocios, motivado por los cambios tecnológicos, el desarrollo del conocimiento y la evidente globalización. Un modo de combatir esas situaciones de incertidumbre generadas por estos cambios puede ser a través del desarrollo y la utilización de la flexibilidad estratégica. Las empresas deben ser flexibles para manejar los cambios impredecibles y discontinuos del entorno. En este artículo se desarrolla teóricamente el concepto de flexibilidad, revisando sus tipos, pasando a analizar más detenidamente el concepto de flexibilidad estratégica, sus componentes, sus dimensiones y las fuentes para obtenerla. Posteriormente se justifica su presencia en las organizaciones entendiéndola como una actividad susceptible de planificarse desde la organización, como una capacidad que puede ayudar a modificar rápidamente la estrategia actual si es necesario, como una fuente de ventaja competitiva directamente con el desempeño y principalmente como una opción estratégica de cambio

    Comparación de los elementos estructurales de los modelos actuales de gestión de la calidad

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    En la actualidad, la implantación de los principios de la Gestión de la Calidad en las empresas, se puede llevar a cabo a través de diferentes modelos como el EFQM, Seis Sigma, Normas ISO, o el Malcom Baldrige. Sin embargo estos modelos, se fundamentan en elementos de la GC, que pueden ser comunes, o específicos de cada uno de ellos. En la organización puede que ya se practiquen algunos de estos elementos. Así, parte de la dificultad de implantación del modelo, vendrá dada en función de que los elementos necesarios para su implantación fueran conocidos o no por la organización. En este artículo, descomponemos los modelos en los elementos sobre los que se apoyan, para concluir que existe una base común a todos, y elementos específicos de cada uno. Además, se puede construir una evolución de los modelos en función de su cercanía a la implantación máxima de la GC

    The role of the internet in the cultural convergence: a theoretical analysis based on the dynamic constructivist approach from the consumers’ online interactions perspective

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    [ES] Este trabajo plantea y analiza, con un enfoque teórico, el papel que puede tener Internet como factor impulsor clave de la convergencia cultural entre países. En este respecto, se reflexiona en torno a una propuesta teórica central, tomando como base principal la aproximación cultural constructivista dinámica. En esencia, se teoriza sobre cómo los valores compartidos por parte de los individuos (consumidores) procedentes de diferentes culturas en este medio, fruto de procesos interactivos e iterativos de comunicación online, pueden ser transferidos de manera plausible a cada una de sus culturas primarias o de origen, fomentando, por tanto, la aproximación de las mismas en el largo plazo.[EN] This paper poses, from a theoretical perspective, the role that may have Internet as a key factor to foster the cultural convergence among countries. In this regard, we reflect about a central theoretic proposal, taking as main reference the dynamic constructivist approach. The gist of the paper goes down the lines of how shared values generated in the on-line communication processes developed by individuals (consumers) from different cultures-either between each other or between them and the medium-, can be passed on to every culture of origin, fostering their rapprochement in the long run

    Association of biological sex with clinical outcomes and biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease in adults with Down syndrome

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    The study of sex differences in Alzheimer's disease is increasingly recognized as a key priority in research and clinical development. People with Down syndrome represent the largest population with a genetic link to Alzheimer's disease (>90% in the 7th decade). Yet, sex differences in Alzheimer's disease manifestations have not been fully investigated in these individuals, who are key candidates for preventive clinical trials. In this double-centre, cross-sectional study of 628 adults with Down syndrome [46% female, 44.4 (34.6; 50.7) years], we compared Alzheimer's disease prevalence, as well as cognitive outcomes and AT(N) biomarkers across age and sex. Participants were recruited from a population-based health plan in Barcelona, Spain, and from a convenience sample recruited via services for people with intellectual disabilities in England and Scotland. They underwent assessment with the Cambridge Cognitive Examination for Older Adults with Down Syndrome, modified cued recall test and determinations of brain amyloidosis (CSF amyloid-β 42 / 40 and amyloid-PET), tau pathology (CSF and plasma phosphorylated-tau181) and neurodegeneration biomarkers (CSF and plasma neurofilament light, total-tau, fluorodeoxyglucose-PET and MRI). We used within-group locally estimated scatterplot smoothing models to compare the trajectory of biomarker changes with age in females versus males, as well as by apolipoprotein ɛ4 carriership. Our work revealed similar prevalence, age at diagnosis and Cambridge Cognitive Examination for Older Adults with Down Syndrome scores by sex, but males showed lower modified cued recall test scores from age 45 compared with females. AT(N) biomarkers were comparable in males and females. When considering apolipoprotein ɛ4, female ɛ4 carriers showed a 3-year earlier age at diagnosis compared with female non-carriers (50.5 versus 53.2 years, P = 0.01). This difference was not seen in males (52.2 versus 52.5 years, P = 0.76). Our exploratory analyses considering sex, apolipoprotein ɛ4 and biomarkers showed that female ɛ4 carriers tended to exhibit lower CSF amyloid-β 42/amyloid-β 40 ratios and lower hippocampal volume compared with females without this allele, in line with the clinical difference. This work showed that biological sex did not influence clinical and biomarker profiles of Alzheimer's disease in adults with Down syndrome. Consideration of apolipoprotein ɛ4 haplotype, particularly in females, may be important for clinical research and clinical trials that consider this population. Accounting for, reporting and publishing sex-stratified data, even when no sex differences are found, is central to helping advance precision medicine
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