605 research outputs found

    El dilema del prisionero y la cooperación

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    Este trabajo hace un resumen de lo que es el dilema del prisionero y por que presenta un dilema. Para ello se explica lo que es la teoría de juegos y sus componentes, además de las diferentes formas de solucionar el juego. Se habla también de los juegos repetidos en los que por primera vez el dilema del prisionero cambia su solución. Como conclusión se da una opinión personal basada en el trabajo en su conjunto.Departamento de Economía AplicadaGrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Teacher’s feedback vs. computer-generated feedback: A focus on articles

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    As attested by a vast number of studies, in the process of second/foreign language acquisition feedback plays an important role as it may trigger learners’ noticing of the mismatch between their interlanguage and the target language (Schmidt 1990). In foreign language classrooms, feedback on written production may not be properly provided due to a large number of students or time constraints (Chacón-Beltrán 2017). In this sense, the use of new technologies in the classroom may help both the teacher in the correction process and the student in his/her language development. In the present study we aim to compare feedback provided by the teacher and feedback provided by the software Grammar Checker (Lawley 2015). One group of English-as-a-foreign language (EFL) students received teacher’s feedback on their mistakes on articles in their written production whereas a second group obtained feedback on the same grammar aspect by means of the above-mentioned software. The control group did not obtain feedback on their errors. Results show statistically significant differences in the last composition for the group who received teacher’s feedback, although this feedback did not have a lasting effect in the tailor-made delayed test. In light of these findings, we may claim that the use of Grammar Checker as a potential tool for self-correction and feedback may facilitate students’ language development, at least on the grammar aspect under analysis

    Corrective Feedback in the EFL Classroom: Grammar Checker vs. Teacher’s Feedback.

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    The aim of this doctoral thesis is to compare the feedback provided by the teacher to that obtained by the software called Grammar Checker on grammatical errors in the written production of English as a foreign language students. Traditionally, feedback has been considered as one of the three theoretical conditions for language learning (along with input and output) and, for this reason, extensive research has been carried out on who should provide it, when and the level of explicitness. However, there are far fewer studies that analyse the use of e-feedback programs as a complement or alternative to those offered by the teacher. Participants in our study were divided into two experimental groups and one control group, and three grammatical aspects that are usually susceptible to error in English students at B2 level were examined: prepositions, articles, and simple past-present/past perfect dichotomy. All participants had to write four essays. The first experimental group received feedback from the teacher and the second received it through the Grammar Checker program. The control group did not get feedback on the grammatical aspects of the analysis but on other linguistic forms not studied. The results obtained point, first of all, to the fact that the software did not mark grammatical errors in some cases. This means that students were unable to improve their written output in terms of linguistic accuracy after receiving feedback from the program. In contrast, students who received feedback from the teacher did improve, although the difference was not significant. Second, the two experimental groups outperformed the control group in the use of the grammatical forms under analysis. Thirdly, regardless of the feedback offered, the two groups showed improvement in the use of grammatical aspects in the long term, and finally, no differences in attitude towards the feedback received and its impact on the results were found in either of the experimental groups. Our results open up new lines for investigating corrective feedback in the English as a foreign language classroom, since more studies are needed that, on the one hand, influence the improvement of electronic feedback programs by making them more accurate and effective in the detection of errors. On the other hand, software such as Grammar Checker can be a complement to the daily practice of the foreign language teacher, helping in the first instance to correct common and recurring mistakes, even more so when our research has shown that attitudes towards this type of electronic feedback are positive and does not imply an intrusion into the classroom, thus helping in the acquisition of the English language.Programa de Doctorat en Llengües Aplicades, Literatura i Traducci

    Educational Innovation Project for the Creation of Didactic Materials for Students With Special Educational Needs: An ApS Experience in Higher Education

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    The Service-Learning methodology has an important role in the training of future teachers by connecting formal learning with the reality of an educational center. Based on this methodology, the project was proposed as an interdisciplinary didactic proposal, within the university environment, between the subjects of Psychomotricity, and Early Care and Educational Innovation, aimed at improving the quality of initial training. To this end, we have worked with the Early Childhood Education centers of the Montemadrid Foundation, aiming that university students contribute to the training of students with special educational needs attending these centers, through the creation of adapted didactic materials. This innovation project has achieved its objective of developing the basic student skills, helping to consider in school practice the principles of inclusion and normalization in a real environment; this has strengthened the university-school relationship, as well as contributed to a greater awareness of future teachers towards inclusion, as a central principle of any educational proposal

    Changes in the Lifestyle of the Spanish University Population during Confinement for COVID-19

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, on eating and physical activity behavior, in a university population. A healthy diet such as the Mediterranean Diet (MD) pattern, rich in fruit and vegetables, can prevent degenerative diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc. We conducted a cross-sectional study and data were collected by an anonymous online questionnaire. Participants completed a survey consisting of 3 sections: sociodemographic data; dietary behavior and physical activity; the Mediterranean Diet questionnaire (MEDAS-14) and the Emotional Eater Questionnaire (EEQ). A total of 168 participants completed the questionnaire: 66.7% were women, 79.2% were from Spain, 76.8% were students, 76.2% lived in their family home and 66.1% were of normal weight. During lockdown our population shopped for groceries 1 time or less per week (76.8%); maintained the same consumption of fruits (45.2%), vegetables (50.6%), dairy products (61.9%), pulses (64.9%), fish/seafood (57.7%), white meat (77.4%), red and processed meat (71.4%), pastries and snacks (48.2%), rice/pasta/potatoes (70.2%) and nuts (62.5%), spirits (98.8%) and sugary drinks (91.7%). Cooking time increased (73.2%) and the consumption decreased of low alcohol drinks (60.1%), spirits (75%) and sugary drinks (57.1%), and physical activity also diminished (49.4%). University Employees (UE) gained more weight (1.01 +/- 0.02) than students (0.99 +/- 0.03) (p < 0.05) during the confinement period. A total of 79.8% of the participants obtained a Medium/High Adherence to the MD during lockdown. Emotional and very emotional eaters were higher in the female group (p < 0.01). In the event of further confinement, strategies should be implemented to promote a balanced and healthy diet together with the practice of physical activity, taking special care of the female and UE groups

    Propuesta de mejora del proceso de programación académica de la facultad de ciencias empresariales de una universidad privada - Chiclayo

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    La presente investigación se centró en proponer una mejora del proceso de programación académica de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de una Universidad Privada, cuyo objetivo principal fue elaborar la propuesta de mejora del proceso de programación académica de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de una Universidad Privada de la ciudad de Chiclayo y como objetivos específicos fue diagnosticar la situación actual del proceso de programación académica, identificar los indicadores actuales del proceso de programación académica y determinar los beneficios de la propuesta de mejora del proceso de programación académica de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales. La investigación tiene un enfoque “cualitativo” porque los instrumentos que se utilizarán para recopilar la información son las experiencias de los actores que intervienen en el proceso y para ello se realizaron entrevistas, revisión documentaria y observación, procesado bajo la metodología PHVA y el programa Bizagi. El resultado es que las Escuelas tienen diferentes actividades para realizar el proceso y los puntos críticos que se identificaron son proyección de grupos horarios, cambios en la asignación de docentes y errores en la gestión de sílabos y no cuenta con indicadores de medición como tal. La propuesta se basa en mejorar la coordinación entre áreas relacionadas y docentes, optimizar los recursos del proceso, planificar y organizar las actividades de los docentes, reducir el número de errores o cambios, descripción de las fases de verificar y actuar y el registro de los principales indicadores del proceso; con todo ello los tiempos de programación disminuyen en un 50%

    Propuesta de mejora del proceso de programación académica de la facultad de ciencias empresariales de una universidad privada - Chiclayo

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    La presente investigación se centró en proponer una mejora del proceso de programación académica de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de una Universidad Privada, cuyo objetivo principal fue elaborar la propuesta de mejora del proceso de programación académica de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de una Universidad Privada de la ciudad de Chiclayo y como objetivos específicos fue diagnosticar la situación actual del proceso de programación académica, identificar los indicadores actuales del proceso de programación académica y determinar los beneficios de la propuesta de mejora del proceso de programación académica de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales. La investigación tiene un enfoque “cualitativo” porque los instrumentos que se utilizarán para recopilar la información son las experiencias de los actores que intervienen en el proceso y para ello se realizaron entrevistas, revisión documentaria y observación, procesado bajo la metodología PHVA y el programa Bizagi. El resultado es que las Escuelas tienen diferentes actividades para realizar el proceso y los puntos críticos que se identificaron son proyección de grupos horarios, cambios en la asignación de docentes y errores en la gestión de sílabos y no cuenta con indicadores de medición como tal. La propuesta se basa en mejorar la coordinación entre áreas relacionadas y docentes, optimizar los recursos del proceso, planificar y organizar las actividades de los docentes, reducir el número de errores o cambios, descripción de las fases de verificar y actuar y el registro de los principales indicadores del proceso; con todo ello los tiempos de programación disminuyen en un 50%

    Ionospheric weather at two Starlink launches during two-phase geomagnetic storms

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    The launch of a series of Starlink internet satellites on 3 February 2022 (S-36), and 7 July 2022 (S-49), coincided with the development of two-phase geomagnetic storms. The first launch S-36 took place in the middle of the moderate two-phase space weather storm, which induced significant technological consequences. After liftoff on 3 February at 18:13 UT, all Starlink satellites reached an initial altitude of 350 km in perigee and had to reach an altitude of ~550 km after the maneuver. However, 38 of 49 launched spacecrafts did not reach the planned altitude, left orbit due to increased drag and reentered the atmosphere on 8 February. A geomagnetic storm on 3–4 February 2022 has increased the density of the neutral atmosphere up to 50%, increasing drag of the satellites and dooming most of them. The second launch of S-49 at 13:11 UT on 7 July 2022 was successful at the peak of the two-phase geomagnetic storm. The global ionospheric maps of the total electron content (GIM-TEC) have been used to produce the ionospheric weather GIM-W index maps and Global Electron Content (GEC). We observed a GEC increment from 10 to 24% for the storm peak after the Starlink launch at both storms, accompanying the neutral density increase identified earlier. GIM-TEC maps are available with a lag (delay) of 1–2 days (real-time GIMs have a lag less than 15 min), so the GIMs forecast is required by the time of the launch. Comparisons of different GIMs forecast techniques are provided including the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE), Beijing (BADG and CASG) and IZMIRAN (JPRG) 1- and 2-day forecasts, and the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC-ionSAT) forecast for 6, 12, 18, 24 and 48 h in advance. We present the results of the analysis of evolution of the ionospheric parameters during both events. The poor correspondence between observed and predicted GIM-TEC and GEC confirms an urgent need for the industry–science awareness of now-casting/forecasting/accessibility of GIM-TECs during the space weather events.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version