27 research outputs found

    Az erektilis diszfunkció és a koronária-ateroszklerózis kapcsolata

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    Az erektilis diszfunkció és a kardiovaszkuláris érbetegségek összefüggése szoros és a 40–50 év közötti férfiak 15%-át érinti. Esetünkben egy új keletű merevedési zavarban szenvedő férfi esetét mutatjuk be, akinek nem voltak mellkasi panaszai és CT-angiográfia/koronarográfia igazolta a koronária-ateroszklerózist és a nem szignifikáns szűkületek miatt konzervatívan lett kezelve

    A sugárkezelés okozta cardiotoxicitas kockázatának csökkentése bal oldali emlőtumoros betegek kezelése során

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    Bevezetés: Az emlődaganat a nőket érintő egyik leggyakoribb rosszindulatú daganatos megbetegedés. A kezelés során alkalmazott gyógyszeres és sugárterápiás eljárások növelik a késői cardiovascularis megbetegedések előfordulását. Ezért különösen fontos a szív sugárterheléssel szembeni védelme. Módszer: 45 bal oldali emlődaganatos beteg besugárzási tervét készítettük el mély belégzéses és normál légzéses technika alkalmazásával. Az elkészült terveket összehasonlítottuk, elemeztük. A besugárzási tervek a Philips Pinnacle v. 16 tervezőrendszerben készültek. Eredmények: Azonos céltérfogat-lefedettség mellett a mély belégzéses technika alkalmazása a szív és a bal elülső leszálló coronariaág dózisterhelésének csökkenéséhez vezet, mérsékelve így a késői cardiovascularis szövődmények előfordulását. Megbeszélés: A kapott eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a mély belégzéses technika alkalmazása bal oldali emlődaganatos betegek adjuváns sugárkezelése során kedvezően hat a szív sugárterhelésére. Eredményeink jól illeszkednek a hazai centrumok hasonló adataihoz. A céltérfogat lefedettségét nemcsak, hogy meg tudtuk őrizni, hanem még 1%-os javulást is sikerült elérni. Szignifikáns különbség a szívet és a coronariát ért dózisban van. Mély belégzéses technikával közel a felére sikerült csökkenteni az átlagszívdózist (mély belégzés: 2,87 Gy, normállégzés: 5,4 Gy). A coronaria sugárterhelését 19,5 Gy-ről 10,98 Gy-re redukáltuk. Következtetés: A kezelés pontossága légzéskapuzó rendszerrel, felületvezérelt sugárterápiás rendszerrel tovább javítható. A mély belégzéses technika sikeres alkalmazásához szükséges a kezelőszemélyzet szakmai felkészültsége, a beteg jó kooperációja. Kevésbé eszközigényes, mint a légzésvezérelt rendszer. A mély belégzéses technika már nem számít a legkorszerűbb módszernek a légzéskapuzás korában, mégis érdemesnek tartottuk ismertetni az osztályunkon szerzett tapasztalatokat onkokardiológiai aktualitásuk miatt

    Contribution to the Hungarian dragonfly fauna, based on the nationwide surveys (Odonata: Anisoptera)

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    Between 1996 and 2017 dragonfly larvae, exuviae and imagoes were collected from 1846 different sampling locations in Hungary. The published 38 species of Anisoptera belong to 5 families (10 Aeshnidae, 2 Cordulegasteridae, 4 Gomphidae, 4 Corduliidae and 18 Libellulidae). Larval data for the following species are the most important faunistic results: Aeshna viridis, Anax ephippiger, Cordulegaster bidentata, C. heros, Leucorrhinia caudalis and L. pectoralis

    Rationally designed foldameric adjuvants enhance antibiotic efficacy via promoting membrane hyperpolarization

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    The negative membrane potential of bacterial cells influences crucial cellular processes. Inspired by the molecular scaffold of the antimicrobial peptide PGLa, we have developed antimicrobial foldamers with a computer-guided design strategy. The novel PGLa analogues induce sustained membrane hyperpolarization. When co-administered as an adjuvant, the resulting compounds - PGLb1 and PGLb2 - have substantially reduced the level of antibiotic resistance of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Shigella flexneri clinical isolates. The observed antibiotic potentiation was mediated by hyperpolarization of the bacterial membrane caused by the alteration of cellular ion transport. Specifically, PGLb1 and PGLb2 are selective ionophores that enhance the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz potential across the bacterial membrane. These findings indicate that manipulating bacterial membrane electrophysiology could be a valuable tool to overcome antimicrobial resistance

    Contribution to the Hungarian damselfly (Odonata: Zygoptera) fauna, based on nationwide surveys

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    Between 1996 and 2017 larvae, exuviae and imagoes of damselflies were collected from 2072 sampling sites in Hungary. Altogether 21 damselfly species belonging to 4 families (8 Lestidae, 2 Calopterygidae, 1 Platycnemididae, 10 Coenagrionidae) have been recorded. The data for the following species are the most important faunistical results: Lestes macrostigma, Coenagrion ornatum, C. scitulum

    Növényevő nagyvadak rágáspreferenciái, mint a táplálkozási igények indikátorai.

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    Traditional clearcutting system homogenise forest habitats (one tree species, one age class, understory destroyed), which will be more sensitive to other human and natural impacts, such as the effect of large herbivores. Since forest game damage is a very important problem in Hungary, we hypothesised that the main target tree species (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus spp. and Robinia pseudoacacia ) are strongly preferred as browsed forage. Therefore, our study question was which woody species are selected by game browsing: 1. native (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus spp.) or non-native target tree species (Robinia pseudoacacia ) 2. other economically non or less relevant woody species. We have collected data on the species composition of the understory and the browsing impact on it in five different Hungarian even-aged forests between 2003 and 2005. Based on these investigations the non-native Robinia pseudoacacia was generally preferred (Jacobs’ selectivity index: D=0,04±0,77), meanwhile the native Fagus sylvatica and Quercus spp. (Q. cerris, Q. petraea, Q. robur) were avoided (D= -0,37±0,11; -0,33±0,85; -0,79±0,56; -0,9±0,16; respectively) among target tree species. However, economically less or not relevant species, e.g. elderberry (Sambucus spp.), blackberry (Rubus spp.) or common dogwood (Cornus sanguinea) were the most preferred ones (D=0,01±0,71; -0,12±0,58; -0,2±0,78, respectively). Our results clearly show that biodiversity conservation i.e. maintaining or establishing a multi-species understory layer can be a good solution to diminish the negative game impact on native target tree species. Due to its preference selective browsing can mitigate the penetration of Robinia pseudoacacia into native forest habitats. The herbivorous selection pattern revealed will help us in forest biodiversity conservation by facilitating positive and mitigating negative impacts of selective browsing by ungulates

    Structural optimization of foldamer-dendrimer conjugates as multivalent agents against the toxic effects of amyloid beta oligomers

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    Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common chronic neurodegenerative disorders. Despite several in vivo and clinical studies, the cause of the disease is poorly understood. Currently, amyloid β (Aβ) peptide and its tendency to assemble into soluble oligomers are known as a main pathogenic event leading to the interruption of synapses and brain degeneration. Targeting neurotoxic Aβ oligomers can help recognize the disease at an early stage or it can be a potential therapeutic approach. Unnatural β-peptidic foldamers are successfully used against many different protein targets due to their favorable structural and pharmacokinetic properties compared to small molecule or protein-like drug candidates. We have previously reported a tetravalent foldamer-dendrimer conjugate which can selectively bind Aβ oligomers. Taking advantage of multivalency and foldamers, we synthesized different multivalent foldamer-based conjugates to optimize the geometry of the ligand. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) was used to measure binding affinity to Aβ, thereafter 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) based tissue viability assay and impedance-based viability assay on SH-SY5Y cells were applied to monitor Aβ toxicity and protective effects of the compounds. Important factors for high binding affinity were determined and a good correlation was found between influencing the valence and the capability of the conjugates for Aβ binding

    Rationally Designed Foldameric Adjuvants Enhance Antibiotic Efficacy via Promoting Membrane Hyperpolarization

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    The negative membrane potential of bacterial cells influences crucial cellular processes. Inspired by the molecular scaffold of the antimicrobial peptide PGLa, we have developed antimicrobial foldamers with a computer-guided design strategy. The novel PGLa analogues induce sustained membrane hyperpolarization. When co-administered as an adjuvant, the resulting compounds – PGLb1 and PGLb2 – have substantially reduced the level of antibiotic resistance of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Shigella flexneri clinical isolates. The observed antibiotic potentiation was mediated by hyperpolarization of the bacterial membrane caused by the alteration of cellular ion transport. Specifically, PGLb1 and PGLb2 are selective ionophores that enhance the Goldman–Hodgkin–Katz potential across the bacterial membrane. These findings indicate that manipulating bacterial membrane electrophysiology could be a valuable tool to overcome antimicrobial resistance