5,454 research outputs found

    Oscillation and convergence behaviors exhibited in an ‘unstable’ second-order digital filter with saturation-type nonlinearity

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    This letter explains the oscillatory behaviors exhibited in a second-order digital filter with saturation-type nonlinearity via the Hopf bifurcation theorem. It is shown that depending on the bifurcation parameter, the state variables may converge to zero even when the eigenvalues of the system matrix are outside the unit circle

    Virucidal Activity of Chlorine Dioxide Gas for Reduction of Coronavirus on Surfaces and PPE

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    A coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has caused a global pandemic and associated morbidity and mortality resultant from COVID-19. As a result of efforts to control direct (person to person) and indirect (contaminated objects, surfaces, indoor air) transmission of the virus, various interventions have been evaluated. Studies were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of commercially available chlorine dioxide (CD) products to reduce viral loads on PPE (face masks) and surfaces using a novel dry gas release intervention. The efficacy of CD slow release 30-day sachets was tested on N95 face masks inoculated with human coronavirus OC43 in suspension. One sachet was placed with an inoculated mask in plastic resealable bags. Three trials were completed using the original sachet where a mask and sachet were placed into a plastic bag for 13 hours per sachet age of 1 day, 14 days, and 30 days. The amount of CD generated during a 13-hour treatment period was 0.30 mg. The nominal concentration of CD was estimated to be 317 mg/m3. All three tests demonstrated at least a 99.91% reduction of viral loading in the mask versus a non-treated control. Efficacy of CD dry gas fast releasing pods (Ultrashok) for fumigation was also tested in a 1344 ft3 closed room. Two pods were placed in the space and CD surface virucidal efficacy was tested in three locations of the room after 1 hour and 2 hours of dwell time. The estimated nominal peak concentration was 15 ppmv in the room. The one-hour exposure saw a \u3e99.91% OC43 reduction on surfaces and the two-hour exposure resulted in a \u3e99.997% OC43 reduction on surfaces versus a non-treated control. These results indicate dry CD is highly effective against human coronavirus. CD was 99.91% effective for eliminating human coronavirus OC43 in both sachet and capsule fumigant form using both fast and slow release mechanisms. Rapid fumigant application is suitable for contaminated rooms, ambulances, emergency vehicles, and many types of PPE, most particularly porous PPE materials. The gaseous state of CD allows for rapid diffusion and transfer of the virucidal stable free radical to all surfaces of PPE and indoor areas that would favor virus survival. Additionally, this work suggests CD can be effective at levels with significant margins of safety (little to no exposure and rapid degradation of residuals) providing minimal public health risks associated with the use of CD

    Virucidal Activity of Chlorine Dioxide Gas for Reduction of Coronavirus on Surfaces and PPE

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    A coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has caused a global pandemic and associated morbidity and mortality resultant from COVID-19. As a result of efforts to control direct (person to person) and indirect (contaminated objects, surfaces, indoor air) transmission of the virus, various interventions have been evaluated. Studies were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of commercially available chlorine dioxide (CD) products to reduce viral loads on PPE (face masks) and surfaces using a novel dry gas release intervention. The efficacy of CD slow release 30-day sachets was tested on N95 face masks inoculated with human coronavirus OC43 in suspension. One sachet was placed with an inoculated mask in plastic resealable bags. Three trials were completed using the original sachet where a mask and sachet were placed into a plastic bag for 13 hours per sachet age of 1 day, 14 days, and 30 days. The amount of CD generated during a 13-hour treatment period was 0.30 mg. The nominal concentration of CD was estimated to be 317 mg/m3. All three tests demonstrated at least a 99.91% reduction of viral loading in the mask versus a non-treated control. Efficacy of CD dry gas fast releasing pods (Ultrashok) for fumigation was also tested in a 1344 ft3 closed room. Two pods were placed in the space and CD surface virucidal efficacy was tested in three locations of the room after 1 hour and 2 hours of dwell time. The estimated nominal peak concentration was 15 ppmv in the room. The one-hour exposure saw a \u3e99.91% OC43 reduction on surfaces and the two-hour exposure resulted in a \u3e99.997% OC43 reduction on surfaces versus a non-treated control. These results indicate dry CD is highly effective against human coronavirus. CD was 99.91% effective for eliminating human coronavirus OC43 in both sachet and capsule fumigant form using both fast and slow release mechanisms. Rapid fumigant application is suitable for contaminated rooms, ambulances, emergency vehicles, and many types of PPE, most particularly porous PPE materials. The gaseous state of CD allows for rapid diffusion and transfer of the virucidal stable free radical to all surfaces of PPE and indoor areas that would favor virus survival. Additionally, this work suggests CD can be effective at levels with significant margins of safety (little to no exposure and rapid degradation of residuals) providing minimal public health risks associated with the use of CD

    A Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Survey of Nearby Active Glactic Nuclei

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    We obtained 500-second F606W WFPC2 images of 256 of the nearest (z<0.035) Seyfert 1,Seyfert 2, and starburst galaxies. Less than 10% show tidal features or multiple nuclei. The incidence of inner starburst rings is about 10% in both classes of Sy galaxies. In contrast, galaxies with H II region emission line spectra appear substantially more irregular because of their much higher specific rates of star formation. An unresolved central continuum source in our HST images is a virtually perfect indicator of a Sy1 spectrum. 52% of these Sy1 point sources are saturated in our images; we use their wings to estimate their magnitudes. The converse is not however true, as over a third of Sy's with direct spectroscopic evidence for broad Balmer wings show no nuclear point source. Like the Sy2's, they have central surface brightnesses consistent with those expected for the bulges of normal galaxies. The frequency of bars in Sy1's and 2's and non-Sys are the same. The Sy2 galaxies are significantly more likely to show nuclear dust absorption, especially in lanes and patches which are irregular or reach close to the nucleus. The difference cannot be explained by different average redshifts or selection techniques. This is confirmed by our morphology classifications, which show that Sy1 nuclei reside in earlier type galaxies than Sy2 nuclei. This intrinsic difference in host galaxy properties may undermine the strong unification hypothesis for Sy galaxies that they appear different due to the orientation of their central engine. The excess galactic dust we see in Sy2's may cause substantial absorption which obscures their hypothesized broad emission-line regions and central nonstellar continua. This galactic dust could produce much of the absorption in Sy2 nuclei which had instead been attributed to a thick dusty accretion torus.Comment: The text of the paper is 23 pages (ms.tex), there are 8 tables, and 9 figures. Figures 1, 2, and 3 are the image gallery (45 pages) and are NOT included here. They can be ftp'ed from ftp.astro.ucla.edu. Log in as anonymous and give your e-mail address as the password. The images are in the /pub/submit/vg/AGNgallery . Figures 4-9 are in eps format and are included here and can be printed using the lpr command in unix system

    Spin fluctuations associated with the collapse of the pseudogap in a cuprate superconductor

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    Theories of the origin of superconductivity in cuprates are dependent on an understanding of their normal state which exhibits various competing orders. Transport and thermodynamic measurements on La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 show signatures of a quantum critical point, including a peak in the electronic specific heat CC versus doping p, near the doping p*, where the pseudogap collapses. The fundamental nature of the fluctuations associated with this peak is unclear. Here we use inelastic neutron scattering to show that close to TcT_c and near p*, there are low-energy collective spin excitations with characteristic energies \approx 5 meV. The correlation length of the spin fluctuations does not diverge in spite of the low energy scale and we conclude that the underlying quantum criticality is not due to antiferromagnetism but most likely to a collapse of the pseudogap. We show that the large specific heat near p* can be understood in terms of collective spin fluctuations. The spin fluctuations we measure exist across the superconducting phase diagram and may be related to the strange metal behaviour observed in overdoped cuprates

    Which Depressive Symptoms and Medication Side Effects Are Perceived by Patients as Interfering Most with Occupational Functioning?

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    Background. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is associated with significant impairment in occupational functioning. This study sought to determine which depressive symptoms and medication side effects were perceived by patients with MDD to have the greatest interference on work functioning. Methods. 164 consecutive patients with MDD by DSM-IV criteria completed a standard assessment that included a self-rated questionnaire about the degree to which symptoms and side effects interfered with work functioning. Results. The symptoms perceived by patients as interfering most with work functioning were fatigue and low energy, insomnia, concentration and memory problems, anxiety, and irritability. The medication side effects rated as interfering most with work functioning were daytime sedation, insomnia, headache, and agitation/anxiety. There were no differences between men and women in symptoms or side effects that were perceived as interfering with work functioning. Limitations. This was a cross-sectional study; only subjective assessments of work functioning were obtained; the fact that patients were using varied medications acts as a potential confound. Conclusions. Specific depressive symptoms and medication side effects were perceived by patients as interfering more with occupational functioning than others. These factors should be considered in treatment selection (e.g., in the choice of antidepressant) in working patients with MDD

    Regression of Castrate-Recurrent Prostate Cancer by a Small-Molecule Inhibitor of the Amino-Terminus Domain of the Androgen Receptor

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    SummaryCastration-recurrent prostate cancer (CRPC) is suspected to depend on androgen receptor (AR). The AF-1 region in the amino-terminal domain (NTD) of AR contains most, if not all, of the transcriptional activity. Here we identify EPI-001, a small molecule that blocked transactivation of the NTD and was specific for inhibition of AR without attenuating transcriptional activities of related steroid receptors. EPI-001 interacted with the AF-1 region, inhibited protein-protein interactions with AR, and reduced AR interaction with androgen-response elements on target genes. Importantly, EPI-001 blocked androgen-induced proliferation and caused cytoreduction of CRPC in xenografts dependent on AR for growth and survival without causing toxicity

    Lattice Gas Automata for Reactive Systems

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    Reactive lattice gas automata provide a microscopic approachto the dynamics of spatially-distributed reacting systems. After introducing the subject within the wider framework of lattice gas automata (LGA) as a microscopic approach to the phenomenology of macroscopic systems, we describe the reactive LGA in terms of a simple physical picture to show how an automaton can be constructed to capture the essentials of a reactive molecular dynamics scheme. The statistical mechanical theory of the automaton is then developed for diffusive transport and for reactive processes, and a general algorithm is presented for reactive LGA. The method is illustrated by considering applications to bistable and excitable media, oscillatory behavior in reactive systems, chemical chaos and pattern formation triggered by Turing bifurcations. The reactive lattice gas scheme is contrasted with related cellular automaton methods and the paper concludes with a discussion of future perspectives.Comment: to appear in PHYSICS REPORTS, 81 revtex pages; uuencoded gziped postscript file; figures available from [email protected] or [email protected]

    SKYSCRAPER-02:Tiragolumab in Combination With Atezolizumab Plus Chemotherapy in Untreated Extensive-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer

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    PURPOSE: The phase III SKYSCRAPER-02 study determined whether the benefits of atezolizumab plus carboplatin and etoposide (CE) could be enhanced by the addition of tiragolumab in untreated extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC). We report final progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) analyses. METHODS: Patients received tiragolumab 600 mg/placebo, plus atezolizumab 1,200 mg and CE (four cycles), then maintenance tiragolumab/placebo plus atezolizumab. Primary end points were investigator-assessed PFS and OS in patients without history/presence of brain metastases (primary analysis set [PAS]). Additional end points included PFS and OS in all patients regardless of brain metastases status (full analysis set [FAS]), response, and safety. RESULTS: Four hundred ninety patients were randomly assigned (FAS): 243 to tiragolumab arm and 247 to control arm. At the cutoff date (February 6, 2022; median duration of follow-up, 14.3 months [PAS] and 13.9 months [FAS]), final analysis of PFS in the PAS (n = 397) did not reach statistical significance (stratified hazard ratio [HR], 1.11; P = .3504; median, 5.4 months tiragolumab v 5.6 months control). At the cutoff date (September 6, 2022; median duration of follow-up, 21.2 months [FAS]), median OS in the PAS at final OS analysis was 13.1 months in both arms (stratified HR, 1.14; P = .2859). Median PFS and OS in the FAS were consistent with the PAS. The proportion of patients with immune-mediated adverse events (AEs) in the tiragolumab and control arms was 54.4% and 49.2%, respectively (grade 3/4: 7.9% and 7.7%). AEs leading to treatment withdrawal occurred in 8.4% and 9.3% of tiragolumab- and control-treated patients, respectively.CONCLUSION: Tiragolumab did not provide additional benefit over atezolizumab and CE in untreated ES-SCLC. The combination was well tolerated with no new safety signals.</p