76 research outputs found

    Tissue-specific gene expression templates for accurate molecular characterization of the normal physiological states of multiple human tissues with implication in development and cancer studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To elucidate the molecular complications in many complex diseases, we argue for the priority to construct a model representing the normal physiological state of a cell/tissue.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By analyzing three independent microarray datasets on normal human tissues, we established a quantitative molecular model GET, which consists of 24 tissue-specific <it>G</it>ene <it>E</it>xpression <it>T</it>emplates constructed from a set of 56 genes, for predicting 24 distinct tissue types under disease-free condition. 99.2% correctness was reached when a large-scale validation was performed on 61 new datasets to test the tissue-prediction power of GET. Network analysis based on molecular interactions suggests a potential role of these 56 genes in tissue differentiation and carcinogenesis.</p> <p>Applying GET to transcriptomic datasets produced from tissue development studies the results correlated well with developmental stages. Cancerous tissues and cell lines yielded significantly lower correlation with GET than the normal tissues. GET distinguished melanoma from normal skin tissue or benign skin tumor with 96% sensitivity and 89% specificity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results strongly suggest that a normal tissue or cell may uphold its normal functioning and morphology by maintaining specific chemical stoichiometry among genes. The state of stoichiometry can be depicted by a compact set of representative genes such as the 56 genes obtained here. A significant deviation from normal stoichiometry may result in malfunction or abnormal growth of the cells.</p

    Conserved Expression Signatures between Medaka and Human Pigment Cell Tumors

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    Aberrations in gene expression are a hallmark of cancer cells. Differential tumor-specific transcript levels of single genes or whole sets of genes may be critical for the neoplastic phenotype and important for therapeutic considerations or useful as biomarkers. As an approach to filter out such relevant expression differences from the plethora of changes noted in global expression profiling studies, we searched for changes of gene expression levels that are conserved. Transcriptomes from massive parallel sequencing of different types of melanoma from medaka were generated and compared to microarray datasets from zebrafish and human melanoma. This revealed molecular conservation at various levels between fish models and human tumors providing a useful strategy for identifying expression signatures strongly associated with disease phenotypes and uncovering new melanoma molecules

    Gene expression analysis after receptor tyrosine kinase activation reveals new potential melanoma proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Melanoma is an aggressive tumor with increasing incidence. To develop accurate prognostic markers and targeted therapies, changes leading to malignant transformation of melanocytes need to be understood. In the <it>Xiphophorus </it>melanoma model system, a mutated version of the EGF receptor Xmrk (<it>Xiphophorus </it>melanoma receptor kinase) triggers melanomagenesis. Cellular events downstream of Xmrk, such as the activation of Akt, Ras, B-Raf or Stat5, were also shown to play a role in human melanomagenesis. This makes the elucidation of Xmrk downstream targets a useful method for identifying processes involved in melanoma formation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Here, we analyzed Xmrk-induced gene expression using a microarray approach. Several highly expressed genes were confirmed by realtime PCR, and pathways responsible for their induction were revealed using small molecule inhibitors. The expression of these genes was also monitored in human melanoma cell lines, and the target gene <it>FOSL1 </it>was knocked down by siRNA. Proliferation and migration of siRNA-treated melanoma cell lines were then investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genes with the strongest upregulation after receptor activation were FOS-like antigen 1 (<it>Fosl1</it>), early growth response 1 (<it>Egr1</it>), osteopontin (<it>Opn</it>), insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (<it>Igfbp3</it>), dual-specificity phosphatase 4 (<it>Dusp4</it>), and tumor-associated antigen L6 (<it>Taal6</it>). Interestingly, most genes were blocked in presence of a SRC kinase inhibitor. Importantly, we found that <it>FOSL1</it>, <it>OPN</it>, <it>IGFBP3</it>, <it>DUSP4</it>, and <it>TAAL6 </it>also exhibited increased expression levels in human melanoma cell lines compared to human melanocytes. Knockdown of <it>FOSL1 </it>in human melanoma cell lines reduced their proliferation and migration.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Altogether, the data show that the receptor tyrosine kinase Xmrk is a useful tool in the identification of target genes that are commonly expressed in Xmrk-transgenic melanocytes and melanoma cell lines. The identified molecules constitute new possible molecular players in melanoma development. Specifically, a role of FOSL1 in melanomagenic processes is demonstrated. These data are the basis for future detailed analyses of the investigated target genes.</p

    Large-scale integration of cancer microarray data identifies a robust common cancer signature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a continuing need to develop molecular diagnostic tools which complement histopathologic examination to increase the accuracy of cancer diagnosis. DNA microarrays provide a means for measuring gene expression signatures which can then be used as components of genomic-based diagnostic tests to determine the presence of cancer.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we collect and integrate ~ 1500 microarray gene expression profiles from 26 published cancer data sets across 21 major human cancer types. We then apply a statistical method, referred to as the <it>T</it>op-<it>S</it>coring <it>P</it>air of <it>G</it>roups (TSPG) classifier, and a repeated random sampling strategy to the integrated training data sets and identify a common cancer signature consisting of 46 genes. These 46 genes are naturally divided into two distinct groups; those in one group are typically expressed less than those in the other group for cancer tissues. Given a new expression profile, the classifier discriminates cancer from normal tissues by ranking the expression values of the 46 genes in the cancer signature and comparing the average ranks of the two groups. This signature is then validated by applying this decision rule to independent test data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>By combining the TSPG method and repeated random sampling, a robust common cancer signature has been identified from large-scale microarray data integration. Upon further validation, this signature may be useful as a robust and objective diagnostic test for cancer.</p

    The gene expression profiles of primary and metastatic melanoma yields a transition point of tumor progression and metastasis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The process of malignant transformation, progression and metastasis of melanoma is poorly understood. Gene expression profiling of human cancer has allowed for a unique insight into the genes that are involved in these processes. Thus, we have attempted to utilize this approach through the analysis of a series of primary, non-metastatic cutaneous tumors and metastatic melanoma samples.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We have utilized gene microarray analysis and a variety of molecular techniques to compare 40 metastatic melanoma (MM) samples, composed of 22 bulky, macroscopic (replaced) lymph node metastases, 16 subcutaneous and 2 distant metastases (adrenal and brain), to 42 primary cutaneous cancers, comprised of 16 melanoma, 11 squamous cell, 15 basal cell skin cancers. A Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 array from Affymetrix, Inc. was utilized for each sample. A variety of statistical software, including the Affymetrix MAS 5.0 analysis software, was utilized to compare primary cancers to metastatic melanomas. Separate analyses were performed to directly compare only primary melanoma to metastatic melanoma samples. The expression levels of putative oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes were analyzed by semi- and real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qPCR) and Western blot analysis was performed on select genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We find that primary basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas and thin melanomas express dramatically higher levels of many genes, including <it>SPRR1A/B</it>, <it>KRT16/17</it>, <it>CD24</it>, <it>LOR</it>, <it>GATA3</it>, <it>MUC15</it>, and <it>TMPRSS4</it>, than metastatic melanoma. In contrast, the metastatic melanomas express higher levels of genes such as <it>MAGE</it>, <it>GPR19</it>, <it>BCL2A1</it>, <it>MMP14</it>, <it>SOX5</it>, <it>BUB1</it>, <it>RGS20</it>, and more. The transition from non-metastatic expression levels to metastatic expression levels occurs as melanoma tumors thicken. We further evaluated primary melanomas of varying Breslow's tumor thickness to determine that the transition in expression occurs at different thicknesses for different genes suggesting that the "transition zone" represents a critical time for the emergence of the metastatic phenotype. Several putative tumor oncogenes (<it>SPP-1</it>, <it>MITF</it>, <it>CITED-1</it>, <it>GDF-15</it>, <it>c-Met</it>, <it>HOX </it>loci) and suppressor genes (<it>PITX-1</it>, <it>CST-6</it>, <it>PDGFRL</it>, <it>DSC-3</it>, <it>POU2F3</it>, <it>CLCA2</it>, <it>ST7L</it>), were identified and validated by quantitative PCR as changing expression during this transition period. These are strong candidates for genes involved in the progression or suppression of the metastatic phenotype.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The gene expression profiling of primary, non-metastatic cutaneous tumors and metastatic melanoma has resulted in the identification of several genes that may be centrally involved in the progression and metastatic potential of melanoma. This has very important implications as we continue to develop an improved understanding of the metastatic process, allowing us to identify specific genes for prognostic markers and possibly for targeted therapeutic approaches.</p

    A taxonomy of epithelial human cancer and their metastases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microarray technology has allowed to molecularly characterize many different cancer sites. This technology has the potential to individualize therapy and to discover new drug targets. However, due to technological differences and issues in standardized sample collection no study has evaluated the molecular profile of epithelial human cancer in a large number of samples and tissues. Additionally, it has not yet been extensively investigated whether metastases resemble their tissue of origin or tissue of destination.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We studied the expression profiles of a series of 1566 primary and 178 metastases by unsupervised hierarchical clustering. The clustering profile was subsequently investigated and correlated with clinico-pathological data. Statistical enrichment of clinico-pathological annotations of groups of samples was investigated using Fisher exact test. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) and DAVID functional enrichment analysis were used to investigate the molecular pathways. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and log-rank tests were used to investigate prognostic significance of gene signatures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Large clusters corresponding to breast, gastrointestinal, ovarian and kidney primary tissues emerged from the data. Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma clustered together with follicular differentiated thyroid carcinoma, which supports recent morphological descriptions of thyroid follicular carcinoma-like tumors in the kidney and suggests that they represent a subtype of chromophobe carcinoma. We also found an expression signature identifying primary tumors of squamous cell histology in multiple tissues. Next, a subset of ovarian tumors enriched with endometrioid histology clustered together with endometrium tumors, confirming that they share their etiopathogenesis, which strongly differs from serous ovarian tumors. In addition, the clustering of colon and breast tumors correlated with clinico-pathological characteristics. Moreover, a signature was developed based on our unsupervised clustering of breast tumors and this was predictive for disease-specific survival in three independent studies. Next, the metastases from ovarian, breast, lung and vulva cluster with their tissue of origin while metastases from colon showed a bimodal distribution. A significant part clusters with tissue of origin while the remaining tumors cluster with the tissue of destination.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our molecular taxonomy of epithelial human cancer indicates surprising correlations over tissues. This may have a significant impact on the classification of many cancer sites and may guide pathologists, both in research and daily practice. Moreover, these results based on unsupervised analysis yielded a signature predictive of clinical outcome in breast cancer. Additionally, we hypothesize that metastases from gastrointestinal origin either remember their tissue of origin or adapt to the tissue of destination. More specifically, colon metastases in the liver show strong evidence for such a bimodal tissue specific profile.</p

    Cancers of unknown primary origin: current perspectives and future therapeutic strategies

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    It is widely accepted that systemic neoplastic spread is a late event in tumour progression. However, sometimes, rapidly invasive cancers are diagnosed because of appearance of metastatic lesions in absence of a clearly detectable primary mass. This kind of disease is referred to as cancer of unknown primary (CUP) origin and accounts for 3-5% of all cancer diagnosis. There is poor consensus on the extent of diagnostic and pathologic evaluations required for these enigmatic cases which still lack effective treatment. Although technology to predict the primary tumour site of origin is improving rapidly, the key issue is concerning the biology which drives early occult metastatic spreading. This review provides the state of the art about clinical and therapeutic management of this malignant syndrome; main interest is addressed to the most recent improvements in CUP molecular biology and pathology, which will lead to successful tailored therapeutic options
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