242 research outputs found

    Comparison between alkali heat treatment and sprayed hydroxyapatite coating on thermally-sprayed rough Ti surface in rabbit model: Effects on bone-bonding ability and osteoconductivity.

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    In this study, we investigated the effect of different surface treatments (hydroxyapatite (HA) coating, alkali heat treatment, and no treatment) on the ability of bone to bond to a rough arc-sprayed Ti metal surface, using rabbit models. The bone-to-implant contacts for untreated, HA-coated, and alkali heat-treated implants were 21.2%, 72.1%, and 33.8% at 4 weeks, 21.8%, 70.9%, and 30.0% at 8 weeks, and 16.3%, 70.2%, and 29.9% at 16 weeks, respectively (n = 8). HA -coated implants showed significantly higher bone-to-implant contacts than the untreated and alkali heat-treated implants at all the time point, whereas alkali heat-treated implants showed significantly higher bone-to-implant contacts than untreated implants at 4 and 16 weeks. The failure loads in a mechanical test for untreated, HA coated, alkali heat-treated plates were 65.4 N, 70.7 N, and 90.8 N at 4 weeks, 76.1 N, 64.7 N, and 104.8 N at 8 weeks and 88.7 N, 92.6 N, and 118.5 N at 16 weeks, respectively (n = 8). The alkali heat-treated plates showed significantly higher failure loads than HA-coated plates at 8 and 16 weeks. The difference between HA-coated plates and untreated plates were not statistically significant at any time point. Thus HA coating, although it enables high bone-to-implant contact, may not enhance the bone-bonding properties of thermally-sprayed rough Ti metal surfaces. In contrast, alkali heat treatment can be successfully applied to thermally-sprayed Ti metal to enhance both bone-to-implant contact and bone-bonding strength

    Mesobiliverdin IXα Enhances Rat Pancreatic Islet Yield and Function

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    The aims of this study were to produce mesobiliverdin IXα, an analog of anti-inflammatory biliverdin IXα, and to test its ability to enhance rat pancreatic islet yield for allograft transplantation into diabetic recipients. Mesobiliverdin IXα was synthesized from phycocyanobilin derived from cyanobacteria, and its identity and purity were analyzed by chromatographic and spectroscopic methods. Mesobiliverdin IXα was a substrate for human NADPH biliverdin reductase. Excised Lewis rat pancreata infused with mesobiliverdin IXα and biliverdin IXα-HCl (1–100 μM) yielded islet equivalents as high as 86.7 and 36.5%, respectively, above those from non-treated controls, and the islets showed a high degree of viability based on dithizone staining. When transplanted into livers of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, islets from pancreata infused with mesobiliverdin IXα lowered non-fasting blood glucose (BG) levels in 55.6% of the recipients and in 22.2% of control recipients. In intravenous glucose tolerance tests, fasting BG levels of 56 post-operative day recipients with islets from mesobiliverdin IXα infused pancreata were lower than those for controls and showed responses that indicate recovery of insulin-dependent function. In conclusion, mesobiliverdin IXα infusion of pancreata enhanced yields of functional islets capable of reversing insulin dysfunction in diabetic recipients. Since its production is scalable, mesobiliverdin IXα has clinical potential as a protectant of pancreatic islets for allograft transplantation

    Preparation and Characterization of a Polyclonal Antibody against Brominated Protein

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    (Di)bromotyrosine is formed by the specific reaction of eosinophil peroxidase and can be used as an eosinophil activation marker. In the present study, an antibody for (di)bromotyrosine in proteins was prepared to investigate the pathogenesis of eosinophil-related diseases such as allergic responses. A rabbit polyclonal antibody was raised against brominated keyhole limpet hemocyanin. The specificity of the antiserum was investigated with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The antiserum recognized brominated bovine serum albumin (BSA) and dibromotyrosine-conjugated BSA. The antiserum also reacted with chlorinated BSA and di-iodotyrosine-conjugated BSA. Moreover, the specificity of the antiserum was investigated using competitive ELISA. Dibromotyrosine and di-iodotyrosine inhibited the recognition of brominated BSA by the antiserum. However, the recognition of brominated BSA by the antiserum was not inhibited by bromotyrosine, chlorotyrosine, iodotyrosine, nitrotyrosine, aminotyrosine, phosphotyrosine, or tyrosine. These results suggested that the epitope of the antiserum is dihalogenated tyrosine. Immunohistochemically, the antiserum stained brominated rat eosinophils but not chlorinated or nitrated eosinophils. In conclusion, an antiserum for dihalogenated protein was prepared. It is expected that the antiserum will be useful for the analysis of the pathogenesis of allergic diseases such as asthma and atopic dermatitis

    A new telestroke network system in northern area of Okayama prefecture

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    Background Telestroke network can provide rapid access to specialized treatment and improves on‐site management of acute stroke patients through the “hub‐and‐spoke” model. In the northern part of Okayama Prefecture, there has been a regional gap of stroke care due to the shortage of stroke specialists and facilities. In addition, due to the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19), it is required to reduce the unnecessary contact with stroke patients from other hospitals. Aim We organized a novel cost‐free telestroke network with an image and video sharing for neurological diseases in the northern part of Okayama Prefecture to improve the stroke management in the area. Method We prepared the tablet device on which Skype® application was installed for each hospital and recruited the patients who visited or hospitalized in the spoke hospitals and were suspected to have some neurological diseases from April 2019 to May 2020. The patient's clinical data were recorded and analyzed. Results During the study period, 5 patients were recruited including the cases with the initial diagnosis of stroke or brain tumor. Among them, 2 cases were transferred to the hub hospital, 2 cases were transferred to other hospitals, and 1 case was treated on site under specialist's advice. Conclusion The new telestroke network system may be beneficial for acute stroke management and reducing the unnecessary patient's transfer in the rural area, especially under coexistence with COVID‐19

    Destruxin E Decreases Beta-Amyloid Generation by Reducing Colocalization of Beta-Amyloid-Cleaving Enzyme 1 and Beta-Amyloid Protein Precursor

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    Alzheimer-disease-associated beta-amyloid (A beta) is produced by sequential endoproteolysis of beta-amyloid protein precursor (beta APP): the extracellular portion is shed by cleavage in the juxtamembrane region by beta-amyloid-cleaving enzyme (BACE)/beta-secretase, after which it is cleaved by presenilin (PS)/gamma-secretase near the middle of the transmembrane domain. Thus, inhibition of either of the secretases reduces A beta generation and is a fundamental strategy for the development of drugs to prevent Alzheimer disease. However, it is not clear how small compounds reduce A beta production without inhibition of the secretases. Such compounds are expected to avoid some of the side effects of secretase inhibitors. Here, we report that destruxin E (Dx-E), a natural cyclic hexadepsipeptide, reduces A beta generation without affecting BACE or PS/gamma-secretase activity. In agreement with this, Dx-E did not inhibit Notch signaling. We found that Dx-E decreases colocalization of BACE1 and beta APP, which reduces beta-cleavage of beta APP. Therefore, the data demonstrate that Dx-E represents a novel A beta-reducing process which could have fewer side effects than secretase inhibitors. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Base