204 research outputs found

    A Preliminary Study on Light Emission Verbs and Substance Emission Verbs in There Constructions

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    DSP-crosslinking and Immunoprecipitation to Isolate Weak Protein Complex

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    Detecting protein-protein interactions (PPIs) is one of the most used approaches to reveal the molecular regulation of protein of interests (POIs). Immunoprecipitation of POIs followed by mass spectrometry or western blot analysis enables us to detect co-precipitated POI-binding proteins. However, some binding proteins are lost during cell lysis or immunoprecipitation if the protein binding affinity is weak. Crosslinking POI and its binding proteins stabilizes the PPI and increases the chance of detecting the interacting proteins. Here, we introduce the method of DSP (dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate))-mediated crosslinking, followed by tandem immunoprecipitation (FLAG and HA tags). The eluted proteins interacting with POI can be analyzed by mass spectrometry or western blotting. This method has the potential to be applied to various cytoplasmic proteins

    Perception and Communication of Flood Risk: Lessons Learned about Thailand’s Flood Crisis of 2011

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    Flooding remains a common environmental hazard worldwide, causing some of the most devastating natural disasters of the last century. This is why understanding public perception has become such an important topic for policy makers concerned with flood risk management. This study investigated public perception of flooding events through analysis of risk communication for Thailand’s flood crisis in 2011. An online questionnaire was electronically distributed to residents potentially affected by flooding in Bangkok. Results from 437 returned surveys indicate that Thai residents tend to display both cognitive and affective biases in their perceptions of flood risk. The majority of respondents believed the great flood of Thailand 2011 was directly caused by government mismanagement and negative impacts of climate variability. These biases might occur because of difficulty in evaluating flood probability and lack of adequate information. Floods and related topics mainly evoked feelings of stress, anxiety, boredom, powerlessness and fear. The majority of Thai respondents distrusted any information provided by the central government, while rumors and misinformation could have affected public perceptions and responses to the flood. The general failure of preventive action and poor risk communication have been reported. Further implications (i.e. Cognitive-Affective Interference in Protective Anticipatory Adaptation; CAIPAA model) and further recommendations are discussed

    Influence of Psychological Factors on Climate Change Perceptions Held by Local Farmers in the Northeast of Thailand

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    Global climate change is considered one of the most critical socio-ecological challenges of the 21st century. In recent years extreme weather events have increased significantly in Thailand as in other parts of the world. In most cases, climatic variability has always been associated with its implications for agriculture. To date, however, there has been inconclusive understanding of farmers’ capacity to detect climate change and its potential impact. This study therefore explores how Thai farmers perceive global climate change and, further, to examine the influence of psychological factors on these perceptions. The study used mixed research methods, with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Questionnaires were distributed to 70 randomly-selected agricultural households in Village 4 of the Nongbuasala sub-district, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. The survey results indicated that the majority of respondents view climate change in terms of extreme high temperatures and flooding. Regression analysis also revealed positive correlations between perceptions of climate change and six psychological variables of awareness in general and mitigation, belief in the reality of climate change and human causes, feelings of worry, and self-efficacy (0.201 ≤  r  ≤ .592; p ≤ 0.05). Conversely, in terms of perceived barriers, three components of cognitive dissonance (r = -0.831), belief in limitation of lifestyle changes (r = -0.305) and fear (r = -0.283) were found to be negatively correlated with climate change perceptions by Thai farmers. Recommendations to deal with those perceived barriers are also discussed

    A Brief Note on There Contact Clauses: With Special Focus on There Contact Clauses Selecting Come as the Second Verb

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    Number Disagreement in There Sentences with Existence Verbs

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    認知・機能言語学研究 (8

    On the Equation of Motion for a Fast Moving Small Object in the Strong Field Point Particle Limit

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    We give a straightforward and divergence free derivation of the equation of motion for a small but finite object in an arbitrary background using strong field point particle limit. The resulting equation becomes a generalized geodesic for a non-rotating spherical object which is consisitent with previous studies.Comment: accepted by Progress of Theoretical Physic

    The effect of glucose on the enhanced biological phosphorus removal in a sequencing batch reactor

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    Bu çalışmada evsel atıksularda yaygın olarak bulunan glikozun biyolojik fosfor giderimi üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Laboratuvar ortamında glikozla beslenen anaerobik-aerobik Ardışık Kesikli Reaktörler (AKR) işletilmiş; çalışma süresince proses performansında ve mikrobiyal türlerde meydana gelen değişimler izlenmiştir. AKR’nin ilk döneminde Biyolojik Aşırı Fosfor Giderimi (BAFG) aktif olarak görülmüştür. Ancak reaktörün ikinci döneminde BAFG aktivitesi bozulmaya başlamış, son döneminde ise kabarma problemi ile karşılaşılmış ve koşullar iyileştirilemediği için işletilmesine son verilmiştir. AKR’nin başlangıç döneminde laktik asit oluşması ve oluşan laktik asitin anaerobik süreçte tüketilmesi sonucu fermentasyon bakterileri ile fosfor depolayan organizmaların (PAO) biyolojik fosfor giderimini birlikte gerçekleştirdiği belirlenmiştir. Laktik asit bakterilerinin glikozu laktik asite fermente ettiği ve PAO’ların anaerobik fosfor salınımından enerji sağlayarak oluşan laktik asidi polihidroksialkonata (PHA) dönüştürdüğü düşünülmüştür. Bu dönemdeki mikroskobik gözlemlerde poli-P depolayan kokların yoğun olarak görülmesi ve filogenetik analiz sonucunda Firmicutes filumuna ait Lactococcus türlerinin mikrobiyal topluluğun önemli bir bölümü olarak tespit edilmesi bu varsayımı desteklemektedir. Ayrıca oluşan PHA’nın %77’sinin 3-hidroksivalerat (3HV) olması ve anaerobik süreçte laktik asitin tüketilmesi laktik asitin PAO’larca kullanılan esas karbon kaynağı olduğunu kanıtlamaktadır. AKR’nin 29’uncu gününde  glikojen depolayan organizmalar (GAO) olarak tanımlanan Candidatus Competibacter Phosphatis türü filogenetik analizde yoğun olarak gözlemlenmiş ve BAFG aktivitesinin bozulmasının bu türün baskı hale gelmesinden kaynaklandığı belirlenmiştir. 29’uncu günle birlikte glikojen tüketiminin önemli miktarda artması, glikoz tüketimine karşı salınan fosfor değerinin (0.07 mol P/ mol C) düşmesi sistemde GAO’ların aktif olduğunu göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Biyolojik aşırı fosfor giderimi, fosfat depolayan organizmalar, glikojen depolayan organizmalar, glikoz.Since short chain fatty acid (SCFA) is believed to be the favorable substrates for biological phosphorus removal, the majority of the studies on enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR), focus on the metabolism of acetate. However EBPR process can also occur successfully with organic substrates other than acetate. A wide range of organic substances like carboxylic acids, sugars and amino acids can be taken up anaerobically by phosphate accumulating organisms (PAO) enriched sludges but the metabolism of these organic substrates is not clear yet. Hence, the effect of carbon sources other than acetate on EBPR has to be considered deeply. The composition of the organic substrates in domestic wastewater varies remarkably among countries and/or wastewater treatment plants and glucose is a significant simple sugar found widely in wastewaters with an important role in biochemical pathways. EBPR mechanism with glucose found wide interest but results of the reported studies in the related literature are not consistent with each other indicating many different mechanisms of anaerobic uptake and storage of glucose can act in favor of, or against EBPR. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of glucose feeding on the performance of the enhanced biological phosphorus removal process. The effect of glucose on process performance and microbial community was studied by operating laboratory-scale alternating anaerobic-aerobic sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). The SBR fed with glucose as sole carbon source achieved biological phosphorus removal but deteriorated gradually along the operation of the reactor. During the good EBPR period (day 9), 63% of the glucose fed to the reactor was metabolized within 10 minutes of the anaerobic period and a rapid increase in glycogen concentration observed which showed the conversion of external glucose into glycogen. Lactate and acetate were detected in the supernatant and pH was dropped upon the glucose addition which indicated that part of the glucose was fermented to mainly lactate and to small amount of acetate. The results of the molecular analysis performed during this period showed the presence of many diverse fermentative bacteria proving clearly the glucose fermentation. It is assumed that lactate was the major substrate converted to polyhydroxyalkaonates (PHA) by PAOs due to the significant amount of 3-hydroxyvalerate (3HV) formation and low level of glycogen consumption under anaerobic conditions. But if lactate was the only substrate uptaken by PAOs to be converted to PHA, lactate should be metabolized to acetyl-CoA and propionyl-CoA equally to maintain the redox balance which will result in formation of 3HV and 3-hydroxy-2-methylbutyrate (3H2MB) only. However 12% of the PHA was consisted of 3-hydroxy-2-methylvalerate (3H2MV) and small amount of glycogen was also consumed. Hence glycogen consumption together with lactate changed the ratios of acetyl-CoA and propionyl-CoA metabolized which could explain the formation of 3H2MV. Thus PHA was thought to be derived not only from the lactate but also from glycogen and from small amount of acetate fermented from glucose. The EBPR activity was remarkably deteriorated on the 29th day of the SBR operation. The occurrence and predominance of Candidatus Competibacter Phosphatis detected on day 29 sludge was significant. 17% of the g-Proteobacteria were closely related to the Candidatus Competibacter Phosphatis. They were postulated as putative glycogen accumulating organisms (GAO) as they compete with PAOs. The dominance of GAOs detrimentally affects phosphorus removal by out-competing the PAOs since glycogen can be used as the energy source and reducing power for PHA accumulation reducing the dependency on polyphosphate degradation for energy supply. The significant increase in glycogen consumption was in accordance with the predominance of GAOs on day 29. The decrease in the total phosphorus content of the sludge (4.3% of the MLVSS) and phosphate release/carbon uptake ratio (0.07 mol P/mol C) indicated clearly the abundance of GAOs over PAOs. SBR was ended due to the bulking problem at the 54th day of operation. In the beginning of the operation of the SBR, the fermentation products were depleted at the end of the anaerobic period but in the latter phase of the operaion significant amounts of fermentation products were detected at the end of the anaerobic period and these fermentation products probably stimulated the growth of filamentous bacteria. The lactate accumulation at the end of the anaerobic phase was related to the abundance of GAOs over PAOs. Keywords: Enhanced biological phosphorus removal, phosphate accumulating organisms, glycogen accumulating organisms, glucose

    IRAK1-dependent Regnase-1-14-3-3 complex formation controls Regnase-1-mediated mRNA decay

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    炎症が制御される新たなメカニズムの解明 --タンパク質「14-3-3」を介した新たなRegnase-1の抑制機序--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-10-19.Regnase-1 is an endoribonuclease crucial for controlling inflammation by degrading mRNAs encoding cytokines and inflammatory mediators in mammals. However, it is unclear how Regnase-1-mediated mRNA decay is controlled in interleukin (IL)-1β- or Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligand-stimulated cells. Here, by analyzing the Regnase-1 interactome, we found that IL-1β or TLR stimulus dynamically induced the formation of Regnase-1-β-transducin repeat-containing protein (βTRCP) complex. Importantly, we also uncovered a novel interaction between Regnase-1 and 14-3-3 in both mouse and human cells. In IL-1R/TLR-stimulated cells, the Regnase-1-14-3-3 interaction is mediated by IRAK1 through a previously uncharacterized C-terminal structural domain. Phosphorylation of Regnase-1 at S494 and S513 is critical for Regnase-1-14-3-3 interaction, while a different set of phosphorylation sites of Regnase-1 is known to be required for the recognition by βTRCP and proteasome-mediated degradation. We found that Regnase-1-14-3-3 and Regnase-1-βTRCP interactions are not sequential events. Rather, 14-3-3 protects Regnase-1 from βTRCP-mediated degradation. On the other hand, 14-3-3 abolishes Regnase-1-mediated mRNA decay by inhibiting Regnase-1-mRNA association. In addition, nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling of Regnase-1 is abrogated by 14-3-3 interaction. Taken together, the results suggest that a novel inflammation-induced interaction of 14-3-3 with Regnase-1 stabilizes inflammatory mRNAs by sequestering Regnase-1 in the cytoplasm to prevent mRNA recognition