216 research outputs found

    Disturbances of both cometary and Earth's magnetospheres excited by single solar flares

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    In the solar wind a comet plays the role of a windvane that moves three-dimensionally in the heliomagnetosphere. Among the solar systems bodies, only comets have a wide range of inclination angles of their orbital planes to the ecliptic plane ranging from 0 to 90 deg. Therefore, observations of cometary plasma tails are useful in probing the heliomagnetospheric conditions in the high heliolatitudinal region. A comet can be compared to a polar-orbiting probe encircling the Sun. We will introduce two rare cases in which the magnetospheres of both the comet and the Earth are disturbed by a single solar flare

    Biogeochemical properties of seawater in Lützow-Holm Bay in February 2011 during the 52nd Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition

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    X-Ray Diffraction Study of CeT2Al10 (T = Ru, Os) at Low Temperatures and under Pressures

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    We have carried out a powder X-ray diffraction investigation on antiferromagnetic Kondo semiconductorsCeRu2Al10 and CeOs2Al10 at low temperatures and under high pressures as well as the structural investigationon single crystal of these compounds. The results of powder X-ray studies of CeRu2Al10 and CeOs2Al10 indicatethat these compounds do not have structural transition at its antiferromagnetic ordering temperature. The resultsof single crystal structural refinement indicate that the b-axis of this crystal structure is insensitive not only topressure but also to temperature and that the effect of cooling to Ce–Ce distance for CeRu2Al10 is the same asthat for CeOs2Al10

    Extremal black holes in the Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity

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    We study the near-horizon geometry of extremal black holes in the z=3z=3 Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity with a flow parameter λ\lambda. For λ>1/2\lambda>1/2, near-horizon geometry of extremal black holes are AdS2×S2_2 \times S^2 with different radii, depending on the (modified) Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity. For 1/3λ1/21/3\le \lambda \le 1/2, the radius v2v_2 of S2S^2 is negative, which means that the near-horizon geometry is ill-defined and the corresponding Bekenstein-Hawking entropy is zero. We show explicitly that the entropy function approach does not work for obtaining the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of extremal black holes.Comment: 18 pages, v2:some points on Lifshitz black holes claified, v3: version to appear in EJP

    Horava-Lifshitz Holography

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    We derive the detailed balance condition as a solution to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation in the Horava-Lifshitz gravity. This result leads us to propose the existence of the d-dimensional quantum field theory on the future boundary of the (d+1)-dimensional Horava-Lifshitz gravity from the viewpoint of the holographic renormalization group. We also obtain a Ricci flow equation of the boundary theory as the holographic RG flow, which is the Hamilton equation in the bulk gravity, by tuning parameters in the theory.Comment: 7 page

    Perturbative instabilities in Horava gravity

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    We investigate the scalar and tensor perturbations in Horava gravity, with and without detailed balance, around a flat background. Once both types of perturbations are taken into account, it is revealed that the theory is plagued by ghost-like scalar instabilities in the range of parameters which would render it power-counting renormalizable, that cannot be overcome by simple tricks such as analytic continuation. Implementing a consistent flow between the UV and IR limits seems thus more challenging than initially presumed, regardless of whether the theory approaches General Relativity at low energies or not. Even in the phenomenologically viable parameter space, the tensor sector leads to additional potential problems, such as fine-tunings and super-luminal propagation.Comment: 21 pages, version published at Class. Quant. Gra

    Efficacy of pegylated interferon plus ribavirin in combination with corticosteroid for two cases of combined hepatitis C and autoimmune hepatitis

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    The treatment strategy for cases of combined autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and chronic hepatitis C (CHC) has not yet been established. A 47-year-old woman and a 53-year-old-woman were hospitalized for treatment of CHC. Ultrasonography and histological findings revealed that their liver was not cirrhotic but did have chronic damage. The histological findings of both patients were suggestive of AIH. The patients were systematically treated with pegylated interferon-alpha 2b plus ribavirin which was preceded by and combined with corticosteroid (CS), and showed sustained virological responses and normal liver function. Although these two patients with combined AIH and CHC were successfully treated with this regimen, careful attention to exacerbation of hepatic inflammation is needed because hepatitis C viral load was increased due to immunosuppression during CS treatment

    Nonpropagation of scalar in the deformed Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity

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    We study the propagation of a scalar, the trace of hijh_{ij} in the deformed Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity with coupling constant λ\lambda. It turns out that this scalar is not a propagating mode in the Minkowski spacetime background. In this work, we do not choose a gauge-fixing to identify the physical degrees of freedom and instead, make it possible by substituting the constraints into the quadratic Lagrangian.Comment: 17 pages, no figure, some points clarifie