39 research outputs found


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    本稿は,瞬間的にものの個数を捉えるサビタイジングの機能に関する知見の中でも,発達的変化,自閉スペクトラム症(ASD)等障害の有無による違い,数の理解を促す教育実践に見られる指導法などについて文献的検討を行ったものである。その結果,サビタイジングによる反応時間は年齢発達とともに短くなり,処理容量が増えること,言語処理による干渉が見られること,教育指導場面では,カウンティングによる丁寧かつ確実な数の認識を中心としていることなどが明らかとなった。また,今後の課題として,今回取り上げられなかった障害に関する知見や教育実践例について,まとめていく必要性が指摘された。This paper examines the connections between subitizing and influential factors using a literature review. Subitizing is commonly known to recognize the number of objects without counting in a small number set. To analyze literature related to subitizing ability, we investigated the following factors, child development stages to understand the numerical concept, developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and mathematical methods commonly applied in a classroom to teach number concepts. The review results indicate that the child development stage with higher information processing ability tends to reduce the response time of subitizing. Children groups interfered in language processing tasks decreased the performance of subitizing. In contrast, the result suggests little significant difference in subitizing ability between children with autism and other groups. The research shows that teachers mainly apply actual counting methods in a classroom instead of utilizing subitizing. We will conduct a literature review to investigate different types of developmental disorders other than autism and different education methods

    心理学実験「パーソナルスペース」におけるアクリル板の影響 : 座位・立位での計測

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    In order to prevent COVID-19, acrylic panels are sometimes used as partitions between people. In this study, the effects of the partition were examined in an experiment measuring interpersonal distance. The author also examined the effects of posture on personal space (sitting and standing). The results showed that the effects of eye contact were similar to those of previous studies even with partitions. Psychologically, it was clear that it provided a sense of security to the experimental participants. However, the results of the anisotropy of personal space were unique, and the effects of posture (sitting and standing) were also different from previous studies. The reasons for these results need to be continued to be investigated, such as the effect of the inner laboratory space, the effect of the furniture, and also the issue of individual differences

    シタイ フジユウ ノ アル コドモ エノ シエン ニ カンスル アイデア : バメン ソウテイ オ モチイタ ダイガクセイ ノ グループ ワーク カラ

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    肢体不自由のある子どもへの支援や配慮について,学生段階ではどのようなアイデアが浮かびやすいのかについて調べた。対象は特別支援教育の専門科目を受講する大学生26名であり,5つのグループに分かれて課題を実施した。課題は,自身が小学校で担任となった場合を想定し,提示された児童の状態から考え得る支援や配慮について,グループワークによりまとめることであった。その結果,いずれのグループにおいても「歩行・移動時の支援」,「バリアフリー」,「保護者との連携」,「心理的配慮」等,多くの要素に関するアイデアが出された。一方,「本人の希望確認」や医療・行政・福祉,あるいは建築関連等の「他機関との連携」についてはあまり見られず,これらの内容については,知識的な学習に加え,より必要性について実感を伴えるような体験的な学習の機会確保が必要であろう。About the support methods to a disabled child, I checked what kind of idea the university students were easy to show. The participants were 26 university students who attended a specialized subject of the special needs education. They were divided into five groups and were questioned; “what kind of support do you perform if you are an elementary school teacher in charge of the physically disabled boy?” As a result, the ideas reported by all groups were as follows; “support about a walk and the movement”, “barrier-free”, “the cooperation with parents” and “psychological consideration”. On the other hand, the thought about “the confirmation of the wish of a child” and “the cooperation with a medical institution, administration, welfare institution, or architecture professionals” did not so appear. The opportunity would be needed for a student to learn about those contents more concretely

    ショッカク スケッチ ノ ビョウガ トクチョウ

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    In this study, I investigated characteristics of the tactile sketch that was drawn by using tactile information. The participants were 36 undergraduate and graduate students without the visual impairment. They had 4 trials. At the first two trials, they sketched certain objects with tactile information(tactile sketch condition). At the next two trials, they sketched the objects with looking well(visual sketch condition). The objects were two kinds of glass candle holders, a cylindrical type and a cube type. The results showed that almost all the students sketched in the composition of the diagonal top overlooked, and some of them added a shadow in spite of the condition without sight information. The size of the sketch was smaller than the real size. Furthermore, they could notice about more variable things when touching than looking. It would be necessary to examine these results cooperating with drawing experts in future


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    取得学位:博士(学術),授与番号:博士甲第3号,授与年月日:1996年3月25日,授与大学:金沢大学,論文審査委員長:小牧, 純爾, 論文審査委員: 吉村, 浩一 / 片桐, 和

    ウンドウ キノウ ショウガイ ノ アル コドモ エノ シエン アイディア : エイゾウ シチョウ ニヨル エイキョウ

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    I researched the ideas for supporting children with physical disabilities before and after watching video image that showed some daily elementary school life. The participants were 121 graduate students. Before video view, many ideas about support were reported as follows : barrier−free design(e.g., slope, elevator, ground floor classroom),creation of a classroom environment(e.g., accessible table for a wheelchair user, keep a movable space),construction a support system / cooperation, education for understanding disabilities. After video view, increased contents were as follows : respect for a child’s mind, the importance of children\u27s relationship and child\u27s self−direction, the necessity of the supporter\u27s attitude so−called wait and see. The findings suggest that the learning effect of video image expressing the children\u27s daily life is high about learning motivation and human rights awareness at least, even if it is not a direct experience


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    本研究では,障害のある子どもへ関わる際の不安の程度についてVAS(visualanalogscale)を用いて測定し,教職経験の有無,障害のある子どもと関わった経験の有無,障害に関連した用語の認知度との関連性について調査した。参加者は教育系大学院生101名。学校で担任となる場面を想定した子どもの障害種別は次の8つ:知的障害,発達障害(ASD,ADHD,SLD),身体障害(弱視,難聴,下肢障害,心疾患)。用語の認知度は「知らない」から「よく知っている」までの4件法で得点化し,「自閉スペクトラム症,障害者差別解消法,ICF」など15語の結果を分析対象とした。その結果,用語の認知度については,発達障害関連の名称は概ね知られているが,「発達性協調運動障害」や「限局性学習症」などは認知度が低いことが示された。不安評価については,障害種別の平均値は概ね60点台(範囲0~100点)となり,全般的に高いことが明らかとなった。また,知的障害・発達障害では子どもとの関わり経験により不安評価に違いがあること,身体障害では関わり経験による差は見られないことが示された。In this study, 101 graduate students in education were asked to measure their level of anxiety when teaching children with disabilities using the VAS. There were eight types of disabilities: intellectual disability, developmental disability (autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, specific learning disorder), physical disability (low vision, hard of hearing, lower limb motor dysfunction, heart disease). Anxiety ratings were then compared according to the following factors: teaching experience, experience working with children with disabilities, and recognition of disability-related terms. As a result, in the regard to word recognition, words related to developmental disabilities generally scored high, but words such as “developmental coordination disorder” and “specific learning disorder” had low recognition. The mean scores for the eight anxiety ratings were 60-70, indicating that the scores were generally high. In addition, differences in anxiety ratings based on the presence or absence of involvement with the child were found for intellectual and developmental disabilities, but not for physical disabilities

    ショッカク イメージ : フカク ビョウガ トクチョウ キズキ ニオケル ケントウ

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the characteristics of tactile image made by sketching with the tactile information comparing with the visual information. The measures were depression angle as a spatial arrangement, drawing characteristics(for example, the drawing size, composition of the drawing), and awareness. The participants were 24 undergraduate and graduate students without visual impairment. They sketched an object with using only tactile information at first, and then, they sketched it with looking well. The results were as follows. The depression angle of a tactile condition was smaller than that of a visual condition. Composition of the drawing was similar to previous studies. Drawing size in both visual and tactile conditions was smaller than the real object size. Concerning the awareness, both conditions were almost the same number of descriptions, however, category contents were different depending on the type of sense. In addition, some proposals about method and further analysis were discussed

    Developmental changes in facial expression recognition in Japanese school-age children

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    Purpose : Facial expressions hold abundant information and play a central part in communication. In daily life, we must construct amicable interpersonal relationships by communicating through verbal and nonverbal behaviors. While school-age is a period of rapid social growth, few studies exist that study developmental changes in facial expression recognition during this age. This study investigated developmental changes in facial expression recognition by examining observers’ gaze on others’ expressions. Subjects : 87 school-age children from first to sixth grade (41 boys, 46 girls). Method : The Tobii T60 Eye-tracker(Tobii Technologies, Sweden) was used to gauge eye movement during a task of matching pre-instructed emotion words and facial expressions images (neutral, angry, happy, surprised, sad, disgusted) presented on a monitor fixed at a distance of 50 cm. Results : In the task of matching the six facial expression images and emotion words, the mid- and higher-grade children answered more accurately than the lower-grade children in matching four expressions, excluding neutral and happy. For fixation time and fixation count, the lower-grade children scored lower than other grade children, gazing on all facial expressions significantly fewer times and for shorter periods. Conclusion : It is guessed that the stage from lower grades to middle grades is a turning point in facial recognition

    イッパン シャカイジン ニオケル ハッタツ ショウガイ ニ カンスル ヨウゴ ノ ニンチド

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    We examined the familiarity degree of the terms that concern the developmental disability in general public and also surveyed their source of information. The participants were 50 commoners, 4 females and 46 males. Many of them were age of 30s. In the questionnaire, there were 20 items including “developmental disability”, “autism”, “learning disability”, “coordinator of special needs education” and so on. We requested participants to evaluate which level a familiarity degree in each word was. Excluding the two subjects’ data because there were blanks, we analyzed 48 people’s data. In the results, it was shown that most items concerning developmental disability were unfamiliar to general public. This result is different from other research conducted in teachers or welfare workers. It must be examined in other age groups to check whether this tendency is common. We concluded that it is necessary to improve the way of enlightenment for understanding developmental disability, not only for specialists but also for general public