791 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of Faraday waves oscillated by two-frequency forcing

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    We perform a numerical simulation of Faraday waves forced with two-frequency oscillations using a level-set method with Lagrangian-particle corrections (particle level-set method). After validating the simulation with the linear stability analysis, we show that square, hexagonal and rhomboidal patterns are reproduced in agreement with the laboratory experiments [Arbell and Fineberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 654 (2000) and Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 756 (2000)]. We also show that the particle level-set's high degree of conservation of volume is necessary in the simulations. The numerical results of the rhomboidal states are compared with weakly nonlinear analysis. Difficulty in simulating other patterns of the two-frequency forced Faraday waves is discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Financial Integration in Asia and around the World

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    Simulation assisted study on structural degradation in advanced SiC/SiC CMC component during high-temperature fatigue

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    Single-Molecule Analysis of Epidermal Growth Factor Signaling that Leads to Ultrasensitive Calcium Response

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    AbstractQuantitative relationships between inputs and outputs of signaling systems are fundamental information for the understanding of the mechanism of signal transduction. Here we report the correlation between the number of epidermal growth factor (EGF) bindings and the response probability of intracellular calcium elevation. Binding of EGF molecules and changes of intracellular calcium concentration were measured for identical HeLa human epithelial cells. It was found that 300 molecules of EGF were enough to induce calcium response in half of the cells. This number is quite small compared to the number of EGF receptors (EGFR) expressed on the cell surface (50,000). There was a sigmoidal correlation between the response probability and the number of EGF bindings, meaning an ultrasensitive reaction. Analysis of the cluster size distribution of EGF demonstrated that dimerization of EGFR contributes to this switch-like ultrasensitive response. Single-molecule analysis revealed that EGF bound faster to clusters of EGFR than to monomers. This property should be important for effective formation of signaling dimers of EGFR under very small numbers of EGF bindings and suggests that the expression of excess amounts of EGFR on the cell surface is required to prepare predimers of EGFR with a large association rate constant to EGF

    An Examination of the Duties of the Elementary School Teacher for Special Needs Education with a Focus on Teamwork and Cooperation

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    特別支援学級担任者(以下、担任者とする。)の専門性の担保について、これまで様々な課題が指摘されている。本研究では、担任者の日々の教育実践を基に担任者の職務を整理し、担任者の職務を担任者の属する組織の「同僚性」、「協働性」の観点から検討することを目的した。担任者の教育実践の参与観察記録について、修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いて分析した。その結果図から、担任者の職務は「学習指導に関する職務」と「学習指導を充実させるための職務」の2点で整理できると考えられた。また、担任者の職務遂行は、同僚性、協働性のある学校組織づくりに貢献することができる可能性があると考えられる。Various issues have been identified with regard to ways of ensuring the expertise of the special needs education teacher (hereinafter referred to as“ teacher”). In this study, we aimed to summarize the duties of such teachers based on daily teaching practices, and examine it from the perspective of teamwork and cooperation at the organization they belong to. The observation records on the teacher’s teaching practice were analyzed by using a modified version of the Grounded Theory Approach (M-GTA). Based on the results diagram, it seemed that the duties of the teacher can be summed up in two ways: duties related to learning guidance, and duties to enhance learning guidance. In addition, it seems that the teachers’ execution of these duties may contribute to the creation of teamwork and cooperation within a school organization.本論文は、広島大学大学院平成28年度修士論文「小学校特別支援学級担任者の職務と専門性に関する研究―担任者の成長を支える組織のあり方―」の一部を加筆修正したものである

    Continuously differentiable means

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    The Eurozone crisis and the refugee crisis are showcases of the problems associated with the EU's shift from market integration to the integration of core state powers. The integration of core state powers responds to similar demand factors as market integration (interdependence, externalities and spillover) but its supply is more tightly constrained by a high propensity for zero‐sum conflict, a functional requirement for centralized fiscal, coercive and administrative capacities, and high political salience. We show how these constraints structured the initial design of Economic and Monetary Union and of Schengen, made them vulnerable to crisis, and shaped policy options during the crises: they made horizontal differentiation unattractive, re‐regulation ineffective, centralized risk and burden‐sharing unfeasible, and the externalization of adjustment burdens to non‐EU actors necessary by default. In conclusion, we explore possible escape routes from the trap

    Intracellular localization of tyrosine kinase substrates beneath crosslinked surface immunoglobulins in B cells

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    Crosslinking of surface immunoglobulins (sIg) in B cells led to the accumulation of submembranal phosphotyrosine, which was followed morphologically with the PY20 antiphosphotyrosine monoclonal antibody. Phosphotyrosine was not detected before sIg crosslinking. After sIg crosslinking, phosphotyrosine-containing proteins were redistributed from scattered small clusters near the plasma membrane to a juxtanuclear region, where immunofluorescent staining decreased with time. Double immunofluorescent staining of individual cells showed accumulation of phosphotyrosine beneath crosslinked sIg molecules at the cell surface. The sIg molecules were subsequently internalized more rapidly than the phosphotyrosine-containing molecules were redistributed. Genistein, a protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) inhibitor, blocked intracellular tyrosine phosphorylations but not cell surface patching of crosslinked sIg. When polyacrylamide beads coated with anti-Ig antibodies were added to the cells, intracellular tyrosine phosphorylation occurred beneath the regions of contact with the beads. This study provides an independent line of evidence confirming recent biochemical experiments that show that crosslinking of the antigen receptor induces PTK activity in B cells, and that components of the newly described sIg complex are among the PTK substrates. The surprising finding that the bulk of the induced phosphotyrosine remains associated with crosslinked sIg for many minutes suggests a role for complex local protein interactions in phosphotyrosine-mediated signal transduction through the antigen receptor of B cells

    Breaking pairing-based cryptosystems using ηT\eta_T pairing over GF(397)GF(3^{97})

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    There are many useful cryptographic schemes, such as ID-based encryption, short signature, keyword searchable encryption, attribute-based encryption, functional encryption, that use a bilinear pairing. It is important to estimate the security of such pairing-based cryptosystems in cryptography. The most essential number-theoretic problem in pairing-based cryptosystems is the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) because pairing-based cryptosystems are no longer secure once the underlining DLP is broken. One efficient bilinear pairing is the ηT\eta_T pairing defined over a supersingular elliptic curve EE on the finite field GF(3n)GF(3^n) for a positive integer nn. The embedding degree of the ηT\eta_T pairing is 66; thus, we can reduce the DLP over EE on GF(3n)GF(3^n) to that over the finite field GF(36n)GF(3^{6n}). In this paper, for breaking the ηT\eta_T pairing over GF(3n)GF(3^n), we discuss solving the DLP over GF(36n)GF(3^{6n}) by using the function field sieve (FFS), which is the asymptotically fastest algorithm for solving a DLP over finite fields of small characteristics. We chose the extension degree n=97n=97 because it has been intensively used in benchmarking tests for the implementation of the ηT\eta_T pairing, and the order (923-bit) of GF(3697)GF(3^{6\cdot 97}) is substantially larger than the previous world record (676-bit) of solving the DLP by using the FFS. We implemented the FFS for the medium prime case (JL06-FFS), and propose several improvements of the FFS, for example, the lattice sieve for JL06-FFS and the filtering adjusted to the Galois action. Finally, we succeeded in solving the DLP over GF(3697)GF(3^{6\cdot 97}). The entire computational time of our improved FFS requires about 148.2 days using 252 CPU cores. Our computational results contribute to the secure use of pairing-based cryptosystems with the ηT\eta_T pairing