12 research outputs found
Factors of Efficiency Change of Assets on the EU-15 and Hungarian Farms from 1990s
Efficiency of farm assets is a very important factor of competitive production. It could be in strong correlation with profitability of economic activities. One of the most important factor of the farm assets is the fixed assets, and as a part of it, the equipment as well. An important factor of the farm asset value is the machinery, which depends on the amount of internal resources of farms and external financial resources i.e. governmental subsidies, bank loans. But, as it could be observed during the 1980s and 1990s on the farms of developed countries, the technical development was also a considerable factor of farming. This paper, based on the data of the FADN, and yearbooks of the HCSO, focuses on the investigation of some figures of the European Union for capital efficiency between 1989 and 2003, and compares these experiences with the Hungarian changes on the farms during the 1990s.gross margin, farm number, farm structure, productivity, FADN, Farm Management,
Open-Label Extension of a Randomized Trial Investigating Safety and Efficacy of rhPTH(1-84) in Hypoparathyroidism
Hypoparathyroidism (HypoPT) is a rare disease, often inadequately controlled by conventional treatment. PARALLAX was a mandatory post-marketing trial assessing pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of different dosing regimens of recombinant human parathyroid hormone 1-84 (rhPTH[1-84]) for treating HypoPT. The present study (NCT03364738) was a phase 4, 1-yr open-label extension of PARALLAX. Patients received only 2 doses of rhPTH(1-84) in PARALLAX and were considered treatment-naive at the start of the current study. rhPTH(1-84) was initiated at 50 μg once daily, with doses adjusted based on albumin-corrected serum calcium levels. Albumin-corrected serum calcium (primary outcome measure), health-related quality of life (HRQoL), adverse events, and healthcare resource utilization (HCRU) were assessed. The mean age of the 22 patients included was 50.0 yr; 81.8% were women, and 90.9% were White. By the end of treatment (EOT), 95.5% of patients had albumin-corrected serum calcium values in the protocol-defined range of 1.88 mmol/L to the upper limit of normal. Serum phosphorus was within the healthy range, and albumin-corrected serum calcium-phosphorus product was below the upper healthy limit throughout, while mean 24-h urine calcium excretion decreased from baseline to EOT. Mean supplemental doses of calcium and active vitamin D were reduced from baseline to EOT (2402-855 mg/d and 0.8-0.2 μg/d, respectively). Mean serum bone turnover markers, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide, and type I collagen C-telopeptide increased 2-5 fold from baseline to EOT. The HCRU, disease-related symptoms and impact on HRQoL improved numerically between baseline and EOT. Nine patients (40.9%) experienced treatment-related adverse events; no deaths were reported. Treatment with rhPTH(1-84) once daily for 1 yr improved HRQoL, maintained eucalcemia in 95% of patients, normalized serum phosphorus, and decreased urine calcium excretion. The effects observed on urine calcium and the safety profile are consistent with previous findings.
Napjainkban egyre fontosabbá válik a fenntartható fejlődés és környezettudatosság. Minden emberi cselekvéssel, így a mezőgazdasággal szemben is elvárás, hogy minél kevesebb mesterséges anyagot juttasson a környezetbe, csökkentse annak terhelését, egyben biztosítsa a megfelelő élelmiszerellátást, az alapvető gazdasági kritériumoknak megfelelően. A tanulmányban bemutatásra kerülnek azon gazdálkodási alternatívák, amelyek eltérő kemikália használatra alapozódnak. Vizsgálja, hogy milyen mértékben változik meg a növénytermelés jövedelem előállító képessége, illetve milyen mértékben kell a gazdálkodás más feltételeit egyidejűleg megváltoztatni ahhoz, hogy jövedelmet lehessen előállítani különböző eljárások alkalmazásakor (organikus, precíziós gazdálkodás). A fejlődő gazdaságokban a kérdés alapvetően az élelmiszer szükséglet elsődleges megtermelése, azonban mind gazdasági, mind nemzetgazdasági szinten vizsgálni kell a szükséges feltételek meglétét, az átállás költségeit, a gazdálkodás jövedelmezőségét. A megváltozó ráfordítás összetétel, a hozamkapcsolat nem csak a költségszerkezetre gyakorol hatást, hanem az alapvető ráfordítás hatékonyság mellett megváltozik az üzemek életképessége. Meg kell határozni azokat a prioritásokat, amelyek a fenntarthatóságon belül előtérbe kerülnek. Ennek ismerete fontos a termelő, az ágazat összes szereplője és a politikusok számára is
Factors of Efficiency Change of Assets on the EU-15 and Hungarian Farms from 1990s
Efficiency of farm assets is a very important factor of competitive production. It could be in strong correlation with profitability of economic activities. One of the most important factor of the farm assets is the fixed assets, and as a part of it, the equipment as well. An important
factor of the farm asset value is the machinery, which depends on the amount of internal resources of farms and external financial resources i.e. governmental subsidies, bank loans. But, as it could be observed during the 1980s and 1990s on the farms of developed countries, the technical development was also a considerable factor of farming. This paper, based on the data of the FADN, and yearbooks of the HCSO, focuses on the investigation of some figures of the European Union for capital efficiency between 1989 and 2003, and compares these experiences with the Hungarian changes on the farms during the 1990s
Sustainable development and environmental consciousness is getting more important. It is a requirement of human activity – i.e. agriculture – to use less artificial chemicals, to decrease environmental burden and to ensure the adequate food supply, by fitting the basic economic criteria. Those farming alternatives are shown in the paper that are based on different chemical use in plant production. It is investigated how the profitability will change when we make changes in former farming activity, and what should be changed to reach income turning to organic faming or precision farming. In developing countries the main question is to produce the essential food demand, but it is necessary to examine the existence of fundamental important factors, the costs of turning technologies, the profitability of farming. During the research it was found out that the change of resource combination and yield affects the cost structure and besides the effectiveness of basic resources it changes the viability of farms. Those priorities should be determined that should be highlighted in sustainability not only on farm level, but national level as well. The knowledge of it is important for farmer, for all participants of agriculture and for the politicians as well.környezetterhelés csökkentés, növénytermelés, jövedelem előállító képesség, reduction of environmental burden, crop production, profitability, Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Production Economics,
A versenykepes virtualis (nagy)uzem
Economic expansion revaluates continuously the economic and social role of agriculture. Population explosion in the world generates continuously growing demand on foods and industrial raw materials. Supply of increased demand is supported by R&D, at the same time using results of it polarizes the economies. In the agriculture the technical development (i.e. development of technical, technological and biological basis of production, chemicalization, education of human resources) produces potential for increasing efficiency of production. The first period of technical development serves characteristically the supply of quantitative demand, but after it reached the equilibrium of supply and demand, then qualitative development becomes aim. Development releases labour, which can be positive or negative externalities for society. Later on demand of sustainability appears, with its ecological, economical and social aspects. Based on experiences of Hungarian model realized in the 1970s and 1980s, the paper examines how technical development is realizable successfully in the frame of segmented farm structure, how competitive and efficient farming could be done in this structure, keeping in mind in advantages of large farms. The paper analyses the competitiveness of virtual large-scale farms (which are based on cooperation and coordination of small farms), and confirms their efficiency with model examinations. Research was supported by the K 63231 theme of the Hungarian Research Fund (OTKA)
International migration is a process looking back upon a very long time, however the cross- border migration is growing to even more and more considerable size in our globalizing world. Our research focuses on the European continent regarding the topic, taking Hungary in the first place into consideration. The migration into the countries, i.e. the immigration was emphasized in our examination, with especial regard to nationality. Due to that the determining role of historical and geographical factors were proved and it also turned out that the greatest part of the flow of migrants towards the western member states of the European Union originates out of the EU, whilst the eastern EU-countries – just like Hungary among them – are the targets of migrants coming from the neighbouring European countries. During our research based on the different data of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, the EUROSTAT and the International Monetary Fund, we found out among others that it is characteristic for the direction of international migration that the flow goes from the relatively poorer countries towards the richer ones. We also examined the potential factors of individual motivation in connection with international migration. The main aim of our paper was to reveal the present tendencies taking Hungary into special consideration, so that we could draw conclusions relating to the tendencies and the phenomenon of the actual international migration with regard to its socio-economic connections as well. A nemzetközi migráció hosszú időre visszatekintő folyamat, az emberek határokon átnyúló vándorlása azonban a globalizálódó világunkban egyre nagyobb méreteket ölt. Vizsgálatunk tárgya e tekintetben az európai kontinensre, azon belül is elsősorban Magyarországra szűkült. Elemzésünkben a központi szerepet a bevándorlás, az immigráció kapta, különös tekintettel az állampolgárság szerinti összetételre. Ennek tükrében kirajzolódott a történelmi és a földrajzi tényezők meghatározó ereje, valamint, hogy az Európai Unió nyugati tagországaiba irányuló áramlás nagy részét elsősorban az EU-n kívülről, míg a keleti országokban – így Magyarországon is – elsősorban a környező, Európán belülről érkező migránsok teszik ki. A Központi Statisztikai Hivatal, az EUROSTAT, valamint a Nemzetközi Valutaalap különböző adatsoraira támaszkodva végzett vizsgálódásunk során kiderült többek között, hogy jellemző tendencia a migráció irányát tekintve a szegényebb országokból a gazdagabb országok felé történő áramlás, valamint elemzés alá vontuk a lehetséges egyéni motiváló tényezőket a nemzetközi migrációra vonatkozóan. Cikkünk alapvető célja a meglévő – elsősorban Magyarországra vonatkozó – tendenciák feltárása, hogy azok ismeretében következtetéseket vonhassunk le a jelenlegi migrációs tendenciákkal kapcsolatban, annak gazdasági-társadalmi összefüggéseinek figyelembevételével
A versenykepes virtualis (nagy)uzem
Economic expansion revaluates continuously the economic and social role of agriculture. Population explosion in the world generates continuously growing demand on foods and industrial raw materials. Supply of increased demand is supported by R&D, at the same time using results of it polarizes the economies. In the agriculture the technical development (i.e. development of technical, technological and biological basis of production, chemicalization, education of human resources) produces potential for increasing efficiency of production. The first period of technical development serves characteristically the supply of quantitative demand, but after it reached the equilibrium of supply and demand, then qualitative development becomes aim. Development releases labour, which can be positive or negative externalities for society. Later on demand of sustainability appears, with its ecological, economical and social aspects. Based on experiences of Hungarian model realized in the 1970s and 1980s, the paper examines how technical development is realizable successfully in the frame of segmented farm structure, how competitive and efficient farming could be done in this structure, keeping in mind in advantages of large farms. The paper analyses the competitiveness of virtual large-scale farms (which are based on cooperation and coordination of small farms), and confirms their efficiency with model examinations. Research was supported by the K 63231 theme of the Hungarian Research Fund (OTKA).innovation, property structure, cooperation, machinery rings, műszaki fejlesztés, üzemi struktúra, együttműködés, gépkörök, Agricultural and Food Policy, Agricultural Finance, Farm Management, Industrial Organization, Land Economics/Use, Productivity Analysis,
A nemzetközi migráció hosszú időre visszatekintő folyamat, az emberek határokon átnyúló vándorlása azonban a globalizálódó világunkban egyre nagyobb méreteket ölt. Vizsgálatunk tárgya e tekintetben az európai kontinensre, azon belül is elsősorban Magyarországra szűkült. Elemzésünkben a központi szerepet a bevándorlás, az immigráció kapta, különös tekintettel az állampolgárság szerinti összetételre. Ennek tükrében kirajzolódott a történelmi és a földrajzi tényezők meghatározó ereje, valamint, hogy az Európai Unió nyugati tagországaiba irányuló áramlás nagy részét elsősorban az EU-n kívülről, míg a keleti országokban – így Magyarországon is – elsősorban a környező, Európán belülről érkező migránsok teszik ki. A Központi Statisztikai Hivatal, az EUROSTAT, valamint a Nemzetközi Valutaalap különböző adatsoraira támaszkodva végzett vizsgálódásunk során kiderült többek között, hogy jellemző tendencia a migráció irányát tekintve a szegényebb országokból a gazdagabb országok felé történő áramlás, valamint elemzés alá vontuk a lehetséges egyéni motiváló tényezőket a nemzetközi migrációra vonatkozóan. Cikkünk alapvető célja a meglévő – elsősorban Magyarországra vonatkozó – tendenciák feltárása, hogy azok ismeretében következtetéseket vonhassunk le a jelenlegi migrációs tendenciákkal kapcsolatban, annak gazdasági-társadalmi összefüggéseinek figyelembevételével.international migration, directions, social and economic relationships, nemzetközi migráció, áramlási irány, gazdasági-társadalmi összefüggések, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Labor and Human Capital,
<i>Clematis vitalba</i> Is a Natural Host of the Novel Ilarvirus, Prunus Virus I
Clematis vitalba L. is a climbing shrub and a pioneer plant in abandoned orchards or vineyards that are widespread in temperate climate zones. In past years, several viruses infecting the Clematis species have been identified, including different ilarviruses. Prunus virus I (PrVI) is a recently described ilarvirus, which has been shown to infect sweet cherries and peaches in Greece. Moreover, its presence has been detected in ornamental Clematis in Russia. In the present work, we analyzed the virome of wildly growing C. vitalba plants from Hungary, Slovakia and Croatia showing different kinds of symptoms using high-throughput sequencing (HTS) of small RNAs or ribodepleted RNAs. Applying HTS enabled us to identify the presence of PrVI in C. vitalba, and the bioinformatic analyses were further validated with RT-PCR using PrVI-specific primers and Sanger dideoxy sequencing. Nearly full genome sequences of all three viral RNAs of one Hungarian, two Slovak and one Croatian isolate were determined. Their phylogenetic analysis showed high similarity to each other and to other PrVI isolates described from Central Europe. As the sampled plants were co-infected with other viruses, it is not possible to determine a direct correlation between the infection with PrVI and the observed symptoms. Analyses of different Prunus species in stock collection showed infection of several peach and sweet cherry varieties in Hungary. Our results expand the knowledge on the natural host range of PrVI and highlight the necessity to evaluate alternative plant hosts (even non-Prunus) of PrVI and the role of the virus in the etiology of the potential diseases