4 research outputs found

    Democratization or Extra-Constitutionalism: Ideas for Limiting the Term of Office for Chairmen of Political Parties in Indonesia

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    One aspect of the internal democratization of political parties that is not working is the lack of regeneration of political party leaders. This phenomenon presents oligarchic party practices and gives rise to a very elitist and feudalistic culture since political parties are controlled by the general chairman. This research is qualitative research with normative juridical methods using legal, conceptual, philosophical, and doctrinal approaches. This research is library research that examines and explores regulatory documents, books, journals, and other scientific works that are relevant to the topic of discussion. This article aims to provide new thinking in building internal institutions of democratic political parties. The results of data collection were analyzed in depth and then presented descriptively analytically. The conclusion of the article shows that by limiting the term of office of the general chairman of a political party, party internalization becomes more open. This idea advances party organizations that prioritize healthy competition. The terms of office need to be regulated in the political party law and do not need to be regulated in the political party's articles of association and bylaws for the sake of uniformity and legal certainty. The term of office of a political party leader is limited to 1 (one) period, namely five years, and a maximum of 2 (two) periods, namely ten years, if re-elected as general chairman at the political party conference forum and chairman election


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    The study aims to observe the effect of storage time on the hydrolytic rancidity of fish meal as source of protein in animal feed. This study used a completely randomized design with four treatments and four replications. The arrangement of the fish meal storage time treatments were T0: 0 weeks, T1: 2 weeks, T2: 4 weeks and T3: 6 weeks. Temperature and humidity were measured during storage in warehouse. Parameters measured were moisture and free fatty acid. The results showed that fish meal which has been stored at different times was significantly affecting (P<0.05) on moisture and free fatty acids. The average of temperature and humidity during storage (0 - 6 weeks) were 29-30oC and 60-76%. The highest moisture was 17.38% obtained in the T3 and the highest free fatty acid content was obtained at 4.30%

    Pengembangan Sistem Pemantau Kesehatan Pasien Menggunakan Sensor Nirkabel

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    Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan suatu sistem pemantau kesehatan pasien menggunakan sensor nirkabel yang memungkinkan alat ukur dan alat pemantau kesehatan pasien ditempatkan pada ruangan yang berbeda. Alat ukur dapat ditempatkan di kamar pasien sedangkan alat pemantau dapat ditempatkan di ruangan tenaga medis sehingga tenaga medis khususnya dokter atau petugas jaga dapat memantau kondisi kesehatan pasien secara terus menerus dari ruangan petugas jaga. Protipe alat ukur dan pemantau kesehatan yang dikembangkan memanfaatkan pulse sensor untuk mengukur kondisi denyut nadi pasien, microcontroller arduino untuk proses kendali pengiriman data dan teknologi nirkabel XBee untuk pengiriman data dari alat ukur (sensor) ke alat pemantau (komputer). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prototipe alat ukur yang dikembangkan dapat menghitung denyut nadi pasien dengan tingkat perbedaan sebesar 0.007% dengan hasil perhitungan dokter menggunakan stetoskop yang dipasang di dada pasien

    Performance Evaluation of ZigBee-based Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring Patients??? Pulse Status

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    Recently, the wireless sensor network has been widely deployed for medical care purpose. We have developed a wireless sensor network that can monitor the patients??? pulse status for triage purpose, so that a medical team can monitor remotely the health condition of patient and they can treat the patient based on severity of patients??? health condition. We developed an electronic triage operating as a sensor node (SN) tagged in patient???s arm. The SN consists of microcontroller ATmega328P, ZigBee and pulse sensor to detect patient???s pulse. Operating as an electronic triage, the pulse rate from sensor is classified into three categories of severe condition, i.e. major, minor and normal status by the microcontroller in SN and sent to the coordinator node (CN) through ZigBee interface. Our system can be deployed in emergency room, triage room, pre/post-op surgery in hospital as well as in disaster area. This paper aims to evaluate the performance of the ZigBee-based wireless sensor network that we developed. We evaluate the effective distance between CN and SN to deliver patients??? pulse rate via ZigBee as well as the effective number of SNs that can be accommodated by single CN. The experimental results shown that the effective distance between CN and SN to deliver the pulse rate data is less than 30 meters and the maximum number of SNs can be accommodated by a single CN is 3 (three) nodes