334 research outputs found

    Risk assessment of blasting operations in open pit mines using FAHP method

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    Purpose. In the mining blasting operation, fragmentation is the most important output. Fly rock, ground vibration, air blast, and environmental effects are detrimental effects of blasting operations. Identifying and ranking the risk of blasting operations is considered as the most important stage in project management. Methods. In this research, the problem of identifying and ranking the factors constituting the risk in blasting operations is considered with the methodology of the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP). Criteria and sub-criteria have been determined based on historical research studies, field studies, and expert opinions for designing a hierarchical process. Findings. Based on FAHP scores, non-control of the sub-criterion of health and safety (C3), blast operation results (C18) and knowledge, and skill and staffing (C2) with a score of 0.377, 0.334, and 0.294 respectively are the most effective sub-criterion for the creation of blasting operations risk. According to the score, the sub-criterion C18 is the most effective sub-criterion in providing the blasting operations risk. Effects and results of blasting operations (D8), with a score of 0.334 as the most effective criterion, and natural hazards (D10), with a score of 0.015, were the last priorities in the factors causing blasting operations risk. Originality. Regarding the risk rating of blasting operations, the control of the sub-criteria C3, C18, and C2, and the D8 criterion, is of particular importance in reducing the risk of blasting operations and improving project management. Practical implications. The evaluation of human resource performance and increase in the level of knowledge and skills and occupational safety and control of all outputs of blasting operations is necessary. Therefore, selecting the most important project risks and taking actions to remove them is essential for risk management.Мета. Визначення ризиків проведення вибухових робіт та їх оцінка на основі використанням нечіткого методу аналізу ієрархій (НМАІ) для покращення управління якістю проектів. Методика. В рамках даного дослідження, проблеми визначення та оцінки ризиків вибухових робіт розглядалися із застосуванням нечіткого методу аналізу ієрархій. На базі аналізу історичних даних і польового дослідження з урахуванням експертних оцінок були визначені критерії та підкритерії для побудови ієрархій. Результати. За результатами НМАІ, неконтролюючий підкритерій здоров’я та безпеки (С3), підкритерій результатів вибухових робіт (С18), знань, умінь і кадрів (С2) зі значеннями 0.377, 0.334 і 0.294 відповідно найбільш ефективні в появі ризику проведення вибухових робіт. Підкритерій С18 чинить найбільший вплив на ризик проведення вибухових робіт. Критерій результатів і наслідків вибухових робіт (D8) з найефективнішим значенням 0.334 та критерій природних катастроф (D10) зі значенням 0.015 є останніми пріоритетами серед чинників, які визначають ризик проведення вибухових робіт. Наукова новизна. Отримав доповнення та подальший розвиток науково-методичний підхід до визначення ризиків при проведенні вибухових робіт, заснований на їх ранжуванні з використанням системи виявлених критеріїв і підкритеріїв методом НМАІ. Практична значимість. Для успішного керування проектом важливо визначати найсерйозніші ризики проекту й вжити заходів щодо їх усунення. Відносно ранжирування ризиків проведення вибухових робіт управління підкритеріями C3, C18 і C2, а також критерієм D8, особливо важливо для зниження цих ризиків та покращення якості управління проектом.Цель. Определение рисков проведения взрывных работ и их оценка на основе использования нечеткого метода анализа иерархий (НМАИ) для улучшения управления качеством проектов. Методика. В рамках данного исследования, проблемы определения и оценки рисков взрывных работ рассматривались с применением нечеткого метода анализа иерархий. На базе анализа исторических данных и полевого исследования с учетом экспертных оценок были определены, критерии и подкритерии для построения иерархий. Результаты. По результатам НМАИ, неконтролирующий подкритерий здоровья и безопасности (С3), подкритерий результатов взрывных работ (С18), знаний, умений и кадров (С2) со значениями 0.377, 0.334 и 0.294 соответственно наиболее эффективны в появлении риска проведения взрывных работ. Подкритерий С18 оказывает самое большое влияние на риск проведения взрывных работ. Критерий результатов и последствий взрывных работ (D8) с самым эффективным значением 0.334 и критерий природных катастроф (D10) со значением 0.015 являются последними приоритетами среди факторов, которые определяют риск проведения взрывных работ. Научная новизна. Получил дополнение и дальнейшее развитие научно-методический подход к определению рисков при проведении взрывных работ, основанный на их ранжировании с использованием системы выявленных критериев и подкритериев методом НМАИ. Практическая значимость. Для успешного руководства проектом важно определять самые серьезные риски проекта и предпринять действия по их устранению. В отношении ранжирования рисков проведения взрывных работ управление подкритериями C3, C18 и C2, а также критерием D8, особенно важно для снижения этих рисков и улучшения руководства проектом.The authors would like to thank Mining Engineering Department, Islamic Azad University (South Tehran Branch) for supporting this research

    Motivation-based Market Segmentation in Rural Tourism: the Case of Sámán, Iran

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    Market segmentation is a pivotal and under-investigated issue when evaluating decision-making processes and motivational factors shaping rural tourism. The present study has examined market segmentsof rural tourists in Iran based on their sociodemographic attributes, travel characteristics and preferred leisure activities, profiling rural tourists on the base of their motivational background. The survey results indicated that rural tourism in the study area is a heterogeneous market, whose development depends on general trends in Middle East tourism market. A comprehensive knowledge of rural tourism actors may help formulating appropriate marketing strategies for internal areas destined to tourism growth

    Systemic Creativities in Sustainability and Social Innovation Education

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to aid educators in sustainability or social innovation to make sense of their creativity. We use a systems model of creativity (Csikszentmihalyi 1988, 1996, 1999) as an enquiring device to tease out issues that influence creativity within these realms. Data from semi-structured interviews with senior and junior educators in two geographical locations lead us to elaborate two systems models to reflect creativity. These models portray creativity as emerging from the alignment of and connections between creators, domains and field elements as suggested by Csikszentmihalyi. However, we also identify some intermediary or absent connections between the model elements which deserve further attention, as their uncritical pursuit could potentially exacerbate exclusion or marginalisation of junior educators' personal values and interests. Therefore, critically and creatively informed learning could be better cultivated in these realms. This and other insights could have important implications for how creativity and its nurturing in education could be advanced in the long run

    Investigational medicinal products, related costs and hospital pharmacy services for investigator-initiated trials: a mixed-methods study

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    BACKGROUND: Conducting high quality investigator-initiated trials (IITs) is challenging and costly. The costs of investigational medicinal products (IMPs) in IITs and the role of hospital pharmacies in the planning of IITs are unclear. We conducted a mixed-methods study to compare planned and actual costs of IMPs in Swiss IITs, to examine potential reasons for differences, and to gather stakeholder views about hospital services for IITs. METHODS: We included all IITs with IMP services from the Basel hospital pharmacy invoiced between January 2014 and June 2020 (n = 24). We documented trial and IMP characteristics including planned and actual IMP costs. Our working definition for a substantial cost difference was that the actual IMP costs were more than 10% higher than the planned IMP costs in a trial. We conducted semi-structured interviews with investigators, clinical trials unit and hospital pharmacy staff, and qualitatively analyzed transcribed interviews. RESULTS: For 13 IITs we observed no differences between planned and actual costs of IMPs (median, 11'000 US;interquartilerange[IQR],888216302US; interquartile range [IQR], 8'882-16'302 US), but for 11 IITs we found cost increases from a median of 11'000 US(IQR,892236166US (IQR, 8'922-36'166 US) to a median over 28'000 US(IQR,1300449777US (IQR, 13'004-49'777 US). All multicenter trials and 10 of 11 IITs with patients experienced substantial cost differences. From the interviews we identified four main themes: 1) Patient recruitment and organizational problems were identified as main reasons for cost differences, 2) higher actual IMP costs were bearable for most investigators, 3) IMP services for IITs were not a priority for the hospital pharmacy, and 4) closer collaboration between clinical trial unit and hospital pharmacy staff, and sufficient staff for IITs at the hospital pharmacy could improve IMP services. CONCLUSIONS: Multicenter IITs enrolling patients are particularly at risk for higher IMP costs than planned. These trials are more difficult to plan and logistically challenging, which leads to delays and expiring IMP shelf-lives. IMP services of hospital pharmacies are important for IITs in Switzerland, but need to be further developed

    Scoping review and characteristics of publicly available checklists for assessing clinical trial feasibility

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    BACKGROUND: Whether there is sufficient capacity and capability for the successful conduct and delivery of a clinical trial should be assessed by several stakeholders according to transparent and evidence-based criteria during trial planning. For this openly shared, user-tested, and validated tools are necessary. Therefore, we systematically examined the public availability and content of checklists which assess the study-level feasibility in the planning phase of clinical trials. METHODS: In our scoping review we systematically searched Medline, EMBASE, and Google (last search, June 2021). We included all publicly available checklists or tools that assessed study level feasibility of clinical trials, examined their content, and checked whether they were user-tested or validated in any form. Data was analysed and synthesised using conventional content analysis. RESULTS: A total of 10 publicly available checklists from five countries were identified. The checklists included 48 distinct items that were classified according to the following seven different domains of clinical trial feasibility: regulation, review and oversight; participant recruitment; space, material and equipment; financial resources; trial team resources; trial management; and pilot or feasibility studies. None of the available checklists appeared to be user-tested or validated. CONCLUSIONS: Although a number of publicly available checklists to assess the feasibility of clinical trials exist, their reliability and usefulness remain unclear. Openly shared, user-tested, and validated feasibility assessment tools for a better planning of clinical trials are lacking

    Learning through exchange about organic agriculture - case of Europe and Australia

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    LEAFSE is the catch word for an innovative program of exchange study for young Australians and Europeans, with organic agriculture as the focal point of their Masters level studies. Two years ago, the European Commission and the Australian Department of Education, Science and Technology (DEST) came up with the call for applications for a pilot project to support international mobility of tertiary students between the two continents. The grand aims set for the exchange included providing students with an international outlook and a range of perspectives, preparing them for the global marketplace, enable their understanding and empathy for different cultures and traditions and foster exchange of information. A number of us with an interest and an already existing academic network in organic agriculture proposed LEAFSE - Learning through Exchange - Agriculture, Food Systems and Environment, a winning project, which was chosen as the single pilot project from a field of well over a dozen contenders. Within the broader theme of Agriculture, Food Systems and Environment, we named organic farming as the focal point of the exchange, and we were aware of the immense possibilities for learning through exchange inter-continentally in this field. Under this project, Master's level students from EU study for a semester at a partner university in Australia, and students from Australia study for a semester at a partner university in EU. The partners in the programme are, from Europe: • The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark • University of Wales, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom • Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands • University of Kassel, Witzenhausen, Germany, and from Australia: • University of Western Sydney, New South Wales • University of New England, New South Wales • University of Western Australia, Western Australia • University of Queensland, Queensland The project has an innovative but manageable framework for mobility of the students, a joint programme of study which incorporates many novel elements including holistic thinking, experiential and integrated learning and use of newer tools of communication technologies, and above all, a structure that fosters a high degree of inter-cultural understanding and network building. When completed, the pilot phase of the project would have enabled exchange of 36 students from each continent, nine from each participating institution. The respective government agencies provide the students with an adequate stipend to cover travel and living expenses for six months of study. The project has been running on target and the results of the first year of exchange have been more than impressive. This presentation will be a joint effort by the faculty and a number of participating students to demonstrate the cultural, agricultural, pedagogic, and practical lessons that have been learnt from this exchange in the field of organic farming. It will also highlight some of the challenges which need to be overcome in our efforts towards shaping sustainable agricultural and food systems which are cognizant of our respective environments

    Antibody Response After Third Vaccination With mRNA-1273 or BNT162b2: Extension of a Randomized Controlled SARS-CoV-2 Noninferiority Vaccine Trial in Patients With Different Levels of Immunosuppression (COVERALL-2).

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    Extension of the COVERALL (COrona VaccinE tRiAL pLatform) randomized trial showed noninferiority in antibody response of the third dose of Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine (95.3% [95% confidence interval {CI}, 91.9%-98.7%]) compared to Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 vaccine (98.1% [95% CI, 95.9%-100.0%]) in individuals with different levels of immunosuppression (difference, -2.8% [95% CI, -6.8% to 1.3%])

    Single- versus two- layer intestinal anastomosis: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    BACKGROUND: To compare single- with two- layer intestinal anastomosis after intestinal resection: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. METHODS: Randomized controlled trials comparing single- with two-layer intestinal anastomosis were identified using a systematic search of Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Library Databases covering articles published from 1966 to 2004. Outcome of primary interest was postoperative leak. A risk ratio for trial outcomes and weighted pooled estimates for data were calculated. A fixed-effect model weighted using Mantel-Haenszel methods and a random-effect model using DerSimonian-Laird methods were employed. RESULTS: Six trials were analyzed, comprising 670 participants (single-layer group, n = 299; two-layer group, n = 371). Data on leaks were available from all included studies. Combined risk ratio using DerSimonian-Laird methods was 0.91 (95% CI = 0.49 to 1.69), and indicated no significant difference. Inter-study heterogeneity was significant (χ(2 )= 10.5, d.f. = 5, p = 0.06). CONCLUSION: No evidence was found that two-layer intestinal anastomosis leads to fewer post-operative leaks than single layer. Considering duration of the anastomosis procedure and medical expenses, single-layer intestinal anastomosis appears to represent the optimal choice for most surgical situations

    Detection and Verification of Mammalian Mirtrons by Northern Blotting

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    microRNAs (miRNAs) have vital roles in regulating gene expression—contributing to major diseases like cancer and heart disease. Over the last decade, thousands of miRNAs have been discovered through high throughput sequencing-based annotation. Different classes have been described, as well as a great dynamic range of expression levels. While sequencing approaches provide insight into biogenesis and allow confident identification, there is a need for additional methods for validation and characterization. Northern blotting was one of the first techniques used for studying miRNAs, and remains one of the most valuable as it avoids enzymatic manipulation of miRNA transcripts. Blotting can also provide insight into biogenesis by revealing RNA processing intermediates. Compared to sequencing, however, northern blotting is a relatively insensitive technology. This creates a challenge for detecting low expressed miRNAs, particularly those produced by inefficient, non-canonical pathways. In this chapter, we describe a strategy to study such miRNAs by northern blotting that involves ectopic expression of both miRNAs and miRNA-binding Argonaute (Ago) proteins. Through use of epitope tags, this strategy also provides a convenient method for verification of small RNA competency to be loaded into regulatory complexes