157 research outputs found

    The Rising Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes Is Accounted for by Cases With Lower-Risk Human Leukocyte Antigen Genotypes

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    OBJECTIVE—The rising incidence of type 1 diabetes has been attributed to environment, implying a lesser role for genetic susceptibility. However, the rise could be accounted for by either more cases with classic high-risk genes or by cases with other risk genes. Separately, for any degree of genetic susceptibility, age at presentation may decrease in a permissive environment. To examine these possibilities, human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II DRB1 genes known to confer risk for type 1 diabetes were analyzed in relation to year of birth and age at diagnosis over the last five decades

    The evolutionary dynamics of variant antigen genes in Babesia reveal a history of genomic innovation underlying host-parasite interaction

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    Babesia spp. are tick-borne, intraerythrocytic hemoparasites that use antigenic variation to resist host immunity, through sequential modification of the parasite-derived variant erythrocyte surface antigen (VESA) expressed on the infected red blood cell surface. We identified the genomic processes driving antigenic diversity in genes encoding VESA (ves1) through comparative analysis within and between three Babesia species, (B. bigemina, B. divergens and B. bovis). Ves1 structure diverges rapidly after speciation, notably through the evolution of shortened forms (ves2) from 5′ ends of canonical ves1 genes. Phylogenetic analyses show that ves1 genes are transposed between loci routinely, whereas ves2 genes are not. Similarly, analysis of sequence mosaicism shows that recombination drives variation in ves1 sequences, but less so for ves2, indicating the adoption of different mechanisms for variation of the two families. Proteomic analysis of the B. bigemina PR isolate shows that two dominant VESA1 proteins are expressed in the population, whereas numerous VESA2 proteins are co-expressed, consistent with differential transcriptional regulation of each family. Hence, VESA2 proteins are abundant and previously unrecognized elements of Babesia biology, with evolutionary dynamics consistently different to those of VESA1, suggesting that their functions are distinct

    HLA DPA1, DPB1 Alleles and Haplotypes Contribute to the Risk Associated With Type 1 Diabetes: Analysis of the Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium Families

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    OBJECTIVE-To determine the relative risk associated with DPA1 and DPB1 alleles and haplotypes in type I diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-The frequency of DPA1 and DPB1 alleles and haplotypes in type I diabetic patients was compared to the family based control frequency in 1,771 families directly and conditional on FILA (B)-DRB1-DQA1-DQB1 linkage disequilibrium. A relative predispositional analysis (RPA) was performed in the presence or absence of the primary HLA DR-DQ associations and the contribution of DP haplotype to individual DR-DQ haplotype risks examined. RESULTS-Eight DPAI and thirty-eight DPB1 alleles forming seventy-four DPA1-DPB1 haplotypes were observed, nineteen DPB1 alleles were associated with multiple DPA1 alleles Following both analyses, type I diabetes susceptibility was significantly associated with DPB1*0301 (DPA1*0103-DPB1*0301) and protection with DPB1*0402 (DPA1*0103-DPB1*0402) and DPA1*0103-DPB1*0101 but not DPA1*0201-DPB1*0101. In addition, DPB1*0202 (DPA1*0103-DPB1*0202) and DPB1*0201 (DPA1*0103-DPB1*0201) were significantly associated with susceptibility in the presence of the high risk and protective DR-DQ haplotypes Three associations (DPB1*0301, *0402, and *0202) remained statistically significant when only the extended HLA-A1-B8-DR3 haplotype was considered, suggesting that DPB1 alone may delineate the risk associated with this otherwise conserved haplotype CONCLUSIONS-HLA DP allelic and haplotypic diversity contributes significantly to the risk for type I diabetes; DPB1*0301 (DPA1*0103-DPB1*0301) is associated with susceptibility and DPB1*0402 (DPA1*0103-DPB1*0402) and DPA1*0103-DPB1*0101 with protection Additional evidence is presented for the susceptibility association of DPB1*0202 (DPA1*0103-DPB1*0202) and for a contributory role of individual amino acids and DPA1 or a gene in linkage disequilibrium in DR3-DPB1*0101 positive haplotypes Diabetes 59:2055-2062, 201

    Natural HLA Class I Polymorphism Controls the Pathway of Antigen Presentation and Susceptibility to Viral Evasion

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    HLA class I polymorphism creates diversity in epitope specificity and T cell repertoire. We show that HLA polymorphism also controls the choice of Ag presentation pathway. A single amino acid polymorphism that distinguishes HLA-B*4402 (Asp116) from B*4405 (Tyr116) permits B*4405 to constitutively acquire peptides without any detectable incorporation into the transporter associated with Ag presentation (TAP)-associated peptide loading complex even under conditions of extreme peptide starvation. This mode of peptide capture is less susceptible to viral interference than the conventional loading pathway used by HLA-B*4402 that involves assembly of class I molecules within the peptide loading complex. Thus, B*4402 and B*4405 are at opposite extremes of a natural spectrum in HLA class I dependence on the PLC for Ag presentation. These findings unveil a new layer of MHC polymorphism that affects the generic pathway of Ag loading, revealing an unsuspected evolutionary trade-off in selection for optimal HLA class I loading versus effective pathogen evasion

    A Naturally Selected Dimorphism within the HLA-B44 Supertype Alters Class I Structure, Peptide Repertoire, and T Cell Recognition

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    HLA-B*4402 and B*4403 are naturally occurring MHC class I alleles that are both found at a high frequency in all human populations, and yet they only differ by one residue on the α2 helix (B*4402 Asp156→B*4403 Leu156). CTLs discriminate between HLA-B*4402 and B*4403, and these allotypes stimulate strong mutual allogeneic responses reflecting their known barrier to hemopoeitic stem cell transplantation. Although HLA-B*4402 and B*4403 share >95% of their peptide repertoire, B*4403 presents more unique peptides than B*4402, consistent with the stronger T cell alloreactivity observed toward B*4403 compared with B*4402. Crystal structures of B*4402 and B*4403 show how the polymorphism at position 156 is completely buried and yet alters both the peptide and the heavy chain conformation, relaxing ligand selection by B*4403 compared with B*4402. Thus, the polymorphism between HLA-B*4402 and B*4403 modifies both peptide repertoire and T cell recognition, and is reflected in the paradoxically powerful alloreactivity that occurs across this “minimal” mismatch. The findings suggest that these closely related class I genes are maintained in diverse human populations through their differential impact on the selection of peptide ligands and the T cell repertoire

    HLA genotyping in the international Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium

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    Background Although human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DQ and DR loci appear to confer the strongest genetic risk for type 1 diabetes, more detailed information is required for other loci within the HLA region to understand causality and stratify additional risk factors. The Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium (T1DGC) study design included high-resolution genotyping of HLA-A, B, C, DRB1, DQ, and DP loci in all affected sibling pair and trio families, and cases and controls, recruited from four networks worldwide, for analysis with clinical phenotypes and immunological markers

    Dark sectors 2016 Workshop: community report

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    This report, based on the Dark Sectors workshop at SLAC in April 2016, summarizes the scientific importance of searches for dark sector dark matter and forces at masses beneath the weak-scale, the status of this broad international field, the important milestones motivating future exploration, and promising experimental opportunities to reach these milestones over the next 5-10 years