72 research outputs found

    Multiple Methods to Partition Evapotranspiration in a Maize Field

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    Partitioning evapotranspiration (ET) into soil evaporation E and plant transpiration T is important, but it is still a theoretical and technical challenge. The isotopic technique is considered to be an effective method, but it is difficult to quantify the isotopic composition of transpiration δT and evaporation δE directly and continuously; few previous studies determined δT successfully under a non-steady state (NSS). Here, multiple methods were used to partition ET in a maize field and a new flow-through chamber system was refined to provide direct and continuous measurement of δT and δE. An eddy covariance and lysimeter (EC-L)-based method and two isotope-based methods [isotope combined with the Craig–Gordon model (Iso-CG) and isotope using chamber measurement (Iso-M)] were applied to partition ET. Results showed the transpiration fraction FT in Iso-CG was consistent with EC-L at both diurnal and growing season time scales, but FT calculated by Iso-M was less than Iso-CG and EC-L. The chamber system method presented here to determine δT under NSS and isotope steady state (ISS) was robust, but there could be some deviation in measuring δE. The FT varied from 52% to 91%, with a mean of 78% during the entire growing season, and it was well described by a function of LAI, with a nonlinear relationship of FT = 0.71LAI0.14. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the isotope-based chamber system to partition ET. This technique and its further development may enable field ET partitioning accurately and continuously and improve understanding of water cycling through the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum

    Environmental burdens of groundwater extraction for irrigation over an inland river basin in Northwest China

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    Crop production is expected to increase by more than 50% to meet the demand of population growth in China in 2050 (FAO, 2017). Crop production in North China largely depends on irrigation, which is mainly from groundwater in Northwest China. Over-extraction of groundwater is decreasing groundwater levels, and threatening the fragile ecological systems of arid regions. How groundwater levels will change in order to meet the irrigation water requirement in Northwest China has not been extensively investigated to evaluate sustainability of agriculture and the cost to maintain groundwater levels. Here, we examine the dynamic relations between groundwater levels and the amount of irrigation water, by employing the Variable Infiltration Capacity model and an irrigation scheme, for the last three decades in Heihe River basin of China. The results show that on the average about 1.86 m decline of groundwater is attributable to the irrigation water consumption for the farmland area in Heihe River over the past three decades. In the scenario of ceasing irrigation activities, the groundwater level will be prevented to further decline about 3.06±0.4m under the future climate scenarios till 2050, but at the cost of crop production valued 64.2±8.4 billion CNY. Effective water-saving measures and strategies are expected to adopt to maintain both groundwater levels and agricultural productivity for the coming decades

    Interactive Regimes of Reduced Irrigation and Salt Stress Depressed Tomato Water Use Efficiency at Leaf and Plant Scales by Affecting Leaf Physiology and Stem Sap Flow

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    Interactive effects of reduced irrigation and salt stress on leaf physiological parameters, biomass accumulation, and water use efficiency (WUE) of tomato plants at leaf and whole plant scales were investigated in a field experiment during 2016 and a greenhouse experiment during 2017. Experiment utilized two irrigation regimes (full, 2/3 of full irrigation) and four soil salt regimes (0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9% in 2016 season; and 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4% in 2017 season). Three salts, sodium chloride, magnesium sulfate, and calcium sulfate (mass ratio of 2:2:1), were homogeneously mixed with soil prior to packing into containers (0.024 m3). Li-COR 6400 was used to measure tomato leaf physiological parameters. Instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEins, μmol mmol−1) and intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEint, μmol mol−1) were determined at leaf scale, yield water use efficiency (WUEY, g L−1), and dry biomass water use efficiency (WUEDM, g L−1) were determined at whole plant scale. Plants irrigated with 2/3 of full irrigation with zero soil-salt treatment had higher dry biomass and yield per plant, resulting in the highest WUEDM and WUEY at whole plant scale. Increasing soil salinity decreased dry biomass and yield, leading to greater decreases in whole plant WUEDM and WUEY under both irrigation treatments. At full irrigation, no decreases in stomatal conductance (gs, mol m−2 s−1) and slight increase in photosynthetic rate (Pn, μmol m−2 s−1) led to higher WUEint at leaf scale during both years. Under full and reduced irrigation, increasing soil salt content decreased Pn and transpiration rate (Tr, mmol m−2 s−1) and led to reductions in WUEins at the leaf scale. However, compared to full irrigation, reduced irrigation improved WUEins with a significant decline in Tr in no salt and 0.3% soil-salt treatments during both years. For soil salt content of 0.6%, stomatal limitation due to salt stress resulted in higher WUEint, but soil salt content of 0.9% decreased WUEint due to non-stomatal limitation. Soil salt content significantly decreased sap flow, with the maximum variation of daily sap flow per plant of 7.96–31.37 g/h in 2016 and 12.52–36.02 g h−1 in 2017. Sap flow rate was linearly related to air temperature (Ta, °C), solar radiation (Rs, W m−2), and vapor pressure deficit (VPD, kPa). These results advance knowledge on tomato response to abiotic stresses and could improve management of tomato production in water- and salt-stressed areas

    Supporting Continuous Media: Is Serial Storage Architecture (SSA) Better Than SCSI?

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    The existing SCSI parallel bus has been widely used in supporting multimedia applications. However, it may not fully utilize the aggregate throughput from disks in supporting continuous media because of its unfair bus accesses. The emerging serial interface, Serial Storage Architecture (SSA), provides high data bandwidth, fair accesses, and fault tolerance. The fairness algorithm in SSA ensures a fraction of data bandwidth is allocated to each disk. In this paper, we study the performance of SSA and SCSI in supporting continuous media. 1 Introduction A multimedia server should guarantee continuous display of video without jitters by allocating enough network bandwidth, memory, and storage resources. Because of the high bandwidth requirements, a multimedia server must have large storage capacity, high performance I/O, and network subsystems. Even though the existing SCSI parallel bus has been widely used for most of storage subsystems, unfair accesses on an SCSI bus may hinder with su..

    Novel Keeling-plot-based methods to estimate the isotopic composition of ambient water vapor

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    The Keeling plot approach, a general method to identify the isotopic composition of source atmospheric CO2 and water vapor (i.e., evapotranspiration), has been widely used in terrestrial ecosystems. The isotopic composition of ambient water vapor (δa), an important source of atmospheric water vapor, is not able to be estimated to date using the Keeling plot approach. Here we proposed two new methods to estimate δa using the Keeling plots: one using an intersection point method and another relying on the intermediate value theorem. As the actual δa value was difficult to measure directly, we used two indirect approaches to validate our new methods. First, we performed external vapor tracking using the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model to facilitate explaining the variations of δa. The trajectory vapor origin results were consistent with the expectations of the δa values estimated by these two methods. Second, regression analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between δa values estimated from these two independent methods, and they are in strong agreement. This study provides an analytical framework to estimate δa using existing facilities and provides important insights into the traditional Keeling plot approach by showing (a) a possibility to calculate the proportion of evapotranspiration fluxes to total atmospheric vapor using the same instrumental setup for the traditional Keeling plot investigations and (b) perspectives on the estimation of isotope composition of ambient CO2 (δa13C)

    Drip irrigation provides a trade-off between yield and nutritional quality of tomato in the solar greenhouse

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    To address the twin issues of food and nutrition security, the focus of agricultural production should be shifted from biomass productivity to nutritional gains. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the impact of conversion from furrow to drip irrigation on the yield components, water productivity (WP), nutritional yield (NY) and nutritional water productivity (NWP) of tomato during two consecutive growth cycles (2017–2018) in a greenhouse in the arid area of Northwest China. Results showed that the environment under drip irrigation was more beneficial to the accumulation of phytochemicals and the formation of total antioxidant activity in tomato fruits, which also significantly increased the NWP. However, the notable decline in single fruit fresh weight reducing the tomato yield significantly under drip irrigation in summer, while the WP and NY were similar to furrow irrigation. This indicated that the NY of tomato was mainly determined by the fruit yield, while the NWP was strongly affected by the mass concentration of nutrients. In contrast, no difference was found in the single fruit fresh weight and tomato yield between drip and furrow irrigation in winter, which related to the similar environmental conditions, while the WP and NY were significantly higher under drip irrigation. In summary, the potential and water use efficiency in nutrient production of tomato were enhanced under drip irrigation, and the improvement of fruit quality can offset the negative effect of yield reduction. Therefore, drip irrigation can achieve a good balance between the high yield and superior quality of tomato fruits, meanwhile reducing the pressure on the environment caused by horticultural production. We propose that the drip irrigation should be employed in the greenhouse in arid areas for tomato production, and the concepts of NY and NWP can be further applied to other horticultural crops with high nutritional value.</p
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