8 research outputs found

    Knowledge of Dental Residents at Shahid Beheshti Dental School about COVID-19

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    Objectives After the onset of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in 2019, it turned out to be one of the most important issues in public health, and the healthcare community must have adequate knowledge about it; therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the knowledge level of dental residents at Shahid Beheshti Dental School about COVID-19. Methods The knowledge level of 104 dental residents at Shahid Beheshti Dental School about COVID-19 was evaluated with a standardized questionnaire that was developed, and its reliability and validity were confirmed. The questionnaire had 4 parts of (I) virology, basic information, and epidemiology, (II) clinical and oral manifestations, (III) prevention of virus transmission and vaccination, and (IV) diagnosis and treatment. The questionnaires were administered in both printed and online forms. Results The overall response rate was 72%. The mean number of correctly answered questions was 7.2 ± 2.6 out of 14. Correct answers were 44.5% in virology, basic information, and epidemiology, 49.2% in clinical and oral manifestations, 48,5% in prevention of virus and vaccination, and 69% in diagnosis and treatment. The knowledge level of dental residents was weak in 12%, average in 52%, and good in 36%. Conclusion The majority of dental residents had average knowledge about COVID-19. Considering the importance of adequate knowledge for proper diagnosis and management of COVID-19, it is suggested to arrange educational programs for dental residents’ knowledge enhancement

    Removal of an Extra-large Irritation Fibroma With a Combination of Diode Laser and Scalpel

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    Introduction: Irritation fibroma is the most common tumor like and sub mucosal reactive lesion in the oral cavity. Usually it is measured less than 1.5 cm in diameter; however in rare case it has more than 3 cm in diameter. Different kind of treatment for soft tissue lesions include scalpel excision, electrical surgery, and laser surgery. The diode laser can be more effective than conventional surgery, electrosurgery and cryosurgery in reduction of bleeding and pain.Case Report: We reported a very large irritation fibroma in right lingual side of retromolar pad which was less prone to be traumatized under local irritation, in a woman wearing maxillary complete denture and use of both diode laser and scalpel for its excision

    Evaluation of salivary matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) level in patients with oral lichen planus before and after treatment with 0.2% triamcinolone mouthwash

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    Objectives Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic mucocutaneous disease, involving the skin and mucous membranes. Although the pathogenesis of OLP is not fully understood, the immune system, genetic and environmental factors, medications, and infections may play an important role in OLP. The level of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) is known to increase in pathological conditions, such as squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), as well as inflammatory conditions, such as OLP. If pain and soreness are present, topical corticosteroids (CSs) are the first-line treatment for these patients. This study aimed to evaluate the level of MMP-9 in individuals with OLP before and after treatment with triamcinolone 0.2% mouthwash. Method This study was conducted on 18 patients with erosive-atrophic OLP. First, 5 mL of unstimulated saliva was collected, and then, triamcinolone 0.2% mouthwash was prescribed to all the patients. After treatment and healing of the lesions, a sample was collected again from the participants. The MMP-9 concentration was quantified in all the samples using an ELISA kit. Results The mean age of the participants, including five males and 13 females, was 45.7 years in this study. Before treatment, the mean MMP-9 concentration was 1.599 ng/mL, with a standard deviation (SD) of 1.074, while the mean (±SD) level of MMP-9 was 0.933 ng/mL (0.649) after treatment. The mean reduction was estimated at 0.666, with SD of 1.056 (P=0.016). Conclusion The MMP-9 level was significantly lower after treatment compared to the pretreatment stage. Based on the results, topical CSs, such as triamcinolone, can decrease the level of MMP-9, as a reliable biomarker of OLP severity; therefore, they can diminish inflammation and prevent the dysplastic progression of the disease

    Quality of the Results Section of Original Dental Articles Published in National Farsi and International English Journals

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    Objective: Lack of scientific writing skills is one major problem encountered for publication of research results of Iranian scientists in accredited journals. As the result, many research projects or dissertation findings remain unpublished. This study aimed to assess the quality of writing of the “results” section of some original articles published in Iranian Farsi and international English journals.Methods: This analytical, cross-sectional study was conducted on 64 dental articles published in 3 international English and 3 Iranian Farsi journals. Selection of journals was non-random but articles were selected randomly based on specific criteria. A checklist containing 32 criteria regarding general statistics, context of the results, statistical tests, tables, charts and graphs was prepared. Obtained data were analyzed by SPSS 10 using Fisher’s exact and chi square tests.Results: Farsi articles met 64.1% and English articles met 65.8% of the checklist criteria. No significant difference was found in the quality of the results section of Farsi and English papers (p>0.05).Conclusion: Most papers did not provide adequate details in the results section to help readers better comprehend the subject

    Oro-facial manifestations of 100 leprosy patients

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    Objectives: To verify the frequency of oral and facial involvement in diagnosed leprosy patients. Study design: This study was performed on 100 leprosy patients (62 male, 38 female, mean ages 51.86±6.1). After explaining the study design, we studied descriptive information including: patient?s sex, age, job, place of birth, familial history of leprosy, types of disease (lepromatous, borderline and tuberculoid leprosy), ocular and oral lesions, facial involvement and neuropathy. The statistical signification was measured by chi-square test. Results: A total of 46 (23 lepromatous, 15 borderline, and 8 tuberculoid leproy) out of 100 patients with leprosy had oral lesions. Statistical analysis did not show any significant difference in frequency of oral lesions between different types of disease. Facial lesions were presented in 57 (39 lepromatous, 10 borderline, and 8 tuberculoid leprosy) patients. There was a statistical significant difference in frequency of facial manifestations between different types of leprosy. It has to be mentioned that, atrophy of nasal spine, facial nerve involvement, ocular lesions and facial deformity were seen in 15%, 17%, 22% and 44% of leprosy patients, respectively. Conclusion: Examination of leprosy patients should be extended to the oral mucosa because oral mucosa may be a secondary source of M.Leprae transmission and infectio

    Comparison of the Effect of Low-Level Laser and Phenytoin Therapy on Skin Wound Healing in Rats

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    Introduction: Different modalities have been used to achieve better results in wound healing among which are laser and pharmacological agents. To our knowledge, there is no investigation to compare phenytoin and laser together. In this study, we aimed to evaluate laser and phenytoin efficacy and compare their effect on wound healing.Methods: We used 60 rats. The animals were divided into 4 groups, 15 rats in each and each group was subdivided into 3 subgroups for which postoperative evaluation was performed on days 3, 7, and 14. After general anesthesia and back hair shaving of each rat, an excisional wound was made. The wounds in group 2 were treated with 1% phenytoin cream. In group 3, the wounds were irradiated with diode laser. The wounds of group 4 were treated with both phenytoin cream and laser administration. The animals of group 1 served as control. For histopathological evaluation, hematoxylin and eosin staining was used. Polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs), re-epithelization, fibroblasts, new vessels and collagen were evaluated.Results: Faster reduction in polymorphonuclear cells after 7 and 14 days and more collagen fibers on the third day in laser treated group was statistically significant (P < .05) .The result for the phenytoin treated group were not better than control group. When both laser and phenytoin were used samples showed more collagen fibers on the third day, which was statistically significant (P < .05).Conclusion: It seems that low level laser is effective in skin wound healing and have better results than phenytoin application

    Orofacial cancers in the West of Iran: A 10-year study

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    Background: Orofacial cancer remains a substantial life-threatening disease in developing countries. Late diagnosis and treatment still lead to many avoidable deaths. The differences in incidence and prevalence between different geographical and ethnic groups remain an important issue for service planning and international action against cancer. Methods: In this retrospective study, cancer of the orofacial region for the 10-year period (April 2002–March 2012) was evaluated. Age, sex, histopathological type, and the primary site of tumor were recorded according to the International Classification of disease for Oncology. Descriptive analyses were used to describe basic features, means (±standard deviation) were reported, and appropriate tests of significance were used. Results: Squamous cell carcinoma was the most common malignancy (55.8%) followed by mucoepidermoid carcinoma (9.4%). The male to female ratio was 5:4 and the average age was 63 years. The most common site was lower lip (22%), followed by tongue (15%) and parotid salivary gland (13%). Conclusion: This 10-year retrospective study analyzed frequency of orofacial malignancies. Considering the difference in incidence and mortality of head and neck cancer in less developed versus more developed regions, this kind of research in various population provides better understanding of cancer for global programming in terms of prevention, detection, and treatment

    The The Effects of Cinnamaldehyde (Cinnamon Derivatives) and Nystatin on Candida Albicans and Candida Glabrata

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    BACKGROUND: Candida species are the most common opportunistic fungal infections. Today, cinnamon plants have been considered for anti-Candida properties. AIM: This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of cinnamaldehyde extract (from cinnamon derivatives) on Candida albicans and Candida glabrata species and comparison with nystatin. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this study, cinnamaldehyde and nystatin were used. The specimens included Candida albicans and Candida glabrata. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) were measured for each one by the microdilution method. This experiment was repeated three times. RESULTS: Cinnamaldehyde extract at a concentration of 62.5 μl/ml was able to prevent the growth of Candida albicans, at a concentration of 93.7 μl/ml, causing Candida albicans to disappear, at 48.8 μl/ml, to prevent the growth of Candida glabrata, and in the concentration of 62.5 μl/ml, causes the loss of Candida glabrata. In comparison, nystatin at 0.5 μg/ml concentration prevented the growth of Candida albicans, at concentrations of 1 μg/ml causing Candida albicans to be destroyed, at 4 μg/ml concentration to prevent the growth of Candida glabrata, and at a concentration of 8 μg/ml causes the loss of Candida glabrata. The results were the same every three times. CONCLUSIONS: Although cinnamaldehyde extract had an effect on fungal growth in both Candida albicans and Candida glabrata with a fatal effect; the effect on these two species was lower than nystatin