586 research outputs found

    Simulation of Flow Suspended Load in Weirs by Using Flow3D Model

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    Sharp-crested weir and side-channel weirs can be considered among the control and flow-measuring structures which are greatly applicable in channels, dam spillways and other hydraulic structures. Discharge coefficient in these two types of weirs is affected by the structural geometry and the hydraulics of the flow. Suspended load is one of the main factors which may affect the hydraulics of the flow and consequently modify the flow discharge coefficient. Using different geometrical and hydraulic conditions, the discharge coefficient relation in sharp-crested and side channel weirs for the case of suspended load can be extracted. Flow3D numerical model is capable of precisely simulation the flow containing suspended and bed load in the main channel. The discharge coefficient equation is deduced and presented based on the Froude number, by numerical iterations. The numerical results reveal that the discharge coefficient in the two cases of clear water and the flow containing suspended load are totally different. At the same hydraulic load, the discharge coefficient in the case of existing suspended load is greater than the case of clear water; In addition, the discharge coefficient is reduced by increasing the Froude number in all cases with different load concentrations

    Investigating the effect of corporate governance on risk of private banks and insurance firms

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    This paper presents an empirical investigation to study the effects of corporate governance on risk taking of private insurance firms and banks in Iran. The proposed study of this paper considers the financial information of 13 banks and 19 private insurance firms over the period 2006-2011 in Iran. The study investigates the effects of five variables including size, CEO duality task, composition of the board of directors, ownership concentration and having an internal auditing system on risk taking of private banks and insurance firms in Iran. Using some panel data and regression analysis, the study confirms the positive effect of the ownership concentration as well as negative impact of non-bound board members on risk taking

    The relationship between liquidity risk and credit risk in Islamic banking industry of Iran

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    An integrated risk management is a process, which enables banks to measure and manage all risks, simultaneously. The recent turbulent chaos on banking industry has increase the relative importance of risk management, more than before. This paper investigates the relationship between credit risk and liquidity risk among Iranian banks. The proposed study includes all private and governmental banks as population over the period 2005-2012. The results Pearson correlation has disclosed a positive and meaningful relationship between credit and liquidity risks. Bank size also impacts on two mentioned risk factors but we there seems to be no relationship between financial chaos and type of ownership with risk factors

    Effects of land use change on the soil physical and chemical properties and fertility of soil in Sajadrood catchment

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    Prioritizing and expanding the agricultural activities by increasing the agricultural commodities are the strategies to create a balance between the increasing population rate and food production to meet the increasing needs of human beings.  The existence of suitable water and soil are the main factors for these activities.  In this study the influence of changing the exploitation of pasture system to farming land system on the physical and chemical properties of the soil in one selection in Sajadrood catchment in the north of Iran was investigated.  Samples were taken at two depths (0-10 cm and 10-20 cm) in four sites.  After experimentation, the gathered data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 software program.  The results showed that the amount of soil bulk density, amount of organic carbon and the percentage of clay were increased in farming lands in comparison with pasture.  In pasture with the depth increase, there is a reduction in acidity and percentage of the moisture saturation percentage, but there is an increase in the amount of neutral substances and the percentage of clay, with the depth increase (10-20 cm). Generally, in most sections, the amount of physical and chemical change in farm lands by changing the use is lower than pasture.   Keywords: farming land, pasture, physical properties, Sajadrood catchmen


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    A study on the effect of different factors on profitability of banking system

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    In this paper, we study the effect of different influencing factors on profitability of banking system in Iran for a panel data from 2001 to 2010. The sample of banking system includes ten different banks and two different types of internal and external variables are considered. Internal factors include ownership ratio, ratio of bank customers' deposit to banks' assets, ratio of total loans given to all assets, ratio of total interest free loans on total assets, ratio of interest free revenues on total revenue. External factors include economic growth, actual rate of interest and inflation rate. The proposed model of this paper uses econometrics method to investigate the proposed model and the preliminary results indicate that ownership ratio, ratio of total equity on total assets, along with inflation rate have negative impact on profitability. In addition, the ratio of customers' deposit on total assets, the ratio of total loans on total assets and economic growth have positive impact on profitability

    Strategies to increase port competitiveness

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    Improving the competitiveness of local businesses and their products within worldwide markets is a vital element for the long-term economic growth of a region. This paper presents a summary of ongoing research needs and outcomes formulated from a partnership between the University of Queensland and the Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd (PBPL), in order to facilitate international trade growth in Queensland and improve PBPL’s competitiveness. As part of this partnership with PBPL, we explore strategies to overcome inefficiencies in supply chain and infrastructure and discuss subsequent prospects for further investigation. The key goals of the partnership program for transport-related issues have been identified as: (i) providing a platform for freight actors trading through the port, in order to increase the performance of their logistics operations by adopting cooperative strategies; (ii) exploring modal shift opportunities to enhance the sustainability and the efficiency of the logistics operations of importers and exporters; (iii) facilitating improved inland supply chains for local export commodities through new trans-shipment points, back-loading opportunities, and logistics cost minimisation

    Development of disomic single-locus DNA microsatellite markers for Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) from the Caspian Sea

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    Understanding the scale at which wild stocks of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) are genetically discrete is necessary for effective management of this commercially important species. Disomic DNA microsatellite markers are among the best tools for determining stock structure in fishes. As all sturgeon species have a polyploid ancestry of all sturgeons, most gene loci exhibit more than two alleles per individual, limiting the use of powerful analytical methods that commonly assume disomic inheritance. We scored products from 38 sets of microsatellite primers developed in lake (Acipenser fulvescens) and Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) to determine whether they would amplify disomic loci in Persian sturgeon. Samples of 45 individuals were detected.Thirty six loci (95%) were amplified successfully in Persian sturgeon. We identified a single monomorphic locus, 12 disomic, 19 tetrasomic, three octosomic, and one locus that was ambiguous. This is the first report on development of disomic single-locus DNA microsatellite markers in Persian sturgeon. These loci could be used to characterize variation in geographically discrete populations of the Persian sturgeon in their native ecosystem including in the Caspian Sea

    Experimental and Numerical Study of Pile-to-Pile Interaction Factor in Sandy Soil

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    AbstractIn structures to support large vertical and horizontal loads, piles are usually used in the form of closely spaced group. The piles in a group are not only affected by their individual loads transmitted from the pile cap, but also by additional loads transferred through the soil from the interference of neighboring piles. This group interaction influences the group stiffness, load-transfer mechanism and group settlement. In order to predict the response characteristics of pile groups, the interaction factors calculated using Mindlin's solution based on the theory of elasticity has been widely applied. The pile-to-pile interaction factor is defined as the ratio of displacements or rotations of an unloaded receiver pile to those of neighboring loaded source pile due to soil deformation. In this paper, a series of centrifuge model tests were carried out to examine the effect of soil relative density and pile spacing and pile tip condition on the interaction factor between two adjacent piles. Based on the results, soil relative density has a significant effect on the interaction between piles and thus it must be considered in the calculation of interaction factor. For this purpose, a correction to the Randolph and Wroth equation based on the test results was proposed in which the effect of soil relative density is contemplated. With an increase in the pile spacing, the value of interaction factor for all cases decreased. Compared to the effect of pile shaft, pile tip condition has a little effect on the interaction factor. The obtained results were also compared with those from a three-dimensional finite element analysis and a good agreement between the measured and the calculated results was observed

    Coexistence of multiple arterial variations in the genitourinary system

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    Variations in the renal, adrenal and testicular arteries are of clinical significance as well as anatomical and embryological interest. The present case report describes the incidental finding of unilateral multiple renal arteries on the right side with bilateral variant testicular arteries, which had not been reported so far. These variations were observed during routine dissection of the abdominal region in an Iranian cadaver. The upper supplementary renal artery branched from the abdominal aorta and sent superior suprarenal artery to the adrenal gland. The lower supplementary renal artery arose from the main renal artery. Both additional arteries entered the kidney proximal to its hilum. The right testicular artery supplied the right suprarenal gland by an unusual branch. Double testicular arteries were seen on the left side with a relatively high origin from abdominal aorta. The objective of this report is to supplement the knowledge of vascular variations in the renal, suprarenal and testicular arteries that could be quite useful from a clinical point of view