668 research outputs found

    Power Spectrum of Velocity Fluctuations in the Universe

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    We investigate the power spectrum of velocity fluctuations in the universe, V2(k)V^2(k), starting from four different measures of velocity: (1) the power spectrum of velocity fluctuations from peculiar velocities of galaxies; (2) the rms peculiar velocity of galaxy clusters; (3) the power spectrum of velocity fluctuations from the power spectrum of density fluctuations in the galaxy distribution; (4) and the bulk velocity from peculiar velocities of galaxies. We show that measures (1) and (2) are not consistent with each other and either the power spectrum from peculiar velocities of galaxies is overestimated or the rms cluster peculiar velocity is underestimated. The amplitude of velocity fluctuations derived from the galaxy distribution (measure 3) depends on the parameter ÎČ\beta. We estimate the parameter ÎČ\beta on the basis of measures (2) and (4). The power spectrum of velocity fluctuations from the galaxy distribution in the Stromlo-APM redshift survey is consistent with the observed rms cluster velocity and with the observed large-scale bulk flow when the parameter ÎČ\beta is in the range 0.4-0.5. In this case the value of the function V(k)V(k) at wavelength λ=120h−1\lambda=120h^{-1}Mpc is ∌350\sim 350 km s−1^{-1} and the rms amplitude of the bulk flow at the radius r=60h−1r=60h^{-1} Mpc is ∌340\sim 340 km s−1^{-1}. The velocity dispersion of galaxy systems originates mostly from the large-scale velocity fluctuations with wavelengths λ>100h−1\lambda >100h^{-1} Mpc.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 493, in press: 23 pages, uses AAS Latex, and 14 separate postscript figure

    Steps toward the power spectrum of matter. I.The mean spectrum of galaxies

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    We calculate the mean power spectrum of galaxies using published power spectra of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. On small scales we use the power spectrum derived from the 2-dimensional distribution of APM galaxies, on large scales we use power spectra derived from 3-dimensional data for galaxy and cluster samples. Spectra are reduced to real space and to the amplitude of the power spectrum of APM galaxies. Available data indicate the presence of two different populations in the nearby Universe. Clusters of galaxies sample a relatively large region in the Universe where rich, medium and poor superclusters are well represented. Their mean power spectrum has a spike on scale 120 h^{-1}Mpc, followed by an approximate power-law spectrum of index n = -1.9 towards small scales. The power spectrum found from LCRS and IRAS 1.2 Jy surveys is flatter around the maximum, which may represent regions of the Universe with medium-rich and poor superclusters.Comment: LaTex (sty files added), 35 pages, 5 PostScript figures and Table with mean power spectrum embedded, Astrophysical Journal (accepted

    Microlensing by Compact Objects associated to Gas Clouds

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    We investigate gravitational microlensing of point-like lenses surrounded by diffuse gas clouds. Besides gravitational bending, one must also consider refraction and absorption phenomena. According to the cloud density, the light curves may suffer small to large deviations from Paczynski curves, up to complete eclipses. Moreover, the presence of the cloud endows this type of microlensing events with a high chromaticity and absorption lines recognizable by spectral analysis. It is possible that these objects populate the halo of our galaxy, giving a conspicuous contribution to the fraction of the baryonic dark matter. The required features for the extension and the mass of the cloud to provide appreciable signatures are also met by several astrophysical objects.Comment: 11 pages with 4 figures. Accepted by A&

    Origin and evolution of halo bias in linear and non-linear regimes

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    We present results from a study of bias and its evolution for galaxy-size halos in a large, high-resolution simulation of a LCDM model. We consider the evolution of bias estimated using two-point correlation function (b_xi), power spectrum (b_P), and a direct correlation of smoothed halo and matter overdensity fields (b_d). We present accurate estimates of the evolution of the matter power spectrum probed deep into the stable clustering regime (k~[0.1-200]h/Mpc at z=0). The halo power spectrum evolves much slower than the power spectrum of matter and has a different shape which indicates that the bias is time- and scale-dependent. At z=0, the halo power spectrum is anti-biased with respect to the matter power spectrum at wavenumbers k~[0.15-30]h/Mpc, and provides an excellent match to the power spectrum of the APM galaxies at all probed k. In particular, it nicely matches the inflection observed in the APM power spectrum at k~0.15h/Mpc. We complement the power spectrum analysis with a direct estimate of bias using smoothed halo and matter overdensity fields and show that the evolution observed in the simulation in linear and mildly non-linear regimes can be well described by the analytical model of Mo & White (1996), if the distinction between formation redshift of halos and observation epoch is introduced into the model. We present arguments and evidence that at higher overdensities, the evolution of bias is significantly affected by dynamical friction and tidal stripping operating on the satellite halos in high-density regions of clusters and groups; we attribute the strong anti-bias observed in the halo correlation function and power spectrum to these effects. (Abridged)Comment: submitted to the Astrophys.Journal; 19 pages, 9 figures LaTeX (uses emulateapj.sty

    Template-stripped gold surfaces with 0.4 nm rms roughness suitable for force measurements. Application to the Casimir force in the 20-100 nm range

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    Using a template-stripping method, macroscopic gold surfaces with root-mean-square (rms) roughness less than 0.4 nm have been prepared, making them useful for studies of surface interactions in the nanometer range. The utility of such substrates is demonstrated by measurements of the Casimir force at surface separations between 20 and 100 nm, resulting in good agreement with theory. The significance and quantification of this agreement is addressed, as well as some methodological aspects regarding the measurement of the Casimir force with high accuracy.Comment: 7 figure

    Epidemics and the Politics of Knowledge: Contested Narratives in Egypt's H1N1 Response

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    This article explores the politics of knowledge involved in understanding and responding to epidemics in an era of global health governance and biosecurity. It develops and applies an approach focused on how multiple, competing narratives about epidemics are constructed, mobilised and interact, and selectively justify pathways of intervention and response. A detailed ethnographic case study of national and local responses to H1N1 influenza, so-called ‘swine flu’, in Egypt reveals how global narratives were reworked by powerful actors in a particular political context, suppressing and delegitimizing the alternative narratives of the Zabaleen (Coptic Christian) people whose lives and livelihoods centred on raising pigs and working with them to control urban waste. The case study illustrates important ways in which geographies and politics of blame around epidemics emerge and are justified, their political contexts and consequences, and how they may feed back to shape the dynamics of disease itself.ESR

    Double Inflation in Supergravity and the Large Scale Structure

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    The cosmological implication of a double inflation model with hybrid + new inflations in supergravity is studied. The hybrid inflation drives an inflaton for new inflation close to the origin through supergravity effects and new inflation naturally occurs. If the total e-fold number of new inflation is smaller than ∌60\sim 60, both inflations produce cosmologically relevant density fluctuations. Both cluster abundances and galaxy distributions provide strong constraints on the parameters in the double inflation model assuming Ω0=1\Omega_0=1 standard cold dark matter scenario. The future satellite experiments to measure the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background will make a precise determination of the model parameters possible.Comment: 19 pages (RevTeX file
