325 research outputs found

    In Deep Water: Towards a Greater Commitment for Human Rights in Sea Operations Coordinated by FRONTEX?

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    Introduction: The paper is organized in four sections. The first section of this paper will be devoted to analysing the broad concept of border surveillance adopted by the Regulation on the sea border operations coordinated by Frontex. In the following two sections, the paper will focus on examining to what extent the new rules applicable to the detection, interception of vessels, and search and rescue situations respect the obligations arising from the main international law treaties binding on the Member States. Finally, in the fourth section, the paper provides a detailed exam of the principle of non-refoulement in the context of Frontex operations. It is important to determine the content and scope of the principle of non-refoulement when interception of vessels takes place in the territorial seas and contiguous zone of the Member States. Furthermore, it is crucial to know whether the principle applies extraterritorially, in particular on the high seas and in the territorial waters of third states

    Transatlantic Transfer of Personal Data: Rebuilding Trust in EU-US Data Relations?

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    Introduction: This paper aims to analyse firstly, the extent to which the NSA scandal has damaged trust in EU-US transfer of data. PNR and SWIFT already raised serious concerns regarding breaches of data protection rights of EU citizens but the NSA scandal constituted the last straw in the already troubled waters of transatlantic data exchanges. While PNR and SWIFT are not the only existing data transfer agreements between the EU and the US, they are the most contentious. Secondly, this paper will try to examine whether the Umbrella Agreement can contribute to rebuilding trust in EUUS relations by laying down a sufficient and effective framework for data protection in the context of transatlantic cooperation. For that purpose, this paper will first look at the implications of the NSA scandal for trust in transatlantic data relations. Secondly, the challenges to transfers of data in EU-US relations will be examined, paying particular attention to weak level of protection in SWIFT and PNR as well as to their review process and issues of accountability. Thirdly, an analysis of the Commission’s Non- Paper on the state of play of negotiations on the Umbrella Agreement will serve as a ground to assess whether the agreed proposals will provide sufficient safeguards against the identified concerns. Finally, provisional conclusions will be drawn on the basis of the current state of negotiations

    Una unidad didáctica multimedia a la medida de la diversidad

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    Los recursos didácticos facilitan la atención a la diversidad de todos nuestros alumnos. Aquí presentamos un recurso informático interactivo que ofrece la posibilidad de llegar de forma individualizada y gradual a las necesidades educativas de los alumnosThe didactic resources facilitate the attention to the diversity of all our students. Here we present an interactive computer resource that he/she offers the possibility to arrive in an individualized way and gradual to the educational necessities of the students

    The evolution of viewer's concerns and perceptions of television content quality

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    This article examines perceived television quality by considering the role played by viewers’ concerns about television content. These concerns are classified into two categories: pragmatic and moral. The research question is analysed empirically for Spain. Results show that pragmatic concerns are more important for the audience than moral concerns both in 2008 and 2012. Both types of factors are considered to have worsened their development in this period. However, general perception of television quality in Spain has improved between 2008 and 2012. This is associated to a more positive opinion regarding national public service television, but to a more negative perception of the quality of television channels

    Impacte econòmic de la figitalització i la convergéncia en el sector audiovisual a Espanya

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    In this article, we will analyse the effects of digitalisation and convergence, both in the world of television and in the evolution of business models for firms in this sector. We will also refer to the convergence of business and technology in new intermediaries in the audiovisual market. Later on we will describe the public’s increasingly important role and, finally, we will examine the possible scenarios for Spain’s audiovisual sector in the second decade of this century

    La calidad de la oferta televisiva en el mercado español: Las percepciones del público

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    El mercado de la televisión en España ha multiplicado su oferta de contenidos audiovisuales en los últimos años. El objeto de la investigación es la relación entre este hecho y la percepción de calidad de los servicios televisivos recibidos por parte del público. La metodología aplicada incluye una encuesta de ámbito nacional. Los resultados confirman que el nivel de consumo o la abundancia de oferta no se corresponden con un alto índice de satisfacción del público; que la percepción de calidad es menor entre las personas de mayor nivel educativo; que las cadenas generalistas no presentan de diferencias significativas en la valoración por parte de la audiencia; y, finalmente, que buena parte del público muestra preocupación con los contenidos televisivos y sus efectos en la sociedad

    Assessment tools used in the initial teacher training and its relevance to the development of professional competencies in students: vision of students, graduates and faculty

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la frecuencia con que se utilizan diferentes instrumentos y procedimientos de evaluación desde el punto de vista del profesorado, del alumnado y de los egresados en la formación inicial de maestros y profesores especialistas en Educación Física, así como el grado de coherencia –relación- percibido por cada uno de esos grupos implicados entre dichos instrumentos y procedimientos de evaluación y el desarrollo de las competencias profesionales que se pretende adquieran los estudiantes. La muestra objeto de estudio está compuesta por 199 alumnos, 67 egresados y 53 profesores de las titulaciones de Magisterio (especialidad de Educación Física) y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte de las universidades de Valladolid, Salamanca y León. Los resultados muestran una clara discrepancia entre los distintos grupos analizados, tanto en lo referido al tipo de instrumentos de evaluación utilizados, como en la valoración del grado de coherencia entre estos y el desarrollo de las competencias profesionales de los futuros maestros.The target of this work was to analyze the frequency with which the different instruments and evaluation procedures are used from the point of view of faculty, students and graduates in the initial training of primary education teachers and physical education specialist teachers, as well as the degree of coherence - relationship- perceived by each of these groups involved between the mentioned instruments and evaluation procedures and the development of professional competencies that students intend to acquire. The sample under study consisted of 199 students, 67 graduates and 53 teachers with the qualifications of teachers of physical education and physical activity and sports from the universities of Valladolid, Salamanca and Leon. The results showed a clear discrepancy between the various groups analyzed, regarding both the type of evaluation instruments used, the assessment of the degree of consistency between these and the development of professional competencies of future teachers

    Concepto y Taxonomía de la Industria de la Comunicación

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    La industria de la comunicación comprende el conjunto de empresas que participan en el mercado de las ideas ofertando algunos contenidos (informativos, persuasivos o de entretenimiento) demandados por variados públicos (audiencia, anunciantes o instituciones) utilizando ciertos medios tecnológicos (impresos, audiovisuales o multimedia). El estudio científico de los aspectos económicos y empresariales de los medios de comunicación tiene en España una historia no superior a los cincuenta años, mientras que otros países como Estados Unidos o Alemania cuentan con más tradición. Sin embargo, las propuestas de clasificación de los sectores de la industria han sido variadas y heterogéneas en todos los casos. Esta investigación pretende aportar un sistema de clasificación a partir del cual se puedan definir los sectores y mercados de la comunicación de un modo integrado tanto en el ámbito académico como en el empresarial y regulatorio

    The human eye is an example of robust optical design

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    In most eyes, in the fovea and at best focus, the resolution capabilities of the eye's optics and the retinal mosaic are remarkably well adapted. Although there is a large individual variability, the average magnitude of the high order aberrations is similar in groups of eyes with different refractive errors. This is surprising because these eyes are comparatively different in shape: Myopic eyes are longer whereas hyperopic eyes are shorter. In most young eyes, the amount of aberrations for the isolated cornea is larger than for the complete eye, indicating that the internal ocular optics (mainly the crystalline lens) play a signif icant role in compensating for the corneal aberrations, thereby producing an improved retinal image. In this paper, we show that this compensation is larger in the less optically centered eyes that mostly correspond to hyperopic eyes. This suggests a type of mechanism in the eye's design that is the most likely responsible for this compensation. Spherical aberration of the cornea is partially compensated by that of the lens in most eyes. Lateral coma is also compensated mainly in hyperopic eyes. We found that the distribution of aberrations between the cornea and lens appears to allow the optical properties of the eye to be relatively insensitive to variations arising from eye growth or exact centration and alignment of the eye's optics relative to the fovea. These results may suggest the presence of an auto-compensation mechanism that renders the eye's optics robust despite large variation in the ocular shape and geometry

    Reflections on the concept of ‘court’ within the meaning of Article 3.2 of Regulation (EU) nº 650/2012 after the judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union Oberle, C-20/17, and WB, C-658/17. Spanish perspective

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    Ce travail a pour but d’examiner critiquement l’interprétation de la CJUE à propos de la notion de «juridiction » au sens de l’article 3.2 du Règlement (UE) 650/2012, en ce qui concerne, no­tamment, les autorités non judiciaires qui y sont envisagées, lorsqu’elle rattache ce concept à l’exigence d’être compétent pour trancher des litiges, méconnaissant la notion de la juridiction gracieuse dont les procédures peuvent leur être attribuées. La CJUE viderait ainsi de contenu ledit article lorsque, partant de ce réquisit qui ne relève pas du Règlement, elle exclut de sa portée les autorités non judiciaires qui exercent de véritables fonctions juridictionnelles, ayant la compétence de décider ou statuer de leur pro­pre autorité, indépendamment de la conformité des parties.The purpose of this study is to critically examine the interpretation given by the CJUE of the concept of ‘court’ within the meaning of Article 3.2 of Regulation (EU) No 650/2012, as regards, in particular, the non-judicial authorities, when it links that concept to the requirement to have jurisdic­tion to settle disputes, disregarding the concept of the non-contentious jurisdiction, whose procedures may be awarded to the competence of those. The CJEU would thus deprive of its meaning and content that article when, requiring that condition not envisaged in the Regulation, it excludes from its scope non-judicial authorities exercising genuine judicial functions, acting or deciding on their own authority regardless of the conformity of the partie
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